/* $Id: DBGCInternal.h 41553 2012-06-02 20:11:07Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DBGC - Debugger Console, Internal Header File. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef ___Debugger_DBGCInternal_h #define ___Debugger_DBGCInternal_h /******************************************************************************* * Header Files * *******************************************************************************/ #include #include /******************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *******************************************************************************/ /** * Debugger console per breakpoint data. */ typedef struct DBGCBP { /** Pointer to the next breakpoint in the list. */ struct DBGCBP *pNext; /** The breakpoint identifier. */ uint32_t iBp; /** The size of the command. */ size_t cchCmd; /** The command to execute when the breakpoint is hit. */ char szCmd[1]; } DBGCBP; /** Pointer to a breakpoint. */ typedef DBGCBP *PDBGCBP; /** * Named variable. * * Always allocated from heap in one single block. */ typedef struct DBGCNAMEDVAR { /** The variable. */ DBGCVAR Var; /** Its name. */ char szName[1]; } DBGCNAMEDVAR; /** Pointer to named variable. */ typedef DBGCNAMEDVAR *PDBGCNAMEDVAR; /** The max length of a plug-in name, zero terminator included. */ #define DBGCPLUGIN_MAX_NAME 32 /** * Plug-in tracking record. */ typedef struct DBGCPLUGIN { /** Pointer to the next plug-in. */ struct DBGCPLUGIN *pNext; /** The loader handle. */ RTLDRMOD hLdrMod; /** The plug-in entry point. */ PFNDBGCPLUGIN pfnEntry; /** The plug-in name (variable length). */ char szName[DBGCPLUGIN_MAX_NAME]; } DBGCPLUGIN; /** Pointer to plug-in tracking record. */ typedef DBGCPLUGIN *PDBGCPLUGIN; /** * Debugger console status */ typedef enum DBGCSTATUS { /** Normal status, .*/ DBGC_HALTED } DBGCSTATUS; /** * Debugger console instance data. */ typedef struct DBGC { /** Command helpers. */ DBGCCMDHLP CmdHlp; /** Wrappers for DBGF output. */ DBGFINFOHLP DbgfOutputHlp; /** Pointer to backend callback structure. */ PDBGCBACK pBack; /** Pointer to the current VM. */ PVM pVM; /** The ID of current virtual CPU. */ VMCPUID idCpu; /** The current address space handle. */ RTDBGAS hDbgAs; /** The current debugger emulation. */ const char *pszEmulation; /** Pointer to the command and functions for the current debugger emulation. */ PCDBGCCMD paEmulationCmds; /** The number of commands paEmulationCmds points to. */ unsigned cEmulationCmds; /** Log indicator. (If set we're writing the log to the console.) */ bool fLog; /** Indicates whether we're in guest (true) or hypervisor (false) register context. */ bool fRegCtxGuest; /** Indicates whether the register are terse or sparse. */ bool fRegTerse; /** Counter use to suppress the printing of the headers. */ uint8_t cPagingHierarchyDumps; /** Current disassembler position. */ DBGCVAR DisasmPos; /** Current source position. (flat GC) */ DBGCVAR SourcePos; /** Current memory dump position. */ DBGCVAR DumpPos; /** Size of the previous dump element. */ unsigned cbDumpElement; /** Points to DisasmPos, SourcePos or DumpPos depending on which was * used last. */ PCDBGCVAR pLastPos; /** Number of variables in papVars. */ unsigned cVars; /** Array of global variables. * Global variables can be referenced using the $ operator and set * and unset using command with those names. */ PDBGCNAMEDVAR *papVars; /** The list of plug-in. (singly linked) */ PDBGCPLUGIN pPlugInHead; /** The list of breakpoints. (singly linked) */ PDBGCBP pFirstBp; /** Save search pattern. */ uint8_t abSearch[256]; /** The length of the search pattern. */ uint32_t cbSearch; /** The search unit */ uint32_t cbSearchUnit; /** The max hits. */ uint64_t cMaxSearchHits; /** The address to resume searching from. */ DBGFADDRESS SearchAddr; /** What's left of