/* $Id: DBGPlugInSolaris.cpp 76389 2018-12-23 01:39:48Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * DBGPlugInSolaris - Debugger and Guest OS Digger Plugin For Solaris. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DBGF /// @todo add new log group. #include "DBGPlugIns.h" #include "DBGPlugInCommonELF.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Solaris on little endian ASCII systems. */ #define DIG_SOL_MOD_TAG UINT64_C(0x00736972616c6f53) /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** @name InternalSolaris structures * @{ */ /** sys/modctl.h */ typedef struct SOL32v11_modctl { uint32_t mod_next; /**< 0 */ uint32_t mod_prev; /**< 4 */ int32_t mod_id; /**< 8 */ uint32_t mod_mp; /**< c Pointer to the kernel runtime loader bits. */ uint32_t mod_inprogress_thread; /**< 10 */ uint32_t mod_modinfo; /**< 14 */ uint32_t mod_linkage; /**< 18 */ uint32_t mod_filename; /**< 1c */ uint32_t mod_modname; /**< 20 */ int8_t mod_busy; /**< 24 */ int8_t mod_want; /**< 25 */ int8_t mod_prim; /**< 26 this is 1 for 'unix' and a few others. */ int8_t mod_unused_padding; /**< 27 */ int32_t mod_ref; /**< 28 */ int8_t mod_loaded; /**< 2c */ int8_t mod_installed; /**< 2d */ int8_t mod_loadflags; /**< 2e */ int8_t mod_delay_unload; /**< 2f */ uint32_t mod_requisites; /**< 30 */ uint32_t mod___unused; /**< 34 */ int32_t mod_loadcnt; /**< 38 */ int32_t mod_nenabled; /**< 3c */ uint32_t mod_text; /**< 40 */ uint32_t mod_text_size; /**< 44 */ int32_t mod_gencount; /**< 48 */ uint32_t mod_requisite_loading; /**< 4c */ } SOL32v11_modctl_t; AssertCompileSize(SOL32v11_modctl_t, 0x50); typedef struct SOL64v11_modctl { uint64_t mod_next; /**< 0 */ uint64_t mod_prev; /**< 8 */ int32_t mod_id; /**< 10 */ int32_t mod_padding0; uint64_t mod_mp; /**< 18 Pointer to the kernel runtime loader bits. */ uint64_t mod_inprogress_thread; /**< 20 */ uint64_t mod_modinfo; /**< 28 */ uint64_t mod_linkage; /**< 30 */ uint64_t mod_filename; /**< 38 */ uint64_t mod_modname; /**< 40 */ int8_t mod_busy; /**< 48 */ int8_t mod_want; /**< 49 */ int8_t mod_prim; /**< 4a this is 1 for 'unix' and a few others. */ int8_t mod_unused_padding; /**< 4b */ int32_t mod_ref; /**< 4c */ int8_t mod_loaded; /**< 50 */ int8_t mod_installed; /**< 51 */ int8_t mod_loadflags; /**< 52 */ int8_t mod_delay_unload; /**< 53 */ int32_t mod_padding1; uint64_t mod_requisites; /**< 58 */ uint64_t mod___unused; /**< 60 */ int32_t mod_loadcnt; /**< 68 */ int32_t mod_nenabled; /**< 6c */ uint64_t mod_text; /**< 70 */ uint64_t mod_text_size; /**< 78 */ int32_t mod_gencount; /**< 80 */ int32_t mod_padding2; uint64_t mod_requisite_loading; /**< 88 */ } SOL64v11_modctl_t; AssertCompileSize(SOL64v11_modctl_t, 0x90); typedef struct SOL32v9_modctl { uint32_t mod_next; /**< 0 */ uint32_t mod_prev; /**< 4 */ int32_t mod_id; /**< 8 */ uint32_t mod_mp; /**< c Pointer to the kernel runtime loader bits. */ uint32_t mod_inprogress_thread; /**< 10 */ uint32_t mod_modinfo; /**< 14 */ uint32_t mod_linkage; /**< 18 */ uint32_t mod_filename; /**< 1c */ uint32_t mod_modname; /**< 20 */ int32_t mod_busy; /**< 24 */ int32_t mod_stub; /**< 28 DIFF 1 */ int8_t mod_loaded; /**< 2c */ int8_t mod_installed; /**< 2d */ int8_t mod_loadflags; /**< 2e */ int8_t mod_want; /**< 2f DIFF 2 */ uint32_t mod_requisites; /**< 30 */ uint32_t mod_dependents; /**< 34 DIFF 3 */ int32_t mod_loadcnt; /**< 38 */ /* DIFF 4: 4 bytes added in v11 */ uint32_t mod_text; /**< 3c */ uint32_t mod_text_size; /**< 40 */ /* DIFF 5: 8 bytes added in v11 */ } SOL32v9_modctl_t; AssertCompileSize(SOL32v9_modctl_t, 0x44); typedef struct SOL64v9_modctl { uint64_t mod_next; /**< 0 */ uint64_t mod_prev; /**< 8 */ int32_t mod_id; /**< 10 */ int32_t mod_padding0; uint64_t mod_mp; /**< 18 Pointer to the kernel runtime loader bits. */ uint64_t mod_inprogress_thread; /**< 20 */ uint64_t mod_modinfo; /**< 28 */ uint64_t mod_linkage; /**< 30 */ uint64_t mod_filename; /**< 38 */ uint64_t mod_modname; /**< 40 */ int32_t mod_busy; /**< 48 */ int32_t mod_stub; /**< 4c DIFF 1 - is this a pointer? */ int8_t mod_loaded; /**< 50 */ int8_t mod_installed; /**< 51 */ int8_t mod_loadflags; /**< 52 */ int8_t mod_want; /**< 53 DIFF 2 */ int32_t mod_padding1; uint64_t mod_requisites; /**< 58 */ uint64_t mod_dependencies; /**< 60 DIFF 3 */ int32_t mod_loadcnt; /**< 68 */ int32_t mod_padding3; /**< 6c DIFF 4 */ uint64_t mod_text; /**< 70 */ uint64_t mod_text_size; /**< 78 */ /* DIFF 5: 8 bytes added in v11 */ } SOL64v9_modctl_t; AssertCompileSize(SOL64v9_modctl_t, 