1 | /* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | * All rights reserved
3 | *
4 | * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 | */
6 |
7 | /**
8 | * \mainpage OpenGL_stub
9 | *
10 | * \section OpenGL_stubIntroduction Introduction
11 | *
12 | * Chromium consists of all the top-level files in the cr
13 | * directory. The OpenGL_stub module basically takes care of API dispatch,
14 | * and OpenGL state management.
15 | *
16 | */
17 |
18 | /**
19 | * This file manages OpenGL rendering contexts in the faker library.
20 | * The big issue is switching between Chromium and native GL context
21 | * management. This is where we support multiple client OpenGL
22 | * windows. Typically, one window is handled by Chromium while any
23 | * other windows are handled by the native OpenGL library.
24 | */
25 |
26 | #include "chromium.h"
27 | #include "cr_error.h"
28 | #include "cr_spu.h"
29 | #include "cr_mem.h"
30 | #include "cr_string.h"
31 | #include "cr_environment.h"
32 | #include "stub.h"
33 |
34 | /**
35 | * This function should be called from MakeCurrent(). It'll detect if
36 | * we're in a multi-thread situation, and do the right thing for dispatch.
37 | */
39 | static void
40 | stubCheckMultithread( void )
41 | {
42 | static unsigned long knownID;
43 | static GLboolean firstCall = GL_TRUE;
44 |
45 | if (stub.threadSafe)
46 | return; /* nothing new, nothing to do */
47 |
48 | if (firstCall) {
49 | knownID = crThreadID();
50 | firstCall = GL_FALSE;
51 | }
52 | else if (knownID != crThreadID()) {
53 | /* going thread-safe now! */
54 | stub.threadSafe = GL_TRUE;
55 | crSPUCopyDispatchTable(&glim, &stubThreadsafeDispatch);
56 | }
57 | }
58 | #endif
59 |
60 |
61 | /**
62 | * Install the given dispatch table as the table used for all gl* calls.
63 | */
64 | static void
65 | stubSetDispatch( SPUDispatchTable *table )
66 | {
67 | CRASSERT(table);
68 |
70 | /* always set the per-thread dispatch pointer */
71 | crSetTSD(&stub.dispatchTSD, (void *) table);
72 | if (stub.threadSafe) {
73 | /* Do nothing - the thread-safe dispatch functions will call GetTSD()
74 | * to get a pointer to the dispatch table, and jump through it.
75 | */
76 | }
77 | else
78 | #endif
79 | {
80 | /* Single thread mode - just install the caller's dispatch table */
81 | /* This conditional is an optimization to try to avoid unnecessary
82 | * copying. It seems to work with atlantis, multiwin, etc. but
83 | * _could_ be a problem. (Brian)
84 | */
85 | if (glim.copy_of != table->copy_of)
86 | crSPUCopyDispatchTable(&glim, table);
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 |
91 | /**
92 | * Create a new _Chromium_ window, not GLX, WGL or CGL.
93 | * Called by crWindowCreate() only.
94 | */
95 | GLint
96 | stubNewWindow( const char *dpyName, GLint visBits )
97 | {
98 | WindowInfo *winInfo;
99 | GLint spuWin, size[2];
100 |
101 | spuWin = stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowCreate( dpyName, visBits );
102 | if (spuWin < 0) {
103 | return -1;
104 | }
105 |
106 | winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(WindowInfo));
107 | if (!winInfo) {
108 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowDestroy(spuWin);
109 | return -1;
110 | }
111 |
112 | winInfo->type = CHROMIUM;
113 |
114 | /* Ask the head SPU for the initial window size */
115 | size[0] = size[1] = 0;
116 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR(GL_WINDOW_SIZE_CR, 0, GL_INT, 2, size);
117 | if (size[0] == 0 && size[1] == 0) {
118 | /* use some reasonable defaults */
119 | size[0] = size[1] = 512;
120 | }
121 | winInfo->width = size[0];
122 | winInfo->height = size[1];
123 | winInfo->mapped = 1;
124 |
125 | if (!dpyName)
126 | dpyName = "";
127 |
128 | crStrncpy(winInfo->dpyName, dpyName, MAX_DPY_NAME);
129 | winInfo->dpyName[MAX_DPY_NAME-1] = 0;
130 |
131 | /* Use spuWin as the hash table index and GLX/WGL handle */
132 | #ifdef WINDOWS
133 | winInfo->drawable = (HDC) spuWin;
134 | winInfo->hVisibleRegion = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
135 | #elif defined(Darwin)
136 | winInfo->drawable = (CGSWindowID) spuWin;
137 | #elif defined(GLX)
138 | winInfo->drawable = (GLXDrawable) spuWin;
139 | winInfo->pVisibleRegions = NULL;
140 | winInfo->cVisibleRegions = 0;
141 | #endif
142 | winInfo->spuWindow = spuWin;
143 |
144 | crHashtableAdd(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) spuWin, winInfo);
145 |
146 | return spuWin;
147 | }
148 |
149 |
150 | GLboolean
151 | stubIsWindowVisible( const WindowInfo *win )
152 | {
153 | #if defined(WINDOWS)
154 | return GL_TRUE;
155 | #elif defined(Darwin)
156 | return GL_TRUE;
157 | #elif defined(GLX)
158 | if (win->dpy) {
159 | XWindowAttributes attr;
160 | XGetWindowAttributes(win->dpy, win->drawable, &attr);
161 | return (attr.map_state != IsUnmapped);
162 | }
163 | else {
164 | /* probably created by crWindowCreate() */
165 | return win->mapped;
166 | }
167 | #endif
168 | }
169 |
170 |
171 | /**
172 | * Given a Windows HDC or GLX Drawable, return the corresponding
173 | * WindowInfo structure. Create a new one if needed.
