1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | # $Id: led-lights.sh 93115 2022-01-01 11:31:46Z vboxsync $
3 | ## @file
4 | # VirtualBox guest LED demonstration test
5 | #
6 |
7 | #
8 | # Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Oracle Corporation
9 | #
10 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
11 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
12 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
13 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
14 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
15 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
16 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
17 | #
18 |
19 | #
20 | # Usage:
21 | # led-lights.sh [-a | -r]
22 | #
23 |
24 | #
25 | # Test script to twiddle the console LEDs of a VirtualBox VM.
26 | #
27 | # This is not an automated test, just something for humans to look
28 | # at, to convince themselves that the VM console LEDs are working.
29 | # By default it cycles through the LED types in a specific order.
30 | #
31 | # '-a' twiddles all possible LEDs at the same time
32 | # '-r' reverses the default order
33 | #
34 | # For instance, run the script in 2 VMs at once, one with '-r'.
35 | #
36 | # LEDs are not expected to track perfectly, as other OS activities
37 | # will light them (and buffer cache effects can delay things). Just
38 | # make sure that all the tested ones (hard disk, optical, USB storage,
39 | # floppy, shared folders, net) are working. Expected activity:
40 | #
41 | # - Disk & optical devices show solid 'read'
42 | # - Virtual USB disk & optical devices show 'write' on the USB LED
43 | # - Floppy devices and shared folders alternate 'read/write'
44 | # - Net blinks 'write'
45 | #
46 | # Pre-VM setup:
47 | #
48 | # Download or locate a bootable Linux ISO able to be used 'live'.
49 | # Make a tarball of this script + extra junk:
50 | #
51 | # $ dd if=/dev/zero of=junk bs=100k count=1
52 | # $ tar cf floppy.img led-lights.sh junk
53 | #
54 | # NOTE: floppy.img must be >= 20KiB or you will get I/O errors!
55 | #
56 | # VM setup:
57 | #
58 | # New VM; type: Linux (subtype to match ISO); create default HD.
59 | # VM Settings:
60 | # System > raise base memory to 4GiB
61 | # Storage > insert 'Live bootable' Linux ISO image;
62 | # turn on 'Live CD/DVD'
63 | # Storage > add floppy controller (i82078); insert floppy.img
64 | # Storage > add USB controller; insert USB HD & USB CD
65 | # System > move Optical before Floppy in boot order
66 | # Shared Folders > set up one or more Shared Folders if desired
67 | # (they should be permanent, auto-mount,
68 | # writable, with at least 10MB free space)
69 | #
70 | # Boot the VM. Open a shell, become root, optionally install
71 | # VirtualBox Guest Utilities to access Shared Folders, then extract
72 | # and run this script:
73 | #
74 | # $ sudo bash
75 | # # yum install virtualbox-guest-utils # for Shared Folders
76 | # # tar xf /dev/fd0 led-lights.sh
77 | # # ./led-lights.sh [-a | -r]
78 |
79 | if [ ! -w / ]; then
80 | echo "Must be run as root!" 1>&2
81 | exit 1
82 | fi
83 |
84 | all_all=false
85 | reverse=false
86 |
87 | if [ "x$1" = "x-a" ]; then
88 | all_all=true
89 | fi
90 |
91 | if [ "x$1" = "x-r" ]; then
92 | reverse=true
93 | fi
94 |
95 | # Copy binaries to RAM tmpfs to avoid CD I/O after cache purges
96 | MYTMP=/tmp/led-lights.$$
97 | mkdir $MYTMP
98 | for bin in $(which dd sleep sync); do
99 | case $bin in
100 | /*)
101 | cp -p $bin $MYTMP
102 | ;;
103 | esac
104 | done
105 | export MYTMP PATH=$MYTMP:$PATH
106 |
107 | set -o monitor
108 |
109 | # Make device reads keep hitting the 'hardware'
110 | # even if the whole medium fits in cache...
111 | drop_cache()
112 | {
113 | echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
114 | }
115 |
116 | activate()
117 | {
118 | kill -CONT -$1 2>/dev/null
119 | }
120 |
121 | suppress()
122 | {
123 | $all_all || kill -STOP -$1 2>/dev/null
124 | }
125 |
126 | declare -a pids pidnames
127 | cpids=0
128 |
129 | twiddle()
130 | {
131 | let ++cpids
132 | new_pid=$!