0x80); typedef union SOL_modctl { SOL32v9_modctl_t v9_32; SOL32v11_modctl_t v11_32; SOL64v9_modctl_t v9_64; SOL64v11_modctl_t v11_64; } SOL_modctl_t; /** sys/kobj.h */ typedef struct SOL32_module { int32_t total_allocated; /**< 0 */ Elf32_Ehdr hdr; /**< 4 Easy to validate */ uint32_t shdrs; /**< 38 */ uint32_t symhdr; /**< 3c */ uint32_t strhdr; /**< 40 */ uint32_t depends_on; /**< 44 */ uint32_t symsize; /**< 48 */ uint32_t symspace; /**< 4c */ int32_t flags; /**< 50 */ uint32_t text_size; /**< 54 */ uint32_t data_size; /**< 58 */ uint32_t text; /**< 5c */ uint32_t data; /**< 60 */ uint32_t symtbl_section; /**< 64 */ uint32_t symtbl; /**< 68 */ uint32_t strings; /**< 6c */ uint32_t hashsize; /**< 70 */ uint32_t buckets; /**< 74 */ uint32_t chains; /**< 78 */ uint32_t nsyms; /**< 7c */ uint32_t bss_align; /**< 80 */ uint32_t bss_size; /**< 84 */ uint32_t bss; /**< 88 */ uint32_t filename; /**< 8c */ uint32_t head; /**< 90 */ uint32_t tail; /**< 94 */ uint32_t destination; /**< 98 */ uint32_t machdata; /**< 9c */ uint32_t ctfdata; /**< a0 */ uint32_t ctfsize; /**< a4 */ uint32_t fbt_tab; /**< a8 */ uint32_t fbt_size; /**< ac */ uint32_t fbt_nentries; /**< b0 */ uint32_t textwin; /**< b4 */ uint32_t textwin_base; /**< b8 */ uint32_t sdt_probes; /**< bc */ uint32_t sdt_nprobes; /**< c0 */ uint32_t sdt_tab; /**< c4 */ uint32_t sdt_size; /**< c8 */ uint32_t sigdata; /**< cc */ uint32_t sigsize; /**< d0 */ } SOL32_module_t; AssertCompileSize(Elf32_Ehdr, 0x34); AssertCompileSize(SOL32_module_t, 0xd4); typedef struct SOL64_module { int32_t total_allocated; /**< 0 */ int32_t padding0; Elf64_Ehdr hdr; /**< 8 Easy to validate */ uint64_t shdrs; /**< 48 */ uint64_t symhdr; /**< 50 */ uint64_t strhdr; /**< 58 */ uint64_t depends_on; /**< 60 */ uint64_t symsize; /**< 68 */ uint64_t symspace; /**< 70 */ int32_t flags; /**< 78 */ int32_t padding1; uint64_t text_size; /**< 80 */ uint64_t data_size; /**< 88 */ uint64_t text; /**< 90 */ uint64_t data; /**< 98 */ uint32_t symtbl_section; /**< a0 */ int32_t padding2; uint64_t symtbl; /**< a8 */ uint64_t strings; /**< b0 */ uint32_t hashsize; /**< b8 */ int32_t padding3; uint64_t buckets; /**< c0 */ uint64_t chains; /**< c8 */ uint32_t nsyms; /**< d0 */ uint32_t bss_align; /**< d4 */ uint64_t bss_size; /**< d8 */ uint64_t bss; /**< e0 */ uint64_t filename; /**< e8 */ uint64_t head; /**< f0 */ uint64_t tail; /**< f8 */ uint64_t destination; /**< 100 */ uint64_t machdata; /**< 108 */ uint64_t ctfdata; /**< 110 */ uint64_t ctfsize; /**< 118 */ uint64_t fbt_tab; /**< 120 */ uint64_t fbt_size; /**< 128 */ uint64_t fbt_nentries; /**< 130 */ uint64_t textwin; /**< 138 */ uint64_t textwin_base; /**< 140 */ uint64_t sdt_probes; /**< 148 */ uint64_t sdt_nprobes; /**< 150 */ uint64_t sdt_tab; /**< 158 */ uint64_t sdt_size; /**< 160 */ uint64_t sigdata; /**< 168 */ uint64_t sigsize; /**< 170 */ } SOL64_module_t; AssertCompileSize(Elf64_Ehdr, 0x40); AssertCompileSize(SOL64_module_t, 0x178); typedef struct SOL_utsname { char sysname[257]; char nodename[257]; char release[257]; char version[257]; char machine[257]; } SOL_utsname_t; AssertCompileSize(SOL_utsname_t, 5 * 257); /** @} */ /** * Solaris guest OS digger instance data. */ typedef struct DBGDIGGERSOLARIS { /** Whether the information is valid or not. * (For fending off illegal interface method calls.) */ bool fValid; /** Address of the 'unix' text segment. * This is set during probing. */ DBGFADDRESS AddrUnixText; /** Address of the 'unix' text segment. * This is set during probing. */ DBGFADDRESS AddrUnixData; /** Address of the 'unix' modctl_t (aka modules). */ DBGFADDRESS AddrUnixModCtl; /** modctl_t version number. */ int iModCtlVer; /** 64-bit/32-bit indicator. */ bool f64Bit; } DBGDIGGERSOLARIS; /** Pointer to the solaris guest OS digger instance data. */ typedef DBGDIGGERSOLARIS *PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** Min kernel address. */ #define SOL32_MIN_KRNL_ADDR UINT32_C(0x80000000) /** Max kernel address. */ #define SOL32_MAX_KRNL_ADDR UINT32_C(0xfffff000) /** Min kernel address. */ #define SOL64_MIN_KRNL_ADDR UINT64_C(0xFFFFC00000000000) /** Max kernel address. */ #define SOL64_MAX_KRNL_ADDR UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFFFFF00000) /** Validates a 32-bit solaris kernel address */ #if 0 /* OpenSolaris, early boot have symspace at 0x27a2000 */ # define SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Addr) ((Addr) > SOL32_MIN_KRNL_ADDR && (Addr) < SOL32_MAX_KRNL_ADDR) #else # define SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Addr) ( ((Addr) > SOL32_MIN_KRNL_ADDR && (Addr) < SOL32_MAX_KRNL_ADDR) \ || ((Addr) > UINT32_C(0x02000000) && (Addr) < UINT32_C(0x04000000)) /* boot */ ) #endif /** Validates a 64-bit solaris kernel address */ #define SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Addr) ( (Addr) > SOL64_MIN_KRNL_ADDR \ && (Addr) < SOL64_MAX_KRNL_ADDR) /** The max data segment size of the 'unix' module. */ #define SOL_UNIX_MAX_DATA_SEG_SIZE 0x01000000 /** The max code segment size of the 'unix' module. * This is the same for both 64-bit and 32-bit. */ #define SOL_UNIX_MAX_CODE_SEG_SIZE 0x00400000 /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerSolarisInit(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData); /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnStackUnwindAssist */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerSolarisStackUnwindAssist(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData, VMCPUID idCpu, PDBGFSTACKFRAME pFrame, PRTDBGUNWINDSTATE pState, PCCPUMCTX pInitialCtx, RTDBGAS hAs, uint64_t *puScratch) { RT_NOREF(pUVM, pvData, idCpu, pFrame, pState, pInitialCtx, hAs, puScratch); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnQueryInterface */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) dbgDiggerSolarisQueryInterface(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData, DBGFOSINTERFACE enmIf) { RT_NOREF3(pUVM, pvData, enmIf); return NULL; } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnQueryVersion */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerSolarisQueryVersion(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData, char *pszVersion, size_t cchVersion) { PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis = (PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS)pvData; Assert(pThis->fValid); /* * It's all in the utsname symbol... */ SOL_utsname_t UtsName; RT_ZERO(UtsName); /* Make MSC happy. */ DBGFADDRESS Addr; RTDBGSYMBOL SymUtsName; int rc = DBGFR3AsSymbolByName(pUVM, DBGF_AS_KERNEL, "utsname", &SymUtsName, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, SymUtsName.Value), &UtsName, sizeof(UtsName)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { /* * Try searching by the name... */ memset(&UtsName, '\0', sizeof(UtsName)); strcpy(&UtsName.sysname[0], "SunOS"); rc = DBGFR3MemScan(pUVM, 0, &pThis->AddrUnixData, SOL_UNIX_MAX_DATA_SEG_SIZE, 1, &UtsName.sysname[0], sizeof(UtsName.sysname), &Addr); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, Addr.FlatPtr - RT_OFFSETOF(SOL_utsname_t, sysname)), &UtsName, sizeof(UtsName)); } /* * Copy out the result (if any). */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( UtsName.sysname[sizeof(UtsName.sysname) - 1] != '\0' || UtsName.nodename[sizeof(UtsName.nodename) - 1] != '\0' || UtsName.release[sizeof(UtsName.release) - 1] != '\0' || UtsName.version[sizeof(UtsName.version) - 1] != '\0' || UtsName.machine[sizeof(UtsName.machine) - 1] != '\0') { //rc = VERR_DBGF_UNEXPECTED_OS_DATA; rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; RTStrPrintf(pszVersion, cchVersion, "failed - bogus utsname"); } else RTStrPrintf(pszVersion, cchVersion, "%s %s", UtsName.version, UtsName.release); } else RTStrPrintf(pszVersion, cchVersion, "failed - %Rrc", rc); return rc; } /** * Processes a modctl_t. * * @param pUVM The user mode VM handle. * @param pThis Our instance data. * @param pModCtl Pointer to the modctl structure. */ static void dbgDiggerSolarisProcessModCtl32(PUVM pUVM, PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis, SOL_modctl_t const *pModCtl) { RT_NOREF1(pThis); /* skip it if it's not loaded and installed */ AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_loaded, v9_32.mod_loaded); AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_installed, v9_32.mod_installed); AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_id, v9_32.mod_id); if ( ( !pModCtl->v9_32.mod_loaded || !pModCtl->v9_32.mod_installed) && pModCtl->v9_32.mod_id > 3) return; /* * Read the module and file names first */ AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_modname, v9_32.mod_modname); char szModName[64]; DBGFADDRESS Addr; int rc = DBGFR3MemReadString(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, pModCtl->v9_32.mod_modname), szModName, sizeof(szModName)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return; if (!RTStrEnd(szModName, sizeof(szModName))) szModName[sizeof(szModName) - 1] = '\0'; AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_filename, v9_32.mod_filename); char szFilename[256]; rc = DBGFR3MemReadString(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, pModCtl->v9_32.mod_filename), szFilename, sizeof(szFilename)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) strcpy(szFilename, szModName); else if (!RTStrEnd(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename))) szFilename[sizeof(szFilename) - 1] = '\0'; /* * Then read the module struct and validate it. */ AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_mp, v9_32.mod_mp); struct SOL32_module Module; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, pModCtl->v9_32.mod_mp), &Module, sizeof(Module)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return; /* Basic validations of the elf header. */ if ( Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || !ASMMemIsZero(&Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_PAD], EI_NIDENT - EI_PAD) ) return; if (Module.hdr.e_version != EV_CURRENT) return; if (Module.hdr.e_ehsize != sizeof(Module.hdr)) return; if ( Module.hdr.e_type != ET_DYN && Module.hdr.e_type != ET_REL && Module.hdr.e_type != ET_EXEC) //?? return; if ( Module.hdr.e_machine != EM_386 && Module.hdr.e_machine != EM_486) return; if ( Module.hdr.e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf32_Phdr) && Module.hdr.e_phentsize) //?? return; if (Module.hdr.e_shentsize != sizeof(Elf32_Shdr)) return; if (Module.hdr.e_shentsize != sizeof(Elf32_Shdr)) return; /* Basic validations of the rest of the stuff. */ if ( !SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.shdrs) || !SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.symhdr) || !SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.strhdr) || (!SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.symspace) && Module.symspace) || !SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.text) || !SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.data) || (!SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.symtbl) && Module.symtbl) || (!SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.strings) && Module.strings) || (!SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.head) && Module.head) || (!SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.tail) && Module.tail) || !SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.filename)) return; if ( Module.symsize > _4M || Module.hdr.e_shnum > 4096 || Module.nsyms > _256K) return; /* Ignore modules without symbols. */ if (!Module.symtbl || !Module.strings || !Module.symspace || !Module.symsize) return; /* Check that the symtbl and strings points inside the symspace. */ if (Module.strings - Module.symspace >= Module.symsize) return; if (Module.symtbl - Module.symspace >= Module.symsize) return; /* * Read the section headers, symbol table and string tables. */ size_t cb = Module.hdr.e_shnum * sizeof(Elf32_Shdr); Elf32_Shdr *paShdrs = (Elf32_Shdr *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cb); if (!paShdrs) return; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, Module.shdrs), paShdrs, cb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { void *pvSymSpace = RTMemTmpAlloc(Module.symsize + 1); if (pvSymSpace) { rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, Module.symspace), pvSymSpace, Module.symsize); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ((uint8_t *)pvSymSpace)[Module.symsize] = 0; /* * Hand it over to the common ELF32 module parser. */ char const *pbStrings = (char const *)pvSymSpace + (Module.strings - Module.symspace); size_t cbMaxStrings = Module.symsize - (Module.strings - Module.symspace); Elf32_Sym const *paSyms = (Elf32_Sym const *)((uintptr_t)pvSymSpace + (Module.symtbl - Module.symspace)); size_t cMaxSyms = (Module.symsize - (Module.symtbl - Module.symspace)) / sizeof(Elf32_Sym); cMaxSyms = RT_MIN(cMaxSyms, Module.nsyms); DBGDiggerCommonParseElf32Mod(pUVM, szModName, szFilename, DBG_DIGGER_ELF_FUNNY_SHDRS, &Module.hdr, paShdrs, paSyms, cMaxSyms, pbStrings, cbMaxStrings, SOL32_MIN_KRNL_ADDR, SOL32_MAX_KRNL_ADDR - 1, DIG_SOL_MOD_TAG); } RTMemTmpFree(pvSymSpace); } } RTMemTmpFree(paShdrs); return; } /** * Processes a modctl_t. * * @param pUVM The user mode VM handle. * @param pThis Our instance data. * @param pModCtl Pointer to the modctl structure. */ static void dbgDiggerSolarisProcessModCtl64(PUVM