1 | /** @file
2 | A shell application to dump dynamic PCD settings.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include <Uefi.h>
10 | #include <PiDxe.h>
11 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
12 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
13 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
14 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
16 |
17 | #include <Protocol/UnicodeCollation.h>
18 | #include <Protocol/PiPcd.h>
19 | #include <Protocol/Pcd.h>
20 | #include <Protocol/PiPcdInfo.h>
21 | #include <Protocol/PcdInfo.h>
22 | #include <Protocol/ShellParameters.h>
23 | #include <Protocol/Shell.h>
24 |
25 | //
26 | // String token ID of help message text.
27 | // Shell supports to find help message in the resource section of an application image if
28 | // .MAN file is not found. This global variable is added to make build tool recognizes
29 | // that the help string is consumed by user and then build tool will add the string into
30 | // the resource section. Thus the application can use '-?' option to show help message in
31 | // Shell.
32 | //
34 |
35 | #define MAJOR_VERSION 1
36 | #define MINOR_VERSION 0
37 |
38 | static EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION_PROTOCOL *mUnicodeCollation = NULL;
39 | static EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL *mPiPcd = NULL;
40 | static PCD_PROTOCOL *mPcd = NULL;
41 | static EFI_GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL *mPiPcdInfo = NULL;
42 | static GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL *mPcdInfo = NULL;
43 | static CHAR16 *mTempPcdNameBuffer = NULL;
44 | static UINTN mTempPcdNameBufferSize = 0;
45 |
46 | static CONST CHAR8 mHex[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
47 |
48 | static UINTN Argc;
49 | static CHAR16 **Argv;
50 |
51 | /**
52 |
53 | This function parse application ARG.
54 |
55 | @return Status
56 | **/
57 | static
59 | GetArg (
60 | VOID
61 | )
62 | {
63 | EFI_STATUS Status;
65 |
66 | Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
67 | gImageHandle,
68 | &gEfiShellParametersProtocolGuid,
69 | (VOID **)&ShellParameters
70 | );
71 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
72 | return Status;
73 | }
74 |
75 | Argc = ShellParameters->Argc;
76 | Argv = ShellParameters->Argv;
77 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
78 | }
79 |
80 | /**
81 | Display current version.
82 | **/
83 | static
84 | VOID
85 | ShowVersion (
86 | )
87 | {
88 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd Version %d.%02d\n", MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION);
89 | }
90 |
91 | /**
92 | Display Usage and Help information.
93 | **/
94 | static
95 | VOID
96 | ShowHelp (
97 | )
98 | {
99 | Print (L"Dump dynamic[ex] PCD info.\n");
100 | Print (L"\n");
101 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd [PcdName]\n");
102 | Print (L"\n");
103 | Print (L" PcdName Specifies the name of PCD.\n");
104 | Print (L" A literal[or partial] name or a pattern as specified in\n");
105 | Print (L" the MetaiMatch() function of the EFI_UNICODE_COLLATION2_PROCOOL.\n");
106 | Print (L" If it is absent, dump all PCDs' info.\n");
107 | Print (L"The PCD data is printed as hexadecimal dump.\n");
108 | }
109 |
110 | /**
111 | Dump some hexadecimal data to the screen.
112 |
113 | @param[in] Indent How many spaces to indent the output.
114 | @param[in] Offset The offset of the printing.
115 | @param[in] DataSize The size in bytes of UserData.
116 | @param[in] UserData The data to print out.
