/* $Id: DrvAudio.cpp 57451 2015-08-19 09:39:17Z vboxsync $ */ /** @file * Intermediate audio driver header. * * @remarks Intermediate audio driver having audio device as one of the sink and * host backend as other. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This code is based on: audio.c from QEMU AUDIO subsystem. * * QEMU Audio subsystem * * Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Vassili Karpov (malc) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_AUDIO #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxDD.h" #include #include #include "DrvAudio.h" #include "AudioMixBuffer.h" static int drvAudioDestroyGstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn); static int drvAudioAllocHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PDMAUDIORECSOURCE enmRecSource, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN *ppHstStrmIn); static int drvAudioDestroyHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn); int drvAudioAddHstOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT *ppHstStrmOut) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut; int rc; if ( conf.fixed_out.enabled /** @todo Get rid of these settings! */ && conf.fixed_out.greedy) { rc = drvAudioAllocHstOut(pThis, pszName, pCfg, &pHstStrmOut); } else rc = VERR_NOT_FOUND; if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { pHstStrmOut = drvAudioFindSpecificOut(pThis, NULL, pCfg); if (!pHstStrmOut) { rc = drvAudioAllocHstOut(pThis, pszName, pCfg, &pHstStrmOut); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) pHstStrmOut = drvAudioFindAnyHstOut(pThis, NULL /* pHstStrmOut */); } rc = pHstStrmOut ? VINF_SUCCESS : rc; } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppHstStrmOut = pHstStrmOut; return rc; } static PDMAUDIOFMT drvAudioGetConfFormat(PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, const char *pszKey, PDMAUDIOFMT enmDefault, bool *pfDefault) { if ( pCfgHandle == NULL || pszKey == NULL) { *pfDefault = true; return enmDefault; } char *pszValue = NULL; int rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfgHandle, pszKey, &pszValue); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { *pfDefault = true; return enmDefault; } PDMAUDIOFMT fmt = drvAudioHlpStringToFormat(pszValue); if (fmt == AUD_FMT_INVALID) { *pfDefault = true; return enmDefault; } *pfDefault = false; return fmt; } static int drvAudioGetConfInt(PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, const char *pszKey, int iDefault, bool *pfDefault) { if ( pCfgHandle == NULL || pszKey == NULL) { *pfDefault = true; return iDefault; } uint64_t u64Data = 0; int rc = CFGMR3QueryInteger(pCfgHandle, pszKey, &u64Data); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { *pfDefault = true; return iDefault; } *pfDefault = false; return u64Data; } static const char *drvAudioGetConfStr(PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, const char *pszKey, const char *pszDefault, bool *pfDefault) { if ( pCfgHandle == NULL || pszKey == NULL) { *pfDefault = true; return pszDefault; } char *pszValue = NULL; int rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfgHandle, pszKey, &pszValue); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { *pfDefault = true; return pszDefault; } *pfDefault = false; return pszValue; } static int drvAudioProcessOptions(PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, const char *pszPrefix, struct audio_option *opt) { AssertPtrReturn(pCfgHandle, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszPrefix, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(opt, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PCFGMNODE pCfgChildHandle = NULL; PCFGMNODE pCfgChildChildHandle = NULL; /* If pCfgHandle is NULL, let NULL be passed to get int and get string functions.. * The getter function will return default values. */ if (pCfgHandle != NULL) { /* If its audio general setting, need to traverse to one child node. * /Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/Config/Audio */ if(!strncmp(pszPrefix, "AUDIO", 5)) /** @todo Use a #define */ { pCfgChildHandle = CFGMR3GetFirstChild(pCfgHandle); if(pCfgChildHandle) pCfgHandle = pCfgChildHandle; } else { /* If its driver specific configuration , then need to traverse two level deep child * child nodes. for eg. in case of DirectSoundConfiguration item * /Devices/ichac97/0/LUN#0/Config/Audio/DirectSoundConfig */ pCfgChildHandle = CFGMR3GetFirstChild(pCfgHandle); if (pCfgChildHandle) { pCfgChildChildHandle = CFGMR3GetFirstChild(pCfgChildHandle); if (pCfgChildChildHandle) pCfgHandle = pCfgChildChildHandle; } } } for (; opt->name; opt++) { LogFlowFunc(("Option value pointer for `%s' is not set\n", opt->name)); if (!opt->valp) { LogFlowFunc(("Option value pointer for `%s' is not set\n", opt->name)); continue; } bool fUseDefault; switch (opt->tag) { case AUD_OPT_BOOL: case AUD_OPT_INT: { int *intp = (int *)opt->valp; *intp = drvAudioGetConfInt(pCfgHandle, opt->name, *intp, &fUseDefault); break; } case AUD_OPT_FMT: { PDMAUDIOFMT *fmtp = (PDMAUDIOFMT *)opt->valp; *fmtp = drvAudioGetConfFormat(pCfgHandle, opt->name, *fmtp, &fUseDefault); break; } case AUD_OPT_STR: { const char **strp = (const char **)opt->valp; *strp = drvAudioGetConfStr(pCfgHandle, opt->name, *strp, &fUseDefault); break; } default: LogFlowFunc(("Bad value tag for option `%s' - %d\n", opt->name, opt->tag)); fUseDefault = false; break; } if (!opt->overridenp) opt->overridenp = &opt->overriden; *opt->overridenp = !fUseDefault; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static bool drvAudioStreamCfgIsValid(PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { bool fValid = ( pCfg->cChannels == 1 || pCfg->cChannels == 2); /* Either stereo (2) or mono (1), per stream. */ fValid |= ( pCfg->enmEndianness == PDMAUDIOENDIANNESS_LITTLE || pCfg->enmEndianness == PDMAUDIOENDIANNESS_BIG); if (fValid) { switch (pCfg->enmFormat) { case AUD_FMT_S8: case AUD_FMT_U8: case AUD_FMT_S16: case AUD_FMT_U16: case AUD_FMT_S32: case AUD_FMT_U32: break; default: fValid = false; break; } } /** @todo Check for defined frequencies supported. */ fValid |= pCfg->uHz > 0; #ifdef DEBUG drvAudioStreamCfgPrint(pCfg); #endif LogFlowFunc(("pCfg=%p, fValid=%RTbool\n", pCfg, fValid)); return fValid; } void drvAudioClearBuf(PPDMPCMPROPS pPCMInfo, void *pvBuf, size_t cbBuf) { AssertPtrReturnVoid(pPCMInfo); AssertPtrReturnVoid(pvBuf); if (!cbBuf) return; Log2Func(("pPCMInfo=%p, pvBuf=%p, cbBuf=%zu, fSigned=%RTbool, cBits=%RU8, cShift=%RU8\n", pPCMInfo, pvBuf, cbBuf, pPCMInfo->fSigned, pPCMInfo->cBits, pPCMInfo->cShift)); if (pPCMInfo->fSigned) { memset(pvBuf, 0, cbBuf << pPCMInfo->cShift); } else { switch (pPCMInfo->cBits) { case 8: memset(pvBuf, 0x80, cbBuf << pPCMInfo->cShift); break; case 16: { uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)pvBuf; int shift = pPCMInfo->cChannels - 1; short s = INT16_MAX; if (pPCMInfo->fSwapEndian) s = RT_BSWAP_U16(s); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cbBuf << shift; i++) p[i] = s; break; } case 32: { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)pvBuf; int shift = pPCMInfo->cChannels - 1; int32_t s = INT32_MAX; if (pPCMInfo->fSwapEndian) s = RT_BSWAP_U32(s); for (unsigned i = 0; i < cbBuf << shift; i++) p[i] = s; break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Invalid bits: %RU8\n", pPCMInfo->cBits)); break; } } } static int drvAudioControlHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmStreamCmd, uint32_t uFlags) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc; switch (enmStreamCmd) { case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE: { if (!pHstStrmIn->fEnabled) { rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnControlIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pHstStrmIn->fEnabled = true; } else LogFlowFunc(("Backend reported an error when opening input stream, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE: { if (pHstStrmIn->fEnabled) { rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnControlIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pHstStrmIn->fEnabled = false; AudioMixBufClear(&pHstStrmIn->MixBuf); } else LogFlowFunc(("Backend vetoed closing output stream, rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Command %ld not implemented\n", enmStreamCmd)); rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } return rc; } static int drvAudioControlHstOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmStreamCmd, uint32_t uFlags) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc; switch (enmStreamCmd) { case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE: { if (!pHstStrmOut->fEnabled) { rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnControlOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { Assert(!pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable); pHstStrmOut->fEnabled = true; LogFunc(("[%s] Enabled stream\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName)); } else LogFlowFunc(("[%s] Backend reported an error when opening output stream, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, rc)); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } case PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE: { if (pHstStrmOut->fEnabled) { rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnControlOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pHstStrmOut->fEnabled = false; pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable = false; AudioMixBufClear(&pHstStrmOut->MixBuf); LogFunc(("[%s] Disabled stream\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName)); } else LogFlowFunc(("[%s] Backend vetoed closing output stream, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, rc)); } else rc = VINF_SUCCESS; break; } default: AssertMsgFailed(("Command %ld not implemented\n", enmStreamCmd)); rc = VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } return rc; } int drvAudioDestroyHstOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("%s\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName)); int rc; if (RTListIsEmpty(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut)) { rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnFiniOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { drvAudioHstOutFreeRes(pHstStrmOut); /* Remove from driver instance list. */ RTListNodeRemove(&pHstStrmOut->Node); RTMemFree(pHstStrmOut); pThis->cFreeOutputStreams++; return VINF_SUCCESS; } } else { rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; LogFlowFunc(("[%s] Still is being used, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, rc)); } return rc; } int drvAudioDestroyGstOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (pGstStrmOut) { drvAudioGstOutFreeRes(pGstStrmOut); if (pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut) { /* Unregister from parent first. */ RTListNodeRemove(&pGstStrmOut->Node); /* Try destroying the associated host output stream. This could * be skipped if there are other guest output streams with this * host stream. */ drvAudioDestroyHstOut(pThis, pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut); } RTMemFree(pGstStrmOut); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN drvAudioFindNextHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn) { if (pHstStrmIn) { if (RTListNodeIsLast(&pThis->lstHstStrmIn, &pHstStrmIn->Node)) return NULL; return RTListNodeGetNext(&pHstStrmIn->Node, PDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN, Node); } return RTListGetFirst(&pThis->lstHstStrmIn, PDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN, Node); } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN drvAudioFindNextEnabledHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn) { while ((pHstStrmIn = drvAudioFindNextHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn))) if (pHstStrmIn->fEnabled) return pHstStrmIn; return NULL; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN drvAudioFindNextEqHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { while ((pHstStrmIn = drvAudioFindNextHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn))) if (drvAudioPCMPropsAreEqual(&pHstStrmIn->Props, pCfg)) return pHstStrmIn; return NULL; } static int drvAudioHstInAdd(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PDMAUDIORECSOURCE enmRecSource, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN *ppHstStrmIn) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(ppHstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn; int rc = drvAudioAllocHstIn(pThis, pszName, pCfg, enmRecSource, &pHstStrmIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) *ppHstStrmIn = pHstStrmIn; LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } int drvAudioGstOutInit(PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHostStrmOut, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pGstStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pHostStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = drvAudioStreamCfgToProps(pCfg, &pGstStrmOut->Props); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char *pszTemp; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszTemp, "%s (Guest)", pszName) <= 0) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; rc = AudioMixBufInit(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, pszTemp, &pGstStrmOut->Props, AudioMixBufSize(&pHostStrmOut->MixBuf)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = AudioMixBufLinkTo(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, &pHostStrmOut->MixBuf); RTStrFree(pszTemp); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pGstStrmOut->State.fActive = false; pGstStrmOut->State.fEmpty = true; pGstStrmOut->State.pszName = RTStrDup(pszName); if (!pGstStrmOut->State.pszName) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut = pHostStrmOut; } } LogFlowFunc(("pszName=%s, rc=%Rrc\n", pszName, rc)); return rc; } int drvAudioAllocHstOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT *ppHstStrmOut) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (!pThis->cFreeOutputStreams) { LogFlowFunc(("Maximum number of host output streams reached\n")); return VERR_NO_MORE_HANDLES; } /* Validate backend configuration. */ if (!pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamOut) { LogFlowFunc(("Backend output configuration not valid, bailing out\n")); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = (PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamOut); if (!pHstStrmOut) { LogFlowFunc(("Error allocating host output stream with %zu bytes\n", pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamOut)); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } int rc; bool fInitialized = false; do { RTListInit(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut); uint32_t cSamples; rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnInitOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut, pCfg, &cSamples); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Initializing host backend failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); break; } fInitialized = true; char *pszTemp; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszTemp, "%s (Host)", pszName) <= 0) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } rc = AudioMixBufInit(&pHstStrmOut->MixBuf, pszTemp, &pHstStrmOut->Props, cSamples); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTListPrepend(&pThis->lstHstStrmOut, &pHstStrmOut->Node); pThis->cFreeOutputStreams--; } RTStrFree(pszTemp); } while (0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (fInitialized) { int rc2 = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnFiniOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut); AssertRC(rc2); } drvAudioHstOutFreeRes(pHstStrmOut); RTMemFree(pHstStrmOut); } else *ppHstStrmOut = pHstStrmOut; LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } int drvAudioCreateStreamPairOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT *ppGstStrmOut) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try figuring out which audio stream configuration this backend * should use. If fixed output is enabled the backend will be tied * to a fixed rate (in Hz, among other parameters), regardless of * what the backend could do else. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pBackendCfg; if (conf.fixed_out.enabled) pBackendCfg = &conf.fixed_out.settings; else pBackendCfg = pCfg; AssertPtrReturn(pBackendCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("Using fixed audio output settings: %RTbool\n", RT_BOOL(conf.fixed_out.enabled))); PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut = (PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(PDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT)); if (!pGstStrmOut) { LogFlowFunc(("Failed to allocate memory for guest output stream \"%s\"\n", pszName)); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } /* * The host stream always will get the backend audio stream configuration. */ PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut; int rc = drvAudioAddHstOut(pThis, pszName, pBackendCfg, &pHstStrmOut); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Error adding host output stream \"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", pszName, rc)); RTMemFree(pGstStrmOut); return rc; } /* * The guest stream always will get the audio stream configuration told * by the device emulation (which in turn was/could be set by the guest OS). */ rc = drvAudioGstOutInit(pGstStrmOut, pHstStrmOut, pszName, pCfg); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTListPrepend(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut, &pGstStrmOut->Node); if (ppGstStrmOut) *ppGstStrmOut = pGstStrmOut; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) drvAudioDestroyGstOut(pThis, pGstStrmOut); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } static int drvAudioCreateStreamPairIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PDMAUDIORECSOURCE enmRecSource, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN *ppGstStrmIn) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Try figuring out which audio stream configuration this backend * should use for the audio input data. If fixed input is enabled * the backend will be tied to a fixed rate (in Hz, among other parameters), * regardless of what the backend initially wanted to use. */ PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pBackendCfg; if (conf.fixed_in.enabled) pBackendCfg = &conf.fixed_in.settings; else pBackendCfg = pCfg; AssertPtrReturn(pBackendCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("Using fixed audio input settings: %RTbool\n", RT_BOOL(conf.fixed_in.enabled))); PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn = (PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN)RTMemAllocZ(sizeof(PDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN)); if (!pGstStrmIn) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; /* * The host stream always will get the backend audio stream configuration. */ PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn; int rc = drvAudioHstInAdd(pThis, pszName, pBackendCfg, enmRecSource, &pHstStrmIn); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFunc(("Failed to add host audio input stream \"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", pszName, rc)); RTMemFree(pGstStrmIn); return rc; } /* * The guest stream always will get the audio stream configuration told * by the device emulation (which in turn was/could be set by the guest OS). */ rc = drvAudioGstInInit(pGstStrmIn, pHstStrmIn, pszName, pCfg); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pHstStrmIn->pGstStrmIn = pGstStrmIn; if (ppGstStrmIn) *ppGstStrmIn = pGstStrmIn; } else drvAudioDestroyGstIn(pThis, pGstStrmIn); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Initializes a guest input stream. * * @return IPRT status code. * @param pGstStrmIn Pointer to guest stream to initialize. * @param pHstStrmIn Pointer to host input stream to associate this guest * stream with. * @param pszName Pointer to stream name to use for this stream. * @param pCfg Pointer to stream configuration to use. */ int drvAudioGstInInit(PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pGstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); int rc = drvAudioStreamCfgToProps(pCfg, &pGstStrmIn->Props); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { char *pszTemp; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszTemp, "%s (Guest)", pszName) <= 0) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; rc = AudioMixBufInit(&pGstStrmIn->MixBuf, pszTemp, &pGstStrmIn->Props, AudioMixBufSize(&pHstStrmIn->MixBuf)); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = AudioMixBufLinkTo(&pHstStrmIn->MixBuf, &pGstStrmIn->MixBuf); RTStrFree(pszTemp); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #ifdef DEBUG drvAudioStreamCfgPrint(pCfg); #endif pGstStrmIn->State.fActive = false; pGstStrmIn->State.fEmpty = true; pGstStrmIn->State.pszName = RTStrDup(pszName); if (!pGstStrmIn->State.pszName) return VERR_NO_MEMORY; pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn = pHstStrmIn; } } LogFlowFunc(("pszName=%s, rc=%Rrc\n", pszName, rc)); return rc; } static int drvAudioAllocHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PDMAUDIORECSOURCE enmRecSource, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN *ppHstStrmIn) { if (!pThis->cFreeInputStreams) { LogFlowFunc(("No more input streams free to use, bailing out\n")); return VERR_NO_MORE_HANDLES; } /* Validate backend configuration. */ if (!pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamIn) { LogFlowFunc(("Backend input configuration not valid, bailing out\n")); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = (PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN)RTMemAllocZ(pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamIn); if (!pHstStrmIn) { LogFlowFunc(("Error allocating host innput stream with %RU32 bytes\n", pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamOut)); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } int rc; bool fInitialized = false; do { uint32_t cSamples; rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnInitIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn, pCfg, enmRecSource, &cSamples); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Initializing host backend failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); break; } fInitialized = true; char *pszTemp; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszTemp, "%s (Host)", pszName) <= 0) { rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; break; } rc = AudioMixBufInit(&pHstStrmIn->MixBuf, pszTemp, &pHstStrmIn->Props, cSamples); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { RTListPrepend(&pThis->lstHstStrmIn, &pHstStrmIn->Node); pThis->cFreeInputStreams--; } RTStrFree(pszTemp); } while (0); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { if (fInitialized) { int rc2 = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnFiniIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn); AssertRC(rc2); } drvAudioHstInFreeRes(pHstStrmIn); RTMemFree(pHstStrmIn); } else *ppHstStrmIn = pHstStrmIn; LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Writes VM audio output data from the guest stream into the host stream. * The attached host driver backend then will play out the audio in a * later step then. * * @return IPRT status code. * @return int * @param pThis * @param pGstStrmOut * @param pvBuf * @param cbBuf * @param pcbWritten */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioWrite(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut, const void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pGstStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* pcbWritten is optional. */ if (!pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnIsEnabled(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, PDMAUDIODIR_OUT)) return VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE; PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut; AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsg(pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut->fEnabled, ("Writing to disabled host output stream \"%s\" not possible\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName)); /* * First, write data from the device emulation into our * guest mixing buffer. */ uint32_t cWritten; int rc = AudioMixBufWriteAt(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, 0 /* Offset in samples */, pvBuf, cbBuf, &cWritten); /* * Second, mix the guest mixing buffer with the host mixing * buffer so that the host backend can play the data lateron. */ uint32_t cMixed; if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && cWritten) { rc = AudioMixBufMixToParent(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, cWritten, &cMixed); } else cMixed = 0; if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { /* * Return the number of samples which actually have been mixed * down to the parent, regardless how much samples were written * into the children buffer. */ if (pcbWritten) *pcbWritten = AUDIOMIXBUF_S2B(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, cMixed); } LogFlowFunc(("%s -> %s: Written pvBuf=%p, cbBuf=%RU32, cWritten=%RU32 (%RU32 bytes), cMixed=%RU32, rc=%Rrc\n", pGstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, pvBuf, cbBuf, cWritten, AUDIOMIXBUF_S2B(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, cWritten), cMixed, rc)); return rc; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT drvAudioFindAnyHstOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut) { if (pHstStrmOut) { if (RTListNodeIsLast(&pThis->lstHstStrmOut, &pHstStrmOut->Node)) return NULL; return RTListNodeGetNext(&pHstStrmOut->Node, PDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT, Node); } return RTListGetFirst(&pThis->lstHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT, Node); } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT drvAudioHstFindAnyEnabledOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHostStrmOut) { while ((pHostStrmOut = drvAudioFindAnyHstOut(pThis, pHostStrmOut))) { if (pHostStrmOut->fEnabled) return pHostStrmOut; } return NULL; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT drvAudioFindSpecificOut(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { while ((pHstStrmOut = drvAudioFindAnyHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut))) { if (drvAudioPCMPropsAreEqual(&pHstStrmOut->Props, pCfg)) return pHstStrmOut; } return NULL; } int drvAudioDestroyHstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("%s\n", pHstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName)); int rc; if (!pHstStrmIn->pGstStrmIn) /* No parent anymore? */ { rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnFiniIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { drvAudioHstInFreeRes(pHstStrmIn); /* Remove from driver instance list. */ RTListNodeRemove(&pHstStrmIn->Node); RTMemFree(pHstStrmIn); pThis->cFreeInputStreams++; } } else { rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; LogFlowFunc(("[%s] Still is being used, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName, rc)); } return rc; } static int drvAudioDestroyGstIn(PDRVAUDIO pThis, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("%s\n", pGstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName)); if (pGstStrmIn) { drvAudioGstInFreeRes(pGstStrmIn); if (pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn) { /* Unlink child. */ pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn->pGstStrmIn = NULL; /* Try destroying the associated host input stream. This could * be skipped if there are other guest input streams with this * host stream. */ drvAudioDestroyHstIn(pThis, pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn); } RTMemFree(pGstStrmIn); } return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioQueryStatus(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, uint32_t *pcbAvailIn, uint32_t *pcbFreeOut, uint32_t *pcSamplesLive) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* pcbAvailIn is optional. */ /* pcbFreeOut is optional. */ /* pcSamplesLive is optional. */ PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); if (!pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnIsEnabled(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, PDMAUDIODIR_OUT)) return VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE; int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t cSamplesLive = 0; /* * Playback. */ uint32_t cbFreeOut = UINT32_MAX; PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = NULL; while ((pHstStrmOut = drvAudioHstFindAnyEnabledOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut))) { cSamplesLive = drvAudioHstOutSamplesLive(pHstStrmOut); /* Has this stream marked as disabled but there still were guest streams relying * on it? Check if this stream now can be closed and do so, if possible. */ if ( pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable && !cSamplesLive) { /* Stop playing the current (pending) stream. */ int rc2 = drvAudioControlHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE, 0 /* Flags */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable = false; LogFunc(("[%s] Disabling stream\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName)); } else LogFunc(("[%s] Backend vetoed against closing output stream, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, rc2)); continue; } LogFlowFunc(("[%s] cSamplesLive=%RU32\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, cSamplesLive)); /* * No live samples to play at the moment? * * Tell the device emulation for each connected guest stream how many * bytes are free so that the device emulation can continue writing data to * these streams. */ PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut; uint32_t cbFree2 = UINT32_MAX; RTListForEach(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut, pGstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT, Node) { if (pGstStrmOut->State.fActive) { /* Tell the sound device emulation how many samples are free * so that it can start writing PCM data to us. */ cbFree2 = RT_MIN(cbFree2, AUDIOMIXBUF_S2B_RATIO(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf, AudioMixBufFree(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf))); //LogFlowFunc(("\t[%s] cbFree=%RU32\n", pGstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, cbFree2)); } } cbFreeOut = RT_MIN(cbFreeOut, cbFree2); } /* * Recording. */ uint32_t cbAvailIn = 0; PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = NULL; while ((pHstStrmIn = drvAudioFindNextEnabledHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn))) { /* Call the host backend to capture the audio input data. */ uint32_t cSamplesCaptured; int rc2 = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnCaptureIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn, &cSamplesCaptured); if (RT_FAILURE(rc2)) continue; PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn = pHstStrmIn->pGstStrmIn; AssertPtrBreak(pGstStrmIn); if (pGstStrmIn->State.fActive) { cbAvailIn = RT_MAX(cbAvailIn, AUDIOMIXBUF_S2B(&pHstStrmIn->MixBuf, AudioMixBufMixed(&pHstStrmIn->MixBuf))); LogFlowFunc(("\t[%s] cbFree=%RU32\n", pHstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName, cbAvailIn)); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (cbFreeOut == UINT32_MAX) cbFreeOut = 0; if (pcbAvailIn) *pcbAvailIn = cbAvailIn; if (pcbFreeOut) *pcbFreeOut = cbFreeOut; if (pcSamplesLive) *pcSamplesLive = cSamplesLive; } return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioPlayOut(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, uint32_t *pcSamplesPlayed) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* pcSamplesPlayed is optional. */ PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; uint32_t cSamplesPlayedMax = 0; /* * Process all enabled host output streams. */ PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = NULL; while ((pHstStrmOut = drvAudioHstFindAnyEnabledOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut))) { #if 0 uint32_t cStreamsLive; uint32_t cSamplesLive = drvAudioHstOutSamplesLive(pHstStrmOut, &cStreamsLive); if (!cStreamsLive) cSamplesLive = 0; /* Has this stream marked as disabled but there still were guest streams relying * on it? Check if this stream now can be closed and do so, if possible. */ if ( pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable && !cStreamsLive) { /* Stop playing the current (pending) stream. */ int rc2 = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnControlOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { pHstStrmOut->fEnabled = false; pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable = false; LogFunc(("\t%p: Disabling stream\n", pHstStrmOut)); } else LogFunc(("\t%p: Backend vetoed against closing output stream, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmOut, rc2)); continue; } #endif uint32_t cSamplesPlayed = 0; int rc2 = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnPlayOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut, &cSamplesPlayed); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) cSamplesPlayedMax = RT_MAX(cSamplesPlayed, cSamplesPlayedMax); LogFlowFunc(("\t[%s] cSamplesPlayed=%RU32, cSamplesPlayedMax=%RU32, rc=%Rrc\n", pHstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, cSamplesPlayed, cSamplesPlayedMax, rc2)); bool fNeedsCleanup = false; PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut; RTListForEach(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut, pGstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT, Node) { if ( !pGstStrmOut->State.fActive && pGstStrmOut->State.fEmpty) continue; if (AudioMixBufIsEmpty(&pGstStrmOut->MixBuf)) { pGstStrmOut->State.fEmpty = true; fNeedsCleanup |= !pGstStrmOut->State.fActive; } } if (fNeedsCleanup) { RTListForEach(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut, pGstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT, Node) { if (!pGstStrmOut->State.fActive) drvAudioDestroyGstOut(pThis, pGstStrmOut); } } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (pcSamplesPlayed) *pcSamplesPlayed = cSamplesPlayedMax; } return rc; } static int drvAudioHostInit(PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, PDRVAUDIO