1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 |
5 | This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions
7 | of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The
8 | full text of the license may be found at
9 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
10 |
13 |
14 | **/
15 |
16 | #include <PiSmm.h>
17 | #include <Library/SmmServicesTableLib.h>
18 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
20 | #include <Library/LockBoxLib.h>
21 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
22 | #include <Guid/SmmLockBox.h>
23 |
24 | #include "SmmLockBoxLibPrivate.h"
25 |
26 | /**
27 | We need handle this library carefully. Only one library instance will construct the environment.
28 | Below 2 global variable can only be used in constructor. They should NOT be used in any other library functions.
29 | **/
30 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_CONTEXT mSmmLockBoxContext;
32 |
33 | /**
34 | This function return SmmLockBox context from SMST.
35 |
36 | @return SmmLockBox context from SMST.
37 | **/
39 | InternalGetSmmLockBoxContext (
40 | VOID
41 | )
42 | {
43 | UINTN Index;
44 |
45 | //
46 | // Check if gEfiSmmLockBoxCommunicationGuid is installed by someone
47 | //
48 | for (Index = 0; Index < gSmst->NumberOfTableEntries; Index++) {
49 | if (CompareGuid (&gSmst->SmmConfigurationTable[Index].VendorGuid, &gEfiSmmLockBoxCommunicationGuid)) {
50 | //
51 | // Found. That means some other library instance is already run.
52 | // No need to install again, just return.
53 | //
54 | return (SMM_LOCK_BOX_CONTEXT *)gSmst->SmmConfigurationTable[Index].VendorTable;
55 | }
56 | }
57 |
58 | //
59 | // Not found.
60 | //
61 | return NULL;
62 | }
63 |
64 | /**
65 | Constructor for SmmLockBox library.
66 | This is used to set SmmLockBox context, which will be used in PEI phase in S3 boot path later.
67 |
68 | @param[in] ImageHandle Image handle of this driver.
69 | @param[in] SystemTable A Pointer to the EFI System Table.
70 |
71 | @retval EFI_SUCEESS
72 | @return Others Some error occurs.
73 | **/
76 | SmmLockBoxSmmConstructuor (
77 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
78 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
79 | )
80 | {
81 | EFI_STATUS Status;
82 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_CONTEXT *SmmLockBoxContext;
83 |
84 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SmmLockBoxSmmConstructuor - Enter\n"));
85 |
86 | //
87 | // Check if gEfiSmmLockBoxCommunicationGuid is installed by someone
88 | //
89 | SmmLockBoxContext = InternalGetSmmLockBoxContext ();
90 | if (SmmLockBoxContext != NULL) {
91 | //
92 | // Find it. That means some other library instance is already run.
93 | // No need to install again, just return.
94 | //
95 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SmmLockBoxContext - already installed\n"));
96 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SmmLockBoxSmmConstructuor - Exit\n"));
97 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
98 | }
99 |
100 | //
101 | // If no one install this, it means this is first instance. Install it.
102 | //
103 | if (sizeof(UINTN) == sizeof(UINT64)) {
104 | mSmmLockBoxContext.Signature = SMM_LOCK_BOX_SIGNATURE_64;
105 | } else {
106 | mSmmLockBoxContext.Signature = SMM_LOCK_BOX_SIGNATURE_32;
107 | }
108 | mSmmLockBoxContext.LockBoxDataAddress = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)&mLockBoxQueue;
109 |
110 | Status = gSmst->SmmInstallConfigurationTable (
111 | gSmst,
112 | &gEfiSmmLockBoxCommunicationGuid,
113 | &mSmmLockBoxContext,
114 | sizeof(mSmmLockBoxContext)
115 | );
116 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
117 |
118 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SmmLockBoxContext - %x\n", (UINTN)&mSmmLockBoxContext));
119 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib LockBoxDataAddress - %x\n", (UINTN)&mLockBoxQueue));
120 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SmmLockBoxSmmConstructuor - Exit\n"));
121 |
122 | return Status;
123 | }
124 |
125 | /**
126 | This function return SmmLockBox queue address.
127 |
128 | @return SmmLockBox queue address.