117 | **/
118 | static
119 | VOID
120 | DumpHex (
121 | IN UINTN Indent,
122 | IN UINTN Offset,
123 | IN UINTN DataSize,
124 | IN VOID *UserData
125 | )
126 | {
127 | UINT8 *Data;
128 |
129 | CHAR8 Val[50];
130 |
131 | CHAR8 Str[20];
132 |
133 | UINT8 TempByte;
134 | UINTN Size;
135 | UINTN Index;
136 |
137 | Data = UserData;
138 | while (DataSize != 0) {
139 | Size = 16;
140 | if (Size > DataSize) {
141 | Size = DataSize;
142 | }
143 |
144 | for (Index = 0; Index < Size; Index += 1) {
145 | TempByte = Data[Index];
146 | Val[Index * 3 + 0] = mHex[TempByte >> 4];
147 | Val[Index * 3 + 1] = mHex[TempByte & 0xF];
148 | Val[Index * 3 + 2] = (CHAR8)((Index == 7) ? '-' : ' ');
149 | Str[Index] = (CHAR8)((TempByte < ' ' || TempByte > 'z') ? '.' : TempByte);
150 | }
151 |
152 | Val[Index * 3] = 0;
153 | Str[Index] = 0;
154 | Print (L"%*a%08X: %-48a *%a*\r\n", Indent, "", Offset, Val, Str);
155 |
156 | Data += Size;
157 | Offset += Size;
158 | DataSize -= Size;
159 | }
160 | }
161 |
162 | /**
163 | Safely append with automatic string resizing given length of Destination and
164 | desired length of copy from Source.
165 |
166 | append the first D characters of Source to the end of Destination, where D is
167 | the lesser of Count and the StrLen() of Source. If appending those D characters
168 | will fit within Destination (whose Size is given as CurrentSize) and
169 | still leave room for a NULL terminator, then those characters are appended,
170 | starting at the original terminating NULL of Destination, and a new terminating
171 | NULL is appended.
172 |
173 | If appending D characters onto Destination will result in a overflow of the size
174 | given in CurrentSize the string will be grown such that the copy can be performed
175 | and CurrentSize will be updated to the new size.
176 |
177 | If Source is NULL, there is nothing to append, just return the current buffer in
178 | Destination.
179 |
180 | if Destination is NULL, then ASSERT()
181 | if Destination's current length (including NULL terminator) is already more then
182 | CurrentSize, then ASSERT()
183 |
184 | @param[in, out] Destination The String to append onto
185 | @param[in, out] CurrentSize on call the number of bytes in Destination. On
186 | return possibly the new size (still in bytes). if NULL
187 | then allocate whatever is needed.
188 | @param[in] Source The String to append from
189 |
190 | @return Destination return the resultant string.
191 | **/
192 | static
193 | CHAR16 *
194 | InternalStrnCatGrow (
195 | IN OUT CHAR16 **Destination,
196 | IN OUT UINTN *CurrentSize,
197 | IN CONST CHAR16 *Source
198 | )
199 | {
200 | UINTN DestinationStartSize;
201 | UINTN NewSize;
202 | UINTN SourceLen;
203 |
204 | SourceLen = StrLen (Source);
205 |
206 | //
207 | // ASSERTs
208 | //
209 | ASSERT (Destination != NULL);
210 |
211 | //
212 | // If there's nothing to do then just return Destination
213 | //
214 | if (Source == NULL) {
215 | return (*Destination);
216 | }
217 |
218 | //
219 | // allow for un-initialized pointers, based on size being 0
220 | //
221 | if ((CurrentSize != NULL) && (*CurrentSize == 0)) {
222 | *Destination = NULL;
223 | }
224 |
225 | //
226 | // allow for NULL pointers address as Destination
227 | //
228 | if (*Destination != NULL) {
229 | ASSERT (CurrentSize != 0);
230 | DestinationStartSize = StrSize (*Destination);
231 | ASSERT (DestinationStartSize <= *CurrentSize);
232 | } else {
233 | DestinationStartSize = 0;
234 | }
235 |
236 | //
237 | // Test and grow if required
238 | //
239 | if (CurrentSize != NULL) {
240 | NewSize = *CurrentSize;
241 | if (NewSize < DestinationStartSize + (SourceLen * sizeof (CHAR16))) {
242 | while (NewSize < (DestinationStartSize + (SourceLen*sizeof (CHAR16)))) {
243 | NewSize += 2 * SourceLen * sizeof (CHAR16);
244 | }
245 |
246 | *Destination = ReallocatePool (*CurrentSize, NewSize, *Destination);
247 | *CurrentSize = NewSize;
248 | }
249 | } else {
250 | NewSize = (SourceLen + 1)*sizeof (CHAR16);
251 | *Destination = AllocateZeroPool (NewSize);
252 | }
253 |
254 | //
255 | // Now use standard StrnCat on a big enough buffer
256 | //
257 | if (*Destination == NULL) {
258 | return (NULL);
259 | }
260 |
261 | StrnCatS (*Destination, NewSize/sizeof (CHAR16), Source, SourceLen);
262 | return *Destination;
263 | }
264 |
265 | /**
266 | Get PCD type string based on input PCD type.
