1 | # @file HostBasedUnitTestRunner.py
2 | # Plugin to located any host-based unit tests in the output directory and execute them.
3 | ##
4 | # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
5 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 | #
7 | ##
8 | import os
9 | import logging
10 | import glob
11 | import stat
12 | import xml.etree.ElementTree
13 | from edk2toolext.environment.plugintypes.uefi_build_plugin import IUefiBuildPlugin
14 | from edk2toolext import edk2_logging
15 | import edk2toollib.windows.locate_tools as locate_tools
16 | from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment
17 | from edk2toollib.utility_functions import RunCmd
18 | from edk2toollib.utility_functions import GetHostInfo
19 | from textwrap import dedent
20 |
21 |
22 | class HostBasedUnitTestRunner(IUefiBuildPlugin):
23 |
24 | def do_pre_build(self, thebuilder):
25 | '''
26 | Run Prebuild
27 | '''
28 |
29 | return 0
30 |
31 | def do_post_build(self, thebuilder):
32 | '''
33 | After a build, will automatically locate and run all host-based unit tests. Logs any
34 | failures with Warning severity and will return a count of the failures as the return code.
35 |
37 | - Build Var 'CI_BUILD_TYPE' - If not set to 'host_unit_test', will not do anything.
38 |
40 | - Shell Var 'CMOCKA_XML_FILE'
41 | '''
42 | ci_type = thebuilder.env.GetValue('CI_BUILD_TYPE')
43 | if ci_type != 'host_unit_test':
44 | return 0
45 |
46 | shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
47 | logging.log(edk2_logging.get_section_level(),
48 | "Run Host based Unit Tests")
49 | path = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE")
50 |
51 | failure_count = 0
52 |
53 | # Set up the reporting type for Cmocka.
54 | shell_env.set_shell_var('CMOCKA_MESSAGE_OUTPUT', 'xml')
55 |
56 | for arch in thebuilder.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").split():
57 | logging.log(edk2_logging.get_subsection_level(),
58 | "Testing for architecture: " + arch)
59 | cp = os.path.join(path, arch)
60 |
61 | # If any old results XML files exist, clean them up.
62 | for old_result in glob.iglob(os.path.join(cp, "*.result.xml")):
63 | os.remove(old_result)
64 |
65 | # Find and Run any Host Tests
66 | if GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX":
67 | testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(cp, "*Test*"))
68 | for a in testList[:]:
69 | p = os.path.join(cp, a)
70 | # It must be a file
71 | if not os.path.isfile(p):
72 | testList.remove(a)
73 | logging.debug(f"Remove directory file: {p}")
74 | continue
75 | # It must be executable
76 | if os.stat(p).st_mode & (stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) == 0:
77 | testList.remove(a)
78 | logging.debug(f"Remove non-executable file: {p}")
79 | continue
80 |
81 | logging.info(f"Test file found: {p}")
82 |
83 | elif GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "WINDOWS":
84 | testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(cp, "*Test*.exe"))
85 | else:
86 | raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Operating System")
87 |
88 | if not testList:
89 | logging.warning(dedent("""
90 | UnitTest Coverage:
91 | No unit tests discovered. Test coverage will not be generated.
92 |
93 | Prevent this message by:
94 | 1. Adding host-based unit tests to this package
95 | 2. Ensuring tests have the word "Test" in their name
96 | 3. Disabling HostUnitTestCompilerPlugin in the package CI YAML file
97 | """).strip())
98 | return 0
99 |
100 | for test in testList:
101 | # Configure output name if test uses cmocka.
102 | shell_env.set_shell_var(
103 | 'CMOCKA_XML_FILE', test + ".CMOCKA.%g." + arch + ".result.xml")
104 | # Configure output name if test uses gtest.
105 | shell_env.set_shell_var(
106 | 'GTEST_OUTPUT', "xml:" + test + ".GTEST." + arch + ".result.xml")
107 |
108 | # Run the test.
109 | ret = RunCmd('"' + test + '"', "", workingdir=cp)
110 | if ret != 0:
111 | logging.error("UnitTest Execution Error: " +
112 | os.path.basename(test))
113 | else:
114 | logging.info("UnitTest Completed: " +
115 | os.path.basename(test))
116 | file_match_pattern = test + ".*." + arch + ".result.xml"
117 | xml_results_list = glob.glob(file_match_pattern)
118 | for xml_result_file in xml_results_list:
119 | root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(
120 | xml_result_file).getroot()
121 | for suite in root:
122 | for case in suite:
123 | for result in case:
124 | if result.tag == 'failure':
125 | logging.warning(
126 | "%s Test Failed" % os.path.basename(test))
127 | logging.warning(
128 | " %s - %s" % (case.attrib['name'], result.text))
129 | failure_count += 1
130 |
131 | if thebuilder.env.GetValue("CODE_COVERAGE") != "FALSE":
132 | if thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG") == "GCC5":
133 | ret = self.gen_code_coverage_gcc(thebuilder)
134 | if ret != 0:
135 | failure_count += 1
136 | elif thebuilder.env.GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG").startswith ("VS"):
137 | ret = self.gen_code_coverage_msvc(thebuilder)
138 | if ret != 0:
139 | failure_count += 1
140 | else:
141 | logging.info("Skipping code coverage. Currently, support GCC and MSVC compiler.")
142 |
143 | return failure_count
144 |
145 | def gen_code_coverage_gcc(self, thebuilder):
146 | logging.info("Generating UnitTest code coverage")
147 |
148 | buildOutputBase = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE")
149 | workspace = thebuilder.env.GetValue("WORKSPACE")
150 |
151 | # Generate base code coverage for all source files
152 | ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"--no-external --capture --initial --directory {buildOutputBase} --output-file {buildOutputBase}/cov-base.info --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")
153 | if ret != 0:
154 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to build initial coverage data.")