pUVM, PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis, SOL_modctl_t const *pModCtl) { RT_NOREF1(pThis); /* skip it if it's not loaded and installed */ AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_loaded, v9_64.mod_loaded); AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_installed, v9_64.mod_installed); AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_id, v9_64.mod_id); if ( ( !pModCtl->v9_64.mod_loaded || !pModCtl->v9_64.mod_installed) && pModCtl->v9_64.mod_id > 3) return; /* * Read the module and file names first */ AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_modname, v9_64.mod_modname); char szModName[64]; DBGFADDRESS Addr; int rc = DBGFR3MemReadString(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, pModCtl->v9_64.mod_modname), szModName, sizeof(szModName)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return; if (!RTStrEnd(szModName, sizeof(szModName))) szModName[sizeof(szModName) - 1] = '\0'; AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_filename, v9_64.mod_filename); char szFilename[256]; rc = DBGFR3MemReadString(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, pModCtl->v9_64.mod_filename), szFilename, sizeof(szFilename)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) strcpy(szFilename, szModName); else if (!RTStrEnd(szFilename, sizeof(szFilename))) szFilename[sizeof(szFilename) - 1] = '\0'; /* * Then read the module struct and validate it. */ AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_mp, v9_64.mod_mp); struct SOL64_module Module; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, pModCtl->v9_64.mod_mp), &Module, sizeof(Module)); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return; /* Basic validations of the elf header. */ if ( Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG0] != ELFMAG0 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS64 || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB || Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_VERSION] != EV_CURRENT || !ASMMemIsZero(&Module.hdr.e_ident[EI_PAD], EI_NIDENT - EI_PAD) ) return; if (Module.hdr.e_version != EV_CURRENT) return; if (Module.hdr.e_ehsize != sizeof(Module.hdr)) return; if ( Module.hdr.e_type != ET_DYN && Module.hdr.e_type != ET_REL && Module.hdr.e_type != ET_EXEC) //?? return; if (Module.hdr.e_machine != EM_X86_64) return; if ( Module.hdr.e_phentsize != sizeof(Elf64_Phdr) && Module.hdr.e_phentsize) //?? return; if (Module.hdr.e_shentsize != sizeof(Elf64_Shdr)) return; if (Module.hdr.e_shentsize != sizeof(Elf64_Shdr)) return; /* Basic validations of the rest of the stuff. */ if ( !SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.shdrs) || !SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.symhdr) || !SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.strhdr) || (!SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.symspace) && Module.symspace) || !SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.text) || !SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.data) || (!SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.symtbl) && Module.symtbl) || (!SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.strings) && Module.strings) || (!SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.head) && Module.head) || (!SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.tail) && Module.tail) || !SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(Module.filename)) return; if ( Module.symsize > _4M || Module.hdr.e_shnum > 4096 || Module.nsyms > _256K) return; /* Ignore modules without symbols. */ if (!Module.symtbl || !Module.strings || !Module.symspace || !Module.symsize) return; /* Check that the symtbl and strings points inside the symspace. */ if (Module.strings - Module.symspace >= Module.symsize) return; if (Module.symtbl - Module.symspace >= Module.symsize) return; /* * Read the section headers, symbol table and string tables. */ size_t cb = Module.hdr.e_shnum * sizeof(Elf64_Shdr); Elf64_Shdr *paShdrs = (Elf64_Shdr *)RTMemTmpAlloc(cb); if (!paShdrs) return; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, Module.shdrs), paShdrs, cb); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { void *pvSymSpace = RTMemTmpAlloc(Module.symsize + 1); if (pvSymSpace) { rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, Module.symspace), pvSymSpace, Module.symsize); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { ((uint8_t *)pvSymSpace)[Module.symsize] = 0; /* * Hand it over to the common ELF64 module parser. */ char const *pbStrings = (char const *)pvSymSpace + (Module.strings - Module.symspace); size_t cbMaxStrings = Module.symsize - (Module.strings - Module.symspace); Elf64_Sym const *paSyms = (Elf64_Sym const *)((uintptr_t)pvSymSpace + (uintptr_t)(Module.symtbl - Module.symspace)); size_t cMaxSyms = (Module.symsize - (Module.symtbl - Module.symspace)) / sizeof(Elf32_Sym); cMaxSyms = RT_MIN(cMaxSyms, Module.nsyms); DBGDiggerCommonParseElf64Mod(pUVM, szModName, szFilename, DBG_DIGGER_ELF_FUNNY_SHDRS, &Module.hdr, paShdrs, paSyms, cMaxSyms, pbStrings, cbMaxStrings, SOL64_MIN_KRNL_ADDR, SOL64_MAX_KRNL_ADDR - 1, DIG_SOL_MOD_TAG); } RTMemTmpFree(pvSymSpace); } } RTMemTmpFree(paShdrs); return; } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnTerm */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgDiggerSolarisTerm(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData) { RT_NOREF1(pUVM); PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis = (PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS)pvData; Assert(pThis->fValid); pThis->fValid = false; } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnRefresh */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerSolarisRefresh(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData) { PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis = (PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS)pvData; NOREF(pThis); Assert(pThis->fValid); /* * For now we'll flush and reload everything. */ RTDBGAS hDbgAs = DBGFR3AsResolveAndRetain(pUVM, DBGF_AS_KERNEL); if (hDbgAs != NIL_RTDBGAS) { uint32_t iMod = RTDbgAsModuleCount(hDbgAs); while (iMod-- > 0) { RTDBGMOD hMod = RTDbgAsModuleByIndex(hDbgAs, iMod); if (hMod != NIL_RTDBGMOD) { if (RTDbgModGetTag(hMod) == DIG_SOL_MOD_TAG) { int rc = RTDbgAsModuleUnlink(hDbgAs, hMod); AssertRC(rc); } RTDbgModRelease(hMod); } } RTDbgAsRelease(hDbgAs); } dbgDiggerSolarisTerm(pUVM, pvData); return dbgDiggerSolarisInit(pUVM, pvData); } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnInit */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerSolarisInit(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData) { PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis = (PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS)pvData; Assert(!pThis->fValid); int rc; size_t cbModCtl = 0; /* * On Solaris the kernel and is the global address space. */ DBGFR3AsSetAlias(pUVM, DBGF_AS_KERNEL, DBGF_AS_GLOBAL); /** @todo Use debug_info, build 7x / S10U6. */ /* * Find the 'unix' modctl_t structure (aka modules). * We know it resides in the unix data segment. */ DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &pThis->AddrUnixModCtl, 0); DBGFADDRESS CurAddr = pThis->AddrUnixData; DBGFADDRESS MaxAddr; DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &MaxAddr, CurAddr.FlatPtr + SOL_UNIX_MAX_DATA_SEG_SIZE); const uint8_t *pbExpr = (const uint8_t *)&pThis->AddrUnixText.FlatPtr; const uint32_t cbExpr = pThis->f64Bit ? sizeof(uint64_t) : sizeof(uint32_t); while ( CurAddr.FlatPtr < MaxAddr.FlatPtr && CurAddr.FlatPtr >= pThis->AddrUnixData.FlatPtr) { DBGFADDRESS HitAddr; rc = DBGFR3MemScan(pUVM, 0, &CurAddr, MaxAddr.FlatPtr - CurAddr.FlatPtr, 1, pbExpr, cbExpr, &HitAddr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) break; /* * Read out the modctl_t structure. */ DBGFADDRESS ModCtlAddr; /* v11 */ if (pThis->f64Bit) { DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &ModCtlAddr, HitAddr.FlatPtr - RT_OFFSETOF(SOL32v11_modctl_t, mod_text)); SOL64v11_modctl_t ModCtlv11; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &ModCtlAddr, &ModCtlv11, sizeof(ModCtlv11)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_next) && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_prev) && ModCtlv11.mod_id == 0 && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_mp) && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_filename) && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_modname) && ModCtlv11.mod_prim == 1 && ModCtlv11.mod_loaded == 1 && ModCtlv11.mod_installed == 1 && ModCtlv11.mod_requisites == 0 && ModCtlv11.mod_loadcnt == 1 /*&& ModCtlv11.mod_text == pThis->AddrUnixText.FlatPtr*/ && ModCtlv11.mod_text_size < SOL_UNIX_MAX_CODE_SEG_SIZE && ModCtlv11.mod_text_size >= _128K) { char szUnix[5]; DBGFADDRESS NameAddr; DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &NameAddr, ModCtlv11.mod_modname); rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &NameAddr, &szUnix, sizeof(szUnix)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!strcmp(szUnix, "unix")) { pThis->AddrUnixModCtl = ModCtlAddr; pThis->iModCtlVer = 11; cbModCtl = sizeof(ModCtlv11); break; } Log(("sol64 mod_name=%.