/* $Id: AudioMixer.cpp 88720 2021-04-26 22:46:21Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Audio mixing routines for multiplexing audio sources in device emulations. * * Overview * ======== * * This mixer acts as a layer between the audio connector interface and * the actual device emulation, providing mechanisms for audio sources (input) * and audio sinks (output). * * Think of this mixer as kind of a high(er) level interface for the audio * connector interface, abstracting common tasks such as creating and managing * various audio sources and sinks. This mixer class is purely optional and can * be left out when implementing a new device emulation, using only the audi * connector interface instead. For example, the SB16 emulation does not use * this mixer and does all its stream management on its own. * * As audio driver instances are handled as LUNs on the device level, this * audio mixer then can take care of e.g. mixing various inputs/outputs to/from * a specific source/sink. * * How and which audio streams are connected to sinks/sources depends on how * the audio mixer has been set up. * * A sink can connect multiple output streams together, whereas a source * does this with input streams. Each sink / source consists of one or more * so-called mixer streams, which then in turn have pointers to the actual * PDM audio input/output streams. * * Playback * ======== * * For output sinks there can be one or more mixing stream attached. * As the host sets the overall pace for the device emulation (virtual time * in the guest OS vs. real time on the host OS), an output mixing sink * needs to make sure that all connected output streams are able to accept * all the same amount of data at a time. * * This is called synchronous multiplexing. * * A mixing sink employs an own audio mixing buffer, which in turn can convert * the audio (output) data supplied from the device emulation into the sink's * audio format. As all connected mixing streams in theory could have the same * audio format as the mixing sink (parent), this can save processing time when * it comes to serving a lot of mixing streams at once. That way only one * conversion must be done, instead of each stream having to iterate over the * data. * * Recording * ========= * * For input sinks only one mixing stream at a time can be the recording * source currently. A recording source is optional, e.g. it is possible to * have no current recording source set. Switching to a different recording * source at runtime is possible. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_AUDIO_MIXER #include #include "AudioMixer.h" #include "AudioMixBuffer.h" #include "AudioHlp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static int audioMixerAddSinkInternal(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PAUDMIXSINK pSink); static int audioMixerRemoveSinkInternal(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PAUDMIXSINK pSink); static int audioMixerSinkInit(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, const char *pcszName, AUDMIXSINKDIR enmDir); static void audioMixerSinkDestroyInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns); static int audioMixerSinkUpdateVolume(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, const PPDMAUDIOVOLUME pVolMaster); static void audioMixerSinkRemoveAllStreamsInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); static int audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); static void audioMixerSinkReset(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); static int audioMixerSinkSetRecSourceInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); static int audioMixerStreamCtlInternal(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmd, uint32_t fCtl); static void audioMixerStreamDestroyInternal(PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns); static int audioMixerStreamUpdateStatus(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream); /** size of output buffer for dbgAudioMixerSinkStatusToStr. */ #define AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX sizeof("RUNNING PENDING_DISABLE DIRTY 0x12345678") /** * Converts a mixer sink status to a string. * * @returns pszDst * @param fStatus The mixer sink status. * @param pszDst The output buffer. Must be at least * AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX in length. */ static const char *dbgAudioMixerSinkStatusToStr(AUDMIXSINKSTS fStatus, char pszDst[AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX]) { if (!fStatus) return strcpy(pszDst, "NONE"); static const struct { const char *pszMnemonic; uint32_t cchMnemonic; uint32_t fStatus; } s_aFlags[] = { { RT_STR_TUPLE("RUNNING "), AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("PENDING_DISABLE "), AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE }, { RT_STR_TUPLE("DIRTY "), AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY }, }; char *psz = pszDst; for (size_t i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(s_aFlags); i++) if (fStatus & s_aFlags[i].fStatus) { memcpy(psz, s_aFlags[i].pszMnemonic, s_aFlags[i].cchMnemonic); psz += s_aFlags[i].cchMnemonic; fStatus &= ~s_aFlags[i].fStatus; if (!fStatus) { psz[-1] = '\0'; return pszDst; } } RTStrPrintf(psz, AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX - (psz - pszDst), "%#x", fStatus); return pszDst; } /** * Creates an audio sink and attaches it to the given mixer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to attach created sink to. * @param pszName Name of the sink to create. * @param enmDir Direction of the sink to create. * @param pDevIns The device instance to register statistics under. * @param ppSink Pointer which returns the created sink on success. */ int AudioMixerCreateSink(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, const char *pszName, AUDMIXSINKDIR enmDir, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PAUDMIXSINK *ppSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pMixer, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* ppSink is optional. */ int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); PAUDMIXSINK pSink = (PAUDMIXSINK)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(AUDMIXSINK)); if (pSink) { rc = audioMixerSinkInit(pSink, pMixer, pszName, enmDir); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = audioMixerAddSinkInternal(pMixer, pSink); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); char szPrefix[128]; RTStrPrintf(szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix), "MixerSink-%s/", pSink->pszName); PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pSink->MixBuf.cFrames, STAMTYPE_U32, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, STAMUNIT_NONE, "Sink mixer buffer size in frames.", "%sMixBufSize", szPrefix); PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pSink->MixBuf.cUsed, STAMTYPE_U32, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, STAMUNIT_NONE, "Sink mixer buffer fill size in frames.", "%sMixBufUsed", szPrefix); PDMDevHlpSTAMRegisterF(pDevIns, &pSink->cStreams, STAMTYPE_U8, STAMVISIBILITY_USED, STAMUNIT_NONE, "Number of streams attached to the sink.", "%sStreams", szPrefix); if (ppSink) *ppSink = pSink; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } audioMixerSinkDestroyInternal(pSink, pDevIns); RTMemFree(pSink); pSink = NULL; } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); return rc; } /** * Creates an audio mixer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pcszName Name of the audio mixer. * @param fFlags Creation flags. * @param ppMixer Pointer which returns the created mixer object. */ int AudioMixerCreate(const char *pcszName, uint32_t fFlags, PAUDIOMIXER *ppMixer) { AssertPtrReturn(pcszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn (!(fFlags & ~AUDMIXER_FLAGS_VALID_MASK), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(ppMixer, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; PAUDIOMIXER pMixer = (PAUDIOMIXER)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(AUDIOMIXER)); if (pMixer) { pMixer->pszName = RTStrDup(pcszName); if (!pMixer->pszName) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = RTCritSectInit(&pMixer->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pMixer->cSinks = 0; RTListInit(&pMixer->lstSinks); pMixer->fFlags = fFlags; if (pMixer->fFlags & AUDMIXER_FLAGS_DEBUG) LogRel(("Audio Mixer: Debug mode enabled\n")); /* Set master volume to the max. */ pMixer->VolMaster.fMuted = false; pMixer->VolMaster.uLeft = PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; pMixer->VolMaster.uRight = PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; LogFlowFunc(("Created mixer '%s'\n", pMixer->pszName)); *ppMixer = pMixer; } else RTMemFree(pMixer); /** @todo leaks pszName due to badly structured code */ } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Helper function for the internal debugger to print the mixer's current * state, along with the attached sinks. * * @param pMixer Mixer to print debug output for. * @param pHlp Debug info helper to use. * @param pszArgs Optional arguments. Not being used at the moment. */ void AudioMixerDebug(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs) { RT_NOREF(pszArgs); PAUDMIXSINK pSink; unsigned iSink = 0; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixer->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return; pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "[Master] %s: lVol=%u, rVol=%u, fMuted=%RTbool\n", pMixer->pszName, pMixer->VolMaster.uLeft, pMixer->VolMaster.uRight, pMixer->VolMaster.fMuted); RTListForEach(&pMixer->lstSinks, pSink, AUDMIXSINK, Node) { pHlp->pfnPrintf(pHlp, "[Sink %u] %s: lVol=%u, rVol=%u, fMuted=%RTbool\n", iSink, pSink->pszName, pSink->Volume.uLeft, pSink->Volume.uRight, pSink->Volume.fMuted); ++iSink; } rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } /** * Destroys an audio mixer. * * @param pMixer Audio mixer to destroy. * @param pDevIns The device instance the statistics are associated with. */ void AudioMixerDestroy(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { if (!pMixer) return; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); LogFlowFunc(("Destroying %s ...\n", pMixer->pszName)); PAUDMIXSINK pSink, pSinkNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pMixer->lstSinks, pSink, pSinkNext, AUDMIXSINK, Node) { audioMixerSinkDestroyInternal(pSink, pDevIns); audioMixerRemoveSinkInternal(pMixer, pSink); RTMemFree(pSink); } Assert(pMixer->cSinks == 0); RTStrFree(pMixer->pszName); pMixer->pszName = NULL; rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); RTCritSectDelete(&pMixer->CritSect); RTMemFree(pMixer); pMixer = NULL; } /** * Invalidates all internal data, internal version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to invalidate data for. */ int audioMixerInvalidateInternal(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer) { AssertPtrReturn(pMixer, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("[%s]\n", pMixer->pszName)); /* Propagate new master volume to all connected sinks. */ PAUDMIXSINK pSink; RTListForEach(&pMixer->lstSinks, pSink, AUDMIXSINK, Node) { int rc2 = audioMixerSinkUpdateVolume(pSink, &pMixer->VolMaster); AssertRC(rc2); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Invalidates all internal data. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to invalidate data for. */ void AudioMixerInvalidate(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pMixer); int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); LogFlowFunc(("[%s]\n", pMixer->pszName)); rc2 = audioMixerInvalidateInternal(pMixer); AssertRC(rc2); rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } /** * Adds sink to an existing mixer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to add sink to. * @param pSink Sink to add. */ static int audioMixerAddSinkInternal(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pMixer, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /** @todo Check upper sink limit? */ /** @todo Check for double-inserted sinks? */ RTListAppend(&pMixer->lstSinks, &pSink->Node); pMixer->cSinks++; LogFlowFunc(("pMixer=%p, pSink=%p, cSinks=%RU8\n", pMixer, pSink, pMixer->cSinks)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Removes a formerly attached audio sink for an audio mixer, internal version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to remove sink from. * @param pSink Sink to remove. */ static int audioMixerRemoveSinkInternal(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pMixer, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (!pSink) return VERR_NOT_FOUND; AssertMsgReturn(pSink->pParent == pMixer, ("%s: Is not part of mixer '%s'\n", pSink->pszName, pMixer->pszName), VERR_NOT_FOUND); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] pSink=%s, cSinks=%RU8\n", pMixer->pszName, pSink->pszName, pMixer->cSinks)); /* Remove sink from mixer. */ RTListNodeRemove(&pSink->Node); Assert(pMixer->cSinks); pMixer->cSinks--; /* Set mixer to NULL so that we know we're not part of any mixer anymore. */ pSink->pParent = NULL; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Removes a formerly attached audio sink for an audio mixer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to remove sink from. * @param pSink Sink to remove. */ void AudioMixerRemoveSink(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); audioMixerSinkRemoveAllStreamsInternal(pSink); audioMixerRemoveSinkInternal(pMixer, pSink); rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); } /** * Sets the mixer's master volume. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixer Mixer to set master volume for. * @param pVol Volume to set. */ int AudioMixerSetMasterVolume(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PPDMAUDIOVOLUME pVol) { AssertPtrReturn(pMixer, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pVol, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixer->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; memcpy(&pMixer->VolMaster, pVol, sizeof(PDMAUDIOVOLUME)); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] lVol=%RU32, rVol=%RU32 => fMuted=%RTbool, lVol=%RU32, rVol=%RU32\n", pMixer->pszName, pVol->uLeft, pVol->uRight, pMixer->VolMaster.fMuted, pMixer->VolMaster.uLeft, pMixer->VolMaster.uRight)); rc = audioMixerInvalidateInternal(pMixer); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixer->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Mixer Sink implementation. ********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Adds an audio stream to a specific audio sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Sink to add audio stream to. * @param pStream Stream to add. */ int AudioMixerSinkAddStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (pSink->cStreams == UINT8_MAX) /* 255 streams per sink max. */ { int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return VERR_NO_MORE_HANDLES; } LogFlowFuncEnter(); /** @todo Check if stream already is assigned to (another) sink. */ /* If the sink is running and not in pending disable mode, * make sure that the added stream also is enabled. */ if ( (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING) && !(pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE)) { rc = audioMixerStreamCtlInternal(pStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE, AUDMIXSTRMCTL_F_NONE); if (rc == VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Not fatal here, stream can become available at some later point in time. */ } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pSink->enmDir != AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT) { /* Apply the sink's combined volume to the stream. */ rc = pStream->pConn->pfnStreamSetVolume(pStream->pConn, pStream->pStream, &pSink->VolumeCombined); AssertRC(rc); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Save pointer to sink the stream is attached to. */ pStream->pSink = pSink; /* Append stream to sink's list. */ RTListAppend(&pSink->lstStreams, &pStream->Node); pSink->cStreams++; } LogFlowFunc(("[%s] cStreams=%RU8, rc=%Rrc\n", pSink->pszName, pSink->cStreams, rc)); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } /** * Creates an audio mixer stream. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Sink to use for creating the stream. * @param pConn Audio connector interface to use. * @param pCfg Audio stream configuration to use. This may be modified * in some unspecified way (see * PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR::pfnStreamCreate). * @param fFlags Stream flags. Currently unused, set to 0. * @param pDevIns The device instance to register statistics with. * @param ppStream Pointer which receives the newly created audio stream. */ int AudioMixerSinkCreateStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pConn, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, AUDMIXSTREAMFLAGS fFlags, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns, PAUDMIXSTREAM *ppStream) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pConn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /** @todo Validate fFlags. */ /* ppStream is optional. */ RT_NOREF(pDevIns); /* we'll probably be adding more statistics */ /* * Check status and get the host driver config. */ if (pConn->pfnGetStatus(pConn, PDMAUDIODIR_DUPLEX) == PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS_NOT_ATTACHED) return VERR_AUDIO_BACKEND_NOT_ATTACHED; PDMAUDIOBACKENDCFG BackendCfg; int rc = pConn->pfnGetConfig(pConn, &BackendCfg); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* * Allocate the instance. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream = (PAUDMIXSTREAM)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(AUDMIXSTREAM)); AssertReturn(pMixStream, VERR_NO_MEMORY); pMixStream->fFlags = fFlags; /* Assign the backend's name to the mixer stream's name for easier identification in the (release) log. */ pMixStream->pszName = RTStrAPrintf2("[%s] %s", pCfg->szName, BackendCfg.szName); pMixStream->pszStatPrefix = RTStrAPrintf2("MixerSink-%s/%s/", pSink->pszName, BackendCfg.szName); if (pMixStream->pszName && pMixStream->pszStatPrefix) { rc = RTCritSectInit(&pMixStream->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Lock the sink so we can safely get it's properties and call * down into the audio driver to create that end of the stream. */ rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("[%s] fFlags=0x%x (enmDir=%ld, %u bits, %RU8 channels, %RU32Hz)\n", pSink->pszName, fFlags, pCfg->enmDir, PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pCfg->Props), PDMAudioPropsChannels(&pCfg->Props), pCfg->Props.uHz)); /* * Initialize the host-side configuration for the stream to be created. * Always use the sink's PCM audio format as the host side when creating a stream for it. */ AssertMsg(AudioHlpPcmPropsAreValid(&pSink->PCMProps), ("%s: Does not (yet) have a format set when it must\n", pSink->pszName)); PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgHost; rc = PDMAudioStrmCfgInitWithProps(&CfgHost, &pSink->PCMProps); AssertRC(rc); /* cannot fail */ /* Apply the sink's direction for the configuration to use to create the stream. */ if (pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT) { CfgHost.enmDir = PDMAUDIODIR_IN; CfgHost.u.enmSrc = pCfg->u.enmSrc; CfgHost.enmLayout = pCfg->enmLayout; } else { CfgHost.enmDir = PDMAUDIODIR_OUT; CfgHost.u.enmDst = pCfg->u.enmDst; CfgHost.enmLayout = pCfg->enmLayout; } RTStrCopy(CfgHost.szName, sizeof(CfgHost.szName), pCfg->szName); /* * Create the stream. * * Output streams are not using any mixing buffers in DrvAudio. This will * become the norm after we move the input mixing here and convert DevSB16 * to use this mixer code too. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream; rc = pConn->pfnStreamCreate(pConn, pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT ? PDMAUDIOSTREAM_CREATE_F_NO_MIXBUF : 0, &CfgHost, pCfg, &pStream); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Set up the mixing buffer conversion state. */ if (pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT) rc = AudioMixBufInitPeekState(&pSink->MixBuf, &pMixStream->PeekState, &pStream->Props); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* Save the audio stream pointer to this mixing stream. */ pMixStream->pStream = pStream; /* Increase the stream's reference count to let others know * we're reyling on it to be around now. */ pConn->pfnStreamRetain(pConn, pStream); pMixStream->pConn = pConn; RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); if (ppStream) *ppStream = pMixStream; return VINF_SUCCESS; } rc = pConn->pfnStreamDestroy(pConn, pStream); } /* * Failed. Tear down the stream. */ int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } RTCritSectDelete(&pMixStream->CritSect); } } else rc = VERR_NO_STR_MEMORY; RTStrFree(pMixStream->pszStatPrefix); pMixStream->pszStatPrefix = NULL; RTStrFree(pMixStream->pszName); pMixStream->pszName = NULL; RTMemFree(pMixStream); return rc; } /** * Static helper function to translate a sink command * to a PDM audio stream command. * * @returns PDM audio stream command, or PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_UNKNOWN if not found. * @param enmCmd Mixer sink command to translate. */ static PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD audioMixerSinkToStreamCmd(AUDMIXSINKCMD enmCmd) { switch (enmCmd) { case AUDMIXSINKCMD_ENABLE: return PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE; case AUDMIXSINKCMD_DISABLE: return PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE; case AUDMIXSINKCMD_PAUSE: return PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_PAUSE; case AUDMIXSINKCMD_RESUME: return PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_RESUME; default: break; } AssertMsgFailed(("Unsupported sink command %d\n", enmCmd)); return PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_INVALID; } /** * Controls a mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Mixer sink to control. * @param enmSinkCmd Sink command to set. */ int AudioMixerSinkCtl(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, AUDMIXSINKCMD enmSinkCmd) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmdStream = audioMixerSinkToStreamCmd(enmSinkCmd); if (enmCmdStream == PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_INVALID) return VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; /* Input sink and no recording source set? Bail out early. */ if ( pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT && pSink->In.pStreamRecSource == NULL) { int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream; if ( pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT && pSink->In.pStreamRecSource) /* Any recording source set? */ { RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { if (pStream == pSink->In.pStreamRecSource) { int rc2 = audioMixerStreamCtlInternal(pStream, enmCmdStream, AUDMIXSTRMCTL_F_NONE); if (rc2 == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) rc2 = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; /* Keep going. Flag? */ } } } else if (pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT) { RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { int rc2 = audioMixerStreamCtlInternal(pStream, enmCmdStream, AUDMIXSTRMCTL_F_NONE); if (rc2 == VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED) rc2 = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; /* Keep going. Flag? */ } } switch (enmSinkCmd) { case AUDMIXSINKCMD_ENABLE: { /* Make sure to clear any other former flags again by assigning AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING directly. */ pSink->fStatus = AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING; break; } case AUDMIXSINKCMD_DISABLE: { if (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING) { /* Set the sink in a pending disable state first. * The final status (disabled) will be set in the sink's iteration. */ pSink->fStatus |= AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE; } break; } default: AssertFailedStmt(rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); break; } #if defined(RTLOG_REL_ENABLED) || defined(LOG_ENABLED) char szStatus[AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX]; #endif LogRel2(("Audio Mixer: Set new status of sink '%s': %s (enmCmd=%RU32 rc=%Rrc)\n", pSink->pszName, dbgAudioMixerSinkStatusToStr(pSink->fStatus, szStatus), enmSinkCmd, rc)); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } /** * Initializes a sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Sink to initialize. * @param pMixer Mixer the sink is assigned to. * @param pcszName Name of the sink. * @param enmDir Direction of the sink. */ static int audioMixerSinkInit(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, const char *pcszName, AUDMIXSINKDIR enmDir) { pSink->pszName = RTStrDup(pcszName); if (!pSink->pszName) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; int rc = RTCritSectInit(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pSink->pParent = pMixer; pSink->enmDir = enmDir; RTListInit(&pSink->lstStreams); /* Set initial volume to max. */ pSink->Volume.fMuted = false; pSink->Volume.uLeft = PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; pSink->Volume.uRight = PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; /* Ditto for the combined volume. */ pSink->VolumeCombined.fMuted = false; pSink->VolumeCombined.uLeft = PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; pSink->VolumeCombined.uRight = PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; const size_t cbScratchBuf = _1K; /** @todo Make this configurable? */ pSink->pabScratchBuf = (uint8_t *)RTMemAlloc(cbScratchBuf); AssertPtrReturn(pSink->pabScratchBuf, VERR_NO_MEMORY); pSink->cbScratchBuf = cbScratchBuf; } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Destroys a mixer sink and removes it from the attached mixer (if any). * * @param pSink Mixer sink to destroy. * @param pDevIns The device instance that statistics are registered with. */ void AudioMixerSinkDestroy(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { if (!pSink) return; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); if (pSink->pParent) { /* Save mixer pointer, as after audioMixerRemoveSinkInternal() the * pointer will be gone from the stream. */ PAUDIOMIXER pMixer = pSink->pParent; AssertPtr(pMixer); audioMixerRemoveSinkInternal(pMixer, pSink); } rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); audioMixerSinkDestroyInternal(pSink, pDevIns); RTMemFree(pSink); pSink = NULL; } /** * Destroys a mixer sink. * * @param pSink Mixer sink to destroy. * @param pDevIns The device instance statistics are registered with. */ static void audioMixerSinkDestroyInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pSink); LogFunc(("%s\n", pSink->pszName)); PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream, pStreamNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pSink->lstStreams, pStream, pStreamNext, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal(pSink, pStream); audioMixerStreamDestroyInternal(pStream, pDevIns); } if ( pSink->pParent && pSink->pParent->fFlags & AUDMIXER_FLAGS_DEBUG) { AudioHlpFileDestroy(pSink->Dbg.pFile); pSink->Dbg.pFile = NULL; } char szPrefix[128]; RTStrPrintf(szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix), "MixerSink-%s/", pSink->pszName); PDMDevHlpSTAMDeregisterByPrefix(pDevIns, szPrefix); RTStrFree(pSink->pszName); pSink->pszName = NULL; RTMemFree(pSink->pabScratchBuf); pSink->pabScratchBuf = NULL; pSink->cbScratchBuf = 0; AudioMixBufDestroy(&pSink->MixBuf); RTCritSectDelete(&pSink->CritSect); } /** * Returns the amount of bytes ready to be read from a sink since the last call * to AudioMixerSinkUpdate(). * * @returns Amount of bytes ready to be read from the sink. * @param pSink Sink to return number of available bytes for. */ uint32_t AudioMixerSinkGetReadable(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, 0); AssertMsg(pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT, ("%s: Can't read from a non-input sink\n", pSink->pszName)); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return 0; uint32_t cbReadable = 0; if (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING) { #ifdef VBOX_AUDIO_MIXER_WITH_MIXBUF_IN # error "Implement me!" #else PAUDMIXSTREAM pStreamRecSource = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource; if (!pStreamRecSource) { Log3Func(("[%s] No recording source specified, skipping ...\n", pSink->pszName)); } else { AssertPtr(pStreamRecSource->pConn); cbReadable = pStreamRecSource->pConn->pfnStreamGetReadable(pStreamRecSource->pConn, pStreamRecSource->pStream); } #endif } Log3Func(("[%s] cbReadable=%RU32\n", pSink->pszName, cbReadable)); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return cbReadable; } /** * Returns the sink's current recording source. * * @return Mixer stream which currently is set as current recording source, NULL if none is set. * @param pSink Audio mixer sink to return current recording source for. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM AudioMixerSinkGetRecordingSource(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return NULL; AssertMsg(pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT, ("Specified sink is not an input sink\n")); PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return pStream; } /** * Returns the amount of bytes ready to be written to a sink since the last call * to AudioMixerSinkUpdate(). * * @returns Amount of bytes ready to be written to the sink. * @param pSink Sink to return number of available bytes for. */ uint32_t AudioMixerSinkGetWritable(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, 0); AssertMsg(pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT, ("%s: Can't write to a non-output sink\n", pSink->pszName)); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return 0; uint32_t cbWritable = 0; if ( (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING) && !(pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE)) { cbWritable = AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&pSink->MixBuf); } Log3Func(("[%s] cbWritable=%RU32 (%RU64ms)\n", pSink->pszName, cbWritable, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pSink->PCMProps, cbWritable))); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return cbWritable; } /** * Returns the sink's mixing direction. * * @returns Mixing direction. * @param pSink Sink to return direction for. */ AUDMIXSINKDIR AudioMixerSinkGetDir(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, AUDMIXSINKDIR_UNKNOWN); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return AUDMIXSINKDIR_UNKNOWN; const AUDMIXSINKDIR enmDir = pSink->enmDir; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return enmDir; } /** * Returns the sink's (friendly) name. * * @returns The sink's (friendly) name. */ const char *AudioMixerSinkGetName(const PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, ""); return pSink->pszName; } /** * Returns a specific mixer stream from a sink, based on its index. * * @returns Mixer stream if found, or NULL if not found. * @param pSink Sink to retrieve mixer stream from. * @param uIndex Index of the mixer stream to return. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM AudioMixerSinkGetStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, uint8_t uIndex) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, NULL); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return NULL; AssertMsgReturn(uIndex < pSink->cStreams, ("Index %RU8 exceeds stream count (%RU8)", uIndex, pSink->cStreams), NULL); /* Slow lookup, d'oh. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream = RTListGetFirst(&pSink->lstStreams, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node); while (uIndex) { pStream = RTListGetNext(&pSink->lstStreams, pStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node); uIndex--; } /** @todo Do we need to raise the stream's reference count here? */ int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); AssertPtr(pStream); return pStream; } /** * Returns the current status of a mixer sink. * * @returns The sink's current status. * @param pSink Mixer sink to return status for. */ AUDMIXSINKSTS AudioMixerSinkGetStatus(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return AUDMIXSINK_STS_NONE; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return AUDMIXSINK_STS_NONE; /* If the dirty flag is set, there is unprocessed data in the sink. */ AUDMIXSINKSTS stsSink = pSink->fStatus; rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return stsSink; } /** * Returns the number of attached mixer streams to a mixer sink. * * @returns The number of attached mixer streams. * @param pSink Mixer sink to return number for. */ uint8_t AudioMixerSinkGetStreamCount(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return 0; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return 0; const uint8_t cStreams = pSink->cStreams; rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return cStreams; } /** * Returns whether the sink is in an active state or not. * Note: The pending disable state also counts as active. * * @returns True if active, false if not. * @param pSink Sink to return active state for. */ bool AudioMixerSinkIsActive(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return false; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return false; const bool fIsActive = pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING; /* Note: AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE implies AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING. */ Log3Func(("[%s] fActive=%RTbool\n", pSink->pszName, fIsActive)); rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return fIsActive; } /** * Reads audio data from a mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Mixer sink to read data from. * @param enmOp Mixer operation to use for reading the data. * @param pvBuf Buffer where to store the read data. * @param cbBuf Buffer size (in bytes) where to store the data. * @param pcbRead Number of bytes read. Optional. */ int AudioMixerSinkRead(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, AUDMIXOP enmOp, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbRead) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RT_NOREF(enmOp); AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* pcbRead is optional. */ /** @todo Handle mixing operation enmOp! */ int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; AssertMsg(pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT, ("Can't read from a sink which is not an input sink\n")); uint32_t cbRead = 0; /* Flag indicating whether this sink is in a 'clean' state, * e.g. there is no more data to read from. */ bool fClean = true; PAUDMIXSTREAM pStreamRecSource = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource; if (!pStreamRecSource) { Log3Func(("[%s] No recording source specified, skipping ...