129 | **/
130 | LIST_ENTRY *
131 | InternalGetLockBoxQueue (
132 | VOID
133 | )
134 | {
135 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_CONTEXT *SmmLockBoxContext;
136 |
137 | SmmLockBoxContext = InternalGetSmmLockBoxContext ();
138 | ASSERT (SmmLockBoxContext != NULL);
139 | if (SmmLockBoxContext == NULL) {
140 | return NULL;
141 | }
142 | return (LIST_ENTRY *)(UINTN)SmmLockBoxContext->LockBoxDataAddress;
143 | }
144 |
145 | /**
146 | This function find LockBox by GUID.
147 |
148 | @param Guid The guid to indentify the LockBox
149 |
150 | @return LockBoxData
151 | **/
153 | InternalFindLockBoxByGuid (
154 | IN EFI_GUID *Guid
155 | )
156 | {
157 | LIST_ENTRY *Link;
158 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA *LockBox;
159 | LIST_ENTRY *LockBoxQueue;
160 |
161 | LockBoxQueue = InternalGetLockBoxQueue ();
162 | ASSERT (LockBoxQueue != NULL);
163 |
164 | for (Link = LockBoxQueue->ForwardLink;
165 | Link != LockBoxQueue;
166 | Link = Link->ForwardLink) {
167 | LockBox = BASE_CR (
168 | Link,
170 | Link
171 | );
172 | if (CompareGuid (&LockBox->Guid, Guid)) {
173 | return LockBox;
174 | }
175 | }
176 | return NULL;
177 | }
178 |
179 | /**
180 | This function will save confidential information to lockbox.
181 |
182 | @param Guid the guid to identify the confidential information
183 | @param Buffer the address of the confidential information
184 | @param Length the length of the confidential information
185 |
186 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS the information is saved successfully.
187 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER the Guid is NULL, or Buffer is NULL, or Length is 0
188 | @retval RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED the requested GUID already exist.
189 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES no enough resource to save the information.
190 | @retval RETURN_ACCESS_DENIED it is too late to invoke this interface
191 | @retval RETURN_NOT_STARTED it is too early to invoke this interface
192 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED the service is not supported by implementaion.
193 | **/
195 | EFIAPI
196 | SaveLockBox (
197 | IN GUID *Guid,
198 | IN VOID *Buffer,
199 | IN UINTN Length
200 | )
201 | {
202 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA *LockBox;
204 | EFI_STATUS Status;
205 | LIST_ENTRY *LockBoxQueue;
206 |
207 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SaveLockBox - Enter\n"));
208 |
209 | //
210 | // Basic check
211 | //
212 | if ((Guid == NULL) || (Buffer == NULL) || (Length == 0)) {
213 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SaveLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER));
215 | }
216 |
217 | //
218 | // Find LockBox
219 | //
220 | LockBox = InternalFindLockBoxByGuid (Guid);
221 | if (LockBox != NULL) {
222 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SaveLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_ALREADY_STARTED));
224 | }
225 |
226 | //
227 | // Allocate SMRAM buffer
228 | //
229 | Status = gSmst->SmmAllocatePages (
230 | AllocateAnyPages,
231 | EfiRuntimeServicesData,
232 | EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (Length),
233 | &SmramBuffer
234 | );
235 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
236 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
237 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SaveLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES));
238 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
239 | }
240 |
241 | //
242 | // Allocate LockBox
243 | //
244 | Status = gSmst->SmmAllocatePool (
245 | EfiRuntimeServicesData,
246 | sizeof(*LockBox),
247 | (VOID **)&LockBox
248 | );
249 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
250 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
251 | gSmst->SmmFreePages (SmramBuffer, EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (Length));
252 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SaveLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES));
253 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
254 | }
255 |
256 | //
257 | // Save data
258 | //
259 | CopyMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)SmramBuffer, (VOID *)(UINTN)Buffer, Length);
260 |
261 | //
262 | // Insert LockBox to queue
263 | //
264 | LockBox->Signature = SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA_SIGNATURE;
265 | CopyMem (&LockBox->Guid, Guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID));
266 | LockBox->Buffer = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Buffer;
267 | LockBox->Length = (UINT64)Length;
268 | LockBox->Attributes = 0;
269 | LockBox->SmramBuffer = SmramBuffer;
270 |
271 | DEBUG ((
272 | EFI_D_INFO,
273 | "LockBoxGuid - %g, SmramBuffer - 0x%lx, Length - 0x%lx\n",
274 | &LockBox->Guid,
275 | LockBox->SmramBuffer,
276 | LockBox->Length
277 | ));
278 |
279 | LockBoxQueue = InternalGetLockBoxQueue ();
280 | ASSERT (LockBoxQueue != NULL);
281 | InsertTailList (LockBoxQueue, &LockBox->Link);
282 |
283 | //
284 | // Done
285 | //
286 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SaveLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_SUCCESS));
287 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
288 | }
289 |
290 | /**
291 | This function will set lockbox attributes.