267 |
268 | @param[in] TokenSpace PCD Token Space.
269 | @param[in] PcdType The input PCD type.
270 |
271 | @return Pointer to PCD type string.
272 | **/
273 | static
274 | CHAR16 *
275 | GetPcdTypeString (
276 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *TokenSpace,
277 | IN EFI_PCD_TYPE PcdType
278 | )
279 | {
280 | UINTN BufLen;
281 | CHAR16 *RetString;
282 |
283 | BufLen = 0;
284 | RetString = NULL;
285 |
286 | switch (PcdType) {
287 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_8:
288 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"UINT8");
289 | break;
290 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_16:
291 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"UINT16");
292 | break;
293 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_32:
294 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"UINT32");
295 | break;
296 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_64:
297 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"UINT64");
298 | break;
299 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_BOOL:
300 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"BOOLEAN");
301 | break;
302 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_PTR:
303 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"POINTER");
304 | break;
305 | default:
306 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L"UNKNOWN");
307 | break;
308 | }
309 |
310 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
311 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L":DYNAMIC");
312 | } else {
313 | InternalStrnCatGrow (&RetString, &BufLen, L":DYNAMICEX");
314 | }
315 |
316 | return RetString;
317 | }
318 |
319 | /**
320 | Dump PCD info.
321 |
322 | @param[in] TokenSpace PCD Token Space.
323 | @param[in] TokenNumber PCD Token Number.
324 | @param[in] PcdInfo Pointer to PCD info.
325 | **/
326 | static
327 | VOID
328 | DumpPcdInfo (
329 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *TokenSpace,
330 | IN UINTN TokenNumber,
331 | IN EFI_PCD_INFO *PcdInfo
332 | )
333 | {
334 | CHAR16 *RetString;
335 | UINT8 Uint8;
336 | UINT16 Uint16;
337 | UINT32 Uint32;
338 | UINT64 Uint64;
339 | BOOLEAN Boolean;
340 | VOID *PcdData;
341 |
342 | RetString = NULL;
343 |
344 | if (PcdInfo->PcdName != NULL) {
345 | Print (L"%a\n", PcdInfo->PcdName);
346 | } else {
347 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
348 | Print (L"Default Token Space\n");
349 | } else {
350 | Print (L"%g\n", TokenSpace);
351 | }
352 | }
353 |
354 | RetString = GetPcdTypeString (TokenSpace, PcdInfo->PcdType);
355 |
356 | switch (PcdInfo->PcdType) {
357 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_8:
358 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
359 | Uint8 = mPcd->Get8 (TokenNumber);
360 | } else {
361 | Uint8 = mPiPcd->Get8 (TokenSpace, TokenNumber);
362 | }
363 |
364 | Print (L" Token = 0x%08x - Type = %-17s - Size = 0x%x - Value = 0x%x\n", TokenNumber, RetString, PcdInfo->PcdSize, Uint8);
365 | break;
366 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_16:
367 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
368 | Uint16 = mPcd->Get16 (TokenNumber);
369 | } else {
370 | Uint16 = mPiPcd->Get16 (TokenSpace, TokenNumber);
371 | }
372 |
373 | Print (L" Token = 0x%08x - Type = %-17s - Size = 0x%x - Value = 0x%x\n", TokenNumber, RetString, PcdInfo->PcdSize, Uint16);
374 | break;
375 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_32:
376 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
377 | Uint32 = mPcd->Get32 (TokenNumber);
378 | } else {
379 | Uint32 = mPiPcd->Get32 (TokenSpace, TokenNumber);
380 | }
381 |