174 | */
175 | WindowInfo *
176 | #ifdef WINDOWS
177 | stubGetWindowInfo( HDC drawable )
178 | #elif defined(Darwin)
179 | stubGetWindowInfo( CGSWindowID drawable )
180 | #elif defined(GLX)
181 | stubGetWindowInfo( Display *dpy, GLXDrawable drawable )
182 | #endif
183 | {
184 | #ifndef WINDOWS
185 | WindowInfo *winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) drawable);
186 | #else
187 | WindowInfo *winInfo;
188 | HWND hwnd;
189 | hwnd = WindowFromDC(drawable);
190 |
191 | if (!hwnd)
192 | {
193 | crError("Can't get HWND for given HDC(%x)", drawable);
194 | }
195 |
196 | winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) hwnd);
197 | #endif
198 | if (!winInfo) {
199 | winInfo = (WindowInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(WindowInfo));
200 | if (!winInfo)
201 | return NULL;
202 | #ifdef GLX
203 | crStrncpy(winInfo->dpyName, DisplayString(dpy), MAX_DPY_NAME);
204 | winInfo->dpyName[MAX_DPY_NAME-1] = 0;
205 | winInfo->dpy = dpy;
206 | winInfo->pVisibleRegions = NULL;
207 | #elif defined(Darwin)
208 | winInfo->connection = _CGSDefaultConnection(); // store our connection as default
209 | #elif defined(WINDOWS)
210 | winInfo->hVisibleRegion = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
211 | winInfo->hWnd = hwnd;
212 | #endif
213 | winInfo->drawable = drawable;
214 | winInfo->type = UNDECIDED;
215 | winInfo->spuWindow = -1;
216 | winInfo->mapped = -1; /* don't know */
217 | winInfo->pOwner = NULL;
218 | #ifndef WINDOWS
219 | crHashtableAdd(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) drawable, winInfo);
220 | #else
221 | crHashtableAdd(stub.windowTable, (unsigned int) hwnd, winInfo);
222 | #endif
223 | }
224 | return winInfo;
225 | }
226 |
227 |
228 | /**
229 | * Allocate a new ContextInfo object, initialize it, put it into the
230 | * context hash table. If type==CHROMIUM, call the head SPU's
231 | * CreateContext() function too.
232 | */
233 | ContextInfo *
234 | stubNewContext( const char *dpyName, GLint visBits, ContextType type,
235 | unsigned long shareCtx )
236 | {
237 | GLint spuContext = -1, spuShareCtx = 0;
238 | ContextInfo *context;
239 |
240 | if (shareCtx > 0) {
241 | /* translate shareCtx to a SPU context ID */
242 | context = (ContextInfo *)
243 | crHashtableSearch(stub.contextTable, shareCtx);
244 | if (context)
245 | spuShareCtx = context->spuContext;
246 | }
247 |
248 | if (type == CHROMIUM) {
249 | spuContext
250 | = stub.spu->dispatch_table.CreateContext(dpyName, visBits, spuShareCtx);
251 | if (spuContext < 0)
252 | return NULL;
253 | }
254 |
255 | context = crCalloc(sizeof(ContextInfo));
256 | if (!context) {
257 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.DestroyContext(spuContext);
258 | return NULL;
259 | }
260 |
261 | if (!dpyName)
262 | dpyName = "";
263 |
264 | context->id = stub.freeContextNumber++;
265 | context->type = type;
266 | context->spuContext = spuContext;
267 | context->visBits = visBits;
268 | context->currentDrawable = NULL;
269 | crStrncpy(context->dpyName, dpyName, MAX_DPY_NAME);
270 | context->dpyName[MAX_DPY_NAME-1] = 0;
271 |
272 | #if defined(GLX) || defined(DARWIN)
273 | context->share = (ContextInfo *)
274 | crHashtableSearch(stub.contextTable, (unsigned long) shareCtx);
275 | #endif
276 |
277 | #ifdef GLX
278 | context->pGLXPixmapsHash = crAllocHashtable();
279 | context->damageInitFailed = GL_FALSE;
280 | context->damageDpy = NULL;
281 | context->damageEventsBase = 0;
282 | #endif
283 |
284 | crHashtableAdd(stub.contextTable, context->id, (void *) context);
285 |
286 | return context;
287 | }
288 |
289 |
290 | #ifdef Darwin
291 |
292 | #define SET_ATTR(l,i,a) ( (l)[(i)++] = (a) )
293 | #define SET_ATTR_V(l,i,a,v) ( SET_ATTR(l,i,a), SET_ATTR(l,i,v) )
294 |
295 | void stubSetPFA( ContextInfo *ctx, CGLPixelFormatAttribute *attribs, int size, GLint *num ) {
296 | GLuint visual = ctx->visBits;
