1 | # CI Templates
2 |
3 | This folder contains azure pipeline yml templates for "Core" and "Platform" Continuous Integration and PR validation.
4 |
5 | ## Common CI templates
6 |
7 | ### basetools-build-steps.yml
8 |
9 | This template compiles the Edk2 basetools from source. The steps in this template are
10 | conditional and will only run if variable `pkg_count` is greater than 0.
11 |
12 | It also has two conditional steps only used when the toolchain contains GCC. These two steps
13 | use `apt` to update the system packages and add those necessary for Edk2 builds.
14 |
15 | ## Core CI templates
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17 | ### pr-gate-build-job.yml
18 |
19 | This templates contains the jobs and most importantly the matrix of which packages and
20 | targets to run for Core CI.
21 |
22 | ### pr-gate-steps.yml
23 |
24 | This template is the main Core CI template. It controls all the steps run and is responsible for most functionality of the Core CI process. This template sets
25 | the `pkg_count` variable using the `stuart_pr_eval` tool when the
26 | build type is "pull request"
27 |
28 | ### spell-check-prereq-steps.yml
29 |
30 | This template installs the node based tools used by the spell checker plugin. The steps
31 | in this template are conditional and will only run if variable `pkg_count` is greater than 0.
32 |
33 | ## Platform CI templates
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35 | ### platform-build-run-steps.yml
36 |
37 | This template makes heavy use of pytools to build and run a platform in the Edk2 repo
38 |
39 | Also uses basetools-build-steps.yml to compile basetools
40 |
41 | #### Special Notes
42 |
43 | * For a build type of pull request it will conditionally build if the patches change files that impact the platform.
44 | * uses `stuart_pr_eval` to determine impact
45 | * For manual builds or CI builds it will always build the platform
46 | * It compiles basetools from source
47 | * Will use `stuart_build --FlashOnly` to attempt to run the built image if the `Run` parameter is set.
48 | * See the parameters block for expected configuration options
49 | * Parameter `extra_install_step` allows the caller to insert extra steps. This is useful if additional dependencies, tools, or other things need to be installed. Here is an example of installing qemu on Windows.
50 |
51 | ``` yaml
52 | steps:
53 | - template: ../../.azurepipelines/templates/build-run-steps.yml
54 | parameters:
55 | extra_install_step:
56 | - powershell: choco install qemu; Write-Host "##vso[task.prependpath]c:\Program Files\qemu"
57 | displayName: Install QEMU and Set QEMU on path # friendly name displayed in the UI
58 | condition: and(gt(variables.pkg_count, 0), succeeded())
59 | ```