*s v11\n", sizeof(szUnix), szUnix)); } } } } else { DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &ModCtlAddr, HitAddr.FlatPtr - RT_OFFSETOF(SOL32v11_modctl_t, mod_text)); SOL32v11_modctl_t ModCtlv11; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &ModCtlAddr, &ModCtlv11, sizeof(ModCtlv11)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_next) && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_prev) && ModCtlv11.mod_id == 0 && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_mp) && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_filename) && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv11.mod_modname) && ModCtlv11.mod_prim == 1 && ModCtlv11.mod_loaded == 1 && ModCtlv11.mod_installed == 1 && ModCtlv11.mod_requisites == 0 && ModCtlv11.mod_loadcnt == 1 /*&& ModCtlv11.mod_text == pThis->AddrUnixText.FlatPtr*/ && ModCtlv11.mod_text_size < SOL_UNIX_MAX_CODE_SEG_SIZE && ModCtlv11.mod_text_size >= _128K) { char szUnix[5]; DBGFADDRESS NameAddr; DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &NameAddr, ModCtlv11.mod_modname); rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &NameAddr, &szUnix, sizeof(szUnix)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!strcmp(szUnix, "unix")) { pThis->AddrUnixModCtl = ModCtlAddr; pThis->iModCtlVer = 11; cbModCtl = sizeof(ModCtlv11); break; } Log(("sol32 mod_name=%.*s v11\n", sizeof(szUnix), szUnix)); } } } } /* v9 */ if (pThis->f64Bit) { DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &ModCtlAddr, HitAddr.FlatPtr - RT_OFFSETOF(SOL64v9_modctl_t, mod_text)); SOL64v9_modctl_t ModCtlv9; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &ModCtlAddr, &ModCtlv9, sizeof(ModCtlv9)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_next) && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_prev) && ModCtlv9.mod_id == 0 && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_mp) && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_filename) && SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_modname) && (ModCtlv9.mod_loaded == 1 || ModCtlv9.mod_loaded == 0) && (ModCtlv9.mod_installed == 1 || ModCtlv9.mod_installed == 0) && ModCtlv9.mod_requisites == 0 && (ModCtlv9.mod_loadcnt == 1 || ModCtlv9.mod_loadcnt == 0) /*&& ModCtlv9.mod_text == pThis->AddrUnixText.FlatPtr*/ && ModCtlv9.mod_text_size < SOL_UNIX_MAX_CODE_SEG_SIZE) { char szUnix[5]; DBGFADDRESS NameAddr; DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &NameAddr, ModCtlv9.mod_modname); rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &NameAddr, &szUnix, sizeof(szUnix)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!strcmp(szUnix, "unix")) { pThis->AddrUnixModCtl = ModCtlAddr; pThis->iModCtlVer = 9; cbModCtl = sizeof(ModCtlv9); break; } Log(("sol64 mod_name=%.*s v9\n", sizeof(szUnix), szUnix)); } } } } else { DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &ModCtlAddr, HitAddr.FlatPtr - RT_OFFSETOF(SOL32v9_modctl_t, mod_text)); SOL32v9_modctl_t ModCtlv9; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &ModCtlAddr, &ModCtlv9, sizeof(ModCtlv9)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if ( SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_next) && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_prev) && ModCtlv9.mod_id == 0 && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_mp) && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_filename) && SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtlv9.mod_modname) && (ModCtlv9.mod_loaded == 1 || ModCtlv9.mod_loaded == 0) && (ModCtlv9.mod_installed == 1 || ModCtlv9.mod_installed == 0) && ModCtlv9.mod_requisites == 0 && (ModCtlv9.mod_loadcnt == 1 || ModCtlv9.mod_loadcnt == 0) /*&& ModCtlv9.mod_text == pThis->AddrUnixText.FlatPtr*/ && ModCtlv9.mod_text_size < SOL_UNIX_MAX_CODE_SEG_SIZE ) { char szUnix[5]; DBGFADDRESS NameAddr; DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &NameAddr, ModCtlv9.mod_modname); rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &NameAddr, &szUnix, sizeof(szUnix)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!strcmp(szUnix, "unix")) { pThis->AddrUnixModCtl = ModCtlAddr; pThis->iModCtlVer = 9; cbModCtl = sizeof(ModCtlv9); break; } Log(("sol32 mod_name=%.