pThis) { /* pCfgHandle is optional. */ AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); NOREF(pCfgHandle); LogFlowFuncEnter(); int rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnInit(pThis->pHostDrvAudio); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogFlowFunc(("Initialization of lower driver failed with rc=%Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } uint32_t cMaxHstStrmsOut = pThis->BackendCfg.cMaxHstStrmsOut; uint32_t cbHstStrmsOut = pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamOut; if (cbHstStrmsOut) { pThis->cFreeOutputStreams = 1; /** @todo Make this configurable. */ if (pThis->cFreeOutputStreams > cMaxHstStrmsOut) { LogRel(("Audio: Warning: %RU32 output streams were requested, host driver only supports %RU32\n", pThis->cFreeOutputStreams, cMaxHstStrmsOut)); pThis->cFreeOutputStreams = cMaxHstStrmsOut; } } else pThis->cFreeOutputStreams = 0; uint32_t cMaxHstStrmsIn = pThis->BackendCfg.cMaxHstStrmsIn; uint32_t cbHstStrmIn = pThis->BackendCfg.cbStreamIn; if (cbHstStrmIn) { /* * Note: * - Our AC'97 emulation has two inputs, line (P.IN) and microphone (P.MIC). ** @todo Document HDA. */ pThis->cFreeInputStreams = 2; /** @todo Make this configurable. */ if (pThis->cFreeInputStreams > cMaxHstStrmsIn) { LogRel(("Audio: Warning: %RU32 input streams were requested, host driver only supports %RU32\n", pThis->cFreeInputStreams, cMaxHstStrmsIn)); pThis->cFreeInputStreams = cMaxHstStrmsIn; } } else pThis->cFreeInputStreams = 0; LogFlowFunc(("cMaxHstStrmsOut=%RU32 (cb=%RU32), cMaxHstStrmsIn=%RU32 (cb=%RU32)\n", cMaxHstStrmsOut, cbHstStrmsOut, cMaxHstStrmsIn, cbHstStrmIn)); LogFlowFunc(("cFreeInputStreams=%RU8, cFreeOutputStreams=%RU8\n", pThis->cFreeInputStreams, pThis->cFreeOutputStreams)); LogFlowFuncLeave(); return VINF_SUCCESS; } static void drvAudioStateHandler(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD enmCmd) { PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIO); LogFlowFunc(("enmCmd=%ld\n", enmCmd)); if (!pThis->pHostDrvAudio) return; PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = NULL; while ((pHstStrmOut = drvAudioHstFindAnyEnabledOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut))) drvAudioControlHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut, enmCmd, 0 /* Flags */); PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = NULL; while ((pHstStrmIn = drvAudioFindNextEnabledHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn))) drvAudioControlHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn, enmCmd, 0 /* Flags */); } static struct audio_option audio_options[] = { /* DAC */ {"DACFixedSettings", AUD_OPT_BOOL, &conf.fixed_out.enabled, "Use fixed settings for host DAC", NULL, 0}, {"DACFixedFreq", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.fixed_out.settings.uHz, "Frequency for fixed host DAC", NULL, 0}, {"DACFixedFmt", AUD_OPT_FMT, &conf.fixed_out.settings.enmFormat, "Format for fixed host DAC", NULL, 0}, {"DACFixedChannels", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.fixed_out.settings.cChannels, "Number of channels for fixed DAC (1 - mono, 2 - stereo)", NULL, 0}, {"DACVoices", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.fixed_out.cStreams, /** @todo Rename! */ "Number of streams for DAC", NULL, 0}, /* ADC */ {"ADCFixedSettings", AUD_OPT_BOOL, &conf.fixed_in.enabled, "Use fixed settings for host ADC", NULL, 0}, {"ADCFixedFreq", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.fixed_in.settings.uHz, "Frequency for fixed host ADC", NULL, 0}, {"ADCFixedFmt", AUD_OPT_FMT, &conf.fixed_in.settings.enmFormat, "Format for fixed host ADC", NULL, 0}, {"ADCFixedChannels", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.fixed_in.settings.cChannels, "Number of channels for fixed ADC (1 - mono, 2 - stereo)", NULL, 0}, {"ADCVoices", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.fixed_in.cStreams, /** @todo Rename! */ "Number of streams for ADC", NULL, 0}, /* Misc */ {"TimerFreq", AUD_OPT_INT, &conf.period.hz, "Timer frequency in Hz (0 - use lowest possible)", NULL, 0}, {"PLIVE", AUD_OPT_BOOL, &conf.plive, "(undocumented)", NULL, 0}, /** @todo What is this? */ NULL }; static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioInit(PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { AssertPtrReturn(pCfgHandle, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pDrvIns, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIO); LogFlowFunc(("pDrvAudio=%p, pDrvIns=%p\n", pThis, pDrvIns)); RTListInit(&pThis->lstHstStrmIn); RTListInit(&pThis->lstHstStrmOut); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* Get the configuration data from the selected backend (if available). */ AssertPtr(pThis->pHostDrvAudio); if (RT_LIKELY(pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnGetConf)) rc = pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnGetConf(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, &pThis->BackendCfg); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = drvAudioProcessOptions(pCfgHandle, "AUDIO", audio_options); /** @todo Check for invalid options? */ pThis->cFreeOutputStreams = conf.fixed_out.cStreams; pThis->cFreeInputStreams = conf.fixed_in.cStreams; if (!pThis->cFreeOutputStreams) pThis->cFreeOutputStreams = 1; if (!pThis->cFreeInputStreams) pThis->cFreeInputStreams = 1; } /* * If everything went well, initialize the lower driver. */ if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) rc = drvAudioHostInit(pCfgHandle, pThis); LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioInitNull(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface) { PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); NOREF(pThis); LogRel(("Audio: Using NULL driver; no sound will be audible\n")); /* Nothing to do here yet. */ return VINF_SUCCESS; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioRead(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbRead) { PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pGstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); /* pcbWritten is optional. */ if (!pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnIsEnabled(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, PDMAUDIODIR_IN)) { if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = 0; return VINF_SUCCESS; } PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn; AssertPtrReturn(pHstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertMsg(pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn->fEnabled, ("Reading from disabled host input stream \"%s\" not possible\n", pGstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName)); /* * Read from the parent buffer (that is, the guest buffer) which * should have the audio data in the format the guest needs. */ uint32_t cRead; int rc = AudioMixBufReadCirc(&pGstStrmIn->MixBuf, pvBuf, cbBuf, &cRead); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AudioMixBufFinish(&pGstStrmIn->MixBuf, cRead); if (pcbRead) *pcbRead = AUDIOMIXBUF_S2B(&pGstStrmIn->MixBuf, cRead); } LogFlowFunc(("cRead=%RU32 (%RU32 bytes), rc=%Rrc\n", cRead, AUDIOMIXBUF_S2B(&pGstStrmIn->MixBuf, cRead), rc)); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioEnableOut(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut, bool fEnable) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* pGstStrmOut is optional. */ PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pGstStrmOut) { PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut; AssertPtr(pHstStrmOut); if (pGstStrmOut->State.fActive != fEnable) /* Only process real state changes. */ { if (fEnable) { pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable = false; if (!pHstStrmOut->fEnabled) rc = drvAudioControlHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE, 0 /* Flags */); } else /* Disable */ { if (pHstStrmOut->fEnabled) { uint32_t cGstStrmsActive = 0; /* * Check if there are any active guest streams assigned * to this host stream which still are being marked as active. * * In that case we have to defer closing the host stream and * wait until all guest streams have been finished. */ PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pIter; RTListForEach(&pHstStrmOut->lstGstStrmOut, pIter, PDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT, Node) { if (pIter->State.fActive) { cGstStrmsActive++; break; /* At least one assigned & active guest stream is enough. */ } } /* Do we need to defer closing the host stream? */ pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable = cGstStrmsActive >= 1; /* Can we close the host stream now instead of deferring it? */ if (!pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable) rc = drvAudioControlHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE, 0 /* Flags */); } } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pGstStrmOut->State.fActive = fEnable; LogFlowFunc(("%s: fEnable=%RTbool, fPendingDisable=%RTbool, rc=%Rrc\n", pGstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName, fEnable, pHstStrmOut->fPendingDisable, rc)); } } return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioEnableIn(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn, bool fEnable) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* pGstStrmIn is optional. */ PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pGstStrmIn) { PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn; AssertPtr(pHstStrmIn); LogFlowFunc(("%s: fEnable=%RTbool\n", pGstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName, fEnable)); if (pGstStrmIn->State.fActive != fEnable) /* Only process real state changes. */ { rc = drvAudioControlHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn, fEnable ? PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE : PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE, 0 /* Flags */); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pGstStrmIn->State.fActive = fEnable; LogFlowFunc(("%s: fEnable=%RTbool, rc=%Rrc\n", pGstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName, fEnable, rc)); } } return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(bool) drvAudioIsInputOK(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn) { return (pGstStrmIn != NULL); } static DECLCALLBACK(bool) drvAudioIsOutputOK(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut) { return (pGstStrmOut != NULL); } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioOpenIn(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, const char *pszName, PDMAUDIORECSOURCE enmRecSource, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN *ppGstStrmIn) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(ppGstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(ppGstStrmIn, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); LogFlowFunc(("pszName=%s, pCfg=%p\n", pszName, pCfg)); if (!drvAudioStreamCfgIsValid(pCfg)) { LogFunc(("Input stream configuration is not valid, bailing out\n")); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn = *ppGstStrmIn; if ( pGstStrmIn && drvAudioPCMPropsAreEqual(&pGstStrmIn->Props, pCfg)) { LogFunc(("[%s] Exists and matches required configuration, skipping creation\n", pGstStrmIn->MixBuf.pszName)); return VWRN_ALREADY_EXISTS; } if ( !conf.fixed_in.enabled && pGstStrmIn) { drvAudioDestroyGstIn(pThis, pGstStrmIn); pGstStrmIn = NULL; } int rc; if (pGstStrmIn) { PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = pGstStrmIn->pHstStrmIn; AssertPtr(pHstStrmIn); drvAudioGstInFreeRes(pGstStrmIn); char *pszTemp; if (RTStrAPrintf(&pszTemp, "%s (Guest)", pszName) <= 0) { RTMemFree(pGstStrmIn); return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } rc = drvAudioGstInInit(pGstStrmIn, pHstStrmIn, pszName, pCfg); RTStrFree(pszTemp); } else rc = drvAudioCreateStreamPairIn(pThis, pszName, enmRecSource, pCfg, &pGstStrmIn); if (pGstStrmIn) *ppGstStrmIn = pGstStrmIn; LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioOpenOut(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, const char *pszName, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT *ppGstStrmOut) { AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pszName, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(ppGstStrmOut, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); LogFlowFunc(("pszName=%s, pCfg=%p\n", pszName, pCfg)); if (!drvAudioStreamCfgIsValid(pCfg)) { LogFunc(("Output stream configuration is not valid, bailing out\n")); return VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut = *ppGstStrmOut; if ( pGstStrmOut && drvAudioPCMPropsAreEqual(&pGstStrmOut->Props, pCfg)) { LogFunc(("[%s] Exists and matches required configuration, skipping creation\n", pGstStrmOut->MixBuf.pszName)); return VWRN_ALREADY_EXISTS; } #if 0 /* Any live samples that need to be updated after * we set the new parameters? */ PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pOldGstStrmOut = NULL; uint32_t cLiveSamples = 0; if ( conf.plive && pGstStrmOut && ( !pGstStrmOut->State.fActive && !pGstStrmOut->State.fEmpty)) { cLiveSamples = pGstStrmOut->cTotalSamplesWritten; if (cLiveSamples) { pOldGstStrmOut = pGstStrmOut; pGstStrmOut = NULL; } } #endif if ( pGstStrmOut && !conf.fixed_out.enabled) { drvAudioDestroyGstOut(pThis, pGstStrmOut); pGstStrmOut = NULL; } int rc; if (pGstStrmOut) { PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = pGstStrmOut->pHstStrmOut; AssertPtr(pHstStrmOut); drvAudioGstOutFreeRes(pGstStrmOut); rc = drvAudioGstOutInit(pGstStrmOut, pHstStrmOut, pszName, pCfg); } else { rc = drvAudioCreateStreamPairOut(pThis, pszName, pCfg, &pGstStrmOut); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) LogFunc(("Failed to create output stream \"%s\", rc=%Rrc\n", pszName, rc)); } if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { AssertPtr(pGstStrmOut); *ppGstStrmOut = pGstStrmOut; #if 0 /* Update remaining live samples with new rate. */ if (cLiveSamples) { AssertPtr(pOldGstStrmOut); uint32_t cSamplesMixed = (cLiveSamples << pOldGstStrmOut->Props.cShift) * pOldGstStrmOut->Props.cbPerSec / (*ppGstStrmOut)->Props.cbPerSec; pGstStrmOut->cTotalSamplesWritten += cSamplesMixed; } #endif } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } static DECLCALLBACK(bool) drvAudioIsActiveIn(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn) { return pGstStrmIn ? pGstStrmIn->State.fActive : false; } static DECLCALLBACK(bool) drvAudioIsActiveOut(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut) { return pGstStrmOut ? pGstStrmOut->State.fActive : false; } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioCloseIn(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMIN pGstStrmIn) { PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); if (pGstStrmIn) drvAudioDestroyGstIn(pThis, pGstStrmIn); } static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioCloseOut(PPDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR pInterface, PPDMAUDIOGSTSTRMOUT pGstStrmOut) { PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR_2_DRVAUDIO(pInterface); if (pGstStrmOut) drvAudioDestroyGstOut(pThis, pGstStrmOut); } /********************************************************************/ /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvAudioQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { LogFlowFunc(("pInterface=%p, pszIID=%s\n", pInterface, pszIID)); PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIO); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIAUDIOCONNECTOR, &pThis->IAudioConnector); return NULL; } /** * Power Off notification. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioPowerOff(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_VOID(pDrvIns); PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIO); if (!pThis->pHostDrvAudio) return; /* Tear down all host output streams. */ PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMOUT pHstStrmOut = NULL; while ((pHstStrmOut = drvAudioFindAnyHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut))) { drvAudioControlHstOut(pThis, pHstStrmOut, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE, 0 /* Flags */); pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnFiniOut(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmOut); } /* Tear down all host input streams. */ PPDMAUDIOHSTSTRMIN pHstStrmIn = NULL; while ((pHstStrmIn = drvAudioFindNextHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn))) { drvAudioControlHstIn(pThis, pHstStrmIn, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE, 0 /* Flags */); pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnFiniIn(pThis->pHostDrvAudio, pHstStrmIn); } if (pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnShutdown) pThis->pHostDrvAudio->pfnShutdown(pThis->pHostDrvAudio); LogFlowFuncLeave(); } /** * Constructs an audio driver instance. * * @copydoc FNPDMDRVCONSTRUCT */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvAudioConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfgHandle, uint32_t fFlags) { LogFlowFunc(("pDrvIns=%#p, pCfgHandle=%#p, fFlags=%x\n", pDrvIns, pCfgHandle, fFlags)); PDRVAUDIO pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVAUDIO); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDrvIns); /* * Init the static parts. */ pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase. */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvAudioQueryInterface; /* IAudio. */ pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnQueryStatus = drvAudioQueryStatus; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnRead = drvAudioRead; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnWrite = drvAudioWrite; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnIsInputOK = drvAudioIsInputOK; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnIsOutputOK = drvAudioIsOutputOK; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnInitNull = drvAudioInitNull; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnEnableOut = drvAudioEnableOut; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnEnableIn = drvAudioEnableIn; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnCloseIn = drvAudioCloseIn; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnCloseOut = drvAudioCloseOut; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnOpenIn = drvAudioOpenIn; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnOpenOut = drvAudioOpenOut; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnPlayOut = drvAudioPlayOut; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnIsActiveIn = drvAudioIsActiveIn; pThis->IAudioConnector.pfnIsActiveOut = drvAudioIsActiveOut; /* * Attach driver below and query its connector interface. */ PPDMIBASE pDownBase; int rc = PDMDrvHlpAttach(pDrvIns, fFlags, &pDownBase); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("Audio: Failed to attach to driver %p below (flags=0x%x), rc=%Rrc\n", pDrvIns, fFlags, rc)); return rc; } pThis->pHostDrvAudio = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDownBase, PDMIHOSTAUDIO); if (!pThis->pHostDrvAudio) { LogRel(("Audio: Failed to query interface for underlying host driver\n")); return PDMDRV_SET_ERROR(pDrvIns, VERR_PDM_MISSING_INTERFACE_BELOW, N_("Host audio backend missing or invalid")); } #ifdef DEBUG_andy CFGMR3Dump(pCfgHandle); #endif rc = drvAudioInit(pCfgHandle, pDrvIns); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { pThis->fTerminate = false; pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); return rc; } /** * Suspend notification. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioSuspend(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { drvAudioStateHandler(pDrvIns, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_DISABLE); } /** * Resume notification. * * @param pDrvIns The driver instance data. */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvAudioResume(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { drvAudioStateHandler(pDrvIns, PDMAUDIOSTREAMCMD_ENABLE); } /** * Audio driver registration record. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvAUDIO = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "AUDIO", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "Audio connector driver", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_AUDIO, /* cMaxInstances */ 2, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVAUDIO), /* pfnConstruct */ drvAudioConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ NULL, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ drvAudioSuspend, /* pfnResume */ drvAudioResume, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ drvAudioPowerOff, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };