1 | ## @ PatchFv.py
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (c) 2014 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 | # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
5 | # the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
6 | # The full text of the license may be found at
7 | # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
8 | #
11 | #
12 | ##
13 |
14 | import os
15 | import re
16 | import sys
17 |
18 | def readDataFromFile (binfile, offset, len=1):
19 | fd = open(binfile, "r+b")
20 | fsize = os.path.getsize(binfile)
21 | offval = offset & 0xFFFFFFFF
22 | if (offval & 0x80000000):
23 | offval = fsize - (0xFFFFFFFF - offval + 1)
24 | fd.seek(offval)
25 | bytearray = [ord(b) for b in fd.read(len)]
26 | value = 0
27 | idx = len - 1
28 | while idx >= 0:
29 | value = value << 8 | bytearray[idx]
30 | idx = idx - 1
31 | fd.close()
32 | return value
33 |
34 | def IsFspHeaderValid (binfile):
35 | fd = open (binfile, "rb")
36 | bindat = fd.read(0x200)
37 | fd.close()
38 | HeaderList = ['FSPH' , 'FSPP' , 'FSPE']
39 | OffsetList = []
40 | for each in HeaderList:
41 | if each in bindat:
42 | idx = bindat.index(each)
43 | else:
44 | idx = 0
45 | OffsetList.append(idx)
46 | if not OffsetList[0] or not OffsetList[1]:
47 | return False
48 | Revision = ord(bindat[OffsetList[0] + 0x0B])
49 | if Revision > 1 and not OffsetList[2]:
50 | return False
51 | return True
52 |
53 | def patchDataInFile (binfile, offset, value, len=1):
54 | fd = open(binfile, "r+b")
55 | fsize = os.path.getsize(binfile)
56 | offval = offset & 0xFFFFFFFF
57 | if (offval & 0x80000000):
58 | offval = fsize - (0xFFFFFFFF - offval + 1)
59 | bytearray = []
60 | idx = 0
61 | while idx < len:
62 | bytearray.append(value & 0xFF)
63 | value = value >> 8
64 | idx = idx + 1
65 | fd.seek(offval)
66 | fd.write("".join(chr(b) for b in bytearray))
67 | fd.close()
68 | return len
69 |
70 |
71 | class Symbols:
72 | def __init__(self):
73 | self.dictSymbolAddress = {}
74 | self.dictGuidNameXref = {}
75 | self.dictFfsOffset = {}
76 | self.dictVariable = {}
77 | self.dictModBase = {}
78 | self.fdFile = None
79 | self.string = ""
80 | self.fdBase = 0xFFFFFFFF
81 | self.fdSize = 0
82 | self.index = 0
83 | self.parenthesisOpenSet = '([{<'
84 | self.parenthesisCloseSet = ')]}>'
85 |
86 | def getFdFile (self):
87 | return self.fdFile
88 |
89 | def getFdSize (self):
90 | return self.fdSize
91 |
92 | def createDicts (self, fvDir, fvNames):
93 | if not os.path.isdir(fvDir):
94 | raise Exception ("'%s' is not a valid directory!" % FvDir)
95 |
96 | xrefFile = os.path.join(fvDir, "Guid.xref")
97 | if not os.path.exists(xrefFile):
98 | raise Exception("Cannot open GUID Xref file '%s'!" % xrefFile)
99 |
100 | self.dictGuidNameXref = {}
101 | self.parseGuidXrefFile(xrefFile)
102 |
103 | fvList = fvNames.split(":")
104 | fdBase = fvList.pop()
105 | if len(fvList) == 0:
106 | fvList.append(fdBase)
107 |
108 | fdFile = os.path.join(fvDir, fdBase.strip() + ".fd")
109 | if not os.path.exists(fdFile):
110 | raise Exception("Cannot open FD file '%s'!" % fdFile)
111 |
112 | self.fdFile = fdFile
113 | self.fdSize = os.path.getsize(fdFile)
114 |
115 | infFile = os.path.join(fvDir, fvList[0].strip()) + ".inf"
116 | if not os.path.exists(infFile):
117 | raise Exception("Cannot open INF file '%s'!" % infFile)
118 |
119 | self.parseInfFile(infFile)
120 |
121 | self.dictVariable = {}
122 | self.dictVariable["FDSIZE"] = self.fdSize
123 | self.dictVariable["FDBASE"] = self.fdBase
124 |
125 | self.dictSymbolAddress = {}
126 | self.dictFfsOffset = {}
127 | for file in fvList:
128 |
129 | fvFile = os.path.join(fvDir, file.strip()) + ".Fv"
130 | mapFile = fvFile + ".map"
131 | if not os.path.exists(mapFile):
132 | raise Exception("Cannot open MAP file '%s'!" % mapFile)
133 |
134 | self.parseFvMapFile(mapFile)
135 |
136 | fvTxtFile = fvFile + ".txt"
137 | if not os.path.exists(fvTxtFile):
138 | raise Exception("Cannot open FV TXT file '%s'!" % fvTxtFile)
139 |
140 | self.parseFvTxtFile(fvTxtFile)
141 |
