1 | /** @file
2 | This module produce main entry for BDS phase - BdsEntry.
3 | When this module was dispatched by DxeCore, gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid will be installed
4 | which contains interface of BdsEntry.
5 | After DxeCore finish DXE phase, gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid->BdsEntry will be invoked
6 | to enter BDS phase.
7 |
8 | Copyright (c) 2004 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
9 | (C) Copyright 2016-2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP<BR>
10 | (C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
11 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #include "Bds.h"
16 | #include "Language.h"
17 | #include "HwErrRecSupport.h"
18 | #include <Library/VariablePolicyHelperLib.h>
19 |
20 | #define SET_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_KEY_COUNT(a, c) { \
22 | }
23 |
24 | ///
25 | /// BDS arch protocol instance initial value.
26 | ///
28 | BdsEntry
29 | };
30 |
31 | //
32 | // gConnectConInEvent - Event which is signaled when ConIn connection is required
33 | //
34 | EFI_EVENT gConnectConInEvent = NULL;
35 |
36 | ///
37 | /// The read-only variables defined in UEFI Spec.
38 | ///
39 | CHAR16 *mReadOnlyVariables[] = {
45 | };
46 |
47 | CHAR16 *mBdsLoadOptionName[] = {
48 | L"Driver",
49 | L"SysPrep",
50 | L"Boot",
51 | L"PlatformRecovery"
52 | };
53 |
54 | /**
55 | Event to Connect ConIn.
56 |
57 | @param Event Event whose notification function is being invoked.
58 | @param Context Pointer to the notification function's context,
59 | which is implementation-dependent.
60 |
61 | **/
62 | VOID
64 | BdsDxeOnConnectConInCallBack (
65 | IN EFI_EVENT Event,
66 | IN VOID *Context
67 | )
68 | {
69 | EFI_STATUS Status;
70 |
71 | //
72 | // When Osloader call ReadKeyStroke to signal this event
73 | // no driver dependency is assumed existing. So use a non-dispatch version
74 | //
75 | Status = EfiBootManagerConnectConsoleVariable (ConIn);
76 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
77 | //
78 | // Should not enter this case, if enter, the keyboard will not work.
79 | // May need platfrom policy to connect keyboard.
80 | //
81 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "[Bds] Connect ConIn failed - %r!!!\n", Status));
82 | }
83 | }
84 |
85 | /**
86 | Notify function for event group EFI_EVENT_GROUP_READY_TO_BOOT. This is used to
87 | check whether there is remaining deferred load images.
88 |
89 | @param[in] Event The Event that is being processed.
90 | @param[in] Context The Event Context.
91 |
92 | **/
93 | VOID
95 | CheckDeferredLoadImageOnReadyToBoot (
96 | IN EFI_EVENT Event,
97 | IN VOID *Context
98 | )
99 | {
100 | EFI_STATUS Status;
102 | UINTN HandleCount;
103 | EFI_HANDLE *Handles;
104 | UINTN Index;
105 | UINTN ImageIndex;
106 | EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *ImageDevicePath;
107 | VOID *Image;
108 | UINTN ImageSize;
109 | BOOLEAN BootOption;
110 | CHAR16 *DevicePathStr;
111 |
112 | //
113 | // Find all the deferred image load protocols.
114 | //
115 | HandleCount = 0;
116 | Handles = NULL;
117 | Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (
118 | ByProtocol,
119 | &gEfiDeferredImageLoadProtocolGuid,
120 | NULL,
121 | &HandleCount,
122 | &Handles
123 | );
124 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
125 | return;
126 | }
127 |
128 | for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) {
129 | Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (Handles[Index], &gEfiDeferredImageLoadProtocolGuid, (VOID **)&DeferredImage);
130 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
131 | continue;
132 | }
133 |
134 | for (ImageIndex = 0; ; ImageIndex++) {
135 | //
136 | // Load all the deferred images in this protocol instance.
137 | //
138 | Status = DeferredImage->GetImageInfo (
139 | DeferredImage,
140 | ImageIndex,
141 | &ImageDevicePath,
142 | (VOID **)&Image,
143 | &ImageSize,
144 | &BootOption
145 | );
146 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
147 | break;
148 | }
149 |
150 | DevicePathStr = ConvertDevicePathToText (ImageDevicePath, FALSE, FALSE);
151 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_LOAD, "[Bds] Image was deferred but not loaded: %s.\n", DevicePathStr));
152 | if (DevicePathStr != NULL) {
153 | FreePool (DevicePathStr);
154 | }
155 | }
156 | }
157 |
158 | if (Handles != NULL) {
159 | FreePool (Handles);
160 | }
161 | }
162 |
163 | /**
164 |
165 | Install Boot Device Selection Protocol
166 |
167 | @param ImageHandle The image handle.
168 | @param SystemTable The system table.
169 |
170 | @retval EFI_SUCEESS BDS has finished initializing.
