1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 | import sys
8 |
9 | import apiutil
10 |
11 |
12 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
13 |
14 | print("""
15 | /* DO NOT EDIT - generated by feedback.py */
16 | #include <stdio.h>
17 | #include "cr_spu.h"
18 | #include "feedbackspu.h"
19 | #include "feedbackspu_proto.h"
20 | #include "cr_packfunctions.h"
21 | #include "cr_glstate.h"
22 |
23 | """)
24 |
25 | keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
26 |
27 | for func_name in keys:
28 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
29 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
30 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "feedback", func_name ):
31 | print('static %s FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_%s(%s)' % ( return_type, func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params) ))
32 | print('{')
33 | print('\tfeedback_spu.super.%s(%s);' % ( func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString(params) ))
34 | print('}')
35 | print('')
36 | print('static %s FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_FeedbackWrap%s(%s)' % ( return_type, func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params) ))
37 | print('{')
38 | if len(params) == 0:
39 | print('\tcrStateFeedback%s(&feedback_spu.StateTracker);' % ( func_name, ))
40 | else:
41 | print('\tcrStateFeedback%s(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, %s);' % ( func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString(params) ))
42 | print('}')
43 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "select", func_name ):
44 | print('static %s FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_SelectWrap%s(%s)' % ( return_type, func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params) ))
45 | print('{')
46 | if len(params) == 0:
47 | print('\tcrStateSelect%s(&feedback_spu.StateTracker);' % ( func_name, ))
48 | else:
49 | print('\tcrStateSelect%s(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, %s);' % ( func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString(params) ))
50 | print('}')
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 | print("""
55 | #define CHANGE(name, func) crSPUChangeInterface((void *)&(feedback_spu.self), (void *)feedback_spu.self.name, (void *)((SPUGenericFunction) func))
56 |
57 | static void __loadFeedbackAPI( void )
58 | {
59 | """)
60 | for func_name in keys:
61 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
62 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
63 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "feedback", func_name ):
64 | print('\tCHANGE(%s, feedbackspu_FeedbackWrap%s);' % (func_name, func_name ))
65 | print("""
66 | }
67 |
68 | static void __loadSelectAPI( void )
69 | {
70 | """)
71 | for func_name in keys:
72 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "select", func_name ):
73 | print('\tCHANGE(%s, feedbackspu_SelectWrap%s);' % (func_name, func_name ))
74 | elif apiutil.FindSpecial( "feedback", func_name ):
75 | print('\tCHANGE(%s, feedbackspu_%s);' % (func_name, func_name ))
76 | print("""
77 | }
78 |
79 | static void __loadRenderAPI( void )
80 | {
81 | """)
82 |
83 | for func_name in keys:
84 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
85 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "feedback", func_name ) or apiutil.FindSpecial( "select", func_name ):
86 | print('\tCHANGE(%s, feedbackspu_%s);' % (func_name, func_name ))
87 | print("""
88 | }
89 | """)
90 |
91 | print("""
92 | static GLint FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_RenderMode ( GLenum mode )
93 | {
94 | feedback_spu.render_mode = mode;
95 |
96 | switch (mode) {
97 | case GL_FEEDBACK:
98 | /*printf("Switching to Feedback API\\n");*/
99 | __loadFeedbackAPI( );
100 | break;
101 | case GL_SELECT:
102 | /*printf("Switching to Selection API\\n");*/
103 | __loadSelectAPI( );
104 | break;
105 | case GL_RENDER:
106 | /*printf("Switching to Render API\\n");*/
107 | __loadRenderAPI( );
108 | break;
109 | }
110 |
111 | return crStateRenderMode(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, mode );
112 | }
113 |
114 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_Begin ( GLenum mode )
115 | {
116 | if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_FEEDBACK)
117 | crStateFeedbackBegin(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, mode );
118 | else if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_SELECT)
119 | crStateSelectBegin(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, mode );
120 | else
121 | {
122 | crStateBegin(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, mode );
123 | feedback_spu.super.Begin( mode );
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_End ( void )
128 | {
129 | if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_FEEDBACK)
130 | crStateFeedbackEnd(&feedback_spu.StateTracker);
131 | else if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_SELECT)
132 | crStateSelectEnd(&feedback_spu.StateTracker);
133 | else
134 | {
135 | crStateEnd(&feedback_spu.StateTracker);
136 | feedback_spu.super.End( );
137 | }
138 | }
139 |
140 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_Bitmap ( GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLfloat xorig, GLfloat yorig, GLfloat xmove, GLfloat ymove, const GLubyte *bitmap )
141 | {
142 | crStateBitmap(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap );
143 |
144 | if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_FEEDBACK)
145 | crStateFeedbackBitmap(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap );
146 | else if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_SELECT)
147 | crStateSelectBitmap(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap );
148 | else
149 | feedback_spu.super.Bitmap( width, height, xorig, yorig, xmove, ymove, bitmap );
150 | }
151 |
152 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_CopyPixels( GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum type )
153 | {
154 | if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_FEEDBACK)
155 | crStateFeedbackCopyPixels(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, x, y, width, height, type );
156 | else if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_SELECT)
157 | crStateSelectCopyPixels(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, x, y, width, height, type );
158 | else
159 | feedback_spu.super.CopyPixels( x, y, width, height, type );
160 | }
161 |
162 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_DrawPixels( GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid *pixels )
163 | {
164 | if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_FEEDBACK)
