/* $Id: VBoxServiceStats.cpp 57358 2015-08-14 15:16:38Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBoxStats - Guest statistics notification */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) # ifdef TARGET_NT4 # undef _WIN32_WINNT # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x501 # endif # include # include # include #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) # include # include # include #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) # include # include # include #else /** @todo port me. */ #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxServiceInternal.h" #include "VBoxServiceUtils.h" /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ typedef struct _VBOXSTATSCONTEXT { RTMSINTERVAL cMsStatInterval; uint64_t au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT]; uint64_t au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT]; uint64_t au64LastCpuLoad_User[VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT]; uint64_t au64LastCpuLoad_Nice[VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT]; #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pfnNtQuerySystemInformation)(SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength); void (WINAPI *pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx)(LPMEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer); BOOL (WINAPI *pfnGetPerformanceInfo)(PPERFORMANCE_INFORMATION pPerformanceInformation, DWORD cb); #endif } VBOXSTATSCONTEXT; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static VBOXSTATSCONTEXT gCtx = {0}; /** The semaphore we're blocking on. */ static RTSEMEVENTMULTI g_VMStatEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnInit */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceVMStatsInit(void) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceVMStatsInit\n"); int rc = RTSemEventMultiCreate(&g_VMStatEvent); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); gCtx.cMsStatInterval = 0; /* default; update disabled */ RT_ZERO(gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle); RT_ZERO(gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel); RT_ZERO(gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User); RT_ZERO(gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Nice); rc = VbglR3StatQueryInterval(&gCtx.cMsStatInterval); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: New statistics interval %u seconds\n", gCtx.cMsStatInterval); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: DeviceIoControl failed with %d\n", rc); #ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS /* NtQuerySystemInformation might be dropped in future releases, so load it dynamically as per Microsoft's recommendation. */ *(void **)&gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation = RTLdrGetSystemSymbol("ntdll.dll", "NtQuerySystemInformation"); if (gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation = %x\n", gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation); else { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation not found!\n"); return VERR_SERVICE_DISABLED; } /* GlobalMemoryStatus is win2k and up, so load it dynamically */ *(void **)&gCtx.pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx = RTLdrGetSystemSymbol("kernel32.dll", "GlobalMemoryStatusEx"); if (gCtx.pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: gCtx.GlobalMemoryStatusEx = %x\n", gCtx.pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx); else { /** @todo Now fails in NT4; do we care? */ VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatusEx not found!\n"); return VERR_SERVICE_DISABLED; } /* GetPerformanceInfo is xp and up, so load it dynamically */ *(void **)&gCtx.pfnGetPerformanceInfo = RTLdrGetSystemSymbol("psapi.dll", "GetPerformanceInfo"); if (gCtx.pfnGetPerformanceInfo) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsInit: gCtx.pfnGetPerformanceInfo= %x\n", gCtx.pfnGetPerformanceInfo); #endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Gathers VM statistics and reports them to the host. */ static void VBoxServiceVMStatsReport(void) { #if defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS) SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo; PSYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION pProcInfo; MEMORYSTATUSEX memStatus; uint32_t cbStruct; DWORD cbReturned; Assert(gCtx.pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx && gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation); if ( !gCtx.pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx || !gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation) return; /* Clear the report so we don't report garbage should NtQuerySystemInformation behave in an unexpected manner. */ VMMDevReportGuestStats req; RT_ZERO(req); /* Query and report guest statistics */ GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo); memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(memStatus); gCtx.pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus); req.guestStats.u32PageSize = systemInfo.dwPageSize; req.guestStats.u32PhysMemTotal = (uint32_t)(memStatus.ullTotalPhys / _4K); req.guestStats.u32PhysMemAvail = (uint32_t)(memStatus.ullAvailPhys / _4K); /* The current size of the committed memory limit, in bytes. This is physical memory plus the size of the page file, minus a small overhead. */ req.guestStats.u32PageFileSize = (uint32_t)(memStatus.ullTotalPageFile / _4K) - req.guestStats.u32PhysMemTotal; req.guestStats.u32MemoryLoad = memStatus.dwMemoryLoad; req.guestStats.u32StatCaps = VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_TOTAL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_AVAIL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PAGE_FILE_SIZE | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEMORY_LOAD; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_MEMBALLOON req.guestStats.u32PhysMemBalloon = VBoxServiceBalloonQueryPages(_4K); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_BALLOON; #else req.guestStats.u32PhysMemBalloon = 0; #endif if (gCtx.pfnGetPerformanceInfo) { PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION perfInfo; if (gCtx.pfnGetPerformanceInfo(&perfInfo, sizeof(perfInfo))) { req.guestStats.u32Processes = perfInfo.ProcessCount; req.guestStats.u32Threads = perfInfo.ThreadCount; req.guestStats.u32Handles = perfInfo.HandleCount; req.guestStats.u32MemCommitTotal = perfInfo.CommitTotal; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32MemKernelTotal = perfInfo.KernelTotal; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32MemKernelPaged = perfInfo.KernelPaged; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32MemKernelNonPaged = perfInfo.KernelNonpaged; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32MemSystemCache = perfInfo.SystemCache; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PROCESSES | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_THREADS | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_HANDLES | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_COMMIT_TOTAL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_KERNEL_TOTAL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_KERNEL_PAGED | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_KERNEL_NONPAGED | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_SYSTEM_CACHE; } else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceVMStatsReport: GetPerformanceInfo failed with %d\n", GetLastError()); } /* Query CPU load information */ cbStruct = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors * sizeof(SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION); pProcInfo = (PSYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION)RTMemAlloc(cbStruct); if (!pProcInfo) return; /* Unfortunately GetSystemTimes is XP SP1 and up only, so we need to use the semi-undocumented NtQuerySystemInformation */ bool fCpuInfoAvail = false; NTSTATUS rc = gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, pProcInfo, cbStruct, &cbReturned); if ( !rc && cbReturned == cbStruct) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; i++) { if (i >= VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: skipping information for CPU%u\n", i); continue; } if (gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[i] == 0) { /* first time */ gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[i] = pProcInfo[i].IdleTime.QuadPart; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[i] = pProcInfo[i].KernelTime.QuadPart; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[i] = pProcInfo[i].UserTime.QuadPart; Sleep(250); rc = gCtx.pfnNtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, pProcInfo, cbStruct, &cbReturned); Assert(!rc); } uint64_t deltaIdle = (pProcInfo[i].IdleTime.QuadPart - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[i]); uint64_t deltaKernel = (pProcInfo[i].KernelTime.QuadPart - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[i]); uint64_t deltaUser = (pProcInfo[i].UserTime.QuadPart - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[i]); deltaKernel -= deltaIdle; /* idle time is added to kernel time */ uint64_t ullTotalTime = deltaIdle + deltaKernel + deltaUser; if (ullTotalTime == 0) /* Prevent division through zero. */ ullTotalTime = 1; req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_Idle = (uint32_t)(deltaIdle * 100 / ullTotalTime); req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_Kernel = (uint32_t)(deltaKernel* 100 / ullTotalTime); req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_User = (uint32_t)(deltaUser * 100 / ullTotalTime); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_IDLE | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_KERNEL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_USER; req.guestStats.u32CpuId = i; rc = VbglR3StatReport(&req); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: new statistics (CPU %u) reported successfully!