171 | Return the dispatcher and recall BDS.Entry
172 | @retval Other Return status from AllocatePool() or gBS->InstallProtocolInterface
173 |
174 | **/
176 | EFIAPI
177 | BdsInitialize (
178 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
179 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
180 | )
181 | {
182 | EFI_STATUS Status;
183 | EFI_HANDLE Handle;
184 |
185 | //
186 | // Install protocol interface
187 | //
188 | Handle = NULL;
189 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
190 | &Handle,
191 | &gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid,
192 | &gBds,
193 | NULL
194 | );
195 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
196 |
197 | DEBUG_CODE (
198 | EFI_EVENT Event;
199 | //
200 | // Register notify function to check deferred images on ReadyToBoot Event.
201 | //
202 | Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
205 | CheckDeferredLoadImageOnReadyToBoot,
206 | NULL,
207 | &gEfiEventReadyToBootGuid,
208 | &Event
209 | );
210 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
211 | );
212 | return Status;
213 | }
214 |
215 | /**
216 | Function waits for a given event to fire, or for an optional timeout to expire.
217 |
218 | @param Event The event to wait for
219 | @param Timeout An optional timeout value in 100 ns units.
220 |
221 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Event fired before Timeout expired.
222 | @retval EFI_TIME_OUT Timout expired before Event fired..
223 |
224 | **/
226 | BdsWaitForSingleEvent (
227 | IN EFI_EVENT Event,
228 | IN UINT64 Timeout OPTIONAL
229 | )
230 | {
231 | UINTN Index;
232 | EFI_STATUS Status;
233 | EFI_EVENT TimerEvent;
234 | EFI_EVENT WaitList[2];
235 |
236 | if (Timeout != 0) {
237 | //
238 | // Create a timer event
239 | //
240 | Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent);
241 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
242 | //
243 | // Set the timer event
244 | //
245 | gBS->SetTimer (
246 | TimerEvent,
247 | TimerRelative,
248 | Timeout
249 | );
250 |
251 | //
252 | // Wait for the original event or the timer
253 | //
254 | WaitList[0] = Event;
255 | WaitList[1] = TimerEvent;
256 | Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (2, WaitList, &Index);
257 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
258 | gBS->CloseEvent (TimerEvent);
259 |
260 | //
261 | // If the timer expired, change the return to timed out
262 | //
263 | if (Index == 1) {
264 | Status = EFI_TIMEOUT;
265 | }
266 | }
267 | } else {
268 | //
269 | // No timeout... just wait on the event
270 | //
271 | Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &Event, &Index);
272 | ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status));
273 | ASSERT (Index == 0);
274 | }
275 |
276 | return Status;
277 | }
278 |
279 | /**
280 | The function reads user inputs.
281 |
282 | **/
283 | VOID
284 | BdsReadKeys (
285 | VOID
286 | )
287 | {
288 | EFI_STATUS Status;
289 | EFI_INPUT_KEY Key;
290 |
291 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) {
292 | return;
293 | }
294 |
295 | while (gST->ConIn != NULL) {
296 | Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key);
297 |
298 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
299 | //
300 | // No more keys.
301 | //
302 | break;
303 | }
304 | }
305 | }
306 |
307 | /**
308 | The function waits for the boot manager timeout expires or hotkey is pressed.
309 |
310 | It calls PlatformBootManagerWaitCallback each second.
311 |
312 | @param HotkeyTriggered Input hotkey event.
313 | **/
314 | VOID
315 | BdsWait (
316 | IN EFI_EVENT HotkeyTriggered
317 | )
318 | {
319 | EFI_STATUS Status;
320 | UINT16 TimeoutRemain;
321 |
322 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds]BdsWait ...Zzzzzzzzzzzz...\n"));
323 |
324 | TimeoutRemain = PcdGet16 (PcdPlatformBootTimeOut);
325 | while (TimeoutRemain != 0) {
326 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds]BdsWait(%d)..Zzzz...\n", (UINTN)TimeoutRemain));
327 | PlatformBootManagerWaitCallback (TimeoutRemain);
328 |
329 | BdsReadKeys (); // BUGBUG: Only reading can signal HotkeyTriggered
330 | // Can be removed after all keyboard drivers invoke callback in timer callback.
331 |
332 | if (HotkeyTriggered != NULL) {
333 | Status = BdsWaitForSingleEvent (HotkeyTriggered, EFI_TIMER_PERIOD_SECONDS (1));
334 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
335 | break;
336 | }
337 | } else {
338 | gBS->Stall (1000000);
339 | }
340 |
341 | //
342 | // 0xffff means waiting forever
343 | // BDS with no hotkey provided and 0xffff as timeout will "hang" in the loop
344 | //
345 | if (TimeoutRemain != 0xffff) {
346 | TimeoutRemain--;
347 | }
348 | }
349 |
350 | //
351 | // If the platform configured a nonzero and finite time-out, and we have
352 | // actually reached that, report 100% completion to the platform.
353 | //
354 | // Note that the (TimeoutRemain == 0) condition excludes
355 | // PcdPlatformBootTimeOut=0xFFFF, and that's deliberate.
