/* Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University * All rights reserved * * See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software. */ #include "cr_spu.h" #include "cr_net.h" #include "cr_error.h" #include "cr_mem.h" #include "cr_string.h" #include "cr_net.h" #include "cr_process.h" #include "cr_netserver.h" #include "stub.h" #include #include #include #include /*swprintf*/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef WINDOWS # include # include #endif #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM #include #include #endif #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST) # include #endif /** * If you change this, see the comments in tilesortspu_context.c */ #define MAGIC_CONTEXT_BASE 500 #define CONFIG_LOOKUP_FILE ".crconfigs" #ifdef WINDOWS #define PYTHON_EXE "python.exe" #else #define PYTHON_EXE "python" #endif static bool stub_initialized = 0; #ifdef WINDOWS static CRmutex stub_init_mutex; #define STUB_INIT_LOCK() do { crLockMutex(&stub_init_mutex); } while (0) #define STUB_INIT_UNLOCK() do { crUnlockMutex(&stub_init_mutex); } while (0) #else #define STUB_INIT_LOCK() do { } while (0) #define STUB_INIT_UNLOCK() do { } while (0) #endif /* NOTE: 'SPUDispatchTable glim' is declared in NULLfuncs.py now */ /* NOTE: 'SPUDispatchTable stubThreadsafeDispatch' is declared in tsfuncs.c */ Stub stub; static bool g_stubIsCurrentContextTSDInited; CRtsd g_stubCurrentContextTSD; #ifndef VBOX_NO_NATIVEGL static void stubInitNativeDispatch( void ) { # define MAX_FUNCS 1000 SPUNamedFunctionTable gl_funcs[MAX_FUNCS]; int numFuncs; numFuncs = crLoadOpenGL( &stub.wsInterface, gl_funcs ); stub.haveNativeOpenGL = (numFuncs > 0); /* XXX call this after context binding */ numFuncs += crLoadOpenGLExtensions( &stub.wsInterface, gl_funcs + numFuncs ); CRASSERT(numFuncs < MAX_FUNCS); crSPUInitDispatchTable( &stub.nativeDispatch ); crSPUInitDispatch( &stub.nativeDispatch, gl_funcs ); crSPUInitDispatchNops( &stub.nativeDispatch ); # undef MAX_FUNCS } #endif /* !VBOX_NO_NATIVEGL */ /** Pointer to the SPU's real glClear and glViewport functions */ static ClearFunc_t origClear; static ViewportFunc_t origViewport; static SwapBuffersFunc_t origSwapBuffers; static DrawBufferFunc_t origDrawBuffer; static ScissorFunc_t origScissor; static void stubCheckWindowState(WindowInfo *window, GLboolean bFlushOnChange) { bool bForceUpdate = false; bool bChanged = false; #ifdef WINDOWS /** @todo install hook and track for WM_DISPLAYCHANGE */ { DEVMODE devMode; devMode.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); EnumDisplaySettings(NULL, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &devMode); if (devMode.dmPelsWidth!=window->dmPelsWidth || devMode.dmPelsHeight!=window->dmPelsHeight) { crDebug("Resolution changed(%d,%d), forcing window Pos/Size update", devMode.dmPelsWidth, devMode.dmPelsHeight); window->dmPelsWidth = devMode.dmPelsWidth; window->dmPelsHeight = devMode.dmPelsHeight; bForceUpdate = true; } } #endif bChanged = stubUpdateWindowGeometry(window, bForceUpdate) || bForceUpdate; #if defined(GLX) || defined (WINDOWS) if (stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn) { bChanged = stubUpdateWindowVisibileRegions(window) || bChanged; } #endif if (stub.trackWindowVisibility && window->type == CHROMIUM && window->drawable) { const int mapped = stubIsWindowVisible(window); if (mapped != window->mapped) { crDebug("Dispatched: WindowShow(%i, %i)", window->spuWindow, mapped); stub.spu->dispatch_table.WindowShow(window->spuWindow, mapped); window->mapped = mapped; bChanged = true; } } if (bFlushOnChange && bChanged) { stub.spu->dispatch_table.Flush(); } } static bool stubSystemWindowExist(WindowInfo *pWindow) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (pWindow->hWnd!=WindowFromDC(pWindow->drawable)) { return false; } #else Window root; int x, y; unsigned int border, depth, w, h; Display *dpy; dpy = stubGetWindowDisplay(pWindow); XLOCK(dpy); if (!XGetGeometry(dpy, pWindow->drawable, &root, &x, &y, &w, &h, &border, &depth)) { XUNLOCK(dpy); return false; } XUNLOCK(dpy); #endif return true; } static void stubCheckWindowsCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2) { WindowInfo *pWindow = (WindowInfo *) data1; ContextInfo *pCtx = (ContextInfo *) data2; (void)key; if (pWindow == pCtx->currentDrawable || pWindow->type!