297 | int i = 0;
298 |
299 | CRASSERT(visual & CR_RGB_BIT);
300 |
301 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFAColorSize, 8);
302 |
303 | if( visual & CR_DEPTH_BIT )
304 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFADepthSize, 16);
305 |
306 | if( visual & CR_ACCUM_BIT )
307 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFAAccumSize, 1);
308 |
309 | if( visual & CR_STENCIL_BIT )
310 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFAStencilSize, 1);
311 |
312 | if( visual & CR_ALPHA_BIT )
313 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFAAlphaSize, 1);
314 |
315 | if( visual & CR_DOUBLE_BIT )
316 | SET_ATTR(attribs, i, kCGLPFADoubleBuffer);
317 |
318 | if( visual & CR_STEREO_BIT )
319 | SET_ATTR(attribs, i, kCGLPFAStereo);
320 |
321 | /* SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFASampleBuffers, 1);
322 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFASamples, 0);
323 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFADisplayMask, 0); */
324 | SET_ATTR(attribs, i, kCGLPFABackingStore);
325 | SET_ATTR(attribs, i, kCGLPFAWindow);
326 | SET_ATTR_V(attribs, i, kCGLPFADisplayMask, ctx->disp_mask);
327 |
328 | SET_ATTR(attribs, i, 0);
329 |
330 | *num = i;
331 | }
332 |
333 | #endif
334 |
335 | /**
336 | * This creates a native GLX/WGL context.
337 | */
338 | static GLboolean
339 | InstantiateNativeContext( WindowInfo *window, ContextInfo *context )
340 | {
341 | #ifdef WINDOWS
342 | context->hglrc = stub.wsInterface.wglCreateContext( window->drawable );
343 | return context->hglrc ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
344 | #elif defined(Darwin)
345 | CGLContextObj shareCtx = NULL;
346 | CGLPixelFormatObj pix;
347 | long npix;
348 |
349 | CGLPixelFormatAttribute attribs[16];
350 | GLint ind = 0;
351 |
352 | if( context->share ) {
353 | if( context->cglc != context->share->cglc ) {
354 | crWarning("CGLCreateContext() is trying to share a non-existant "
355 | "CGL context. Setting share context to zero.");
356 | shareCtx = 0;
357 | }
358 | else
359 | shareCtx = context->cglc;
360 | }
361 |
362 | stubSetPFA( context, attribs, 16, &ind );
363 |
364 | stub.wsInterface.CGLChoosePixelFormat( attribs, &pix, &npix );
365 | stub.wsInterface.CGLCreateContext( pix, shareCtx, &context->cglc );
366 | if( !context->cglc )
367 | crError("InstantiateNativeContext: Couldn't Create the context!");
368 |
369 | stub.wsInterface.CGLDestroyPixelFormat( pix );
370 |
371 | if( context->parambits ) {
372 | /* Set the delayed parameters */
373 | if( context->parambits & VISBIT_SWAP_RECT )
374 | stub.wsInterface.CGLSetParameter( context->cglc, kCGLCPSwapRectangle, context->swap_rect );
375 |
376 | if( context->parambits & VISBIT_SWAP_INTERVAL )
377 | stub.wsInterface.CGLSetParameter( context->cglc, kCGLCPSwapInterval, &(context->swap_interval) );
378 |
379 | if( context->parambits & VISBIT_CLIENT_STORAGE )
380 | stub.wsInterface.CGLSetParameter( context->cglc, kCGLCPClientStorage, (long*)&(context->client_storage) );
381 |
382 | context->parambits = 0;
383 | }
384 |
385 | return context->cglc ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
386 | #elif defined(GLX)
387 | GLXContext shareCtx = 0;
388 |
389 | /* sort out context sharing here */
390 | if (context->share) {
391 | if (context->glxContext != context->share->glxContext) {
392 | crWarning("glXCreateContext() is trying to share a non-existant "
393 | "GLX context. Setting share context to zero.");
394 | shareCtx = 0;
395 | }
396 | else {
397 | shareCtx = context->glxContext;
398 | }
399 | }
400 |
401 | context->glxContext = stub.wsInterface.glXCreateContext( window->dpy,
402 | context->visual, shareCtx, context->direct );
403 |
404 | return context->glxContext ? GL_TRUE : GL_FALSE;
405 | #endif
406 | }
407 |
408 |
409 | /**
410 | * Utility functions to get window size and titlebar text.