\n", i); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: DeviceIoControl (stats report) failed with %d\n", GetLastError()); gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[i] = pProcInfo[i].IdleTime.QuadPart; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[i] = pProcInfo[i].KernelTime.QuadPart; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[i] = pProcInfo[i].UserTime.QuadPart; } } RTMemFree(pProcInfo); if (!fCpuInfoAvail) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: CPU info not available!\n"); rc = VbglR3StatReport(&req); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: new statistics reported successfully!\n"); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: stats report failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc); } #elif defined(RT_OS_LINUX) VMMDevReportGuestStats req; RT_ZERO(req); PRTSTREAM pStrm; char szLine[256]; char *psz; int rc = RTStrmOpen("/proc/meminfo", "r", &pStrm); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { uint64_t u64Kb; uint64_t u64Total = 0, u64Free = 0, u64Buffers = 0, u64Cached = 0, u64PagedTotal = 0; for (;;) { rc = RTStrmGetLine(pStrm, szLine, sizeof(szLine)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; if (strstr(szLine, "MemTotal:") == szLine) { rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(&szLine[9]), &psz, 0, &u64Kb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) u64Total = u64Kb * _1K; } else if (strstr(szLine, "MemFree:") == szLine) { rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(&szLine[8]), &psz, 0, &u64Kb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) u64Free = u64Kb * _1K; } else if (strstr(szLine, "Buffers:") == szLine) { rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(&szLine[8]), &psz, 0, &u64Kb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) u64Buffers = u64Kb * _1K; } else if (strstr(szLine, "Cached:") == szLine) { rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(&szLine[7]), &psz, 0, &u64Kb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) u64Cached = u64Kb * _1K; } else if (strstr(szLine, "SwapTotal:") == szLine) { rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(&szLine[10]), &psz, 0, &u64Kb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) u64PagedTotal = u64Kb * _1K; } } req.guestStats.u32PhysMemTotal = u64Total / _4K; req.guestStats.u32PhysMemAvail = (u64Free + u64Buffers + u64Cached) / _4K; req.guestStats.u32MemSystemCache = (u64Buffers + u64Cached) / _4K; req.guestStats.u32PageFileSize = u64PagedTotal / _4K; RTStrmClose(pStrm); } else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: memory info not available!\n"); req.guestStats.u32PageSize = getpagesize(); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps = VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_TOTAL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_AVAIL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_SYSTEM_CACHE | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PAGE_FILE_SIZE; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_MEMBALLOON req.guestStats.u32PhysMemBalloon = VBoxServiceBalloonQueryPages(_4K); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_BALLOON; #else req.guestStats.u32PhysMemBalloon = 0; #endif /** @todo req.guestStats.u32Threads */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32Processes */ /* req.guestStats.u32Handles doesn't make sense here. */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemoryLoad */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemCommitTotal */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemKernelTotal */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemKernelPaged, make any sense? = u32MemKernelTotal? */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemKernelNonPaged, make any sense? = 0? */ bool fCpuInfoAvail = false; rc = RTStrmOpen("/proc/stat", "r", &pStrm); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { for (;;) { rc = RTStrmGetLine(pStrm, szLine, sizeof(szLine)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; if ( strstr(szLine, "cpu") == szLine && strlen(szLine) > 3 && RT_C_IS_DIGIT(szLine[3])) { uint32_t u32CpuId; rc = RTStrToUInt32Ex(&szLine[3], &psz, 0, &u32CpuId); if (u32CpuId < VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT) { uint64_t u64User = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(psz), &psz, 0, &u64User); uint64_t u64Nice = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(psz), &psz, 0, &u64Nice); uint64_t u64System = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(psz), &psz, 0, &u64System); uint64_t u64Idle = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTStrToUInt64Ex(RTStrStripL(psz), &psz, 0, &u64Idle); uint64_t u64DeltaIdle = u64Idle - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[u32CpuId]; uint64_t u64DeltaSystem = u64System - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[u32CpuId]; uint64_t u64DeltaUser = u64User - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[u32CpuId]; uint64_t u64DeltaNice = u64Nice - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Nice[u32CpuId]; uint64_t u64DeltaAll = u64DeltaIdle + u64DeltaSystem + u64DeltaUser + u64DeltaNice; if (u64DeltaAll == 0) /* Prevent division through zero. */ u64DeltaAll = 1; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[u32CpuId] = u64Idle; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[u32CpuId] = u64System; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[u32CpuId] = u64User; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Nice[u32CpuId] = u64Nice; req.guestStats.u32CpuId = u32CpuId; req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_Idle = (uint32_t)(u64DeltaIdle * 100 / u64DeltaAll); req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_Kernel = (uint32_t)(u64DeltaSystem * 100 / u64DeltaAll); req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_User = (uint32_t)((u64DeltaUser + u64DeltaNice) * 100 / u64DeltaAll); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_IDLE | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_KERNEL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_USER; fCpuInfoAvail = true; rc = VbglR3StatReport(&req); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: new statistics (CPU %u) reported successfully!\n", u32CpuId); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: stats report failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc); } else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: skipping information for CPU%u\n", u32CpuId); } } RTStrmClose(pStrm); } if (!fCpuInfoAvail) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: CPU info not available!\n"); rc = VbglR3StatReport(&req); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: new statistics reported successfully!\n"); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: stats report failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc); } #elif defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) VMMDevReportGuestStats req; RT_ZERO(req); kstat_ctl_t *pStatKern = kstat_open(); if (pStatKern) { /* * Memory statistics. */ uint64_t u64Total = 0, u64Free = 0, u64Buffers = 0, u64Cached = 0, u64PagedTotal = 0; int rc = -1; kstat_t *pStatPages = kstat_lookup(pStatKern, (char *)"unix", 0 /* instance */, (char *)"system_pages"); if (pStatPages) { rc = kstat_read(pStatKern, pStatPages, NULL /* optional-copy-buf */); if (rc != -1) { kstat_named_t *pStat = NULL; pStat = (kstat_named_t *)kstat_data_lookup(pStatPages, (char *)"pagestotal"); if (pStat) u64Total = pStat->value.ul; pStat = (kstat_named_t *)kstat_data_lookup(pStatPages, (char *)"freemem"); if (pStat) u64Free = pStat->value.ul; } } kstat_t *pStatZFS = kstat_lookup(pStatKern, (char *)"zfs", 0 /* instance */, (char *)"arcstats"); if (pStatZFS) { rc = kstat_read(pStatKern, pStatZFS, NULL /* optional-copy-buf */); if (rc != -1) { kstat_named_t *pStat = (kstat_named_t *)kstat_data_lookup(pStatZFS, (char *)"size"); if (pStat) u64Cached = pStat->value.ul; } } /* * The vminfo are accumulative counters updated every "N" ticks. Let's get the * number of stat updates so far and use that to divide the swap counter. */ kstat_t *pStatInfo = kstat_lookup(pStatKern, (char *)"unix", 0 /* instance */, (char *)"sysinfo"); if (pStatInfo) { sysinfo_t SysInfo; rc = kstat_read(pStatKern, pStatInfo, &SysInfo); if (rc != -1) { kstat_t *pStatVMInfo = kstat_lookup(pStatKern, (char *)"unix", 0 /* instance */, (char *)"vminfo"); if (pStatVMInfo) { vminfo_t VMInfo; rc = kstat_read(pStatKern, pStatVMInfo, &VMInfo); if (rc != -1) { Assert(SysInfo.updates != 0); u64PagedTotal = VMInfo.swap_avail / SysInfo.updates; } } } } req.guestStats.u32PhysMemTotal = u64Total; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32PhysMemAvail = u64Free; /* already in pages */ req.guestStats.u32MemSystemCache = u64Cached / _4K; req.guestStats.u32PageFileSize = u64PagedTotal; /* already in pages */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32Threads */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32Processes */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32Handles -- ??? */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemoryLoad */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemCommitTotal */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemKernelTotal */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemKernelPaged */ /** @todo req.guestStats.u32MemKernelNonPaged */ req.guestStats.u32PageSize = getpagesize(); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps = VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_TOTAL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_AVAIL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_MEM_SYSTEM_CACHE | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PAGE_FILE_SIZE; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_MEMBALLOON req.guestStats.u32PhysMemBalloon = VBoxServiceBalloonQueryPages(_4K); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_PHYS_MEM_BALLOON; #else req.guestStats.u32PhysMemBalloon = 0; #endif /* * CPU statistics. */ cpu_stat_t StatCPU; RT_ZERO(StatCPU); kstat_t *pStatNode = NULL; uint32_t cCPUs = 0; bool fCpuInfoAvail = false; for (pStatNode = pStatKern->kc_chain; pStatNode != NULL; pStatNode = pStatNode->ks_next) { if (!strcmp(pStatNode->ks_module, "cpu_stat")) { rc = kstat_read(pStatKern, pStatNode, &StatCPU); if (rc == -1) break; if (cCPUs >= VMM_MAX_CPU_COUNT) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: skipping information for CPU%u\n", cCPUs); else { uint64_t u64Idle = StatCPU.