155 | return 1
156 |
157 | # Coverage data for tested files only
158 | ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"--capture --directory {buildOutputBase}/ --output-file {buildOutputBase}/coverage-test.info --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")
159 | if ret != 0:
160 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to build coverage data for tested files.")
161 | return 1
162 |
163 | # Aggregate all coverage data
164 | ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"--add-tracefile {buildOutputBase}/cov-base.info --add-tracefile {buildOutputBase}/coverage-test.info --output-file {buildOutputBase}/total-coverage.info --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")
165 | if ret != 0:
166 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to aggregate coverage data.")
167 | return 1
168 |
169 | # Generate coverage XML
170 | ret = RunCmd("lcov_cobertura",f"{buildOutputBase}/total-coverage.info -o {buildOutputBase}/compare.xml")
171 | if ret != 0:
172 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate coverage XML.")
173 | return 1
174 |
175 | # Filter out auto-generated and test code
176 | ret = RunCmd("lcov_cobertura",f"{buildOutputBase}/total-coverage.info --excludes ^.*UnitTest\|^.*MU\|^.*Mock\|^.*DEBUG -o {buildOutputBase}/coverage.xml")
177 | if ret != 0:
178 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed generate filtered coverage XML.")
179 | return 1
180 |
181 | # Generate all coverage file
182 | testCoverageList = glob.glob (f"{workspace}/Build/**/total-coverage.info", recursive=True)
183 |
184 | coverageFile = ""
185 | for testCoverage in testCoverageList:
186 | coverageFile += " --add-tracefile " + testCoverage
187 | ret = RunCmd("lcov", f"{coverageFile} --output-file {workspace}/Build/all-coverage.info --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1")
188 | if ret != 0:
189 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed generate all coverage file.")
190 | return 1
191 |
192 | # Generate and XML file if requested.for all package
193 | if os.path.isfile(f"{workspace}/Build/coverage.xml"):
194 | os.remove(f"{workspace}/Build/coverage.xml")
195 | ret = RunCmd("lcov_cobertura",f"{workspace}/Build/all-coverage.info --excludes ^.*UnitTest\|^.*MU\|^.*Mock\|^.*DEBUG -o {workspace}/Build/coverage.xml")
196 |
197 | return 0
198 |
199 |
200 | def gen_code_coverage_msvc(self, thebuilder):
201 | logging.info("Generating UnitTest code coverage")
202 |
203 |
204 | buildOutputBase = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE")
205 | testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(buildOutputBase, "**","*Test*.exe"), recursive=True)
206 | workspace = thebuilder.env.GetValue("WORKSPACE")
207 | workspace = (workspace + os.sep) if workspace[-1] != os.sep else workspace
208 | workspaceBuild = os.path.join(workspace, 'Build')
209 | # Generate coverage file
210 | coverageFile = ""
211 | for testFile in testList:
212 | ret = RunCmd("OpenCppCoverage", f"--source {workspace} --export_type binary:{testFile}.cov -- {testFile}")
213 | if ret != 0:
214 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to collect coverage data.")
215 | return 1
216 |
217 | coverageFile = f" --input_coverage={testFile}.cov"
218 | totalCoverageFile = os.path.join(buildOutputBase, 'coverage.cov')
219 | if os.path.isfile(totalCoverageFile):
220 | coverageFile += f" --input_coverage={totalCoverageFile}"
221 | ret = RunCmd(
222 | "OpenCppCoverage",
223 | f"--export_type binary:{totalCoverageFile} " +
224 | f"--working_dir={workspaceBuild} " +
225 | f"{coverageFile}"
226 | )
227 | if ret != 0:
228 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to collect coverage data.")
229 | return 1
230 |
231 | # Generate and XML file if requested.by each package
232 | ret = RunCmd(
233 | "OpenCppCoverage",
234 | f"--export_type cobertura:{os.path.join(buildOutputBase, 'coverage.xml')} " +
235 | f"--working_dir={workspaceBuild} " +
236 | f"--input_coverage={totalCoverageFile} "
237 | )
238 | if ret != 0:
239 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate cobertura format xml in single package.")
240 | return 1
241 |
242 | # Generate total report XML file for all package
243 | testCoverageList = glob.glob(os.path.join(workspace, "Build", "**", "*Test*.exe.cov"), recursive=True)
244 | coverageFile = ""
245 | totalCoverageFile = os.path.join(workspaceBuild, 'coverage.cov')
246 | for testCoverage in testCoverageList:
247 | coverageFile = f" --input_coverage={testCoverage}"
248 | if os.path.isfile(totalCoverageFile):
249 | coverageFile += f" --input_coverage={totalCoverageFile}"
250 | ret = RunCmd(
251 | "OpenCppCoverage",
252 | f"--export_type binary:{totalCoverageFile} " +
253 | f"--working_dir={workspaceBuild} " +
254 | f"{coverageFile}"
255 | )
256 | if ret != 0:
257 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to collect coverage data.")
258 | return 1
259 |
260 | ret = RunCmd(
261 | "OpenCppCoverage",
262 | f"--export_type cobertura:{os.path.join(workspaceBuild, 'coverage.xml')} " +
263 | f"--working_dir={workspaceBuild} " +
264 | f"--input_coverage={totalCoverageFile}"
265 | )
266 | if ret != 0:
267 | logging.error("UnitTest Coverage: Failed to generate cobertura format xml.")
268 | return 1
269 |
270 | return 0