1 | # $Id: Makefile.kmk 34715 2010-12-03 23:25:52Z vboxsync $
2 | ## @file
3 | # Sub-Makefile for the VBox Linux Additions X.org graphics driver.
4 | #
5 |
6 | #
7 | # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Oracle Corporation
8 | #
9 | # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
10 | # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
11 | # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
12 | # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
13 | # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
14 | # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
15 | # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
16 | #
17 |
18 | SUB_DEPTH = ../../../../..
19 | include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subheader.kmk
20 |
21 | #
22 | # vboxvideo_drv
23 | #
24 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), linux)
25 | SYSMODS += vboxvideo_drv
26 | vboxvideo_drv_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XF86MOD
27 | vboxvideo_drv_DEFS.linux = linux
28 | vboxvideo_drv_DEFS.x86 = __i386__
29 | # This one has to be defined when building server code on systems where
30 | # unsigned long is 64bits
31 | vboxvideo_drv_DEFS.amd64 += _XSERVER64
32 | vboxvideo_drv_DEFS = \
37 | XFree86LOADER XFree86Server XF86VIDMODE XvMCExtension SMART_SCHEDULE \
39 | IN_MODULE XFree86Module
40 | vboxvideo_drv_DEFS += memset=xf86memset memcpy=xf86memcpy
41 | vboxvideo_drv_INCS = \
42 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/include \
43 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/include/X11 \
44 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/include/X11/extensions \
45 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/include/extensions \
46 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/include/fonts \
47 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/afb \
48 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/include \
49 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/fb \
50 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86 \
51 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/common \
52 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/ddc \
53 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/int10 \
54 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/i2c \
55 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support \
56 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vbe \
57 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/os-support/bus \
58 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/rac \
59 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/ramdac \
60 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/shadowfb \
61 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/vgahw \
62 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xf1bpp \
63 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xf24_32bpp \
64 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xf4bpp \
65 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/mfb \
66 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/mi \
67 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/miext/shadow \
68 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/render \
69 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/randr \
70 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XFREE_4_3)/programs/Xserver/Xext
71 | vboxvideo_drv_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
72 | vboxvideo_drv_SOURCES = \
73 | vboxvideo_13.c \
74 | vboxutils.c \
75 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxVideo/HGSMIBase.cpp \
76 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/GuestHost/HGSMI/HGSMICommon.cpp \
77 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/common/alloc/heapsimple.cpp \
78 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/common/alloc/heapoffset.cpp \
79 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxVideo/VBVABase.cpp \
80 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxVideo/Modesetting.cpp
81 | endif # target linux
82 |
83 |
84 | #
85 | # vboxvideo_drv_70
86 | #
87 | # Remark: The other X.org drivers below are derived from this one. So, to make
88 | # that as simple as possible we do ifeq/if1of test here and extends the
89 | # base keywords instead of using .solaris or .linux.
90 | # Also it is *important* to use := and not = when deriving a property.
91 | #
92 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_70
93 | vboxvideo_drv_70_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
94 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), linux)
95 | vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS += \
96 | -Wno-conversion -Wno-unused-parameter $(VBOX_GCC_Wno-variadic-macros) # template?
97 | endif
98 | vboxvideo_drv_70_DEFS := \
99 | XFree86Server IN_MODULE XFree86Module XFree86LOADER XORG_7X RENDER=1
100 | ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),solaris) # don't use .solaris or anything here.
101 | vboxvideo_drv_70_DEFS += _XPG6 __EXTENSIONS__
102 | endif
103 | vboxvideo_drv_70_INCS = \
104 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_7_0) \
105 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_7_0)/X11 \
106 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_7_0)/xorg
107 | vboxvideo_drv_70_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
108 | vboxvideo_drv_70_SOURCES = $(vboxvideo_drv_SOURCES)
109 |
110 |
111 | #
112 | # vboxvideo_drv_71
113 | #
114 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_71
115 | vboxvideo_drv_71_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
116 | vboxvideo_drv_71_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
117 | vboxvideo_drv_71_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_DEFS)
118 | vboxvideo_drv_71_INCS = \
119 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_7_1) \
120 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_7_1)/X11 \
121 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_7_1)/xorg
122 | vboxvideo_drv_71_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
123 | vboxvideo_drv_71_SOURCES = $(vboxvideo_drv_SOURCES)
124 |
125 |
126 | #
127 | # vboxvideo_drv_13
128 | #
129 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_13
130 | vboxvideo_drv_13_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
131 | vboxvideo_drv_13_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
132 | vboxvideo_drv_13_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_DEFS) VBOXVIDEO_13
133 | vboxvideo_drv_13_INCS = \
134 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_3) \
135 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_3)/X11 \
136 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_3)/xorg \
137 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
138 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
139 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
140 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0
141 | vboxvideo_drv_13_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
142 | vboxvideo_drv_13_SOURCES = \
143 | vboxvideo_13.c \
144 | vboxutils.c \
145 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxVideo/HGSMIBase.cpp \
146 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/GuestHost/HGSMI/HGSMICommon.cpp \
147 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/common/alloc/heapsimple.cpp \
148 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/common/alloc/heapoffset.cpp \
149 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxVideo/VBVABase.cpp \
150 | $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/common/VBoxVideo/Modesetting.cpp
151 |
152 |
153 | #
154 | # vboxvideo_drv_14
155 | #
156 | # This uses the same code (vboxvideo_13.c) as 1.3, but is built
157 | # for 1.4 as well in case there should be any relevant header changes.