382 | Print (L" Token = 0x%08x - Type = %-17s - Size = 0x%x - Value = 0x%x\n", TokenNumber, RetString, PcdInfo->PcdSize, Uint32);
383 | break;
384 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_64:
385 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
386 | Uint64 = mPcd->Get64 (TokenNumber);
387 | } else {
388 | Uint64 = mPiPcd->Get64 (TokenSpace, TokenNumber);
389 | }
390 |
391 | Print (L" Token = 0x%08x - Type = %-17s - Size = 0x%x - Value = 0x%lx\n", TokenNumber, RetString, PcdInfo->PcdSize, Uint64);
392 | break;
393 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_BOOL:
394 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
395 | Boolean = mPcd->GetBool (TokenNumber);
396 | } else {
397 | Boolean = mPiPcd->GetBool (TokenSpace, TokenNumber);
398 | }
399 |
400 | Print (L" Token = 0x%08x - Type = %-17s - Size = 0x%x - Value = %a\n", TokenNumber, RetString, PcdInfo->PcdSize, Boolean ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
401 | break;
402 | case EFI_PCD_TYPE_PTR:
403 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
404 | PcdData = mPcd->GetPtr (TokenNumber);
405 | } else {
406 | PcdData = mPiPcd->GetPtr (TokenSpace, TokenNumber);
407 | }
408 |
409 | Print (L" Token = 0x%08x - Type = %-17s - Size = 0x%x\n", TokenNumber, RetString, PcdInfo->PcdSize);
410 | DumpHex (2, 0, PcdInfo->PcdSize, PcdData);
411 | break;
412 | default:
413 | return;
414 | }
415 |
416 | if (RetString != NULL) {
417 | FreePool (RetString);
418 | }
419 |
420 | Print (L"\n");
421 | }
422 |
423 | /**
424 | Show one or all PCDs' info.
425 |
426 | @param[in] InputPcdName Pointer to PCD name to show. If NULL, show all PCDs' info.
427 |
428 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully.
429 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to run the command.
430 | @retval EFI_ABORTED Aborted by user.
431 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified PCD is not found.
432 | **/
433 | static
435 | ProcessPcd (
436 | IN CHAR16 *InputPcdName
437 | )
438 | {
439 | EFI_STATUS Status;
440 | EFI_GUID *TokenSpace;
441 | UINTN TokenNumber;
442 | EFI_PCD_INFO PcdInfo;
443 | BOOLEAN Found;
444 | UINTN PcdNameSize;
445 |
446 | PcdInfo.PcdName = NULL;
447 | PcdInfo.PcdSize = 0;
448 | PcdInfo.PcdType = 0xFF;
449 | Found = FALSE;
450 |
451 | Print (L"Current system SKU ID: 0x%x\n\n", mPiPcdInfo->GetSku ());
452 |
453 | TokenSpace = NULL;
454 | do {
455 | TokenNumber = 0;
456 | do {
457 | Status = mPiPcd->GetNextToken (TokenSpace, &TokenNumber);
458 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (TokenNumber != 0)) {
459 | if (TokenSpace == NULL) {
460 | //
461 | // PCD in default Token Space.
462 | //
463 | mPcdInfo->GetInfo (TokenNumber, &PcdInfo);
464 | } else {
465 | mPiPcdInfo->GetInfo (TokenSpace, TokenNumber, &PcdInfo);
466 | }
467 |
468 | if (InputPcdName != NULL) {
469 | if (PcdInfo.PcdName == NULL) {
470 | continue;
471 | }
472 |
473 | PcdNameSize = AsciiStrSize (PcdInfo.PcdName) * sizeof (CHAR16);
474 | if (mTempPcdNameBuffer == NULL) {
475 | mTempPcdNameBufferSize = PcdNameSize;
476 | mTempPcdNameBuffer = AllocatePool (mTempPcdNameBufferSize);
477 | } else if (mTempPcdNameBufferSize < PcdNameSize) {
478 | mTempPcdNameBuffer = ReallocatePool (mTempPcdNameBufferSize, PcdNameSize, mTempPcdNameBuffer);
479 | mTempPcdNameBufferSize = PcdNameSize;
480 | }
481 |
482 | if (mTempPcdNameBuffer == NULL) {
483 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
484 | }
485 |
486 | AsciiStrToUnicodeStrS (PcdInfo.PcdName, mTempPcdNameBuffer, mTempPcdNameBufferSize / sizeof (CHAR16));
487 | //
488 | // Compare the input PCD name with the PCD name in PCD database.
