1 | # @file dependency_check.py
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
4 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
5 | ##
6 |
7 | import logging
8 | import os
9 | from edk2toolext.environment.plugintypes.ci_build_plugin import ICiBuildPlugin
10 | from edk2toollib.uefi.edk2.parsers.inf_parser import InfParser
11 | from edk2toolext.environment.var_dict import VarDict
12 |
13 |
14 | class DependencyCheck(ICiBuildPlugin):
15 | """
16 | A CiBuildPlugin that finds all modules (inf files) in a package and reviews the packages used
17 | to confirm they are acceptable. This is to help enforce layering and identify improper
18 | dependencies between packages.
19 |
20 | Configuration options:
21 | "DependencyCheck": {
22 | "AcceptableDependencies": [], # Package dec files that are allowed in all INFs. Example: MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
23 | "AcceptableDependencies-<MODULE_TYPE>": [], # OPTIONAL Package dependencies for INFs that are HOST_APPLICATION
24 | "AcceptableDependencies-HOST_APPLICATION": [], # EXAMPLE Package dependencies for INFs that are HOST_APPLICATION
25 | "IgnoreInf": [] # Ignore INF if found in filesystem
26 | }
27 | """
28 |
29 | def GetTestName(self, packagename: str, environment: VarDict) -> tuple:
30 | """ Provide the testcase name and classname for use in reporting
31 |
32 | Args:
33 | packagename: string containing name of package to build
34 | environment: The VarDict for the test to run in
35 | Returns:
36 | a tuple containing the testcase name and the classname
37 | (testcasename, classname)
38 | testclassname: a descriptive string for the testcase can include whitespace
39 | classname: should be patterned <packagename>.<plugin>.<optionally any unique condition>
40 | """
41 | return ("Test Package Dependencies for modules in " + packagename, packagename + ".DependencyCheck")
42 |
43 | ##
44 | # External function of plugin. This function is used to perform the task of the MuBuild Plugin
45 | #
46 | # - package is the edk2 path to package. This means workspace/packagepath relative.
47 | # - edk2path object configured with workspace and packages path
48 | # - PkgConfig Object (dict) for the pkg
49 | # - EnvConfig Object
50 | # - Plugin Manager Instance
51 | # - Plugin Helper Obj Instance
52 | # - Junit Logger
53 | # - output_stream the StringIO output stream from this plugin via logging
54 | def RunBuildPlugin(self, packagename, Edk2pathObj, pkgconfig, environment, PLM, PLMHelper, tc, output_stream=None):
55 | overall_status = 0
56 |
57 | # Get current platform
58 | abs_pkg_path = Edk2pathObj.GetAbsolutePathOnThisSytemFromEdk2RelativePath(packagename)
59 |
60 | # Get INF Files
61 | INFFiles = self.WalkDirectoryForExtension([".inf"], abs_pkg_path)
62 | INFFiles = [Edk2pathObj.GetEdk2RelativePathFromAbsolutePath(x) for x in INFFiles] # make edk2relative path so can compare with Ignore List
63 |
64 | # Remove ignored INFs
65 | if "IgnoreInf" in pkgconfig:
66 | for a in pkgconfig["IgnoreInf"]:
67 | a = a.replace(os.sep, "/") ## convert path sep in case ignore list is bad. Can't change case
68 | try:
69 | INFFiles.remove(a)
70 | tc.LogStdOut("IgnoreInf {0}".format(a))
71 | except:
72 | logging.info("DependencyConfig.IgnoreInf -> {0} not found in filesystem. Invalid ignore file".format(a))
73 | tc.LogStdError("DependencyConfig.IgnoreInf -> {0} not found in filesystem. Invalid ignore file".format(a))
74 |
75 |
76 | # Get the AccpetableDependencies list
77 | if "AcceptableDependencies" not in pkgconfig:
78 | logging.info("DependencyCheck Skipped. No Acceptable Dependencies defined.")
79 | tc.LogStdOut("DependencyCheck Skipped. No Acceptable Dependencies defined.")
80 | tc.SetSkipped()
81 | return -1
82 |
83 | # Log dependencies
84 | for k in pkgconfig.keys():
85 | if k.startswith("AcceptableDependencies"):
86 | pkgstring = "\n".join(pkgconfig[k])
87 | if ("-" in k):
88 | _, _, mod_type = k.partition("-")
89 | tc.LogStdOut(f"Additional dependencies for MODULE_TYPE {mod_type}:\n {pkgstring}")
90 | else:
91 | tc.LogStdOut(f"Acceptable Dependencies:\n {pkgstring}")
92 |
93 | # For each INF file
94 | for file in INFFiles:
95 | ip = InfParser()
96 | logging.debug("Parsing " + file)
97 | ip.SetBaseAbsPath(Edk2pathObj.WorkspacePath).SetPackagePaths(Edk2pathObj.PackagePathList).ParseFile(file)
98 |
99 | if("MODULE_TYPE" not in ip.Dict):
100 | tc.LogStdOut("Ignoring INF. Missing key for MODULE_TYPE {0}".format(file))
101 | continue
102 |
103 | mod_type = ip.Dict["MODULE_TYPE"].upper()
104 | for p in ip.PackagesUsed:
105 | if p not in pkgconfig["AcceptableDependencies"]:
106 | # If not in the main acceptable dependencies list then check module specific
107 | mod_specific_key = "AcceptableDependencies-" + mod_type
108 | if mod_specific_key in pkgconfig and p in pkgconfig[mod_specific_key]:
109 | continue
110 |
111 | logging.error("Dependency Check: Invalid Dependency INF: {0} depends on pkg {1}".format(file, p))
112 | tc.LogStdError("Dependency Check: Invalid Dependency INF: {0} depends on pkg {1}".format(file, p))
113 | overall_status += 1
114 |
115 | # If XML object exists, add results
116 | if overall_status != 0:
117 | tc.SetFailed("Failed with {0} errors".format(overall_status), "DEPENDENCYCHECK_FAILED")
118 | else:
119 | tc.SetSuccess()
120 | return overall_status