158 | #
159 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_14
160 | vboxvideo_drv_14_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
161 | vboxvideo_drv_14_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
162 | vboxvideo_drv_14_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_13_DEFS)
163 | vboxvideo_drv_14_INCS = \
164 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_4) \
165 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_4)/X11 \
166 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_4)/xorg \
167 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
168 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
169 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
170 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0
171 | vboxvideo_drv_14_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
172 | vboxvideo_drv_14_SOURCES = $(vboxvideo_drv_13_SOURCES)
173 |
174 |
175 | #
176 | # vboxvideo_drv_15
177 | #
178 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_15
179 | vboxvideo_drv_15_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
180 | vboxvideo_drv_15_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
181 | vboxvideo_drv_15_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_13_DEFS) NO_ANSIC PCIACCESS \
183 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), linux solaris)
184 | vboxvideo_drv_15_DEFS += VBOX_DRI
185 | endif
186 | vboxvideo_drv_15_INCS = \
187 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_5) \
188 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_5)/X11 \
189 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
190 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
191 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
192 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0 \
193 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.5.3
194 | vboxvideo_drv_15_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
195 | vboxvideo_drv_15_SOURCES = $(vboxvideo_drv_13_SOURCES)
196 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET), linux solaris)
197 | vboxvideo_drv_15_SOURCES += \
198 | vboxvideo_dri.c
199 | endif
200 |
201 |
202 | #
203 | # vboxvideo_drv_16
204 | #
205 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_16
206 | vboxvideo_drv_16_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
207 | vboxvideo_drv_16_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
208 | vboxvideo_drv_16_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_DEFS)
209 | vboxvideo_drv_16_INCS = \
210 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_6) \
211 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_XORG_1_6)/X11 \
212 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
213 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
214 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
215 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0 \
216 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0 \
217 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local
218 | vboxvideo_drv_16_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
219 | vboxvideo_drv_16_SOURCES := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_SOURCES)
220 |
221 |
222 | #
223 | # vboxvideo_drv_17
224 | #
225 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_17
226 | vboxvideo_drv_17_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
227 | vboxvideo_drv_17_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
228 | vboxvideo_drv_17_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_DEFS)
229 | ## @todo replace $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local
230 | vboxvideo_drv_17_INCS = \
231 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/fontsproto-2.1.0 \
232 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
233 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
234 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/inputproto- \
235 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
236 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libpciaccess-0.10.8 \
237 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/pixman-0.16.0 \
238 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/randrproto-1.3.0 \
239 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/renderproto-0.11 \
240 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xextproto-7.1.1 \
241 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0 \
242 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.99-20090831 \
243 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local \
244 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xproto-7.0.18
245 | vboxvideo_drv_17_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
246 | vboxvideo_drv_17_SOURCES := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_SOURCES)
247 |
248 |
249 | #
250 | # vboxvideo_drv_18
251 | #
252 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_18
253 | vboxvideo_drv_18_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
254 | vboxvideo_drv_18_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
255 | vboxvideo_drv_18_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_DEFS)
256 | ## @todo replace $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local
257 | vboxvideo_drv_18_INCS = \
258 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/fontsproto-2.1.0 \
259 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
260 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
261 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/inputproto- \
262 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
263 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libpciaccess-0.10.8 \
264 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/pixman-0.16.0 \
265 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/randrproto-1.3.0 \
266 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/renderproto-0.11 \
267 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xextproto-7.1.1 \
268 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0 \
269 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.8.0 \
270 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local \
271 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xproto-7.0.18
272 | vboxvideo_drv_18_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
273 | vboxvideo_drv_18_SOURCES := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_SOURCES)
274 |
275 |
276 | #
277 | # vboxvideo_drv_19
278 | #
279 | DLLS += vboxvideo_drv_19
280 | vboxvideo_drv_19_TEMPLATE = VBOXGUESTR3XORGMOD
281 | vboxvideo_drv_19_CFLAGS := $(vboxvideo_drv_70_CFLAGS)
282 | vboxvideo_drv_19_DEFS := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_DEFS)
283 | ## @todo replace $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local
284 | vboxvideo_drv_19_INCS = \
285 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/fontsproto-2.1.0 \
286 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/glproto-1.4.10 \
287 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/mesa-7.2/include \
288 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/inputproto- \
289 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libdrm-2.4.13 \
290 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/libpciaccess-0.10.8 \
291 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/pixman-0.16.0 \
292 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/randrproto-1.3.0 \
293 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/renderproto-0.11 \
294 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xextproto-7.1.1 \
295 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xf86driproto-2.1.0 \
296 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.9.0 \
297 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xorg-server-1.6.0-local \
298 | $(VBOX_PATH_X11_ROOT)/xproto-7.0.18
299 | vboxvideo_drv_19_INCS += $(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Runtime/include
300 | vboxvideo_drv_19_SOURCES := $(vboxvideo_drv_15_SOURCES)
301 |
302 |
303 | # Check the undefined symbols in the X.Org modules against lists of allowed
304 | # symbols. Not very elegant, but it will catch problems early.