the original search range. */ RTGCUINTPTR cbSearchRange; /** @name Parsing and Execution * @{ */ /** Input buffer. */ char achInput[2048]; /** To ease debugging. */ unsigned uInputZero; /** Write index in the input buffer. */ unsigned iWrite; /** Read index in the input buffer. */ unsigned iRead; /** The number of lines in the buffer. */ unsigned cInputLines; /** Indicates that we have a buffer overflow condition. * This means that input is ignored up to the next newline. */ bool fInputOverflow; /** Indicates whether or we're ready for input. */ bool fReady; /** Scratch buffer position. */ char *pszScratch; /** Scratch buffer. */ char achScratch[16384]; /** Argument array position. */ unsigned iArg; /** Array of argument variables. */ DBGCVAR aArgs[100]; /** rc from the last dbgcHlpPrintfV(). */ int rcOutput; /** The last character we wrote. */ char chLastOutput; /** rc from the last command. */ int rcCmd; /** @} */ } DBGC; /** Pointer to debugger console instance data. */ typedef DBGC *PDBGC; /** Converts a Command Helper pointer to a pointer to DBGC instance data. */ #define DBGC_CMDHLP2DBGC(pCmdHlp) ( (PDBGC)((uintptr_t)(pCmdHlp) - RT_OFFSETOF(DBGC, CmdHlp)) ) /** * Chunk of external commands. */ typedef struct DBGCEXTCMDS { /** Number of commands descriptors. */ unsigned cCmds; /** Pointer to array of command descriptors. */ PCDBGCCMD paCmds; /** Pointer to the next chunk. */ struct DBGCEXTCMDS *pNext; } DBGCEXTCMDS; /** Pointer to chunk of external commands. */ typedef DBGCEXTCMDS *PDBGCEXTCMDS; /** * Unary operator handler function. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns VBox evaluation / parsing error code on failure. * The caller does the bitching. * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data. * @param pArg The argument. * @param enmCat The desired result category. Can be ignored. * @param pResult Where to store the result. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNDBGCOPUNARY(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg, DBGCVARCAT enmCat, PDBGCVAR pResult); /** Pointer to a unary operator handler function. */ typedef FNDBGCOPUNARY *PFNDBGCOPUNARY; /** * Binary operator handler function. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns VBox evaluation / parsing error code on failure. * The caller does the bitching. * @param pDbgc Debugger console instance data. * @param pArg1 The first argument. * @param pArg2 The 2nd argument. * @param pResult Where to store the result. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNDBGCOPBINARY(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg1, PCDBGCVAR pArg2, PDBGCVAR pResult); /** Pointer to a binary operator handler function. */ typedef FNDBGCOPBINARY *PFNDBGCOPBINARY; /** * Operator descriptor. */ typedef struct DBGCOP { /** Operator mnemonic. */ char szName[4]; /** Length of name. */ const unsigned cchName; /** Whether or not this is a binary operator. * Unary operators are evaluated right-to-left while binary are left-to-right. */ bool fBinary; /** Precedence level. */ unsigned iPrecedence; /** Unary operator handler. */ PFNDBGCOPUNARY pfnHandlerUnary; /** Binary operator handler. */ PFNDBGCOPBINARY pfnHandlerBinary; /** The category of the 1st argument. * Set to DBGCVAR_CAT_ANY if anything goes. */ DBGCVARCAT enmCatArg1; /** The category of the 2nd argument. * Set to DBGCVAR_CAT_ANY if anything goes. */ DBGCVARCAT enmCatArg2; /** Operator description. */ const char *pszDescription; } DBGCOP; /** Pointer to an operator descriptor. */ typedef DBGCOP *PDBGCOP; /** Pointer to a const operator descriptor. */ typedef const DBGCOP *PCDBGCOP; /** Pointer to symbol descriptor. */ typedef struct DBGCSYM *PDBGCSYM; /** Pointer to const symbol descriptor. */ typedef const struct DBGCSYM *PCDBGCSYM; /** * Get builtin symbol. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns VBox evaluation / parsing error code on failure. * The caller does the bitching. * @param pSymDesc Pointer to the symbol descriptor. * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to the command callback structure. * @param enmType The result type. * @param pResult Where to store the result. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNDBGCSYMGET(PCDBGCSYM pSymDesc, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, DBGCVARTYPE enmType, PDBGCVAR pResult); /** Pointer to get function for a builtin symbol. */ typedef FNDBGCSYMGET *PFNDBGCSYMGET; /** * Set builtin symbol. * * @returns 0 on success. * @returns VBox evaluation / parsing error code on failure. * The caller does the bitching. * @param pSymDesc Pointer to the symbol descriptor. * @param pCmdHlp Pointer to the command callback structure. * @param pValue The value to assign the symbol. */ typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNDBGCSYMSET(PCDBGCSYM pSymDesc, PDBGCCMDHLP pCmdHlp, PCDBGCVAR pValue); /** Pointer to set function for a builtin symbol. */ typedef FNDBGCSYMSET *PFNDBGCSYMSET; /** * Symbol description (for builtin symbols). */ typedef struct DBGCSYM { /** Symbol name. */ const char *pszName; /** Get function. */ PFNDBGCSYMGET pfnGet; /** Set function. (NULL if readonly) */ PFNDBGCSYMSET pfnSet; /** User data. */ unsigned uUser; } DBGCSYM; /******************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *******************************************************************************/ int dbgcBpAdd(PDBGC pDbgc, RTUINT iBp, const char *pszCmd); int dbgcBpUpdate(PDBGC pDbgc, RTUINT iBp, const char *pszCmd); int dbgcBpDelete(PDBGC pDbgc, RTUINT iBp); PDBGCBP dbgcBpGet(PDBGC pDbgc, RTUINT iBp); int dbgcBpExec(PDBGC pDbgc, RTUINT iBp); void dbgcEvalInit(void); int dbgcEvalSub(PDBGC pDbgc, char *pszExpr, size_t cchExpr, DBGCVARCAT enmCategory, PDBGCVAR pResult); int dbgcEvalCommand(PDBGC pDbgc, char *pszCmd, size_t cchCmd, bool fNoExecute); int dbgcSymbolGet(PDBGC pDbgc, const char *pszSymbol, DBGCVARTYPE enmType, PDBGCVAR pResult); PCDBGCSYM dbgcLookupRegisterSymbol(PDBGC pDbgc, const char *pszSymbol); PCDBGCOP dbgcOperatorLookup(PDBGC pDbgc, const char *pszExpr, bool fPreferBinary, char chPrev); PCDBGCCMD dbgcRoutineLookup(PDBGC pDbgc, const char *pachName, size_t cchName, bool fExternal); DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcOpRegister(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg, DBGCVARCAT enmCat, PDBGCVAR pResult); DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcOpAddrFlat(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg, DBGCVARCAT enmCat, PDBGCVAR pResult); DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcOpAddrHost(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg, DBGCVARCAT enmCat, PDBGCVAR pResult); DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcOpAddrPhys(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg, DBGCVARCAT enmCat, PDBGCVAR pResult); DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgcOpAddrHostPhys(PDBGC pDbgc, PCDBGCVAR pArg, DBGCVARCAT enmCat, PDBGCVAR pResult); void dbgcInitCmdHlp(PDBGC pDbgc); void dbgcPlugInAutoLoad(PDBGC pDbgc); void dbgcPlugInUnloadAll(PDBGC pDbgc); /* For tstDBGCParser: */ int dbgcCreate(PDBGC *ppDbgc, PDBGCBACK pBack, unsigned fFlags); int dbgcRun(PDBGC pDbgc); int dbgcProcessInput(PDBGC pDbgc, bool fNoExecute); void dbgcDestroy(PDBGC pDbgc); /******************************************************************************* * Global Variables * *******************************************************************************/ extern const DBGCCMD g_aCmds[]; extern const unsigned g_cCmds; extern const DBGCCMD g_aCmdsCodeView[]; extern const unsigned g_cCmdsCodeView; extern const DBGCOP g_aOps[]; extern const unsigned g_cOps; #endif