\n", pSink->pszName)); } else if (!(pStreamRecSource->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED)) { Log3Func(("[%s] Stream '%s' disabled, skipping ...\n", pSink->pszName, pStreamRecSource->pszName)); } else { uint32_t cbToRead = cbBuf; while (cbToRead) { uint32_t cbReadStrm; AssertPtr(pStreamRecSource->pConn); #ifdef VBOX_AUDIO_MIXER_WITH_MIXBUF_IN # error "Implement me!" #else rc = pStreamRecSource->pConn->pfnStreamRead(pStreamRecSource->pConn, pStreamRecSource->pStream, (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cbRead, cbToRead, &cbReadStrm); #endif if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogFunc(("[%s] Failed reading from stream '%s': %Rrc\n", pSink->pszName, pStreamRecSource->pszName, rc)); Log3Func(("[%s] Stream '%s': Read %RU32 bytes\n", pSink->pszName, pStreamRecSource->pszName, cbReadStrm)); if ( RT_FAILURE(rc) || !cbReadStrm) break; AssertBreakStmt(cbReadStrm <= cbToRead, rc = VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); cbToRead -= cbReadStrm; cbRead += cbReadStrm; Assert(cbRead <= cbBuf); } uint32_t cbReadable = pStreamRecSource->pConn->pfnStreamGetReadable(pStreamRecSource->pConn, pStreamRecSource->pStream); /* Still some data available? Then sink is not clean (yet). */ if (cbReadable) fClean = false; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (fClean) pSink->fStatus &= ~AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY; /* Update our last read time stamp. */ pSink->tsLastReadWrittenNs = RTTimeNanoTS(); if (pSink->pParent->fFlags & AUDMIXER_FLAGS_DEBUG) { int rc2 = AudioHlpFileWrite(pSink->Dbg.pFile, pvBuf, cbRead, 0 /* fFlags */); AssertRC(rc2); } } } #ifdef LOG_ENABLED char szStatus[AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX]; #endif Log2Func(("[%s] cbRead=%RU32, fClean=%RTbool, fStatus=%s, rc=%Rrc\n", pSink->pszName, cbRead, fClean, dbgAudioMixerSinkStatusToStr(pSink->fStatus, szStatus), rc)); if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = cbRead; int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } /** * Removes a mixer stream from a mixer sink, internal version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Sink to remove mixer stream from. * @param pStream Stream to remove. */ static int audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); if ( !pStream || !pStream->pSink) /* Not part of a sink anymore? */ { return VERR_NOT_FOUND; } AssertMsgReturn(pStream->pSink == pSink, ("Stream '%s' is not part of sink '%s'\n", pStream->pszName, pSink->pszName), VERR_NOT_FOUND); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] (Stream = %s), cStreams=%RU8\n", pSink->pszName, pStream->pStream->szName, pSink->cStreams)); /* Remove stream from sink. */ RTListNodeRemove(&pStream->Node); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT) { /* Make sure to also un-set the recording source if this stream was set * as the recording source before. */ if (pStream == pSink->In.pStreamRecSource) rc = audioMixerSinkSetRecSourceInternal(pSink, NULL); } /* Set sink to NULL so that we know we're not part of any sink anymore. */ pStream->pSink = NULL; return rc; } /** * Removes a mixer stream from a mixer sink. * * @param pSink Sink to remove mixer stream from. * @param pStream Stream to remove. */ void AudioMixerSinkRemoveStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream) { int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); rc2 = audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal(pSink, pStream); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { Assert(pSink->cStreams); pSink->cStreams--; } rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } /** * Removes all attached streams from a given sink. * * @param pSink Sink to remove attached streams from. */ static void audioMixerSinkRemoveAllStreamsInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return; LogFunc(("%s\n", pSink->pszName)); PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream, pStreamNext; RTListForEachSafe(&pSink->lstStreams, pStream, pStreamNext, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal(pSink, pStream); } /** * Resets the sink's state. * * @param pSink Sink to reset. */ static void audioMixerSinkReset(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return; LogFunc(("[%s]\n", pSink->pszName)); AudioMixBufReset(&pSink->MixBuf); /* Update last updated timestamp. */ pSink->tsLastUpdatedMs = 0; /* Reset status. */ pSink->fStatus = AUDMIXSINK_STS_NONE; } /** * Removes all attached streams from a given sink. * * @param pSink Sink to remove attached streams from. */ void AudioMixerSinkRemoveAllStreams(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); audioMixerSinkRemoveAllStreamsInternal(pSink); pSink->cStreams = 0; rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } /** * Resets a sink. This will immediately stop all processing. * * @param pSink Sink to reset. */ void AudioMixerSinkReset(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { if (!pSink) return; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); LogFlowFunc(("[%s]\n", pSink->pszName)); audioMixerSinkReset(pSink); rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } /** * Returns the audio format of a mixer sink. * * @param pSink Sink to retrieve audio format for. * @param pPCMProps Where to the returned audio format. */ void AudioMixerSinkGetFormat(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pPCMProps) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pSink); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPCMProps); int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return; memcpy(pPCMProps, &pSink->PCMProps, sizeof(PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS)); rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); } /** * Sets the audio format of a mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink The sink to set audio format for. * @param pPCMProps Audio format (PCM properties) to set. */ int AudioMixerSinkSetFormat(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PCPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pPCMProps) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pPCMProps, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(AudioHlpPcmPropsAreValid(pPCMProps), VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; if (PDMAudioPropsAreEqual(&pSink->PCMProps, pPCMProps)) /* Bail out early if PCM properties are equal. */ { rc = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc); return rc; } if (pSink->PCMProps.uHz) LogFlowFunc(("[%s] Old format: %u bit, %RU8 channels, %RU32Hz\n", pSink->pszName, PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pSink->PCMProps), PDMAudioPropsChannels(&pSink->PCMProps), pSink->PCMProps.uHz)); memcpy(&pSink->PCMProps, pPCMProps, sizeof(PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS)); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] New format %u bit, %RU8 channels, %RU32Hz\n", pSink->pszName, PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pSink->PCMProps), PDMAudioPropsChannels(&pSink->PCMProps), pSink->PCMProps.uHz)); /* Also update the sink's mixing buffer format. */ AudioMixBufDestroy(&pSink->MixBuf); rc = AudioMixBufInit(&pSink->MixBuf, pSink->pszName, &pSink->PCMProps, PDMAudioPropsMilliToFrames(&pSink->PCMProps, 100 /*ms*/)); /** @todo Make this configurable? */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream; RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { /** @todo Invalidate mix buffers! */ } } if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (pSink->pParent->fFlags & AUDMIXER_FLAGS_DEBUG)) { AudioHlpFileClose(pSink->Dbg.pFile); char szName[64]; RTStrPrintf(szName, sizeof(szName), "MixerSink-%s", pSink->pszName); char szFile[RTPATH_MAX]; int rc2 = AudioHlpFileNameGet(szFile, RT_ELEMENTS(szFile), NULL /* Use temporary directory */, szName, 0 /* Instance */, AUDIOHLPFILETYPE_WAV, AUDIOHLPFILENAME_FLAGS_NONE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { rc2 = AudioHlpFileCreate(AUDIOHLPFILETYPE_WAV, szFile, AUDIOHLPFILE_FLAGS_NONE, &pSink->Dbg.pFile); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) rc2 = AudioHlpFileOpen(pSink->Dbg.pFile, AUDIOHLPFILE_DEFAULT_OPEN_FLAGS, &pSink->PCMProps); } } int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Set the current recording source of an input mixer sink, internal version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Input mixer sink to set recording source for. * @param pStream Mixer stream to set as current recording source. Must be an input stream. * Specify NULL to un-set the current recording source. */ static int audioMixerSinkSetRecSourceInternal(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream) { AssertMsg(pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT, ("Specified sink is not an input sink\n")); int rc; /* * Warning: Do *not* use pfnConn->pfnEnable() for enabling/disabling streams here, as this will unconditionally (re-)enable * streams, which would violate / run against the (global) VM settings. See @bugref{9882}. */ /* Get pointers of current recording source to make code easier to read below. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM pCurRecSrc = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource; /* Can be NULL. */ PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pCurRecSrcConn = NULL; PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pCurRecSrcStream = NULL; if (pCurRecSrc) /* First, disable old recording source, if any is set. */ { pCurRecSrcConn = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource->pConn; AssertPtrReturn(pCurRecSrcConn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); pCurRecSrcStream = pCurRecSrc->pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pCurRecSrcStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); rc = pCurRecSrcConn->pfnStreamControl(pCurRecSrcConn, pCurRecSrcStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pStream) { AssertPtr(pStream->pStream); AssertMsg(pStream->pStream->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN, ("Specified stream is not an input stream\n")); AssertPtr(pStream->pConn); rc = pStream->pConn->pfnStreamControl(pStream->pConn, pStream->pStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pCurRecSrc = pStream; } else if (pCurRecSrc) /* Stay with the current recording source (if any) and re-enable it. */ { rc = pCurRecSrcConn->pfnStreamControl(pCurRecSrcConn, pCurRecSrcStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE); } } else pCurRecSrc = NULL; /* Unsetting, see audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal. */ } /* Invalidate pointers. */ pSink->In.pStreamRecSource = pCurRecSrc; LogFunc(("[%s] Recording source is now '%s', rc=%Rrc\n", pSink->pszName, pSink->In.pStreamRecSource ? pSink->In.pStreamRecSource->pszName : "", rc)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel(("Audio Mixer: Setting recording source of sink '%s' to '%s'\n", pSink->pszName, pSink->In.pStreamRecSource ? pSink->In.pStreamRecSource->pszName : "")); else if (rc != VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY) LogRel(("Audio Mixer: Setting recording source of sink '%s' to '%s' failed with %Rrc\n", pSink->pszName, pSink->In.pStreamRecSource ? pSink->In.pStreamRecSource->pszName : "", rc)); return rc; } /** * Set the current recording source of an input mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Input mixer sink to set recording source for. * @param pStream Mixer stream to set as current recording source. Must be an input stream. * Set to NULL to un-set the current recording source. */ int AudioMixerSinkSetRecordingSource(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = audioMixerSinkSetRecSourceInternal(pSink, pStream); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } /** * Sets the volume of an individual sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Sink to set volume for. * @param pVol Volume to set. */ int AudioMixerSinkSetVolume(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMAUDIOVOLUME pVol) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pVol, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; memcpy(&pSink->Volume, pVol, sizeof(PDMAUDIOVOLUME)); LogRel2(("Audio Mixer: Setting volume of sink '%s' to %RU8/%RU8 (%s)\n", pSink->pszName, pVol->uLeft, pVol->uRight, pVol->fMuted ? "Muted" : "Unmuted")); AssertPtr(pSink->pParent); rc = audioMixerSinkUpdateVolume(pSink, &pSink->pParent->VolMaster); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return rc; } /** * Updates an input mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Mixer sink to update. */ static int audioMixerSinkUpdateInput(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { /* * Warning! We currently do _not_ use the mixing buffer for input streams! * Warning! We currently do _not_ use the mixing buffer for input streams! * Warning! We currently do _not_ use the mixing buffer for input streams! */ /* * Skip input sinks without a recoring source. */ if (pSink->In.pStreamRecSource == NULL) return VINF_SUCCESS; /* * Update each mixing sink stream's status. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream; RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { int rc2 = audioMixerStreamUpdateStatus(pMixStream); AssertRC(rc2); } /* * Iterate and do capture on the recording source. We ignore all other streams. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* not sure if error propagation is worth it... */ #if 1 pMixStream = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource; #else RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) #endif { if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) { uint32_t cFramesCaptured = 0; int rc2 = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamIterate(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { rc2 = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamCapture(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream, &cFramesCaptured); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { if (cFramesCaptured) pSink->fStatus |= AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY; } else { LogFunc(("%s: Failed capturing stream '%s', rc=%Rrc\n", pSink->pszName, pMixStream->pStream->szName, rc2)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; } } else if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; Log3Func(("%s: cFramesCaptured=%RU32 (rc2=%Rrc)\n", pMixStream->pStream->szName, cFramesCaptured, rc2)); } } /* Update last updated timestamp. */ pSink->tsLastUpdatedMs = RTTimeMilliTS(); /* * Deal with pending disable. The general case is that we reset * the sink when all streams have been disabled, however input is * currently a special case where we only care about the one * recording source... */ if (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE) { #if 1 uint32_t const cStreams = 1; uint32_t cStreamsDisabled = 1; pMixStream = pSink->In.pStreamRecSource; #else uint32_t const cStreams = pSink->cStreams; uint32_t cStreamsDisabled = pSink->cStreams; RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) #endif { if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) { PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS const fSts = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamGetStatus(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); if (fSts & (PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_ENABLED | PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PENDING_DISABLE)) cStreamsDisabled--; } } Log3Func(("[%s] pending disable: %u of %u disabled\n", pSink->pszName, cStreamsDisabled, cStreams)); if (cStreamsDisabled == cStreams) audioMixerSinkReset(pSink); } return rc; } /** * Updates an output mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Mixer sink to update. */ static int audioMixerSinkUpdateOutput(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { /* * Update each mixing sink stream's status and check how much we can * write into them. * * We're currently using the minimum size of all streams, however this * isn't a smart approach as it means one disfunctional stream can block * working ones. */ /** @todo rework this so a broken stream cannot hold up everyone. */ uint32_t cFramesToRead = AudioMixBufLive(&pSink->MixBuf); /* (to read from the mixing buffer) */ uint32_t cWritableStreams = 0; PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream; RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { #if 0 /** @todo this conceptually makes sense, but may mess up the pending-disable logic ... */ if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) pConn->pfnStreamIterate(pConn, pStream); #endif int rc2 = audioMixerStreamUpdateStatus(pMixStream); AssertRC(rc2); if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) { uint32_t const cbWritable = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamGetWritable(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); uint32_t cFrames = PDMAudioPropsBytesToFrames(&pMixStream->pStream->Props, cbWritable); if (PDMAudioPropsHz(&pMixStream->pStream->Props) == PDMAudioPropsHz(&pSink->MixBuf.Props)) { /* likely */ } else { cFrames = cFrames * PDMAudioPropsHz(&pSink->MixBuf.Props) / PDMAudioPropsHz(&pMixStream->pStream->Props); cFrames = cFrames > 2 ? cFrames - 2 : 0; /* rounding safety fudge */ } if (cFramesToRead > cFrames) { Log4Func(("%s: cFramesToRead %u -> %u; %s (%u bytes writable)\n", pSink->pszName, cFramesToRead, cFrames, pMixStream->pszName, cbWritable)); cFramesToRead = cFrames; } cWritableStreams++; } } Log3Func(("%s: cLiveFrames=%#x cFramesToRead=%#x cWritableStreams=%#x\n", pSink->pszName, AudioMixBufLive(&pSink->MixBuf), cFramesToRead, cWritableStreams)); if (cWritableStreams > 0) { if (cFramesToRead > 0) { /* * For each of the enabled streams, convert cFramesToRead frames from * the mixing buffer and write that to the downstream driver. */ RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) { uint32_t offSrcFrame = 0; do { /* Convert a chunk from the mixer buffer. */ union { uint8_t ab[8192]; uint64_t au64[8192 / sizeof(uint64_t)]; /* Use uint64_t to ensure good alignment. */ } Buf; uint32_t cbDstPeeked = sizeof(Buf); uint32_t cSrcFramesPeeked = cFramesToRead - offSrcFrame; AudioMixBufPeek(&pSink->MixBuf, offSrcFrame, cSrcFramesPeeked, &cSrcFramesPeeked, &pMixStream->PeekState, &Buf, sizeof(Buf), &cbDstPeeked); offSrcFrame += cSrcFramesPeeked; /* Write it to the backend. Since've checked that there is buffer space available, this should always write the whole buffer. */ uint32_t cbDstWritten = 0; int rc2 = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamPlay(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream, &Buf, cbDstPeeked, &cbDstWritten); Log3Func(("%s: %#x L %#x => %#x bytes; wrote %#x rc2=%Rrc %s\n", pSink->pszName, offSrcFrame, cSrcFramesPeeked - cSrcFramesPeeked, cbDstPeeked, cbDstWritten, rc2, pMixStream->pszName)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) AssertLogRelMsg(cbDstWritten == cbDstPeeked, ("cbDstWritten=%#x cbDstPeeked=%#x - (sink '%s')\n", cbDstWritten, cbDstPeeked, pSink->pszName)); else if (rc2 == VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY) { LogRel2(("Audio Mixer: '%s' (sink '%s'): Stream not ready - skipping.\n", pMixStream->pszName, pSink->pszName)); break; /* must've changed status, stop processing */ } else { Assert(rc2 != VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); LogRel2(("Audio Mixer: Writing to mixer stream '%s' (sink '%s') failed, rc=%Rrc\n", pMixStream->pszName, pSink->pszName, rc2)); break; } } while (offSrcFrame < cFramesToRead); } } AudioMixBufAdvance(&pSink->MixBuf, cFramesToRead); } /* * Update the dirty flag for what it's worth. */ if (AudioMixBufUsed(&pSink->MixBuf)) pSink->fStatus |= AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY; else pSink->fStatus &= ~AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY; } else { /* * If no writable streams, just drop the mixer buffer content. */ AudioMixBufDrop(&pSink->MixBuf); pSink->fStatus &= ~AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY; } /* * Iterate buffers. */ RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamIterate(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); } /* Update last updated timestamp. */ pSink->tsLastUpdatedMs = RTTimeMilliTS(); /* * Deal with pending disable. * We reset the sink when all streams have been disabled. */ if (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE) { uint32_t const cStreams = pSink->cStreams; uint32_t cStreamsDisabled = pSink->cStreams; RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { if (pMixStream->fStatus & AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED) { PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS const fSts = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamGetStatus(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); if (fSts & (PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_ENABLED | PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_PENDING_DISABLE)) cStreamsDisabled--; } } Log3Func(("[%s] pending disable: %u of %u disabled\n", pSink->pszName, cStreamsDisabled, cStreams)); if (cStreamsDisabled == cStreams) audioMixerSinkReset(pSink); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Updates (invalidates) a mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Mixer sink to update. */ int AudioMixerSinkUpdate(PAUDMIXSINK pSink) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); #ifdef LOG_ENABLED char szStatus[AUDIOMIXERSINK_STATUS_STR_MAX]; #endif Log3Func(("[%s] fStatus=%s\n", pSink->pszName, dbgAudioMixerSinkStatusToStr(pSink->fStatus, szStatus))); /* Only process running sinks. */ if (pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING) { /* Do separate processing for input and output sinks. */ if (pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT) rc = audioMixerSinkUpdateOutput(pSink); else if (pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT) rc = audioMixerSinkUpdateInput(pSink); else AssertFailed(); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* disabled */ RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); return rc; } /** * Updates the (master) volume of a mixer sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Mixer sink to update volume for. * @param pVolMaster Master volume to set. */ static int audioMixerSinkUpdateVolume(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, const PPDMAUDIOVOLUME pVolMaster) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pVolMaster, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] Master fMuted=%RTbool, lVol=%RU32, rVol=%RU32\n", pSink->pszName, pVolMaster->fMuted, pVolMaster->uLeft, pVolMaster->uRight)); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] fMuted=%RTbool, lVol=%RU32, rVol=%RU32 ", pSink->pszName, pSink->Volume.fMuted, pSink->Volume.uLeft, pSink->Volume.uRight)); /** @todo Very crude implementation for now -- needs more work! */ pSink->VolumeCombined.fMuted = pVolMaster->fMuted || pSink->Volume.fMuted; pSink->VolumeCombined.uLeft = ( (pSink->Volume.uLeft ? pSink->Volume.uLeft : 1) * (pVolMaster->uLeft ? pVolMaster->uLeft : 1)) / PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; pSink->VolumeCombined.uRight = ( (pSink->Volume.uRight ? pSink->Volume.uRight : 1) * (pVolMaster->uRight ? pVolMaster->uRight : 1)) / PDMAUDIO_VOLUME_MAX; LogFlow(("-> fMuted=%RTbool, lVol=%RU32, rVol=%RU32\n", pSink->VolumeCombined.fMuted, pSink->VolumeCombined.uLeft, pSink->VolumeCombined.uRight)); /* * Input sinks must currently propagate the new volume settings to * all the streams. (For output sinks we do the volume control here.) */ if (pSink->enmDir != AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT) { PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream; RTListForEach(&pSink->lstStreams, pMixStream, AUDMIXSTREAM, Node) { int rc2 = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamSetVolume(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream, &pSink->VolumeCombined); AssertRC(rc2); } } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Writes data to a mixer output sink. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pSink Sink to write data to. * @param enmOp Mixer operation to use when writing data to the sink. * @param pvBuf Buffer containing the audio data to write. * @param cbBuf Size (in bytes) of the buffer containing the audio data. * @param pcbWritten Number of bytes written. Optional. */ int AudioMixerSinkWrite(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, AUDMIXOP enmOp, const void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { AssertPtrReturn(pSink, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); RT_NOREF(enmOp); AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn (cbBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* pcbWritten is optional. */ int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pSink->CritSect); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); AssertMsg(pSink->fStatus & AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING, ("%s: Can't write to a sink which is not running (anymore) (status 0x%x)\n", pSink->pszName, pSink->fStatus)); AssertMsg(pSink->enmDir == AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT, ("%s: Can't write to a sink which is not an output sink\n", pSink->pszName)); uint32_t cbWritten = 0; uint32_t cbToWrite = RT_MIN(AudioMixBufFreeBytes(&pSink->MixBuf), cbBuf); while (cbToWrite) { /* Write the data to the mixer sink's own mixing buffer. Here the audio data is transformed into the mixer sink's format. */ uint32_t cFramesWritten = 0; rc = AudioMixBufWriteCirc(&pSink->MixBuf, (uint8_t const*)pvBuf + cbWritten, cbToWrite, &cFramesWritten); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { const uint32_t cbWrittenChunk = PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pSink->PCMProps, cFramesWritten); Assert(cbToWrite >= cbWrittenChunk); cbToWrite -= cbWrittenChunk; cbWritten += cbWrittenChunk; } else break; } Log3Func(("[%s] cbBuf=%RU32 -> cbWritten=%RU32\n", pSink->pszName, cbBuf, cbWritten)); /* Update the sink's last written time stamp. */ pSink->tsLastReadWrittenNs = RTTimeNanoTS(); if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = cbWritten; RTCritSectLeave(&pSink->CritSect); return rc; } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Mixer Stream implementation. ********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Controls a mixer stream, internal version. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to control. * @param enmCmd Mixer stream command to use. * @param fCtl Additional control flags. Pass 0. */ static int audioMixerStreamCtlInternal(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmd, uint32_t fCtl) { AssertPtr(pMixStream->pConn); AssertPtr(pMixStream->pStream); RT_NOREF(fCtl); int rc = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamControl(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream, enmCmd); LogFlowFunc(("[%s] enmCmd=%ld, rc=%Rrc\n", pMixStream->pszName, enmCmd, rc)); return rc; } /** * Updates a mixer stream's internal status. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to to update internal status for. */ static int audioMixerStreamUpdateStatus(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream) { pMixStream->fStatus = AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_NONE; if (pMixStream->pConn) /* Audio connector available? */ { const uint32_t fStreamStatus = pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamGetStatus(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); if (PDMAudioStrmStatusIsReady(fStreamStatus)) pMixStream->fStatus |= AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED; AssertPtr(pMixStream->pSink); switch (pMixStream->pSink->enmDir) { case AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT: if (PDMAudioStrmStatusCanRead(fStreamStatus)) pMixStream->fStatus |= AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_CAN_READ; break; case AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT: if (PDMAudioStrmStatusCanWrite(fStreamStatus)) pMixStream->fStatus |= AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_CAN_WRITE; break; default: AssertFailedReturn(VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); break; } } LogFlowFunc(("[%s] -> 0x%x\n", pMixStream->pszName, pMixStream->fStatus)); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Controls a mixer stream. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to control. * @param enmCmd Mixer stream command to use. * @param fCtl Additional control flags. Pass 0. */ int AudioMixerStreamCtl(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmd, uint32_t fCtl) { RT_NOREF(fCtl); AssertPtrReturn(pMixStream, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /** @todo Validate fCtl. */ int rc = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixStream->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) return rc; rc = audioMixerStreamCtlInternal(pMixStream, enmCmd, fCtl); int rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixStream->CritSect); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = rc2; return rc; } /** * Destroys a mixer stream, internal version. * * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to destroy. * @param pDevIns The device instance the statistics are registered with. */ static void audioMixerStreamDestroyInternal(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pMixStream); LogFunc(("%s\n", pMixStream->pszName)); if (pMixStream->pConn) /* Stream has a connector interface present? */ { if (pMixStream->pStream) { pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamRelease(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamDestroy(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream); pMixStream->pStream = NULL; } pMixStream->pConn = NULL; } if (pMixStream->pszStatPrefix) { PDMDevHlpSTAMDeregisterByPrefix(pDevIns, pMixStream->pszStatPrefix); RTStrFree(pMixStream->pszStatPrefix); pMixStream->pszStatPrefix = NULL; } RTStrFree(pMixStream->pszName); pMixStream->pszName = NULL; int rc2 = RTCritSectDelete(&pMixStream->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); RTMemFree(pMixStream); pMixStream = NULL; } /** * Destroys a mixer stream. * * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to destroy. * @param pDevIns The device instance statistics are registered with. */ void AudioMixerStreamDestroy(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream, PPDMDEVINS pDevIns) { if (!pMixStream) return; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixStream->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); LogFunc(("%s\n", pMixStream->pszName)); if (pMixStream->pSink) /* Is the stream part of a sink? */ { /* Save sink pointer, as after audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal() the * pointer will be gone from the stream. */ PAUDMIXSINK pSink = pMixStream->pSink; rc2 = audioMixerSinkRemoveStreamInternal(pSink, pMixStream); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { Assert(pSink->cStreams); pSink->cStreams--; } } else rc2 = VINF_SUCCESS; int rc3 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixStream->CritSect); AssertRC(rc3); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { audioMixerStreamDestroyInternal(pMixStream, pDevIns); pMixStream = NULL; } LogFlowFunc(("Returning %Rrc\n", rc2)); } /** * Returns whether a mixer stream currently is active (playing/recording) or not. * * @returns @c true if playing/recording, @c false if not. * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to return status for. */ bool AudioMixerStreamIsActive(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream) { int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixStream->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return false; AssertPtr(pMixStream->pConn); AssertPtr(pMixStream->pStream); bool fIsActive; if ( pMixStream->pConn && pMixStream->pStream && RT_BOOL(pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamGetStatus(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream) & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_ENABLED)) { fIsActive = true; } else fIsActive = false; rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixStream->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return fIsActive; } /** * Returns whether a mixer stream is valid (e.g. initialized and in a working state) or not. * * @returns @c true if valid, @c false if not. * @param pMixStream Mixer stream to return status for. */ bool AudioMixerStreamIsValid(PAUDMIXSTREAM pMixStream) { if (!pMixStream) return false; int rc2 = RTCritSectEnter(&pMixStream->CritSect); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) return false; bool fIsValid; if ( pMixStream->pConn && pMixStream->pStream && RT_BOOL(pMixStream->pConn->pfnStreamGetStatus(pMixStream->pConn, pMixStream->pStream) & PDMAUDIOSTREAMSTS_FLAGS_INITIALIZED)) { fIsValid = true; } else fIsValid = false; rc2 = RTCritSectLeave(&pMixStream->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); return fIsValid; }