=CHROMIUM || pWindow->pOwner!=pCtx) { return; } if (!stubSystemWindowExist(pWindow)) { #ifdef WINDOWS stubDestroyWindow(CR_CTX_CON(pCtx), (GLint)pWindow->hWnd); #else stubDestroyWindow(CR_CTX_CON(pCtx), (GLint)pWindow->drawable); #endif return; } stubCheckWindowState(pWindow, GL_FALSE); } static void stubCheckWindowsState(void) { ContextInfo *context = stubGetCurrentContext(); CRASSERT(stub.trackWindowSize || stub.trackWindowPos); if (!context) return; #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) if (stub.bRunningUnderWDDM) return; #endif /* Try to keep a consistent locking order. */ crHashtableLock(stub.windowTable); #if defined(CR_NEWWINTRACK) && !defined(WINDOWS) crLockMutex(&stub.mutex); #endif stubCheckWindowState(context->currentDrawable, GL_TRUE); crHashtableWalkUnlocked(stub.windowTable, stubCheckWindowsCB, context); #if defined(CR_NEWWINTRACK) && !defined(WINDOWS) crUnlockMutex(&stub.mutex); #endif crHashtableUnlock(stub.windowTable); } /** * Override the head SPU's glClear function. * We're basically trapping this function so that we can poll the * application window size at a regular interval. */ static void SPU_APIENTRY trapClear(GLbitfield mask) { stubCheckWindowsState(); /* call the original SPU glClear function */ origClear(mask); } /** * As above, but for glViewport. Most apps call glViewport before * glClear when a window is resized. */ static void SPU_APIENTRY trapViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { stubCheckWindowsState(); /* call the original SPU glViewport function */ origViewport(x, y, w, h); } /*static void SPU_APIENTRY trapSwapBuffers(GLint window, GLint flags) { stubCheckWindowsState(); origSwapBuffers(window, flags); } static void SPU_APIENTRY trapDrawBuffer(GLenum buf) { stubCheckWindowsState(); origDrawBuffer(buf); }*/ #if 0 /* unused */ static void SPU_APIENTRY trapScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei w, GLsizei h) { int winX, winY; unsigned int winW, winH; WindowInfo *pWindow; ContextInfo *context = stubGetCurrentContext(); (void)x; (void)y; (void)w; (void)h; pWindow = context->currentDrawable; stubGetWindowGeometry(pWindow, &winX, &winY, &winW, &winH); origScissor(0, 0, winW, winH); } #endif /* unused */ /** * Use the GL function pointers in \ to initialize the static glim * dispatch table. */ static void stubInitSPUDispatch(SPU *spu) { crSPUInitDispatchTable( &stub.spuDispatch ); crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &stub.spuDispatch, &(spu->dispatch_table) ); if (stub.trackWindowSize || stub.trackWindowPos || stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn) { /* patch-in special glClear/Viewport function to track window sizing */ origClear = stub.spuDispatch.Clear; origViewport = stub.spuDispatch.Viewport; origSwapBuffers = stub.spuDispatch.SwapBuffers; origDrawBuffer = stub.spuDispatch.DrawBuffer; origScissor = stub.spuDispatch.Scissor; stub.spuDispatch.Clear = trapClear; stub.spuDispatch.Viewport = trapViewport; /*stub.spuDispatch.SwapBuffers = trapSwapBuffers; stub.spuDispatch.DrawBuffer = trapDrawBuffer;*/ } crSPUCopyDispatchTable( &glim, &stub.spuDispatch ); } #if 0 /** @todo stubSPUTearDown & stubSPUTearDownLocked are not referenced */ // Callback function, used to destroy all created contexts static void hsWalkStubDestroyContexts(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2) { (void)data1; (void)data2; stubDestroyContext(key); } /** * This is called when we exit. * We call all the SPU's cleanup functions. */ static void stubSPUTearDownLocked(void) { crDebug("stubSPUTearDownLocked"); #ifdef WINDOWS # ifndef CR_NEWWINTRACK stubUninstallWindowMessageHook(); # endif #endif #ifdef CR_NEWWINTRACK ASMAtomicWriteBool(&stub.bShutdownSyncThread, true); #endif //delete all created contexts stubMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL); /* the lock order is windowTable->contextTable (see wglMakeCurrent_prox, glXMakeCurrent) * this is why we need to take a windowTable lock since we will later do stub.windowTable access & locking */ crHashtableLock(stub.windowTable); crHashtableWalk(stub.contextTable, hsWalkStubDestroyContexts, NULL); crHashtableUnlock(stub.windowTable); /* shutdown, now trap any calls to a NULL dispatcher */ crSPUCopyDispatchTable(&glim, &stubNULLDispatch); crSPUUnloadChain(stub.spu); stub.spu = NULL; #ifndef Linux crUnloadOpenGL(); #endif #ifndef WINDOWS crNetTearDown(); #endif #ifdef GLX if (stub.xshmSI.shmid>=0) { shmctl(stub.xshmSI.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0); shmdt(stub.xshmSI.shmaddr); } crFreeHashtable(stub.pGLXPixmapsHash, crFree); #endif crFreeHashtable(stub.windowTable, crFree); crFreeHashtable(stub.contextTable, NULL); crMemset(&stub, 0, sizeof(stub)); } /** * This is called when we exit. * We call all the SPU's cleanup functions. */ static void stubSPUTearDown(void) { STUB_INIT_LOCK(); if (stub_initialized) { stubSPUTearDownLocked(); stub_initialized = 0; } STUB_INIT_UNLOCK(); } #endif /** @todo stubSPUTearDown & stubSPUTearDownLocked are not referenced */ static void stubSPUSafeTearDown(void) { CRmutex *mutex; if (!stub_initialized) return; stub_initialized = 0; mutex = &stub.mutex; crLockMutex(mutex); crDebug("stubSPUSafeTearDown"); #ifdef WINDOWS # ifndef CR_NEWWINTRACK stubUninstallWindowMessageHook(); # endif #endif #if defined(CR_NEWWINTRACK) crUnlockMutex(mutex); # if defined(WINDOWS) if (stub.hSyncThread && RTThreadGetState(stub.hSyncThread)!=RTTHREADSTATE_TERMINATED) { HANDLE hNative; DWORD ec=0; hNative = OpenThread(SYNCHRONIZE|THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION|THREAD_TERMINATE, false, RTThreadGetNative(stub.hSyncThread)); if (!hNative) { crWarning("Failed to get handle for sync thread(%#x)", GetLastError()); } else { crDebug("Got handle %p for thread %#x", hNative, RTThreadGetNative(stub.hSyncThread)); } ASMAtomicWriteBool(&stub.bShutdownSyncThread, true); if (PostThreadMessage(RTThreadGetNative(stub.hSyncThread), WM_QUIT, 0, 0)) { RTThreadWait(stub.hSyncThread, 1000, NULL); /*Same issue as on linux, RTThreadWait exits before system thread is terminated, which leads * to issues as our dll goes to be unloaded. *@todo *We usually call this function from DllMain which seems to be holding some lock and thus we have to * kill thread via TerminateThread. */ if (WaitForSingleObject(hNative, 100)==WAIT_TIMEOUT) { crDebug("Wait failed, terminating"); if (!TerminateThread(hNative, 1)) { crDebug("TerminateThread failed"); } } if (GetExitCodeThread(hNative, &ec)) { crDebug("Thread %p exited with ec=%i", hNative, ec); } else { crDebug("GetExitCodeThread failed(%#x)", GetLastError()); } } else { crDebug("Sync thread killed before DLL_PROCESS_DETACH"); } if (hNative) { CloseHandle(hNative); } } #else if (stub.hSyncThread!=NIL_RTTHREAD) { ASMAtomicWriteBool(&stub.bShutdownSyncThread, true); { int rc = RTThreadWait(stub.hSyncThread, RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT, NULL); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { WARN(("RTThreadWait_join failed %i", rc)); } } } #endif crLockMutex(mutex); #endif #ifndef WINDOWS crNetTearDown(); #endif crUnlockMutex(mutex); crFreeMutex(mutex); crMemset(&stub, 0, sizeof(stub)); } static void stubExitHandler(void) { stubSPUSafeTearDown(); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } /** * Called when we receive a SIGTERM signal. */ static void stubSignalHandler(int signo) { (void)signo; stubSPUSafeTearDown(); exit(0); /* this causes stubExitHandler() to be called */ } #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS static void stubThreadTlsDtor(void *pvValue) { ContextInfo *pCtx = (ContextInfo*)pvValue; VBoxTlsRefRelease(pCtx); } #endif /** * Init variables in the stub structure, install signal handler. */ static void stubInitVars(void) { WindowInfo *defaultWin; crInitMutex(&stub.mutex); /* At the very least we want CR_RGB_BIT. */ stub.haveNativeOpenGL = GL_FALSE; stub.spu = NULL; stub.appDrawCursor = 0; stub.minChromiumWindowWidth = 0; stub.minChromiumWindowHeight = 0; stub.maxChromiumWindowWidth = 0; stub.maxChromiumWindowHeight = 0; stub.matchChromiumWindowCount = 0; stub.matchChromiumWindowID = NULL; stub.matchWindowTitle = NULL; stub.ignoreFreeglutMenus = 0; stub.threadSafe = GL_FALSE; stub.trackWindowSize = 0; stub.trackWindowPos = 0; stub.trackWindowVisibility = 0; stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn = 0; stub.mothershipPID = 0; stub.spu_dir = NULL; stub.freeContextNumber = MAGIC_CONTEXT_BASE; stub.contextTable = crAllocHashtable(); #ifndef RT_OS_WINDOWS if (!g_stubIsCurrentContextTSDInited) { crInitTSDF(&g_stubCurrentContextTSD, stubThreadTlsDtor); g_stubIsCurrentContextTSDInited = true; } #endif