306 | # ifndef VBOX_ONLY_ADDITIONS
307 | if1of ($(KBUILD_TARGET),linux solaris)
309 | ifndef VBOX_ONLY_SDK
310 | OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO=$(PATH_ROOT)/src/VBox/Additions/x11/vboxvideo
311 |
312 | ifeq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),linux)
313 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv)/tstvboxvideo68.run
314 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv)/tstvboxvideo68.run
315 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv)/tstvboxvideo68.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv)
316 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
317 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
318 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_68 --static
319 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
320 | endif
321 |
322 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_70)/tstvboxvideo70.run
323 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_70)/tstvboxvideo70.run
324 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_70)/tstvboxvideo70.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_70)
325 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
326 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
327 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_70) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_70
328 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
329 |
330 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_71)/tstvboxvideo71.run
331 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_71)/tstvboxvideo71.run
332 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_71)/tstvboxvideo71.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_71)
333 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
334 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
335 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_71) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_70
336 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
337 |
338 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_13)/tstvboxvideo13.run
339 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_13)/tstvboxvideo13.run
340 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_13)/tstvboxvideo13.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_13)
341 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
342 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
343 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_13) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
344 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
345 |
346 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_14)/tstvboxvideo14.run
347 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_14)/tstvboxvideo14.run
348 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_14)/tstvboxvideo14.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_14)
349 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
350 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
351 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_14) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
352 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
353 |
354 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_15)/tstvboxvideo15.run
355 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_15)/tstvboxvideo15.run
356 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_15)/tstvboxvideo15.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_15)
357 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
358 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
359 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_15) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
360 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
361 |
362 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_16)/tstvboxvideo16.run
363 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_16)/tstvboxvideo16.run
364 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_16)/tstvboxvideo16.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_16)
365 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
366 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
367 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_16) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
368 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
369 |
370 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_17)/tstvboxvideo17.run
371 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_17)/tstvboxvideo17.run
372 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_17)/tstvboxvideo17.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_17)
373 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
374 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
375 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_17) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
376 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
377 |
378 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_18)/tstvboxvideo18.run
379 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_18)/tstvboxvideo18.run
380 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_18)/tstvboxvideo18.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_18)
381 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
382 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
383 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_18) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
384 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
385 |
386 | TESTING += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_19)/tstvboxvideo19.run
387 | OTHERS += $(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_19)/tstvboxvideo19.run
388 | $$(PATH_vboxvideo_drv_19)/tstvboxvideo19.run: $$(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_19)
389 | $(QUIET)$(call MSG_L1,Checking for unresolved symbols in $<)
390 | $(QUIET)/bin/sh $(PATH_ROOT)/src/bldprogs/checkUndefined.sh $(KBUILD_TARGET) \
391 | $(INSTARGET_vboxvideo_drv_19) $(OUR_PATH_VBOXVIDEO)/undefined_13
392 | $(QUIET)$(APPEND) -t "$@" "done"
393 |
394 | endif # ! VBOX_ONLY_SDK
395 | endif # eq ($(KBUILD_HOST_ARCH),$(KBUILD_TARGET_ARCH))
396 | endif # eq ($(KBUILD_TARGET),linux)
397 | # endif # ! VBOX_ONLY_ADDITIONS
399 |
400 | include $(KBUILD_PATH)/subfooter.kmk