*s v9\n", sizeof(szUnix), szUnix)); } } } } /* next */ DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &CurAddr, HitAddr.FlatPtr + cbExpr); } /* * Walk the module chain and add the modules and their symbols. */ if (pThis->AddrUnixModCtl.FlatPtr) { int iMod = 0; CurAddr = pThis->AddrUnixModCtl; do { /* read it */ SOL_modctl_t ModCtl; rc = DBGFR3MemRead(pUVM, 0, &CurAddr, &ModCtl, cbModCtl); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("sol: bad modctl_t chain for module %d: %RGv - %Rrc\n", iMod, CurAddr.FlatPtr, rc)); break; } /* process it. */ if (pThis->f64Bit) dbgDiggerSolarisProcessModCtl64(pUVM, pThis, &ModCtl); else dbgDiggerSolarisProcessModCtl32(pUVM, pThis, &ModCtl); /* next */ if (pThis->f64Bit) { AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_64.mod_next, v9_64.mod_next); if (!SOL64_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtl.v9_64.mod_next)) { LogRel(("sol64: bad modctl_t chain for module %d at %RGv: %RGv\n", iMod, CurAddr.FlatPtr, (RTGCUINTPTR)ModCtl.v9_64.mod_next)); break; } DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &CurAddr, ModCtl.v9_64.mod_next); } else { AssertCompile2MemberOffsets(SOL_modctl_t, v11_32.mod_next, v9_32.mod_next); if (!SOL32_VALID_ADDRESS(ModCtl.v9_32.mod_next)) { LogRel(("sol32: bad modctl_t chain for module %d at %RGv: %RGv\n", iMod, CurAddr.FlatPtr, (RTGCUINTPTR)ModCtl.v9_32.mod_next)); break; } DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &CurAddr, ModCtl.v9_32.mod_next); } if (++iMod >= 1024) { LogRel(("sol32: too many modules (%d)\n", iMod)); break; } } while (CurAddr.FlatPtr != pThis->AddrUnixModCtl.FlatPtr); } pThis->fValid = true; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnProbe */ static DECLCALLBACK(bool) dbgDiggerSolarisProbe(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData) { PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS pThis = (PDBGDIGGERSOLARIS)pvData; /* * Look for "SunOS Release" in the text segment. */ DBGFADDRESS Addr; bool f64Bit = false; /* 32-bit search range. */ DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, 0xfe800000); RTGCUINTPTR cbRange = 0xfec00000 - 0xfe800000; DBGFADDRESS HitAddr; static const uint8_t s_abSunRelease[] = "SunOS Release "; int rc = DBGFR3MemScan(pUVM, 0, &Addr, cbRange, 1, s_abSunRelease, sizeof(s_abSunRelease) - 1, &HitAddr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { /* 64-bit.... */ DBGFR3AddrFromFlat(pUVM, &Addr, UINT64_C(0xfffffffffb800000)); cbRange = UINT64_C(0xfffffffffbd00000) - UINT64_C(0xfffffffffb800000); rc = DBGFR3MemScan(pUVM, 0, &Addr, cbRange, 1, s_abSunRelease, sizeof(s_abSunRelease) - 1, &HitAddr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return false; f64Bit = true; } /* * Look for the copyright string too, just to be sure. */ static const uint8_t s_abSMI[] = "Sun Microsystems, Inc."; static const uint8_t s_abORCL[] = "Oracle and/or its affiliates."; rc = DBGFR3MemScan(pUVM, 0, &Addr, cbRange, 1, s_abSMI, sizeof(s_abSMI) - 1, &HitAddr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { /* Try the alternate copyright string. */ rc = DBGFR3MemScan(pUVM, 0, &Addr, cbRange, 1, s_abORCL, sizeof(s_abORCL) - 1, &HitAddr); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return false; } /* * Remember the unix text and data addresses and bitness. */ pThis->AddrUnixText = Addr; DBGFR3AddrAdd(&Addr, SOL_UNIX_MAX_CODE_SEG_SIZE); pThis->AddrUnixData = Addr; pThis->f64Bit = f64Bit; return true; } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnDestruct */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) dbgDiggerSolarisDestruct(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData) { RT_NOREF2(pUVM, pvData); } /** * @copydoc DBGFOSREG::pfnConstruct */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) dbgDiggerSolarisConstruct(PUVM pUVM, void *pvData) { RT_NOREF2(pUVM, pvData); return VINF_SUCCESS; } const DBGFOSREG g_DBGDiggerSolaris = { /* .u32Magic = */ DBGFOSREG_MAGIC, /* .fFlags = */ 0, /* .cbData = */ sizeof(DBGDIGGERSOLARIS), /* .szName = */ "Solaris", /* .pfnConstruct = */ dbgDiggerSolarisConstruct, /* .pfnDestruct = */ dbgDiggerSolarisDestruct, /* .pfnProbe = */ dbgDiggerSolarisProbe, /* .pfnInit = */ dbgDiggerSolarisInit, /* .pfnRefresh = */ dbgDiggerSolarisRefresh, /* .pfnTerm = */ dbgDiggerSolarisTerm, /* .pfnQueryVersion = */ dbgDiggerSolarisQueryVersion, /* .pfnQueryInterface = */ dbgDiggerSolarisQueryInterface, /* .pfnStackUnwindAssist = */ dbgDiggerSolarisStackUnwindAssist, /* .u32EndMagic = */ DBGFOSREG_MAGIC };