165 | crStateFeedbackDrawPixels(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, width, height, format, type, pixels );
166 | else if (feedback_spu.render_mode == GL_SELECT)
167 | crStateSelectDrawPixels(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, width, height, format, type, pixels );
168 | else
169 | feedback_spu.super.DrawPixels( width, height, format, type, pixels );
170 | }
171 |
172 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_GetBooleanv( GLenum pname, GLboolean *params )
173 |
174 | {
175 | if (pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE ||
176 | pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE ||
178 | crStateFeedbackGetBooleanv(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
179 | else
180 | if (pname == GL_VIEWPORT && feedback_spu.default_viewport)
181 | crStateGetBooleanv(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
182 | else
183 | feedback_spu.super.GetBooleanv( pname, params );
184 | }
185 |
186 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_GetDoublev( GLenum pname, GLdouble *params )
187 |
188 | {
189 | if (pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE ||
190 | pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE ||
192 | crStateFeedbackGetDoublev(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
193 | else
194 | if (pname == GL_VIEWPORT && feedback_spu.default_viewport)
195 | crStateGetDoublev(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
196 | else
197 | feedback_spu.super.GetDoublev( pname, params );
198 | }
199 |
200 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_GetFloatv( GLenum pname, GLfloat *params )
201 |
202 | {
203 | if (pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE ||
204 | pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE ||
206 | crStateFeedbackGetFloatv(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
207 | else
208 | if (pname == GL_VIEWPORT && feedback_spu.default_viewport)
209 | crStateGetFloatv(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
210 | else
211 | feedback_spu.super.GetFloatv( pname, params );
212 | }
213 |
214 | static void FEEDBACKSPU_APIENTRY feedbackspu_GetIntegerv( GLenum pname, GLint *params )
215 |
216 | {
217 | if (pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE ||
218 | pname == GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE ||
220 | crStateFeedbackGetIntegerv(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
221 | else
222 | if (pname == GL_VIEWPORT && feedback_spu.default_viewport)
223 | crStateGetIntegerv(&feedback_spu.StateTracker, pname, params );
224 | else
225 | feedback_spu.super.GetIntegerv( pname, params );
226 | }
227 |
228 | SPUNamedFunctionTable _cr_feedback_table[] = {
229 | """)
230 |
231 | for func_name in keys:
232 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "feedback_state", func_name ):
233 | print('\t{ "%s", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_%s }, ' % ( func_name, func_name ))
234 | print("""
235 | { "GetBooleanv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_GetBooleanv },
236 | { "GetDoublev", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_GetDoublev },
237 | { "GetFloatv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_GetFloatv },
238 | { "GetIntegerv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_GetIntegerv },
239 | { "FeedbackBuffer", (SPUGenericFunction) crStateFeedbackBuffer },
240 | { "SelectBuffer", (SPUGenericFunction) crStateSelectBuffer },
241 | { "InitNames", (SPUGenericFunction) crStateInitNames },
242 | { "LoadName", (SPUGenericFunction) crStateLoadName },
243 | { "PushName", (SPUGenericFunction) crStatePushName },
244 | { "PopName", (SPUGenericFunction) crStatePopName },
245 | { "Begin", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_Begin },
246 | { "End", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_End },
247 | { "Bitmap", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_Bitmap },
248 | { "CopyPixels", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_CopyPixels },
249 | { "DrawPixels", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_DrawPixels },
250 | { "TexCoord1d", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1d },
251 | { "TexCoord1dv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1dv },
252 | { "TexCoord1f", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1f },
253 | { "TexCoord1fv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1fv },
254 | { "TexCoord1s", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1s },
255 | { "TexCoord1sv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1sv },
256 | { "TexCoord1i", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1i },
257 | { "TexCoord1iv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord1iv },
258 | { "TexCoord2d", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2d },
259 | { "TexCoord2dv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2dv },
260 | { "TexCoord2f", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2f },
261 | { "TexCoord2fv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2fv },
262 | { "TexCoord2s", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2s },
263 | { "TexCoord2sv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2sv },
264 | { "TexCoord2i", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2i },
265 | { "TexCoord2iv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord2iv },
266 | { "TexCoord3d", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3d },
267 | { "TexCoord3dv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3dv },
268 | { "TexCoord3f", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3f },
269 | { "TexCoord3fv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3fv },
270 | { "TexCoord3s", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3s },
271 | { "TexCoord3sv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3sv },
272 | { "TexCoord3i", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3i },
273 | { "TexCoord3iv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord3iv },
274 | { "TexCoord4d", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4d },
275 | { "TexCoord4dv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4dv },
276 | { "TexCoord4f", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4f },
277 | { "TexCoord4fv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4fv },
278 | { "TexCoord4s", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4s },
279 | { "TexCoord4sv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4sv },
280 | { "TexCoord4i", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4i },
281 | { "TexCoord4iv", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_TexCoord4iv },
282 | { "RenderMode", (SPUGenericFunction) feedbackspu_RenderMode },
283 | { NULL, NULL }
284 | };
285 | """)