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_IDLE]; uint64_t u64User = StatCPU.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_USER]; uint64_t u64System = StatCPU.cpu_sysinfo.cpu[CPU_KERNEL]; uint64_t u64DeltaIdle = u64Idle - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[cCPUs]; uint64_t u64DeltaSystem = u64System - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[cCPUs]; uint64_t u64DeltaUser = u64User - gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[cCPUs]; uint64_t u64DeltaAll = u64DeltaIdle + u64DeltaSystem + u64DeltaUser; if (u64DeltaAll == 0) /* Prevent division through zero. */ u64DeltaAll = 1; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Idle[cCPUs] = u64Idle; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_Kernel[cCPUs] = u64System; gCtx.au64LastCpuLoad_User[cCPUs] = u64User; req.guestStats.u32CpuId = cCPUs; req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_Idle = (uint32_t)(u64DeltaIdle * 100 / u64DeltaAll); req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_Kernel = (uint32_t)(u64DeltaSystem * 100 / u64DeltaAll); req.guestStats.u32CpuLoad_User = (uint32_t)(u64DeltaUser * 100 / u64DeltaAll); req.guestStats.u32StatCaps |= VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_IDLE | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_KERNEL | VBOX_GUEST_STAT_CPU_LOAD_USER; fCpuInfoAvail = true; rc = VbglR3StatReport(&req); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: new statistics (CPU %u) reported successfully!\n", cCPUs); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: stats report failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc); cCPUs++; } } } /* * Report whatever statistics were collected. */ if (!fCpuInfoAvail) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: CPU info not available!\n"); rc = VbglR3StatReport(&req); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: new statistics reported successfully!\n"); else VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsReportStatistics: stats report failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc); } kstat_close(pStatKern); } #else /* todo: implement for other platforms. */ #endif } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnWorker */ DECLCALLBACK(int) VBoxServiceVMStatsWorker(bool volatile *pfShutdown) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Start monitoring of the stat event change event. */ rc = VbglR3CtlFilterMask(VMMDEV_EVENT_STATISTICS_INTERVAL_CHANGE_REQUEST, 0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceVMStatsWorker: VbglR3CtlFilterMask failed with %d\n", rc); return rc; } /* * Tell the control thread that it can continue * spawning services. */ RTThreadUserSignal(RTThreadSelf()); /* * Now enter the loop retrieving runtime data continuously. */ for (;;) { uint32_t fEvents = 0; RTMSINTERVAL cWaitMillies; /* Check if an update interval change is pending. */ rc = VbglR3WaitEvent(VMMDEV_EVENT_STATISTICS_INTERVAL_CHANGE_REQUEST, 0 /* no wait */, &fEvents); if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (fEvents & VMMDEV_EVENT_STATISTICS_INTERVAL_CHANGE_REQUEST)) { VbglR3StatQueryInterval(&gCtx.cMsStatInterval); } if (gCtx.cMsStatInterval) { VBoxServiceVMStatsReport(); cWaitMillies = gCtx.cMsStatInterval; } else cWaitMillies = 3000; /* * Block for a while. * * The event semaphore takes care of ignoring interruptions and it * allows us to implement service wakeup later. */ if (*pfShutdown) break; int rc2 = RTSemEventMultiWait(g_VMStatEvent, cWaitMillies); if (*pfShutdown) break; if (rc2 != VERR_TIMEOUT && RT_FAILURE(rc2)) { VBoxServiceError("VBoxServiceVMStatsWorker: RTSemEventMultiWait failed; rc2=%Rrc\n", rc2); rc = rc2; break; } } /* Cancel monitoring of the stat event change event. */ rc = VbglR3CtlFilterMask(0, VMMDEV_EVENT_STATISTICS_INTERVAL_CHANGE_REQUEST); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxServiceVMStatsWorker: VbglR3CtlFilterMask failed with %d\n", rc); RTSemEventMultiDestroy(g_VMStatEvent); g_VMStatEvent = NIL_RTSEMEVENTMULTI; VBoxServiceVerbose(3, "VBoxStatsThread: finished statistics change request thread\n"); return 0; } /** @copydoc VBOXSERVICE::pfnStop */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) VBoxServiceVMStatsStop(void) { RTSemEventMultiSignal(g_VMStatEvent); } /** * The 'vminfo' service description. */ VBOXSERVICE g_VMStatistics = { /* pszName. */ "vmstats", /* pszDescription. */ "Virtual Machine Statistics", /* pszUsage. */ NULL, /* pszOptions. */ NULL, /* methods */ VBoxServiceDefaultPreInit, VBoxServiceDefaultOption, VBoxServiceVMStatsInit, VBoxServiceVMStatsWorker, VBoxServiceVMStatsStop, VBoxServiceDefaultTerm };