142 | ffsDir = os.path.join(fvDir, "Ffs")
143 | if (os.path.isdir(ffsDir)):
144 | for item in os.listdir(ffsDir):
145 | if len(item) <= 0x24:
146 | continue
147 | mapFile =os.path.join(ffsDir, item, "%s.map" % item[0:0x24])
148 | if not os.path.exists(mapFile):
149 | continue
150 | self.parseModMapFile(item[0x24:], mapFile)
151 |
152 | return 0
153 |
154 | def getFvOffsetInFd(self, fvFile):
155 | fvHandle = open(fvFile, "r+b")
156 | fdHandle = open(self.fdFile, "r+b")
157 | offset = fdHandle.read().find(fvHandle.read(0x70))
158 | fvHandle.close()
159 | fdHandle.close()
160 | if offset == -1:
161 | raise Exception("Could not locate FV file %s in FD!" % fvFile)
162 | return offset
163 |
164 | def parseInfFile(self, infFile):
165 | fvOffset = self.getFvOffsetInFd(infFile[0:-4] + ".Fv")
166 | fdIn = open(infFile, "r")
167 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
168 | self.fdBase = 0xFFFFFFFF
169 | while (rptLine != "" ):
171 | match = re.match("^EFI_BASE_ADDRESS\s*=\s*(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)", rptLine)
172 | if match is not None:
173 | self.fdBase = int(match.group(1), 16) - fvOffset
174 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
175 | fdIn.close()
176 | if self.fdBase == 0xFFFFFFFF:
177 | raise Exception("Could not find EFI_BASE_ADDRESS in INF file!" % fvFile)
178 | return 0
179 |
180 | def parseFvTxtFile(self, fvTxtFile):
181 | fvOffset = self.getFvOffsetInFd(fvTxtFile[0:-4])
182 | fdIn = open(fvTxtFile, "r")
183 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
184 | while (rptLine != "" ):
185 | match = re.match("(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)\s([0-9a-fA-F\-]+)", rptLine)
186 | if match is not None:
187 | self.dictFfsOffset[match.group(2)] = "0x%08X" % (int(match.group(1), 16) + fvOffset)
188 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
189 | fdIn.close()
190 | return 0
191 |
192 | def parseFvMapFile(self, mapFile):
193 | fdIn = open(mapFile, "r")
194 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
195 | modName = ""
196 | while (rptLine != "" ):
197 | if rptLine[0] != ' ':
198 | #DxeIpl (Fixed Flash Address, BaseAddress=0x00fffb4310, EntryPoint=0x00fffb4958)
199 | #(GUID=86D70125-BAA3-4296-A62F-602BEBBB9081 .textbaseaddress=0x00fffb4398 .databaseaddress=0x00fffb4178)
200 | match = re.match("([_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s\(.+BaseAddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+),\s+EntryPoint=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\)", rptLine)
201 | if match is not None:
202 | modName = match.group(1)
203 | if len(modName) == 36:
204 | modName = self.dictGuidNameXref[modName.upper()]
205 | self.dictModBase['%s:BASE' % modName] = int (match.group(2), 16)
206 | self.dictModBase['%s:ENTRY' % modName] = int (match.group(3), 16)
207 | match = re.match("\(GUID=([A-Z0-9\-]+)\s+\.textbaseaddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+\.databaseaddress=(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\)", rptLine)
208 | if match is not None:
209 | modName = match.group(1)
210 | if len(modName) == 36:
211 | modName = self.dictGuidNameXref[modName.upper()]
212 | self.dictModBase['%s:TEXT' % modName] = int (match.group(2), 16)
213 | self.dictModBase['%s:DATA' % modName] = int (match.group(3), 16)
214 | else:
215 | # 0x00fff8016c __ModuleEntryPoint
216 | match = re.match("^\s+(0x[a-z0-9]+)\s+([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)", rptLine)
217 | if match is not None:
218 | self.dictSymbolAddress["%s:%s"%(modName, match.group(2))] = match.group(1)
219 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
220 | fdIn.close()
221 | return 0
222 |
223 | def parseModMapFile(self, moduleName, mapFile):
224 | modSymbols = {}
225 | fdIn = open(mapFile, "r")
226 | reportLine = fdIn.readline()
227 | if reportLine.strip().find("Archive member included") != -1:
228 | #GCC
229 | # 0x0000000000001d55 IoRead8
230 | patchMapFileMatchString = "\s+(0x[0-9a-fA-F]{16})\s+([^\s][^0x][_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)\s"