292 |
293 | @param Guid the guid to identify the confidential information
294 | @param Attributes the attributes of the lockbox
295 |
296 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS the information is saved successfully.
297 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER attributes is invalid.
298 | @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND the requested GUID not found.
299 | @retval RETURN_ACCESS_DENIED it is too late to invoke this interface
300 | @retval RETURN_NOT_STARTED it is too early to invoke this interface
301 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED the service is not supported by implementaion.
302 | **/
304 | EFIAPI
305 | SetLockBoxAttributes (
306 | IN GUID *Guid,
307 | IN UINT64 Attributes
308 | )
309 | {
310 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA *LockBox;
311 |
312 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SetLockBoxAttributes - Enter\n"));
313 |
314 | //
315 | // Basic check
316 | //
317 | if ((Guid == NULL) ||
318 | ((Attributes & ~LOCK_BOX_ATTRIBUTE_RESTORE_IN_PLACE) != 0)) {
319 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SetLockBoxAttributes - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER));
321 | }
322 |
323 | //
324 | // Find LockBox
325 | //
326 | LockBox = InternalFindLockBoxByGuid (Guid);
327 | if (LockBox == NULL) {
328 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SetLockBoxAttributes - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_NOT_FOUND));
329 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
330 | }
331 |
332 | //
333 | // Update data
334 | //
335 | LockBox->Attributes = Attributes;
336 |
337 | //
338 | // Done
339 | //
340 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib SetLockBoxAttributes - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_SUCCESS));
341 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
342 | }
343 |
344 | /**
345 | This function will update confidential information to lockbox.
346 |
347 | @param Guid the guid to identify the original confidential information
348 | @param Offset the offset of the original confidential information
349 | @param Buffer the address of the updated confidential information
350 | @param Length the length of the updated confidential information
351 |
352 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS the information is saved successfully.
353 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER the Guid is NULL, or Buffer is NULL, or Length is 0.
354 | @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND the requested GUID not found.
355 | @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL the original buffer to too small to hold new information.
356 | @retval RETURN_ACCESS_DENIED it is too late to invoke this interface
357 | @retval RETURN_NOT_STARTED it is too early to invoke this interface
358 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED the service is not supported by implementaion.
359 | **/
361 | EFIAPI
362 | UpdateLockBox (
363 | IN GUID *Guid,
364 | IN UINTN Offset,
365 | IN VOID *Buffer,
366 | IN UINTN Length
367 | )
368 | {
369 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA *LockBox;
370 |
371 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib UpdateLockBox - Enter\n"));
372 |
373 | //
374 | // Basic check
375 | //
376 | if ((Guid == NULL) || (Buffer == NULL) || (Length == 0)) {
377 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib UpdateLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER));
379 | }
380 |
381 | //
382 | // Find LockBox
383 | //
384 | LockBox = InternalFindLockBoxByGuid (Guid);
385 | if (LockBox == NULL) {
386 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib UpdateLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_NOT_FOUND));
387 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
388 | }
389 |
390 | //
391 | // Update data
392 | //
393 | if (LockBox->Length < Offset + Length) {
394 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib UpdateLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL));
395 | return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
396 | }
397 | CopyMem ((VOID *)((UINTN)LockBox->SmramBuffer + Offset), Buffer, Length);
398 |
399 | //
400 | // Done
401 | //
402 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib UpdateLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_SUCCESS));
403 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
404 | }
405 |
406 | /**
407 | This function will restore confidential information from lockbox.
408 |
409 | @param Guid the guid to identify the confidential information
410 | @param Buffer the address of the restored confidential information
411 | NULL means restored to original address, Length MUST be NULL at same time.
412 | @param Length the length of the restored confidential information
413 |
414 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS the information is restored successfully.
415 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER the Guid is NULL, or one of Buffer and Length is NULL.
