1 | # Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
2 | # All rights reserved.
3 | #
4 | # See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
5 |
6 | import sys
7 |
8 | import apiutil
9 |
10 |
11 | apiutil.CopyrightC()
12 |
13 | print """
15 | #include "packspu.h"
16 | #include "cr_packfunctions.h"
17 | #include "cr_net.h"
18 | #include "packspu_proto.h"
19 | """
20 |
21 | from get_sizes import *
22 | from get_components import *
23 |
24 | easy_swaps = {
25 | 'GenTextures': '(unsigned int) n',
26 | 'GetClipPlane': '4',
27 | 'GetPolygonStipple': '0'
28 | }
29 |
30 | simple_funcs = [ 'GetIntegerv', 'GetFloatv', 'GetDoublev', 'GetBooleanv' ]
31 | simple_swaps = [ 'SWAP32', 'SWAPFLOAT', 'SWAPDOUBLE', '(GLboolean) SWAP32' ]
32 |
33 | hard_funcs = {
34 | 'GetLightfv': 'SWAPFLOAT',
35 | 'GetLightiv': 'SWAP32',
36 | 'GetMaterialfv': 'SWAPFLOAT',
37 | 'GetMaterialiv': 'SWAP32',
38 | 'GetTexEnvfv': 'SWAPFLOAT',
39 | 'GetTexEnviv': 'SWAP32',
40 | 'GetTexGendv': 'SWAPDOUBLE',
41 | 'GetTexGenfv': 'SWAPFLOAT',
42 | 'GetTexGeniv': 'SWAP32',
43 | 'GetTexLevelParameterfv': 'SWAPFLOAT',
44 | 'GetTexLevelParameteriv': 'SWAP32',
45 | 'GetTexParameterfv': 'SWAPFLOAT',
46 | 'GetTexParameteriv': 'SWAP32' }
47 |
48 | keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
49 |
50 | for func_name in keys:
51 | params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
52 | return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
53 | if apiutil.FindSpecial( "packspu", func_name ):
54 | continue
55 |
56 | if "get" in apiutil.Properties(func_name):
57 | print '%s PACKSPU_APIENTRY packspu_%s( %s )' % ( return_type, func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString( params ) )
58 | print '{'
59 | print '\tGET_THREAD(thread);'
60 | print '\tint writeback = 1;'
61 | if return_type != 'void':
62 | print '\t%s return_val = (%s) 0;' % (return_type, return_type)
63 | params.append( ("&return_val", "foo", 0) )
64 | if (func_name in easy_swaps.keys() and easy_swaps[func_name] != '0') or func_name in simple_funcs or func_name in hard_funcs.keys():
65 | print '\tunsigned int i;'
66 | print '\tif (!(pack_spu.thread[0].netServer.conn->actual_network))'
67 | print '\t{'
68 | print '\t\tcrError( "packspu_%s doesn\'t work when there\'s no actual network involved!\\nTry using the simplequery SPU in your chain!" );' % func_name
69 | print '\t}'
70 | if func_name in simple_funcs:
71 | print '\tif (pname == GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT ||'
72 | print '\t\tpname == GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH ||'
73 | print '\t\tpname == GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS ||'
74 | print '\t\tpname == GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST ||'
75 | print '\t\tpname == GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES ||'
76 | print '#ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2'
77 | print '\t\tpname == GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT ||'
78 | print '#endif'
79 | print '\t\tpname == GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS ||'
80 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT ||'
81 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH ||'
82 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS ||'
83 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST ||'
84 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES ||'
85 | print '#ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_1_2'
86 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT ||'
87 | print '#endif'
88 | print '\t\tpname == GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS'
89 | print '\t\t|| pname == GL_DRAW_BUFFER'
90 | print '#ifdef CR_OPENGL_VERSION_1_3'
91 | print '\t\t|| pname == GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE'
92 | print '#endif'
93 | print '#ifdef CR_ARB_multitexture'
94 | print '\t\t|| pname == GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE_ARB'
95 | print '#endif'
96 | print ') {'
97 | print '\t\t\tcrState%s( pname, params );' % func_name
98 | print '\t\t\treturn;'
99 | print '\t}'
100 | params.append( ("&writeback", "foo", 0) )
101 | print '\tif (pack_spu.swap)'
102 | print '\t{'
103 | print '\t\tcrPack%sSWAP( %s );' % (func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString( params ) )
104 | print '\t}'
105 | print '\telse'
106 | print '\t{'
107 | print '\t\tcrPack%s( %s );' % (func_name, apiutil.MakeCallString( params ) )
108 | print '\t}'
109 | print '\tpackspuFlush( (void *) thread );'
110 | print '\twhile (writeback)'
111 | print '\t\tcrNetRecv();'
112 | lastParamName = params[-2][0]
113 | if return_type != 'void':
114 | print '\tif (pack_spu.swap)'
115 | print '\t{'
116 | print '\t\treturn_val = (%s) SWAP32(return_val);' % return_type
117 | print '\t}'
118 | print '\treturn return_val;'
119 | if func_name in easy_swaps.keys() and easy_swaps[func_name] != '0':
120 | limit = easy_swaps[func_name]
121 | print '\tif (pack_spu.swap)'
122 | print '\t{'
123 | print '\t\tfor (i = 0 ; i < %s ; i++)' % limit
124 | print '\t\t{'
125 | if params[-2][1].find( "double" ) > -1:
126 | print '\t\t\t%s[i] = SWAPDOUBLE(%s[i]);' % (lastParamName, lastParamName)
127 | else:
128 | print '\t\t\t%s[i] = SWAP32(%s[i]);' % (lastParamName, lastParamName)
129 | print '\t\t}'
130 | print '\t}'
131 | for index in range(len(simple_funcs)):
132 | if simple_funcs[index] == func_name:
133 | print '\tif (pack_spu.swap)'
134 | print '\t{'
135 | print '\t\tfor (i = 0 ; i < __numValues( pname ) ; i++)'
136 | print '\t\t{'
137 | if simple_swaps[index] == 'SWAPDOUBLE':
138 | print '\t\t\t%s[i] = %s(%s[i]);' % (lastParamName, simple_swaps[index], lastParamName)
139 | else:
140 | print '\t\t\t((GLuint *) %s)[i] = %s(%s[i]);' % (lastParamName, simple_swaps[index], lastParamName)
141 | print '\t\t}'
142 | print '\t}'
143 | if func_name in hard_funcs.keys():
144 | print '\tif (pack_spu.swap)'
145 | print '\t{'
146 | print '\t\tfor (i = 0 ; i < lookupComponents(pname) ; i++)'
147 | print '\t\t{'
148 | if hard_funcs[func_name] == 'SWAPDOUBLE':
149 | print '\t\t\t%s[i] = %s(%s[i]);' % (lastParamName, hard_funcs[func_name], lastParamName)
150 | else:
151 | print '\t\t\t((GLuint *) %s)[i] = %s(%s[i]);' % (lastParamName, hard_funcs[func_name], lastParamName)
152 | print '\t\t}'
153 | print '\t}'
154 | print '}\n'