231 | matchKeyGroupIndex = 2
232 | matchSymbolGroupIndex = 1
233 | moduleEntryPoint = "_ModuleEntryPoint"
234 | else:
235 | #MSFT
236 | #0003:00000190 _gComBase 00007a50 SerialPo
237 | patchMapFileMatchString = "^\s[0-9a-fA-F]{4}:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\s+(\w+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]{8}\s+)"
238 | matchKeyGroupIndex = 1
239 | matchSymbolGroupIndex = 2
240 | moduleEntryPoint = "__ModuleEntryPoint"
241 | while (reportLine != "" ):
242 | match = re.match(patchMapFileMatchString, reportLine)
243 | if match is not None:
244 | modSymbols[match.group(matchKeyGroupIndex)] = match.group(matchSymbolGroupIndex)
245 | reportLine = fdIn.readline()
246 | fdIn.close()
247 |
248 | if not moduleEntryPoint in modSymbols:
249 | return 1
250 |
251 | modEntry = '%s:%s' % (moduleName,moduleEntryPoint)
252 | if not modEntry in self.dictSymbolAddress:
253 | modKey = '%s:ENTRY' % moduleName
254 | if modKey in self.dictModBase:
255 | baseOffset = self.dictModBase['%s:ENTRY' % moduleName] - int(modSymbols[moduleEntryPoint], 16)
256 | else:
257 | return 2
258 | else:
259 | baseOffset = int(self.dictSymbolAddress[modEntry], 16) - int(modSymbols[moduleEntryPoint], 16)
260 | for symbol in modSymbols:
261 | fullSym = "%s:%s" % (moduleName, symbol)
262 | if not fullSym in self.dictSymbolAddress:
263 | self.dictSymbolAddress[fullSym] = "0x00%08x" % (baseOffset+ int(modSymbols[symbol], 16))
264 | return 0
265 |
266 | def parseGuidXrefFile(self, xrefFile):
267 | fdIn = open(xrefFile, "r")
268 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
269 | while (rptLine != "" ):
270 | match = re.match("([0-9a-fA-F\-]+)\s([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)", rptLine)
271 | if match is not None:
272 | self.dictGuidNameXref[match.group(1).upper()] = match.group(2)
273 | rptLine = fdIn.readline()
274 | fdIn.close()
275 | return 0
276 |
277 | def getCurr(self):
278 | try:
279 | return self.string[self.index]
280 | except Exception:
281 | return ''
282 |
283 | def isLast(self):
284 | return self.index == len(self.string)
285 |
286 | def moveNext(self):
287 | self.index += 1
288 |
289 | def skipSpace(self):
290 | while not self.isLast():
291 | if self.getCurr() in ' \t':
292 | self.moveNext()
293 | else:
294 | return
295 |
296 | def parseValue(self):
297 | self.skipSpace()
298 | var = ''
299 | while not self.isLast():
300 | char = self.getCurr()
301 | if char.lower() in '_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789:-':
302 | var += char
303 | self.moveNext()
304 | else:
305 | break
306 |
307 | if ':' in var:
308 | partList = var.split(':')
309 | if len(partList) != 2:
310 | raise Exception("Unrecognized expression %s" % var)
311 | modName = partList[0]
312 | modOff = partList[1]
313 | if ('-' not in modName) and (modOff[0] in '0123456789'):
314 | # MOD: OFFSET
315 | var = self.getModGuid(modName) + ":" + modOff
316 | if '-' in var: # GUID:OFFSET
317 | value = self.getGuidOff(var)
318 | else:
319 | value = self.getSymbols(var)
320 | self.synUsed = True
321 | else:
322 | if var[0] in '0123456789':
323 | value = self.getNumber(var)
324 | else:
325 | value = self.getVariable(var)
326 | return int(value)
327 |
328 | def parseSingleOp(self):
329 | self.skipSpace()
330 | char = self.getCurr()
331 | if char == '~':
332 | self.moveNext()
333 | return ~self.parseBrace()
334 | else:
335 | return self.parseValue()
336 |
337 | def parseBrace(self):
338 | self.skipSpace()
339 | char = self.getCurr()
340 | parenthesisType = self.parenthesisOpenSet.find(char)
341 | if parenthesisType >= 0:
342 | self.moveNext()
343 | value = self.parseExpr()
344 | self.skipSpace()
345 | if self.getCurr() != self.parenthesisCloseSet[parenthesisType]:
346 | raise Exception("No closing brace")
347 | self.moveNext()
348 | if parenthesisType == 1: # [ : Get content
349 | value = self.getContent(value)
350 | elif parenthesisType == 2: # { : To address
351 | value = self.toAddress(value)
352 | elif parenthesisType == 3: # < : To offset