411 | */
412 | #ifdef WINDOWS
413 |
414 | void
415 | stubGetWindowGeometry( const WindowInfo *window, int *x, int *y,
416 | unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h )
417 | {
418 | RECT rect;
419 | HWND hwnd;
420 |
421 | if (!window->drawable) {
422 | *w = *h = 0;
423 | return;
424 | }
425 |
426 | hwnd = WindowFromDC( window->drawable );
427 |
428 | if (!hwnd) {
429 | *w = 0;
430 | *h = 0;
431 | }
432 | else {
433 | GetClientRect( hwnd, &rect );
434 | *w = rect.right - rect.left;
435 | *h = rect.bottom - rect.top;
436 | ClientToScreen( hwnd, (LPPOINT) &rect );
437 | *x = rect.left;
438 | *y = rect.top;
439 | }
440 | }
441 |
442 | static void
443 | GetWindowTitle( const WindowInfo *window, char *title )
444 | {
445 | HWND hwnd;
446 | /* XXX - we don't handle recurseUp */
447 | hwnd = WindowFromDC( window->drawable );
448 | if (hwnd)
449 | GetWindowText(hwnd, title, 100);
450 | else
451 | title[0] = 0;
452 | }
453 |
454 | static void
455 | GetCursorPosition( const WindowInfo *window, int pos[2] )
456 | {
457 | RECT rect;
458 | POINT point;
459 | GLint size[2], x, y;
460 | unsigned int NativeHeight, NativeWidth, ChromiumHeight, ChromiumWidth;
461 | float WidthRatio, HeightRatio;
462 | static int DebugFlag = 0;
463 |
464 | // apparently the "window" parameter passed to this
465 | // function contains the native window information
466 | HWND NATIVEhwnd = WindowFromDC( window->drawable );
467 |
468 | // get the native window's height and width
469 | stubGetWindowGeometry(window, &x, &y, &NativeWidth, &NativeHeight);
470 |
471 | // get the spu window's height and width
472 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.GetChromiumParametervCR(GL_WINDOW_SIZE_CR, window->spuWindow, GL_INT, 2, size);
473 | ChromiumWidth = size[0];
474 | ChromiumHeight = size[1];
475 |
476 | // get the ratio of the size of the native window to the cr window
477 | WidthRatio = (float)ChromiumWidth / (float)NativeWidth;
478 | HeightRatio = (float)ChromiumHeight / (float)NativeHeight;
479 |
480 | // output some debug information at the beginning
481 | if(DebugFlag)
482 | {
483 | DebugFlag = 0;
484 | crDebug("Native Window Handle = %d", NATIVEhwnd);
485 | crDebug("Native Width = %i", NativeWidth);
486 | crDebug("Native Height = %i", NativeHeight);
487 | crDebug("Chromium Width = %i", ChromiumWidth);
488 | crDebug("Chromium Height = %i", ChromiumHeight);
489 | }
490 |
491 | if (NATIVEhwnd)
492 | {
493 | GetClientRect( NATIVEhwnd, &rect );
494 | GetCursorPos (&point);
495 |
496 | // make sure these coordinates are relative to the native window,
497 | // not the whole desktop
498 | ScreenToClient(NATIVEhwnd, &point);
499 |
500 | // calculate the new position of the virtual cursor
501 | pos[0] = (int)(point.x * WidthRatio);
502 | pos[1] = (int)((NativeHeight - point.y) * HeightRatio);
503 | }
504 | else
505 | {
506 | pos[0] = 0;
507 | pos[1] = 0;
508 | }
509 | }
510 |
511 | #elif defined(Darwin)
512 |
513 | extern OSStatus CGSGetScreenRectForWindow( CGSConnectionID cid, CGSWindowID wid, float *outRect );
514 | extern OSStatus CGSGetWindowBounds( CGSConnectionID cid, CGSWindowID wid, float *bounds );
515 |
516 | void
517 | stubGetWindowGeometry( const WindowInfo *window, int *x, int *y, unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h )
518 | {
519 | float rect[4];
520 |
521 | if( !window ||
522 | !window->connection ||
523 | !window->drawable ||
524 | CGSGetWindowBounds( window->connection, window->drawable, rect ) != noErr )
525 | {
526 | *x = *y = 0;
527 | *w = *h = 0;
528 | } else {
529 | *x = (int) rect[0];
530 | *y = (int) rect[1];
531 | *w = (int) rect[2];
532 | *h = (int) rect[3];
533 | }
534 | }
535 |
536 |
537 | static void
538 | GetWindowTitle( const WindowInfo *window, char *title )
539 | {
540 | /* XXX \todo Darwin window Title */
541 | title[0] = '\0';
542 | }
543 |
544 |
545 | static void
546 | GetCursorPosition( const WindowInfo *window, int pos[2] )
547 | {
548 | Point mouse_pos;
549 | float window_rect[4];
550 |
551 | GetMouse( &mouse_pos );
552 | CGSGetScreenRectForWindow( window->connection, window->drawable, window_rect );
553 |
554 | pos[0] = mouse_pos.h - (int) window_rect[0];
555 | pos[1] = (int) window_rect[3] - (mouse_pos.v - (int) window_rect[1]);
556 |
557 | /*crDebug( "%i %i", pos[0], pos[1] );*/
558 | }
559 |
560 | #elif defined(GLX)
561 |
562 | void
563 | stubGetWindowGeometry( const WindowInfo *window, int *x, int *y,
564 | unsigned int *w, unsigned int *h )
565 | {
566 | Window root, child;
567 | unsigned int border, depth;
568 |
569 | //@todo: Performing those checks is expensive operation, especially for simple apps with high FPS.
