/* $Id: AudioMixer.h 87852 2021-02-23 17:45:39Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * VBox audio - Mixing routines. * * The mixing routines are mainly used by the various audio device emulations * to achieve proper multiplexing from/to attached devices LUNs. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ #ifndef VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_Audio_AudioMixer_h #define VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_Audio_AudioMixer_h #ifndef RT_WITHOUT_PRAGMA_ONCE # pragma once #endif #include #include #include /** Pointer to an audio mixer sink. */ typedef struct AUDMIXSINK *PAUDMIXSINK; /** * Audio mixer instance. */ typedef struct AUDIOMIXER { /** The mixer's name. */ char *pszName; /** The mixer's critical section. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** The master volume of this mixer. */ PDMAUDIOVOLUME VolMaster; /** List of audio mixer sinks. */ RTLISTANCHOR lstSinks; /** Number of used audio sinks. */ uint8_t cSinks; /** Mixer flags. See AUDMIXER_FLAGS_XXX. */ uint32_t fFlags; } AUDIOMIXER; /** Pointer to an audio mixer instance. */ typedef AUDIOMIXER *PAUDIOMIXER; /** Defines an audio mixer stream's flags. */ #define AUDMIXSTREAMFLAGS uint32_t /** No flags specified. */ #define AUDMIXSTREAM_F_NONE 0 /** The mixing stream is flagged as being enabled (active). */ #define AUDMIXSTREAM_F_ENABLED RT_BIT(0) /** Defines an audio mixer stream's internal status. */ #define AUDMIXSTREAMSTATUS uint32_t /** No status set. */ #define AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_NONE 0 /** The mixing stream is enabled (active). */ #define AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_ENABLED RT_BIT(0) /** The mixing stream can be read from. */ #define AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_CAN_READ RT_BIT(1) /** The mixing stream can be written to. */ #define AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_CAN_WRITE RT_BIT(2) /** * Audio mixer stream. */ typedef struct AUDMIXSTREAM { /** List node. */ RTLISTNODE Node; /** Name of this stream. */ char *pszName; /** The streams's critical section. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** Sink this stream is attached to. */ PAUDMIXSINK pSink; /** Stream flags of type AUDMIXSTREAM_F_. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** Stream status of type AUDMIXSTREAM_STATUS_. */ uint32_t fStatus; /** Pointer to audio connector being used. */ PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pConn; /** Pointer to PDM audio stream this mixer stream handles. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAM pStream; /** Last read (recording) / written (playback) timestamp (in ns). */ uint64_t tsLastReadWrittenNs; /** The stream's circular buffer for temporarily * holding (raw) device audio data. */ PRTCIRCBUF pCircBuf; } AUDMIXSTREAM, *PAUDMIXSTREAM; /** Defines an audio sink's current status. */ #define AUDMIXSINKSTS uint32_t /** No status specified. */ #define AUDMIXSINK_STS_NONE 0 /** The sink is active and running. */ #define AUDMIXSINK_STS_RUNNING RT_BIT(0) /** The sink is in a pending disable state. */ #define AUDMIXSINK_STS_PENDING_DISABLE RT_BIT(1) /** Dirty flag. * For output sinks this means that there is data in the * sink which has not been played yet. * For input sinks this means that there is data in the * sink which has been recorded but not transferred to the * destination yet. */ #define AUDMIXSINK_STS_DIRTY RT_BIT(2) /** * Audio mixer sink direction. */ typedef enum AUDMIXSINKDIR { /** Unknown direction. */ AUDMIXSINKDIR_UNKNOWN = 0, /** Input (capturing from a device). */ AUDMIXSINKDIR_INPUT, /** Output (playing to a device). */ AUDMIXSINKDIR_OUTPUT, /** The usual 32-bit hack. */ AUDMIXSINKDIR_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } AUDMIXSINKDIR; /** * Audio mixer sink command. */ typedef enum AUDMIXSINKCMD { /** Unknown command, do not use. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_UNKNOWN = 0, /** Enables the sink. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_ENABLE, /** Disables the sink. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_DISABLE, /** Pauses the sink. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_PAUSE, /** Resumes the sink. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_RESUME, /** Tells the sink's streams to drop all (buffered) data immediately. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_DROP, /** Hack to blow the type up to 32-bit. */ AUDMIXSINKCMD_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } AUDMIXSINKCMD; /** * Audio input sink specifics. * * Do not use directly. Instead, use AUDMIXSINK. */ typedef struct AUDMIXSINKIN { /** The current recording source. Can be NULL if not set. */ PAUDMIXSTREAM pStreamRecSource; } AUDMIXSINKIN; /** * Audio output sink specifics. * * Do not use directly. Instead, use AUDMIXSINK. */ typedef struct AUDMIXSINKOUT { } AUDMIXSINKOUT; /** * Audio mixer sink. */ typedef struct AUDMIXSINK { RTLISTNODE Node; /** Pointer to mixer object this sink is bound to. */ PAUDIOMIXER pParent; /** Name of this sink. */ char *pszName; /** The sink direction, that is, * if this sink handles input or output. */ AUDMIXSINKDIR enmDir; /** The sink's critical section. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** This sink's mixing buffer, acting as * a parent buffer for all streams this sink owns. */ PDMAUDIOMIXBUF MixBuf; /** Scratch buffer for multiplexing / mixing. Might be NULL if not needed. */ uint8_t *pabScratchBuf; /** Size (in bytes) of pabScratchBuf. Might be 0 if not needed. */ size_t cbScratchBuf; /** Union for input/output specifics. */ union { AUDMIXSINKIN In; AUDMIXSINKOUT Out; }; /** Sink status of type AUDMIXSINK_STS_XXX. */ AUDMIXSINKSTS fStatus; /** The sink's PCM format. */ PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS PCMProps; /** Number of streams assigned. */ uint8_t cStreams; /** List of assigned streams. * Note: All streams have the same PCM properties, so the * mixer does not do any conversion. */ /** @todo Use something faster -- vector maybe? */ RTLISTANCHOR lstStreams; /** The volume of this sink. The volume always will * be combined with the mixer's master volume. */ PDMAUDIOVOLUME Volume; /** The volume of this sink, combined with the last set master volume. */ PDMAUDIOVOLUME VolumeCombined; /** Timestamp since last update (in ms). */ uint64_t tsLastUpdatedMs; /** Last read (recording) / written (playback) timestamp (in ns). */ uint64_t tsLastReadWrittenNs; struct { PPDMAUDIOFILE pFile; } Dbg; } AUDMIXSINK; /** * Audio mixer operation. */ typedef enum AUDMIXOP { /** Invalid operation, do not use. */ AUDMIXOP_INVALID = 0, /** Copy data from A to B, overwriting data in B. */ AUDMIXOP_COPY, /** Blend data from A with (existing) data in B. */ AUDMIXOP_BLEND, /** The usual 32-bit hack. */ AUDMIXOP_32BIT_HACK = 0x7fffffff } AUDMIXOP; /** No flags specified. */ #define AUDMIXSTRMCTL_F_NONE 0 /** No mixer flags specified. */ #define AUDMIXER_FLAGS_NONE 0 /** Debug mode enabled. * This writes .WAV file to the host, usually to the temporary directory. */ #define AUDMIXER_FLAGS_DEBUG RT_BIT(0) /** Validation mask. */ #define AUDMIXER_FLAGS_VALID_MASK UINT32_C(0x00000001) int AudioMixerCreate(const char *pszName, uint32_t fFlags, PAUDIOMIXER *ppMixer); int AudioMixerCreateSink(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, const char *pszName, AUDMIXSINKDIR enmDir, PAUDMIXSINK *ppSink); void AudioMixerDestroy(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer); void AudioMixerInvalidate(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer); void AudioMixerRemoveSink(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PAUDMIXSINK pSink); int AudioMixerSetMasterVolume(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PPDMAUDIOVOLUME pVol); void AudioMixerDebug(PAUDIOMIXER pMixer, PCDBGFINFOHLP pHlp, const char *pszArgs); int AudioMixerSinkAddStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); int AudioMixerSinkCreateStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pConnector, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, AUDMIXSTREAMFLAGS fFlags, PAUDMIXSTREAM *ppStream); int AudioMixerSinkCtl(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, AUDMIXSINKCMD enmCmd); void AudioMixerSinkDestroy(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); uint32_t AudioMixerSinkGetReadable(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); uint32_t AudioMixerSinkGetWritable(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); AUDMIXSINKDIR AudioMixerSinkGetDir(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); const char *AudioMixerSinkGetName(const PAUDMIXSINK pSink); PAUDMIXSTREAM AudioMixerSinkGetRecordingSource(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); PAUDMIXSTREAM AudioMixerSinkGetStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, uint8_t uIndex); AUDMIXSINKSTS AudioMixerSinkGetStatus(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); uint8_t AudioMixerSinkGetStreamCount(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); bool AudioMixerSinkIsActive(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); int AudioMixerSinkRead(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, AUDMIXOP enmOp, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbRead); void AudioMixerSinkRemoveStream(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); void AudioMixerSinkRemoveAllStreams(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); void AudioMixerSinkReset(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); void AudioMixerSinkGetFormat(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pPCMProps); int AudioMixerSinkSetFormat(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMAUDIOPCMPROPS pPCMProps); int AudioMixerSinkSetRecordingSource(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); int AudioMixerSinkSetVolume(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, PPDMAUDIOVOLUME pVol); int AudioMixerSinkWrite(PAUDMIXSINK pSink, AUDMIXOP enmOp, const void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbWritten); int AudioMixerSinkUpdate(PAUDMIXSINK pSink); int AudioMixerStreamCtl(PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmd, uint32_t fCtl); void AudioMixerStreamDestroy(PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); bool AudioMixerStreamIsActive(PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); bool AudioMixerStreamIsValid(PAUDMIXSTREAM pStream); #endif /* !VBOX_INCLUDED_SRC_Audio_AudioMixer_h */