353 | value = self.toOffset(value)
354 | return value
355 | else:
356 | return self.parseSingleOp()
357 |
358 | def parseMul(self):
359 | values = [self.parseBrace()]
360 | while True:
361 | self.skipSpace()
362 | char = self.getCurr()
363 | if char == '*':
364 | self.moveNext()
365 | values.append(self.parseBrace())
366 | else:
367 | break
368 | value = 1
369 | for each in values:
370 | value *= each
371 | return value
372 |
373 | def parseAndOr(self):
374 | values = [self.parseMul()]
375 | op = None
376 | value = 0xFFFFFFFF
377 | while True:
378 | self.skipSpace()
379 | char = self.getCurr()
380 | if char == '&':
381 | self.moveNext()
382 | values.append(self.parseMul())
383 | op = char
384 | elif char == '|':
385 | div_index = self.index
386 | self.moveNext()
387 | values.append(self.parseMul())
388 | value = 0
389 | op = char
390 | else:
391 | break
392 |
393 | for each in values:
394 | if op == '|':
395 | value |= each
396 | else:
397 | value &= each
398 |
399 | return value
400 |
401 | def parseAddMinus(self):
402 | values = [self.parseAndOr()]
403 | while True:
404 | self.skipSpace()
405 | char = self.getCurr()
406 | if char == '+':
407 | self.moveNext()
408 | values.append(self.parseAndOr())
409 | elif char == '-':
410 | self.moveNext()
411 | values.append(-1 * self.parseAndOr())
412 | else:
413 | break
414 | return sum(values)
415 |
416 | def parseExpr(self):
417 | return self.parseAddMinus()
418 |
419 | def getResult(self):
420 | value = self.parseExpr()
421 | self.skipSpace()
422 | if not self.isLast():
423 | raise Exception("Unexpected character found '%s'" % self.getCurr())
424 | return value
425 |
426 | def getModGuid(self, var):
427 | guid = (guid for guid,name in self.dictGuidNameXref.items() if name==var)
428 | try:
429 | value = guid.next()
430 | except Exception:
431 | raise Exception("Unknown module name %s !" % var)
432 | return value
433 |
434 | def getVariable(self, var):
435 | value = self.dictVariable.get(var, None)
436 | if value == None:
437 | raise Exception("Unrecognized variable '%s'" % var)
438 | return value
439 |
440 | def getNumber(self, var):
441 | var = var.strip()
442 | if var.startswith('0x'): # HEX
443 | value = int(var, 16)
444 | else:
445 | value = int(var, 10)
446 | return value
447 |
448 | def getContent(self, value):
449 | if (value >= self.fdBase) and (value < self.fdBase + self.fdSize):
450 | value = value - self.fdBase
451 | if value >= self.fdSize:
452 | raise Exception("Invalid file offset 0x%08x !" % value)
453 | return readDataFromFile (self.fdFile, value, 4)
454 |
455 | def toAddress(self, value):
456 | if value < self.fdSize:
457 | value = value + self.fdBase
458 | return value
459 |
460 | def toOffset(self, value):
461 | if value > self.fdBase:
462 | value = value - self.fdBase
463 | return value
464 |
465 | def getGuidOff(self, value):
466 | # GUID:Offset
467 | symbolName = value.split(':')
468 | if len(symbolName) == 2 and self.dictFfsOffset.has_key(symbolName[0]):
469 | value = (int(self.dictFfsOffset[symbolName[0]], 16) + int(symbolName[1], 16)) & 0xFFFFFFFF
470 | else:
471 | raise Exception("Unknown GUID %s !" % value)
472 | return value
473 |
474 | def getSymbols(self, value):
475 | if self.dictSymbolAddress.has_key(value):
476 | # Module:Function
477 | ret = int (self.dictSymbolAddress[value], 16)
478 | else:
479 | raise Exception("Unknown symbol %s !" % value)
480 | return ret
481 |
482 | def evaluate(self, expression, isOffset):
483 | self.index = 0
484 | self.synUsed = False
485 | self.string = expression
486 | value = self.getResult()
487 | if isOffset:
488 | if self.synUsed:
489 | # Consider it as an address first
490 | if (value >= self.fdBase) and (value < self.fdBase + self.fdSize):
491 | value = value - self.fdBase
492 | if value & 0x80000000:
493 | # Consider it as a negative offset next
494 | offset = (~value & 0xFFFFFFFF) + 1
495 | if offset < self.fdSize:
496 | value = self.fdSize - offset
497 | if value >= self.fdSize:
498 | raise Exception("Invalid offset expression !")