570 | // Disabling those tripples glxgears fps, thus using xevens instead of per frame polling is much more preffered.
571 | //@todo: Check similiar on windows guests, though doubtfull as there're no XSync like calls on windows.
572 | if (!window
573 | || !window->dpy
574 | || !window->drawable
575 | || !XGetGeometry(window->dpy, window->drawable, &root,
576 | x, y, w, h, &border, &depth)
577 | || !XTranslateCoordinates(window->dpy, window->drawable, root,
578 | 0, 0, x, y, &child))
579 | {
580 | crWarning("Failed to get windows geometry for %x, try xwininfo", (int) window);
581 | *x = *y = 0;
582 | *w = *h = 0;
583 | }
584 | }
585 |
586 | static char *
587 | GetWindowTitleHelper( Display *dpy, Window window, GLboolean recurseUp )
588 | {
589 | while (1) {
590 | char *name;
591 | if (!XFetchName(dpy, window, &name))
592 | return NULL;
593 | if (name[0]) {
594 | return name;
595 | }
596 | else if (recurseUp) {
597 | /* This window has no name, try the parent */
598 | Status stat;
599 | Window root, parent, *children;
600 | unsigned int numChildren;
601 | stat = XQueryTree( dpy, window, &root, &parent,
602 | &children, &numChildren );
603 | if (!stat || window == root)
604 | return NULL;
605 | if (children)
606 | XFree(children);
607 | window = parent;
608 | }
609 | else {
610 | XFree(name);
611 | return NULL;
612 | }
613 | }
614 | }
615 |
616 | static void
617 | GetWindowTitle( const WindowInfo *window, char *title )
618 | {
619 | char *t = GetWindowTitleHelper(window->dpy, window->drawable, GL_TRUE);
620 | if (t) {
621 | crStrcpy(title, t);
622 | XFree(t);
623 | }
624 | else {
625 | title[0] = 0;
626 | }
627 | }
628 |
629 |
630 | /**
631 | *Return current cursor position in local window coords.
632 | */
633 | static void
634 | GetCursorPosition( const WindowInfo *window, int pos[2] )
635 | {
636 | int rootX, rootY;
637 | Window root, child;
638 | unsigned int mask;
639 | int x, y;
640 | Bool q = XQueryPointer(window->dpy, window->drawable, &root, &child,
641 | &rootX, &rootY, &pos[0], &pos[1], &mask);
642 | if (q) {
643 | unsigned int w, h;
644 | stubGetWindowGeometry( window, &x, &y, &w, &h );
645 | /* invert Y */
646 | pos[1] = (int) h - pos[1] - 1;
647 | }
648 | else {
649 | pos[0] = pos[1] = 0;
650 | }
651 | }
652 |
653 | #endif
654 |
655 |
656 | /**
657 | * This function is called by MakeCurrent() and determines whether or
658 | * not a new rendering context should be bound to Chromium or the native
659 | * OpenGL.
660 | * \return GL_FALSE if native OpenGL should be used, or GL_TRUE if Chromium
661 | * should be used.
662 | */
663 | static GLboolean
664 | stubCheckUseChromium( WindowInfo *window )
665 | {
666 | int x, y;
667 | unsigned int w, h;
668 |
669 | /* If the provided window is CHROMIUM, we're clearly intended
670 | * to create a CHROMIUM context.
671 | */
672 | if (window->type == CHROMIUM)
673 | return GL_TRUE;
674 |
675 | if (stub.ignoreFreeglutMenus) {
676 | const char *glutMenuTitle = "freeglut menu";
677 | char title[1000];
678 | GetWindowTitle(window, title);
679 | if (crStrcmp(title, glutMenuTitle) == 0) {
680 | crDebug("GL faker: Ignoring freeglut menu window");
681 | return GL_FALSE;
682 | }
683 | }
684 |
685 | /* If the user's specified a window count for Chromium, see if
686 | * this window satisfies that criterium.
687 | */
688 | stub.matchChromiumWindowCounter++;
689 | if (stub.matchChromiumWindowCount > 0) {
690 | if (stub.matchChromiumWindowCounter != stub.matchChromiumWindowCount) {
691 | crDebug("Using native GL, app window doesn't meet match_window_count");
692 | return GL_FALSE;
693 | }
694 | }
695 |
696 | /* If the user's specified a window list to ignore, see if this
697 | * window satisfies that criterium.