133 | pidname=$1
134 | pids[$cpids]=$new_pid
135 | pidnames[$cpids]=$pidname
136 | suppress $new_pid
137 | }
138 |
139 | hide_stderr()
140 | {
141 | exec 3>&2 2>/dev/null
142 | }
143 |
144 | show_stderr()
145 | {
146 | exec 2>&3 3>&-
147 | }
148 |
149 | bail()
150 | {
151 | hide_stderr
152 | for pid in ${pids[*]}; do
153 | activate $pid
154 | kill -TERM -$pid
155 | kill -TERM $pid
156 | done 2>/dev/null
157 | rm -rf $MYTMP
158 | kill $$
159 | }
160 |
161 | trap "bail" INT
162 |
163 | drives()
164 | {
165 | echo $(
166 | awk '$NF ~/^('$1')$/ { print $NF }' /proc/partitions
167 | )
168 | }
169 |
170 | # Prevent job control 'stopped' msgs during twiddler startup
171 | hide_stderr
172 |
173 | # Hard disks
174 | for hdd in $(drives '[sh]d.'); do
175 | while :; do
176 | dd if=/dev/$hdd of=/dev/null
177 | drop_cache
178 | done 2>/dev/null &
179 | twiddle disk:$hdd
180 | done
181 |
182 | # Optical drives
183 | for odd in $(drives 'sr.|scd.'); do
184 | while :; do
185 | dd if=/dev/$odd of=/dev/null
186 | drop_cache
187 | done 2>/dev/null &
188 | twiddle optical:$odd
189 | done
190 |
191 | # Floppy drives
192 | for fdd in $(drives 'fd.'); do
193 | while :; do
194 | dd if=/dev/$fdd of=$MYTMP/$fdd bs=1k count=20
195 | dd of=/dev/$fdd if=$MYTMP/$fdd bs=1k count=20
196 | done 2>/dev/null &
197 | twiddle floppy:$fdd
198 | done
199 |
200 | # Shared folders
201 | if ! lsmod | grep -q vboxsf; then
202 | echo
203 | echo "Note: to test the Shared Folders LED, install this"
204 | echo "distro's VirtualBox Guest Utilities package, e.g.:"
205 | echo
206 | echo " # yum install virtualbox-guest-utils (Red Hat family)"
207 | echo " # apt install virtualbox-guest-utils (Debian family)"
208 | echo
209 | fi >&3 # original stderr
210 | for shf in $(mount -t vboxsf | awk '{ print $3 }'); do
211 | while :; do
212 | dd if=/dev/urandom of=$shf/tmp.led-lights.$$ bs=100k count=100
213 | for rep in $(seq 1 10); do
214 | drop_cache
215 | dd of=/dev/zero if=$shf/tmp.led-lights.$$ bs=100k count=100
216 | done
217 | sync
218 | rm -f $shf/tmp.led-lights.$$
219 | done >/dev/null 2>&1 &
220 | twiddle sharedfs:$shf
221 | done
222 |
223 | # Network
224 | ping -i.2 >/dev/null &
225 | twiddle net
226 |
227 | # Untested LED: Graphics3D -- add some day?
228 |
229 | sleep 0.1
230 | show_stderr
231 |
232 | if $reverse; then
233 | seq=$(seq $cpids -1 1)
234 | else
235 | seq=$(seq 1 $cpids)
236 | fi
237 |
238 | show_intr()
239 | {
240 | intr=$(stty -a | sed -n '/intr/ { s/.*intr *=* *//; s/[ ;].*//p }')
241 | echo
242 | echo "[ Hit $intr to stop ]"
243 | echo
244 | }
245 |
246 | if $all_all; then
247 | printf "%s ...\n" ${pidnames[*]}
248 | show_intr
249 | wait
250 | else
251 | CEOL=$(tput el)
252 | show_intr
253 | while :; do
254 | for pidx in $seq; do
255 | pid=${pids[$pidx]}
256 | pidname=${pidnames[$pidx]}
257 | echo -e -n "$pidname$CEOL\r"
258 | shift
259 | activate $pid
260 | sleep 2
261 | suppress $pid
262 | sync
263 | sleep .5
264 | done
265 | done
266 | fi