499 | return value & 0xFFFFFFFF
500 |
501 | def usage():
502 | print "Usage: \n\tPatchFv FvBuildDir [FvFileBaseNames:]FdFileBaseNameToPatch \"Offset, Value\""
503 |
504 | def main():
505 | #
506 | # Parse the options and args
507 | #
508 | symTables = Symbols()
509 |
510 | if len(sys.argv) < 4:
511 | Usage()
512 | return 1
513 |
514 | if symTables.createDicts(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) != 0:
515 | print "ERROR: Failed to create symbol dictionary!!"
516 | return 2
517 |
518 | fdFile = symTables.getFdFile()
519 | fdSize = symTables.getFdSize()
520 |
521 | try:
522 | ret = IsFspHeaderValid(fdFile)
523 | if ret == False:
524 | raise Exception ("The FSP header is not valid. Stop patching FD.")
525 | comment = ""
526 | for fvFile in sys.argv[3:]:
527 | items = fvFile.split(",")
528 | if len (items) < 2:
529 | raise Exception("Expect more arguments for '%s'!" % fvFile)
530 |
531 | comment = ""
532 | command = ""
533 | params = []
534 | for item in items:
535 | item = item.strip()
536 | if item.startswith("@"):
537 | comment = item[1:]
538 | elif item.startswith("$"):
539 | command = item[1:]
540 | else:
541 | if len(params) == 0:
542 | isOffset = True
543 | else :
544 | isOffset = False
545 | params.append (symTables.evaluate(item, isOffset))
546 |
547 | if command == "":
548 | # Patch a DWORD
549 | if len (params) == 2:
550 | offset = params[0]
551 | value = params[1]
552 | oldvalue = readDataFromFile(fdFile, offset, 4)
553 | ret = patchDataInFile (fdFile, offset, value, 4) - 4
554 | else:
555 | raise Exception ("Patch command needs 2 parameters !")
556 |
557 | if ret:
558 | raise Exception ("Patch failed for offset 0x%08X" % offset)
559 | else:
560 | print "Patched offset 0x%08X:[%08X] with value 0x%08X # %s" % (offset, oldvalue, value, comment)
561 |
562 | elif command == "COPY":
563 | # Copy binary block from source to destination
564 | if len (params) == 3:
565 | src = symTables.toOffset(params[0])
566 | dest = symTables.toOffset(params[1])
567 | clen = symTables.toOffset(params[2])
568 | if (dest + clen <= fdSize) and (src + clen <= fdSize):
569 | oldvalue = readDataFromFile(fdFile, src, clen)
570 | ret = patchDataInFile (fdFile, dest, oldvalue, clen) - clen
571 | else:
572 | raise Exception ("Copy command OFFSET or LENGTH parameter is invalid !")
573 | else:
574 | raise Exception ("Copy command needs 3 parameters !")
575 |
576 | if ret:
577 | raise Exception ("Copy failed from offset 0x%08X to offset 0x%08X!" % (src, dest))
578 | else :
579 | print "Copied %d bytes from offset 0x%08X ~ offset 0x%08X # %s" % (clen, src, dest, comment)
580 | else:
581 | raise Exception ("Unknown command %s!" % command)
582 | return 0
583 |
584 | except Exception as (ex):
585 | print "ERROR: %s" % ex
586 | return 1
587 |
588 | if __name__ == '__main__':
589 | sys.exit(main())