698 | */
699 | if (stub.matchChromiumWindowID) {
700 | GLuint i;
701 |
702 | for (i = 0; i <= stub.numIgnoreWindowID; i++) {
703 | if (stub.matchChromiumWindowID[i] == stub.matchChromiumWindowCounter) {
704 | crDebug("Ignore window ID %d, using native GL", stub.matchChromiumWindowID[i]);
705 | return GL_FALSE;
706 | }
707 | }
708 | }
709 |
710 | /* If the user's specified a minimum window size for Chromium, see if
711 | * this window satisfies that criterium.
712 | */
713 | if (stub.minChromiumWindowWidth > 0 &&
714 | stub.minChromiumWindowHeight > 0) {
715 | stubGetWindowGeometry( window, &x, &y, &w, &h );
716 | if (w >= stub.minChromiumWindowWidth &&
717 | h >= stub.minChromiumWindowHeight) {
718 |
719 | /* Check for maximum sized window now too */
720 | if (stub.maxChromiumWindowWidth &&
721 | stub.maxChromiumWindowHeight) {
722 | if (w < stub.maxChromiumWindowWidth &&
723 | h < stub.maxChromiumWindowHeight)
724 | return GL_TRUE;
725 | else
726 | return GL_FALSE;
727 | }
728 |
729 | return GL_TRUE;
730 | }
731 | crDebug("Using native GL, app window doesn't meet minimum_window_size");
732 | return GL_FALSE;
733 | }
734 | else if (stub.matchWindowTitle) {
735 | /* If the user's specified a window title for Chromium, see if this
736 | * window satisfies that criterium.
737 | */
738 | GLboolean wildcard = GL_FALSE;
739 | char title[1000];
740 | char *titlePattern;
741 | int len;
742 | /* check for leading '*' wildcard */
743 | if (stub.matchWindowTitle[0] == '*') {
744 | titlePattern = crStrdup( stub.matchWindowTitle + 1 );
745 | wildcard = GL_TRUE;
746 | }
747 | else {
748 | titlePattern = crStrdup( stub.matchWindowTitle );
749 | }
750 | /* check for trailing '*' wildcard */
751 | len = crStrlen(titlePattern);
752 | if (len > 0 && titlePattern[len - 1] == '*') {
753 | titlePattern[len - 1] = '\0'; /* terminate here */
754 | wildcard = GL_TRUE;
755 | }
756 |
757 | GetWindowTitle( window, title );
758 | if (title[0]) {
759 | if (wildcard) {
760 | if (crStrstr(title, titlePattern)) {
761 | crFree(titlePattern);
762 | return GL_TRUE;
763 | }
764 | }
765 | else if (crStrcmp(title, titlePattern) == 0) {
766 | crFree(titlePattern);
767 | return GL_TRUE;
768 | }
769 | }
770 | crFree(titlePattern);
771 | crDebug("Using native GL, app window title doesn't match match_window_title string (\"%s\" != \"%s\")", title, stub.matchWindowTitle);
772 | return GL_FALSE;
773 | }
774 |
775 | /* Window title and size don't matter */
776 | CRASSERT(stub.minChromiumWindowWidth == 0);
777 | CRASSERT(stub.minChromiumWindowHeight == 0);
778 | CRASSERT(stub.matchWindowTitle == NULL);
779 |
780 | /* User hasn't specified a width/height or window title.
781 | * We'll use chromium for this window (and context) if no other is.
782 | */
783 |
784 | return GL_TRUE; /* use Chromium! */
785 | }
786 |
787 | static void stubWindowCheckOwnerCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2)
788 | {
789 | WindowInfo *pWindow = (WindowInfo *) data1;
790 | ContextInfo *pCtx = (ContextInfo *) data2;
791 |
792 | if (pWindow->pOwner == pCtx)
793 | {
794 | #ifdef WINDOWS
795 | /* Note: can't use WindowFromDC(context->pOwnWindow->drawable) here
796 | because GL context is already released from DC and actual guest window
797 | could be destroyed.
798 | */
799 | crWindowDestroy((GLint)pWindow->hWnd);
800 | #else
801 | crWindowDestroy((GLint)pWindow->drawable);
802 | #endif
803 | }
804 | }
805 |
806 | GLboolean
807 | stubMakeCurrent( WindowInfo *window, ContextInfo *context )
808 | {
809 | GLboolean retVal;
810 |
811 | /*
812 | * Get WindowInfo and ContextInfo pointers.
813 | */
814 |
815 | if (!context || !window) {
816 | if (stub.currentContext)
817 | stub.currentContext->currentDrawable = NULL;
818 | if (context)
819 | context->currentDrawable = NULL;
820 | stub.currentContext = NULL;
821 | return GL_TRUE; /* OK */
822 | }
823 |
825 | stubCheckMultithread();
826 | #endif
827 |
828 | if (context->type == UNDECIDED) {
829 | /* Here's where we really create contexts */
831 | crLockMutex(&stub.mutex);
832 | #endif
833 |
834 | if (stubCheckUseChromium(window)) {
835 | /*
836 | * Create a Chromium context.