489 | //
490 | if ((StrStr (mTempPcdNameBuffer, InputPcdName) != NULL) ||
491 | ((mUnicodeCollation != NULL) && mUnicodeCollation->MetaiMatch (mUnicodeCollation, mTempPcdNameBuffer, InputPcdName)))
492 | {
493 | //
494 | // Found matched PCD.
495 | //
496 | DumpPcdInfo (TokenSpace, TokenNumber, &PcdInfo);
497 | Found = TRUE;
498 | }
499 | } else {
500 | DumpPcdInfo (TokenSpace, TokenNumber, &PcdInfo);
501 | }
502 | }
503 | } while (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && TokenNumber != 0);
504 |
505 | Status = mPiPcd->GetNextTokenSpace ((CONST EFI_GUID **)&TokenSpace);
506 | } while (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && TokenSpace != NULL);
507 |
508 | if ((InputPcdName != NULL) && !Found) {
509 | //
510 | // The specified PCD is not found, print error.
511 | //
512 | Print (L"Error. No matching PCD found: %s.\n", InputPcdName);
513 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
514 | }
515 |
516 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
517 | }
518 |
519 | /**
520 | Main entrypoint for DumpDynPcd shell application.
521 |
522 | @param[in] ImageHandle The image handle.
523 | @param[in] SystemTable The system table.
524 |
525 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Command completed successfully.
526 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Command usage error.
527 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources were available to run the command.
528 | @retval EFI_ABORTED Aborted by user.
529 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified PCD is not found.
530 | @retval Others Error status returned from gBS->LocateProtocol.
531 | **/
533 | EFIAPI
534 | DumpDynPcdMain (
535 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
536 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
537 | )
538 | {
539 | EFI_STATUS Status;
540 | CHAR16 *InputPcdName;
541 |
542 | InputPcdName = NULL;
543 |
544 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&mUnicodeCollation);
545 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
546 | mUnicodeCollation = NULL;
547 | }
548 |
549 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiPcdProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&mPiPcd);
550 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
551 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. PI PCD protocol is not present.\n");
552 | return Status;
553 | }
554 |
555 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiGetPcdInfoProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&mPiPcdInfo);
556 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
557 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. PI PCD info protocol is not present.\n");
558 | return Status;
559 | }
560 |
561 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gPcdProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&mPcd);
562 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
563 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. PCD protocol is not present.\n");
564 | return Status;
565 | }
566 |
567 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gGetPcdInfoProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&mPcdInfo);
568 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
569 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. PCD info protocol is not present.\n");
570 | return Status;
571 | }
572 |
573 | //
574 | // get the command line arguments
575 | //
576 | Status = GetArg ();
577 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
578 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. The input parameters are not recognized.\n");
580 | return Status;
581 | }
582 |
583 | if (Argc > 2) {
584 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. Too many arguments specified.\n");
586 | return Status;
587 | }
588 |
589 | if (Argc == 1) {
590 | Status = ProcessPcd (InputPcdName);
591 | goto Done;
592 | }
593 |
594 | if ((StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-?") == 0) || (StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-h") == 0) || (StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-H") == 0)) {
595 | ShowHelp ();
596 | goto Done;
597 | } else {
598 | if ((StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-v") == 0) || (StrCmp (Argv[1], L"-V") == 0)) {
599 | ShowVersion ();
600 | goto Done;
601 | } else {
602 | if (StrStr (Argv[1], L"-") != NULL) {
603 | Print (L"DumpDynPcd: Error. The argument '%s' is invalid.\n", Argv[1]);
604 | goto Done;
605 | }
606 | }
607 | }
608 |
609 | InputPcdName = Argv[1];
610 | Status = ProcessPcd (InputPcdName);
611 |
612 | Done:
613 |
614 | if (mTempPcdNameBuffer != NULL) {
615 | FreePool (mTempPcdNameBuffer);
616 | }
617 |
618 | return Status;
619 | }