stubSetCurrentContext(NULL); stub.windowTable = crAllocHashtable(); #ifdef CR_NEWWINTRACK stub.bShutdownSyncThread = false; stub.hSyncThread = NIL_RTTHREAD; #endif defaultWin = (WindowInfo *) crCalloc(sizeof(WindowInfo)); defaultWin->type = CHROMIUM; defaultWin->spuWindow = 0; /* window 0 always exists */ #ifdef WINDOWS defaultWin->hVisibleRegion = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #elif defined(GLX) defaultWin->pVisibleRegions = NULL; defaultWin->cVisibleRegions = 0; #endif crHashtableAdd(stub.windowTable, 0, defaultWin); #if 1 atexit(stubExitHandler); signal(SIGTERM, stubSignalHandler); signal(SIGINT, stubSignalHandler); #ifndef WINDOWS signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* the networking code should catch this */ #endif #else (void) stubExitHandler; (void) stubSignalHandler; #endif } static void stubSetDefaultConfigurationOptions(void) { stub.appDrawCursor = 0; stub.minChromiumWindowWidth = 0; stub.minChromiumWindowHeight = 0; stub.maxChromiumWindowWidth = 0; stub.maxChromiumWindowHeight = 0; stub.matchChromiumWindowID = NULL; stub.numIgnoreWindowID = 0; stub.matchWindowTitle = NULL; stub.ignoreFreeglutMenus = 0; stub.trackWindowSize = 1; stub.trackWindowPos = 1; stub.trackWindowVisibility = 1; stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn = 1; stub.matchChromiumWindowCount = 0; stub.spu_dir = NULL; stub.force_pbuffers = 0; #ifdef WINDOWS # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM stub.bRunningUnderWDDM = false; # endif #endif } #ifdef CR_NEWWINTRACK # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM static void stubDispatchVisibleRegions(WindowInfo *pWindow) { DWORD dwCount; LPRGNDATA lpRgnData; dwCount = GetRegionData(pWindow->hVisibleRegion, 0, NULL); lpRgnData = crAlloc(dwCount); if (lpRgnData) { GetRegionData(pWindow->hVisibleRegion, dwCount, lpRgnData); crDebug("Dispatched WindowVisibleRegion (%i, cRects=%i)", pWindow->spuWindow, lpRgnData->rdh.nCount); stub.spuDispatch.WindowVisibleRegion(pWindow->spuWindow, lpRgnData->rdh.nCount, (GLint*) lpRgnData->Buffer); crFree(lpRgnData); } else crWarning("GetRegionData failed, VisibleRegions update failed"); } # endif /* VBOX_WITH_WDDM */ static void stubSyncTrCheckWindowsCB(unsigned long key, void *data1, void *data2) { WindowInfo *pWindow = (WindowInfo *) data1; (void)key; (void) data2; if (pWindow->type!=CHROMIUM || pWindow->spuWindow==0) { return; } stub.spu->dispatch_table.VBoxPackSetInjectID(pWindow->u32ClientID); if (!stubSystemWindowExist(pWindow)) { #ifdef WINDOWS stubDestroyWindow(0, (GLint)pWindow->hWnd); #else stubDestroyWindow(0, (GLint)pWindow->drawable); #endif /*No need to flush here as crWindowDestroy does it*/ return; } #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) if (stub.bRunningUnderWDDM) return; #endif stubCheckWindowState(pWindow, GL_TRUE); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) stubSyncThreadProc(RTTHREAD ThreadSelf, void *pvUser) { #ifdef WINDOWS MSG msg; # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM HMODULE hVBoxD3D = NULL; GLint spuConnection = 0; # endif #endif (void) pvUser; crDebug("Sync thread started"); #ifdef WINDOWS PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE); # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM hVBoxD3D = NULL; if (!GetModuleHandleEx(0, VBOX_MODNAME_DISPD3D, &hVBoxD3D)) { crDebug("GetModuleHandleEx failed err %d", GetLastError()); hVBoxD3D = NULL; } if (hVBoxD3D) { crDebug("running with " VBOX_MODNAME_DISPD3D); stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn = 0; stub.bRunningUnderWDDM = true; } # endif /* VBOX_WITH_WDDM */ #endif /* WINDOWS */ crLockMutex(&stub.mutex); #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) spuConnection = #endif stub.spu->dispatch_table.VBoxPackSetInjectThread(NULL); #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) if (stub.bRunningUnderWDDM && !spuConnection) { crError("VBoxPackSetInjectThread failed!"); } #endif crUnlockMutex(&stub.mutex); RTThreadUserSignal(ThreadSelf); while(!stub.bShutdownSyncThread) { #ifdef WINDOWS if (!PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { # ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM if (stub.bRunningUnderWDDM) { } else # endif { crHashtableWalk(stub.windowTable, stubSyncTrCheckWindowsCB, NULL); RTThreadSleep(50); } } else { if (WM_QUIT==msg.message) { crDebug("Sync thread got WM_QUIT"); break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } #else /* Try to keep a consistent locking order. */ crHashtableLock(stub.windowTable); crLockMutex(&stub.mutex); crHashtableWalkUnlocked(stub.windowTable, stubSyncTrCheckWindowsCB, NULL); crUnlockMutex(&stub.mutex); crHashtableUnlock(stub.windowTable); RTThreadSleep(50); #endif } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_WDDM if (spuConnection) { stub.spu->dispatch_table.VBoxConDestroy(spuConnection); } if (hVBoxD3D) { FreeLibrary(hVBoxD3D); } #endif crDebug("Sync thread stopped"); return 0; } #endif /* CR_NEWWINTRACK */ /** * Do one-time initializations for the faker. * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. */ static bool stubInitLocked(void) { /* Here is where we contact the mothership to find out what we're supposed * to be doing. Networking code in a DLL initializer. I sure hope this * works :) * * HOW can I pass the mothership address to this if I already know it? */ char response[1024]; char **spuchain; int num_spus; int *spu_ids; char **spu_names; const char *app_id; int i; int disable_sync = 0; #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) HMODULE hVBoxD3D = NULL; #endif stubInitVars(); crGetProcName(response, 1024); crDebug("Stub launched for %s", response); #if defined(CR_NEWWINTRACK) && !defined(WINDOWS) /** @todo when vm boots with compiz turned on, new code causes hang in xcb_wait_for_reply in the sync thread * as at the start compiz runs our code under XGrabServer. */ if (!crStrcmp(response, "compiz") || !crStrcmp(response, "compiz_real") || !crStrcmp(response, "compiz.real") || !crStrcmp(response, "compiz-bin")) { disable_sync = 1; } #endif /** @todo check if it'd be of any use on other than guests, no use for windows */ app_id = RTEnvGet( "CR_APPLICATION_ID_NUMBER" ); crNetInit( NULL, NULL ); #ifndef WINDOWS { CRNetServer ns; ns.name = "vboxhgcm://host:0"; ns.buffer_size = 1024; crNetServerConnect(&ns #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST) , NULL #endif ); if (!ns.conn) { crWarning("Failed to connect to host. Make sure 3D acceleration is enabled for this VM."); # ifdef VBOXOGL_FAKEDRI return false; # else exit(1); # endif } else { crNetFreeConnection(ns.conn); } } #endif strcpy(response, "2 0 feedback 1 pack"); spuchain = crStrSplit( response, " " ); num_spus = crStrToInt( spuchain[0] ); spu_ids = (int *) crAlloc( num_spus * sizeof( *spu_ids ) ); spu_names = (char **) crAlloc( num_spus * sizeof( *spu_names ) ); for (i = 0 ; i < num_spus ; i++) { spu_ids[i] = crStrToInt( spuchain[2*i+1] ); spu_names[i] = crStrdup( spuchain[2*i+2] ); crDebug( "SPU %d/%d: (%d) \"%s\"", i+1, num_spus, spu_ids[i], spu_names[i] ); } stubSetDefaultConfigurationOptions(); #if defined(WINDOWS) && defined(VBOX_WITH_WDDM) hVBoxD3D = NULL; if (!GetModuleHandleEx(0, VBOX_MODNAME_DISPD3D, &hVBoxD3D)) { crDebug("GetModuleHandleEx failed err %d", GetLastError()); hVBoxD3D = NULL; } if (hVBoxD3D) { disable_sync = 1; crDebug("running with %s", VBOX_MODNAME_DISPD3D); stub.trackWindowVisibleRgn = 0; /** @todo should we enable that? */ stub.trackWindowSize = 0; stub.trackWindowPos = 0; stub.trackWindowVisibility = 0; stub.bRunningUnderWDDM = true; } #endif stub.spu = crSPULoadChain( num_spus, spu_ids, spu_names, stub.spu_dir, NULL ); crFree( spuchain ); crFree( spu_ids ); for (i = 0; i < num_spus; ++i) crFree(spu_names[i]); crFree( spu_names ); // spu chain load failed somewhere if (!stub.spu) { return false; } crSPUInitDispatchTable( &glim ); /* This is unlikely to change -- We still want to initialize our dispatch * table with the functions of the first SPU in the chain. */ stubInitSPUDispatch( stub.spu ); /* we need to plug one special stub function into the dispatch table */ glim.GetChromiumParametervCR = stub_GetChromiumParametervCR; #if !defined(VBOX_NO_NATIVEGL) /* Load pointers to native OpenGL functions into stub.nativeDispatch */ stubInitNativeDispatch(); #endif /*crDebug("stub init"); raise(SIGINT);*/ #ifdef WINDOWS # ifndef CR_NEWWINTRACK stubInstallWindowMessageHook(); # endif #endif #ifdef CR_NEWWINTRACK { int rc; RTR3InitDll(RTR3INIT_FLAGS_UNOBTRUSIVE); if (!disable_sync) { crDebug("Starting sync thread"); rc = RTThreadCreate(&stub.hSyncThread, stubSyncThreadProc, NULL, 