416 | @retval RETURN_WRITE_PROTECTED Buffer and Length are NULL, but the LockBox has no
418 | @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL the Length is too small to hold the confidential information.
419 | @retval RETURN_NOT_FOUND the requested GUID not found.
420 | @retval RETURN_NOT_STARTED it is too early to invoke this interface
421 | @retval RETURN_ACCESS_DENIED not allow to restore to the address
422 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED the service is not supported by implementaion.
423 | **/
425 | EFIAPI
426 | RestoreLockBox (
427 | IN GUID *Guid,
428 | IN VOID *Buffer, OPTIONAL
430 | )
431 | {
432 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA *LockBox;
433 | VOID *RestoreBuffer;
434 |
435 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreLockBox - Enter\n"));
436 |
437 | //
438 | // Restore this, Buffer and Length MUST be both NULL or both non-NULL
439 | //
440 | if ((Guid == NULL) ||
441 | ((Buffer == NULL) && (Length != NULL)) ||
442 | ((Buffer != NULL) && (Length == NULL))) {
443 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER));
445 | }
446 |
447 | //
448 | // Find LockBox
449 | //
450 | LockBox = InternalFindLockBoxByGuid (Guid);
451 | if (LockBox == NULL) {
452 | //
453 | // Not found
454 | //
455 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_NOT_FOUND));
456 | return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
457 | }
458 |
459 | //
460 | // Set RestoreBuffer
461 | //
462 | if (Buffer != NULL) {
463 | //
464 | // restore to new buffer
465 | //
466 | RestoreBuffer = Buffer;
467 | } else {
468 | //
469 | // restore to original buffer
470 | //
471 | if ((LockBox->Attributes & LOCK_BOX_ATTRIBUTE_RESTORE_IN_PLACE) == 0) {
472 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED));
474 | }
475 | RestoreBuffer = (VOID *)(UINTN)LockBox->Buffer;
476 | }
477 |
478 | //
479 | // Set RestoreLength
480 | //
481 | if (Length != NULL) {
482 | if (*Length < (UINTN)LockBox->Length) {
483 | //
484 | // Input buffer is too small to hold all data.
485 | //
486 | *Length = (UINTN)LockBox->Length;
487 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL));
488 | return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
489 | }
490 | *Length = (UINTN)LockBox->Length;
491 | }
492 |
493 | //
494 | // Restore data
495 | //
496 | CopyMem (RestoreBuffer, (VOID *)(UINTN)LockBox->SmramBuffer, (UINTN)LockBox->Length);
497 |
498 | //
499 | // Done
500 | //
501 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreLockBox - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_SUCCESS));
502 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
503 | }
504 |
505 | /**
506 | This function will restore confidential information from all lockbox which have RestoreInPlace attribute.
507 |
508 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS the information is restored successfully.
509 | @retval RETURN_NOT_STARTED it is too early to invoke this interface
510 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED the service is not supported by implementaion.
511 | **/
513 | EFIAPI
514 | RestoreAllLockBoxInPlace (
515 | VOID
516 | )
517 | {
518 | SMM_LOCK_BOX_DATA *LockBox;
519 | LIST_ENTRY *Link;
520 | LIST_ENTRY *LockBoxQueue;
521 |
522 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreAllLockBoxInPlace - Enter\n"));
523 |
524 | LockBoxQueue = InternalGetLockBoxQueue ();
525 | ASSERT (LockBoxQueue != NULL);
526 |
527 | //
528 | // Restore all, Buffer and Length MUST be NULL
529 | //
530 | for (Link = LockBoxQueue->ForwardLink;
531 | Link != LockBoxQueue;
532 | Link = Link->ForwardLink) {
533 | LockBox = BASE_CR (
534 | Link,
536 | Link
537 | );
538 | if ((LockBox->Attributes & LOCK_BOX_ATTRIBUTE_RESTORE_IN_PLACE) != 0) {
539 | //
540 | // Restore data
541 | //
542 | CopyMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)LockBox->Buffer, (VOID *)(UINTN)LockBox->SmramBuffer, (UINTN)LockBox->Length);
543 | }
544 | }
545 | //
546 | // Done
547 | //
548 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SmmLockBoxSmmLib RestoreAllLockBoxInPlace - Exit (%r)\n", EFI_SUCCESS));
549 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
550 | }
551 |