837 | */
838 | #if defined(GLX) || defined(DARWIN)
839 | GLint spuShareCtx = context->share ? context->share->spuContext : 0;
840 | #else
841 | GLint spuShareCtx = 0;
842 | #endif
843 |
844 | CRASSERT(stub.spu);
845 | CRASSERT(stub.spu->dispatch_table.CreateContext);
846 | context->type = CHROMIUM;
847 |
848 | context->spuContext
849 | = stub.spu->dispatch_table.CreateContext( context->dpyName,
850 | context->visBits,
851 | spuShareCtx );
852 | if (window->spuWindow == -1)
853 | {
854 | /*crDebug("(1)stubMakeCurrent ctx=%p(%i) window=%p(%i)", context, context->spuContext, window, window->spuWindow);*/
855 | window->spuWindow = stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowCreate( window->dpyName, context->visBits );
856 | }
857 | }
858 | else {
859 | /*
860 | * Create a native OpenGL context.
861 | */
862 | if (!InstantiateNativeContext(window, context))
863 | {
865 | crUnlockMutex(&stub.mutex);
866 | #endif
867 | return 0; /* false */
868 | }
869 | context->type = NATIVE;
870 | }
871 |
873 | crUnlockMutex(&stub.mutex);
874 | #endif
875 | }
876 |
877 |
878 | if (context->type == NATIVE) {
879 | /*
880 | * Native OpenGL MakeCurrent().
881 | */
882 | #ifdef WINDOWS
883 | retVal = (GLboolean) stub.wsInterface.wglMakeCurrent( window->drawable, context->hglrc );
884 | #elif defined(Darwin)
885 | // XXX \todo We need to differentiate between these two..
886 | retVal = ( stub.wsInterface.CGLSetSurface(context->cglc, window->connection, window->drawable, window->surface) == noErr );
887 | retVal = ( stub.wsInterface.CGLSetCurrentContext(context->cglc) == noErr );
888 | #elif defined(GLX)
889 | retVal = (GLboolean) stub.wsInterface.glXMakeCurrent( window->dpy, window->drawable, context->glxContext );
890 | #endif
891 | }
892 | else {
893 | /*
894 | * SPU chain MakeCurrent().
895 | */
896 | CRASSERT(context->type == CHROMIUM);
897 | CRASSERT(context->spuContext >= 0);
898 |
899 | /*if (context->currentDrawable && context->currentDrawable != window)
900 | crDebug("Rebinding context %p to a different window", context);*/
901 |
902 | if (window->type == NATIVE) {
903 | crWarning("Can't rebind a chromium context to a native window\n");
904 | retVal = 0;
905 | }
906 | else {
907 | if (window->spuWindow == -1)
908 | {
909 | /*crDebug("(2)stubMakeCurrent ctx=%p(%i) window=%p(%i)", context, context->spuContext, window, window->spuWindow);*/
910 | window->spuWindow = stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowCreate( window->dpyName, context->visBits );
911 | if (context->currentDrawable && context->currentDrawable->type==CHROMIUM
912 | && context->currentDrawable->pOwner==context)
913 | {
914 | #ifdef WINDOWS
915 | if (!WindowFromDC(context->currentDrawable->drawable))
916 | {
917 | crWindowDestroy((GLint)context->currentDrawable->hWnd);
918 | }
919 | #else
920 | Window root;
921 | int x, y;
922 | unsigned int border, depth, w, h;
923 |
924 | if (!XGetGeometry(context->currentDrawable->dpy, context->currentDrawable->drawable, &root, &x, &y, &w, &h, &border, &depth))
925 | {
926 | crWindowDestroy((GLint)context->currentDrawable->drawable);
927 | }
928 | #endif
929 |
930 | }
931 | }
932 |
933 | if (window->spuWindow != (GLint)window->drawable)
934 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.MakeCurrent( window->spuWindow, (GLint) window->drawable, context->spuContext );
935 | else
936 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.MakeCurrent( window->spuWindow, 0, /* native window handle */ context->spuContext );
937 |
938 | retVal = 1;
939 | }
940 | }
941 |
942 | window->type = context->type;
943 | window->pOwner = context;
944 | context->currentDrawable = window;
945 | stub.currentContext = context;
946 |
947 | if (retVal) {
948 | /* Now, if we've transitions from Chromium to native rendering, or
949 | * vice versa, we have to change all the OpenGL entrypoint pointers.