0, RTTHREADTYPE_DEFAULT, RTTHREADFLAGS_WAITABLE, "Sync"); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { crError("Failed to start sync thread! (%x)", rc); } RTThreadUserWait(stub.hSyncThread, 60 * 1000); RTThreadUserReset(stub.hSyncThread); crDebug("Going on"); } } #endif #ifdef GLX stub.xshmSI.shmid = -1; stub.bShmInitFailed = GL_FALSE; stub.pGLXPixmapsHash = crAllocHashtable(); stub.bXExtensionsChecked = GL_FALSE; stub.bHaveXComposite = GL_FALSE; stub.bHaveXFixes = GL_FALSE; #endif return true; } /** * Do one-time initializations for the faker. * Returns TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise. */ bool stubInit(void) { bool bRc = true; /* we need to serialize the initialization, otherwise racing is possible * for XPDM-based d3d when a d3d switcher is testing the gl lib in two or more threads * NOTE: the STUB_INIT_LOCK/UNLOCK is a NOP for non-win currently */ STUB_INIT_LOCK(); if (!stub_initialized) bRc = stub_initialized = stubInitLocked(); STUB_INIT_UNLOCK(); return bRc; } /* Sigh -- we can't do initialization at load time, since Windows forbids * the loading of other libraries from DLLMain. */ #ifdef WINDOWS #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #if 1//def DEBUG_misha /* debugging: this is to be able to catch first-chance notifications * for exceptions other than EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT in kernel debugger */ # define VDBG_VEHANDLER #endif #ifdef VDBG_VEHANDLER # include # include static PVOID g_VBoxVehHandler = NULL; static DWORD g_VBoxVehEnable = 0; /* generate a crash dump on exception */ #define VBOXVEH_F_DUMP 0x00000001 /* generate a debugger breakpoint exception */ #define VBOXVEH_F_BREAK 0x00000002 /* exit on exception */ #define VBOXVEH_F_EXIT 0x00000004 static DWORD g_VBoxVehFlags = 0; typedef BOOL WINAPI FNVBOXDBG_MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD ProcessId, HANDLE hFile, MINIDUMP_TYPE DumpType, PMINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExceptionParam, PMINIDUMP_USER_STREAM_INFORMATION UserStreamParam, PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION CallbackParam); typedef FNVBOXDBG_MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP *PFNVBOXDBG_MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP; static HMODULE g_hVBoxMdDbgHelp = NULL; static PFNVBOXDBG_MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP g_pfnVBoxMdMiniDumpWriteDump = NULL; static size_t g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen = 0; static WCHAR g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix[MAX_PATH]; static WCHAR g_aszwVBoxMdDumpCount = 0; static MINIDUMP_TYPE g_enmVBoxMdDumpType = MiniDumpNormal | MiniDumpWithDataSegs | MiniDumpWithFullMemory | MiniDumpWithHandleData //// | MiniDumpFilterMemory //// | MiniDumpScanMemory // | MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules //// | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory //// | MiniDumpFilterModulePaths // | MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData // | MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory //// | MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData // | MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo // | MiniDumpWithThreadInfo // | MiniDumpWithCodeSegs // | MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState // | MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory // | MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory // | MiniDumpWithTokenInformation //// | MiniDumpWithModuleHeaders //// | MiniDumpFilterTriage ; #define VBOXMD_DUMP_DIR_DEFAULT "C:\\dumps" #define VBOXMD_DUMP_NAME_PREFIX_W L"VBoxDmp_" static HMODULE loadSystemDll(const char *pszName) { #ifndef DEBUG char szPath[MAX_PATH]; UINT cchPath = GetSystemDirectoryA(szPath, sizeof(szPath)); size_t cbName = strlen(pszName) + 1; if (cchPath + 1 + cbName > sizeof(szPath)) { SetLastError(ERROR_FILENAME_EXCED_RANGE); return NULL; } szPath[cchPath] = '\\'; memcpy(&szPath[cchPath + 1], pszName, cbName); return LoadLibraryA(szPath); #else return LoadLibraryA(pszName); #endif } static DWORD vboxMdMinidumpCreate(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo) { WCHAR aszwMdFileName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD ProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION ExceptionInfo; HANDLE hFile; DWORD winErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!g_pfnVBoxMdMiniDumpWriteDump) { if (!g_hVBoxMdDbgHelp) { g_hVBoxMdDbgHelp = loadSystemDll("DbgHelp.dll"); if (!g_hVBoxMdDbgHelp) return GetLastError(); } g_pfnVBoxMdMiniDumpWriteDump = (PFNVBOXDBG_MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP)GetProcAddress(g_hVBoxMdDbgHelp, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); if (!g_pfnVBoxMdMiniDumpWriteDump) return GetLastError(); } ++g_aszwVBoxMdDumpCount; memcpy(aszwMdFileName, g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix, g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen * sizeof (g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix[0])); swprintf(aszwMdFileName + g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen, RT_ELEMENTS(aszwMdFileName) - g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen, L"%d_%d.dmp", ProcessId, g_aszwVBoxMdDumpCount); hFile = CreateFileW(aszwMdFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return GetLastError(); ExceptionInfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); ExceptionInfo.ExceptionPointers = pExceptionInfo; ExceptionInfo.ClientPointers = FALSE; if (!g_pfnVBoxMdMiniDumpWriteDump(hProcess, ProcessId, hFile, g_enmVBoxMdDumpType, &ExceptionInfo, NULL, NULL)) winErr = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hFile); return winErr; } LONG WINAPI vboxVDbgVectoredHandler(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pExceptionInfo) { PEXCEPTION_RECORD pExceptionRecord = pExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord; PCONTEXT pContextRecord = pExceptionInfo->ContextRecord; switch (pExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) { case EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT: case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: case EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW: case EXCEPTION_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case EXCEPTION_FLT_INVALID_OPERATION: case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION: if (g_VBoxVehFlags & VBOXVEH_F_BREAK) { BOOL fBreak = TRUE; #ifndef DEBUG_misha if (pExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT) { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); BOOL fDebuggerPresent = FALSE; /* we do not want to generate breakpoint exceptions recursively, so do it only when running under debugger */ if (CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(hProcess, &fDebuggerPresent)) fBreak = !!fDebuggerPresent; else fBreak = FALSE; /* <- the function has failed, don't break for sanity */ } #endif if (fBreak) { RT_BREAKPOINT(); } } if (g_VBoxVehFlags & VBOXVEH_F_DUMP) vboxMdMinidumpCreate(pExceptionInfo); if (g_VBoxVehFlags & VBOXVEH_F_EXIT) exit(1); break; default: break; } return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } void vboxVDbgVEHandlerRegister() { CRASSERT(!g_VBoxVehHandler); g_VBoxVehHandler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1,vboxVDbgVectoredHandler); CRASSERT(g_VBoxVehHandler); } void vboxVDbgVEHandlerUnregister() { ULONG uResult; if (g_VBoxVehHandler) { uResult = RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(g_VBoxVehHandler); CRASSERT(uResult); g_VBoxVehHandler = NULL; } } #endif /* Windows crap */ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hDLLInst, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { (void) lpvReserved; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { CRNetServer ns; const char * env; #if defined(DEBUG_misha) HMODULE hCrUtil; char aName[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameA(hDLLInst, aName, RT_ELEMENTS(aName)); crDbgCmdSymLoadPrint(aName, hDLLInst); hCrUtil = GetModuleHandleA("VBoxOGLcrutil.dll"); Assert(hCrUtil); crDbgCmdSymLoadPrint("VBoxOGLcrutil.dll", hCrUtil); #endif crInitTSD(&g_stubCurrentContextTSD); crInitMutex(&stub_init_mutex); #ifdef VDBG_VEHANDLER env = RTEnvGet("CR_DBG_VEH_ENABLE"); g_VBoxVehEnable = crStrParseI32(env, # ifdef DEBUG_misha 1 # else 0 # endif ); if (g_VBoxVehEnable) { char procName[1024]; size_t cProcName; size_t cChars; env = RTEnvGet("CR_DBG_VEH_FLAGS"); g_VBoxVehFlags = crStrParseI32(env, 0 # ifdef DEBUG_misha | VBOXVEH_F_BREAK # else | VBOXVEH_F_DUMP # endif ); env = RTEnvGet("CR_DBG_VEH_DUMP_DIR"); if (!env) env = VBOXMD_DUMP_DIR_DEFAULT; g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen = strlen(env); if (RT_ELEMENTS(g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix) <= g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen + 26 + (sizeof (VBOXMD_DUMP_NAME_PREFIX_W) - sizeof (WCHAR)) / sizeof (WCHAR)) { g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen = 0; env = ""; } mbstowcs_s(&cChars, g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix, g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen + 1, env, _TRUNCATE); Assert(cChars == g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen + 1); g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen = cChars - 1; if (g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen && g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix[g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen - 1] != L'\\') g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix[g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen++] = L'\\'; memcpy(g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix + g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen, VBOXMD_DUMP_NAME_PREFIX_W, sizeof (VBOXMD_DUMP_NAME_PREFIX_W) - sizeof (WCHAR)); g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen += (sizeof (VBOXMD_DUMP_NAME_PREFIX_W) - sizeof (WCHAR)) / sizeof (WCHAR); crGetProcName(procName, RT_ELEMENTS(procName)); cProcName = strlen(procName); if (RT_ELEMENTS(g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix) > g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen + cProcName + 1 + 26) { mbstowcs_s(&cChars, g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix + g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen, cProcName + 1, procName, _TRUNCATE); Assert(cChars == cProcName + 1); g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen += cChars - 1; g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix[g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen++] = L'_'; } /* sanity */ g_aszwVBoxMdFilePrefix[g_cVBoxMdFilePrefixLen] = L'\0'; env = RTEnvGet("CR_DBG_VEH_DUMP_TYPE"); g_enmVBoxMdDumpType = crStrParseI32(env, MiniDumpNormal | MiniDumpWithDataSegs | MiniDumpWithFullMemory | MiniDumpWithHandleData //// | MiniDumpFilterMemory //// | MiniDumpScanMemory // | MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules //// | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory //// | MiniDumpFilterModulePaths // | MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData // | MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory //// | MiniDumpWithoutOptionalData // | MiniDumpWithFullMemoryInfo // | MiniDumpWithThreadInfo // | MiniDumpWithCodeSegs // | MiniDumpWithFullAuxiliaryState // | MiniDumpWithPrivateWriteCopyMemory // | MiniDumpIgnoreInaccessibleMemory // | MiniDumpWithTokenInformation //// | MiniDumpWithModuleHeaders //// | MiniDumpFilterTriage ); vboxVDbgVEHandlerRegister(); } #endif crNetInit(NULL, NULL); ns.name = "vboxhgcm://host:0"; ns.buffer_size = 1024; crNetServerConnect(&ns #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST) , NULL #endif ); if (!ns.conn) { crDebug("Failed to connect to host (is guest 3d acceleration enabled?), aborting ICD load."); #ifdef VDBG_VEHANDLER if (g_VBoxVehEnable) vboxVDbgVEHandlerUnregister(); #endif return FALSE; } else { crNetFreeConnection(ns.conn); } #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST) VBoxCrHgsmiInit(); #endif break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { /* do exactly the same thing as for DLL_THREAD_DETACH since * DLL_THREAD_DETACH is not called for the thread doing DLL_PROCESS_DETACH according to msdn docs */ stubSetCurrentContext(NULL); if (stub_initialized) { CRASSERT(stub.spu); stub.spu->dispatch_table.VBoxDetachThread(); } #if defined(VBOX_WITH_CRHGSMI) && defined(IN_GUEST) VBoxCrHgsmiTerm(); #endif stubSPUSafeTearDown(); crFreeTSD(&g_stubCurrentContextTSD); #ifdef VDBG_VEHANDLER if (g_VBoxVehEnable) vboxVDbgVEHandlerUnregister(); #endif break; } case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: { if (stub_initialized) { CRASSERT(stub.spu); stub.spu->dispatch_table.VBoxAttachThread(); } break; } case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: { stubSetCurrentContext(NULL); if (stub_initialized) { CRASSERT(stub.spu); stub.spu->dispatch_table.VBoxDetachThread(); } break; } default: break; } return TRUE; } #endif