950 | */
951 | if (context->type == NATIVE) {
952 | /* Switch to native API */
953 | /*printf(" Switching to native API\n");*/
954 | stubSetDispatch(&stub.nativeDispatch);
955 | }
956 | else if (context->type == CHROMIUM) {
957 | /* Switch to stub (SPU) API */
958 | /*printf(" Switching to spu API\n");*/
959 | stubSetDispatch(&stub.spuDispatch);
960 | }
961 | else {
962 | /* no API switch needed */
963 | }
964 | }
965 |
966 | if (!window->width && window->type == CHROMIUM) {
967 | /* One time window setup */
968 | int x, y;
969 | unsigned int winW, winH;
970 |
971 | stubGetWindowGeometry( window, &x, &y, &winW, &winH );
972 |
973 | /* If we're not using GLX/WGL (no app window) we'll always get
974 | * a width and height of zero here. In that case, skip the viewport
975 | * call since we're probably using a tilesort SPU with fake_window_dims
976 | * which the tilesort SPU will use for the viewport.
977 | */
978 | window->width = winW;
979 | window->height = winH;
980 | if (stub.trackWindowSize)
981 | stub.spuDispatch.WindowSize( window->spuWindow, winW, winH );
982 | if (winW > 0 && winH > 0)
983 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.Viewport( 0, 0, winW, winH );
984 | }
985 |
986 | /* Update window mapping state.
987 | * Basically, this lets us hide render SPU windows which correspond
988 | * to unmapped application windows. Without this, perfly (for example)
989 | * opens *lots* of temporary windows which otherwise clutter the screen.
990 | */
991 | if (stub.trackWindowVisibility && window->type == CHROMIUM && window->drawable) {
992 | const int mapped = stubIsWindowVisible(window);
993 | if (mapped != window->mapped) {
994 | crDebug("Dispatched: WindowShow(%i, %i)", window->spuWindow, mapped);
995 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowShow(window->spuWindow, mapped);
996 | window->mapped = mapped;
997 | }
998 | }
999 |
1000 | return retVal;
1001 | }
1002 |
1003 | void
1004 | stubDestroyContext( unsigned long contextId )
1005 | {
1006 | ContextInfo *context;
1007 |
1008 | if (!stub.contextTable) {
1009 | return;
1010 | }
1011 | context = (ContextInfo *) crHashtableSearch(stub.contextTable, contextId);
1012 |
1013 | CRASSERT(context);
1014 |
1015 | if (context->type == NATIVE) {
1016 | #ifdef WINDOWS
1017 | stub.wsInterface.wglDeleteContext( context->hglrc );
1018 | #elif defined(Darwin)
1019 | stub.wsInterface.CGLDestroyContext( context->cglc );
1020 | #elif defined(GLX)
1021 | stub.wsInterface.glXDestroyContext( context->dpy, context->glxContext );
1022 | #endif
1023 | }
1024 | else if (context->type == CHROMIUM) {
1025 | /* Have pack SPU or tilesort SPU, etc. destroy the context */
1026 | CRASSERT(context->spuContext >= 0);
1027 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.DestroyContext( context->spuContext );
1028 | crHashtableWalk(stub.windowTable, stubWindowCheckOwnerCB, context);
1029 | }
1030 |
1031 | if (stub.currentContext == context) {
1032 | stub.currentContext = NULL;
1033 | }
1034 |
1035 | #ifdef GLX
1036 | crFreeHashtable(context->pGLXPixmapsHash, crFree);
1037 | if (context->damageDpy)
1038 | {
1039 | XCloseDisplay(context->damageDpy);
1040 | }
1041 | #endif
1042 |
1043 | crMemZero(context, sizeof(ContextInfo)); /* just to be safe */
1044 | crHashtableDelete(stub.contextTable, contextId, crFree);
1045 | }
1046 |
1047 |
1048 | void
1049 | stubSwapBuffers( const WindowInfo *window, GLint flags )
1050 | {
1051 | if (!window)
1052 | return;
1053 |
1054 | /* Determine if this window is being rendered natively or through
1055 | * Chromium.
1056 | */
1057 |
1058 | if (window->type == NATIVE) {
1059 | /*printf("*** Swapping native window %d\n", (int) drawable);*/
1060 | #ifdef WINDOWS
1061 | (void) stub.wsInterface.wglSwapBuffers( window->drawable );
1062 | #elif defined(Darwin)
1063 | /* ...is this ok? */
1064 | /* stub.wsInterface.CGLFlushDrawable( context->cglc ); */
1065 | crDebug("stubSwapBuffers: unable to swap (no context!)");
1066 | #elif defined(GLX)
1067 | stub.wsInterface.glXSwapBuffers( window->dpy, window->drawable );
1068 | #endif
1069 | }
1070 | else if (window->type == CHROMIUM) {
1071 | /* Let the SPU do the buffer swap */
1072 | /*printf("*** Swapping chromium window %d\n", (int) drawable);*/
1073 | if (stub.appDrawCursor) {
1074 | int pos[2];
1075 | GetCursorPosition(window, pos);
1076 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.ChromiumParametervCR(GL_CURSOR_POSITION_CR, GL_INT, 2, pos);
1077 | }
1078 | stub.spu->dispatch_table.SwapBuffers( window->spuWindow, flags );
1079 | }
1080 | else {
1081 | crDebug("Calling SwapBuffers on a window we haven't seen before (no-op).");
1082 | }
1083 | }