356 | //
357 | if ((PcdGet16 (PcdPlatformBootTimeOut) != 0) && (TimeoutRemain == 0)) {
358 | PlatformBootManagerWaitCallback (0);
359 | }
360 |
361 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds]Exit the waiting!\n"));
362 | }
363 |
364 | /**
365 | Attempt to boot each boot option in the BootOptions array.
366 |
367 | @param BootOptions Input boot option array.
368 | @param BootOptionCount Input boot option count.
369 | @param BootManagerMenu Input boot manager menu.
370 |
371 | @retval TRUE Successfully boot one of the boot options.
372 | @retval FALSE Failed boot any of the boot options.
373 | **/
375 | BootBootOptions (
377 | IN UINTN BootOptionCount,
379 | )
380 | {
381 | UINTN Index;
382 |
383 | //
384 | // Report Status Code to indicate BDS starts attempting booting from the UEFI BootOrder list.
385 | //
387 |
388 | //
389 | // Attempt boot each boot option
390 | //
391 | for (Index = 0; Index < BootOptionCount; Index++) {
392 | //
393 | // According to EFI Specification, if a load option is not marked
394 | // as LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE, the boot manager will not automatically
395 | // load the option.
396 | //
397 | if ((BootOptions[Index].Attributes & LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE) == 0) {
398 | continue;
399 | }
400 |
401 | //
402 | // Boot#### load options with LOAD_OPTION_CATEGORY_APP are executables which are not
403 | // part of the normal boot processing. Boot options with reserved category values will be
404 | // ignored by the boot manager.
405 | //
406 | if ((BootOptions[Index].Attributes & LOAD_OPTION_CATEGORY) != LOAD_OPTION_CATEGORY_BOOT) {
407 | continue;
408 | }
409 |
410 | //
411 | // All the driver options should have been processed since
412 | // now boot will be performed.
413 | //
414 | EfiBootManagerBoot (&BootOptions[Index]);
415 |
416 | //
417 | // If the boot via Boot#### returns with a status of EFI_SUCCESS, platform firmware
418 | // supports boot manager menu, and if firmware is configured to boot in an
419 | // interactive mode, the boot manager will stop processing the BootOrder variable and
420 | // present a boot manager menu to the user.
421 | //
422 | if ((BootManagerMenu != NULL) && (BootOptions[Index].Status == EFI_SUCCESS)) {
423 | EfiBootManagerBoot (BootManagerMenu);
424 | break;
425 | }
426 | }
427 |
428 | return (BOOLEAN)(Index < BootOptionCount);
429 | }
430 |
431 | /**
432 | The function will load and start every Driver####, SysPrep#### or PlatformRecovery####.
433 |
434 | @param LoadOptions Load option array.
435 | @param LoadOptionCount Load option count.
436 | **/
437 | VOID
438 | ProcessLoadOptions (
440 | IN UINTN LoadOptionCount
441 | )
442 | {
443 | EFI_STATUS Status;
444 | UINTN Index;
445 | BOOLEAN ReconnectAll;
447 |
448 | ReconnectAll = FALSE;
449 | LoadOptionType = LoadOptionTypeMax;
450 |
451 | //
452 | // Process the driver option
453 | //
454 | for (Index = 0; Index < LoadOptionCount; Index++) {
455 | //
456 | // All the load options in the array should be of the same type.
457 | //
458 | if (Index == 0) {
459 | LoadOptionType = LoadOptions[Index].OptionType;
460 | }
461 |
462 | ASSERT (LoadOptionType == LoadOptions[Index].OptionType);
463 | ASSERT (LoadOptionType != LoadOptionTypeBoot);
464 |
465 | Status = EfiBootManagerProcessLoadOption (&LoadOptions[Index]);
466 |
467 | //
468 | // Status indicates whether the load option is loaded and executed
469 | // LoadOptions[Index].Status is what the load option returns
470 | //
471 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
472 | //
473 | // Stop processing if any PlatformRecovery#### returns success.
474 | //
475 | if ((LoadOptions[Index].Status == EFI_SUCCESS) &&
476 | (LoadOptionType == LoadOptionTypePlatformRecovery))
477 | {
478 | break;
479 | }
480 |
481 | //
482 | // Only set ReconnectAll flag when the load option executes successfully.
483 | //
484 | if (!EFI_ERROR (LoadOptions[Index].Status) &&
485 | ((LoadOptions[Index].Attributes & LOAD_OPTION_FORCE_RECONNECT) != 0))
486 | {
487 | ReconnectAll = TRUE;
488 | }
489 | }
490 | }
491 |
492 | //
493 | // If a driver load option is marked as LOAD_OPTION_FORCE_RECONNECT,
494 | // then all of the EFI drivers in the system will be disconnected and
495 | // reconnected after the last driver load option is processed.
496 | //
497 | if (ReconnectAll && (LoadOptionType == LoadOptionTypeDriver)) {
498 | EfiBootManagerDisconnectAll ();
499 | EfiBootManagerConnectAll ();
500 | }
501 | }
502 |
503 | /**
504 |
505 | Validate input console variable data.
506 |
507 | If found the device path is not a valid device path, remove the variable.
508 |
509 | @param VariableName Input console variable name.
510 |
511 | **/
512 | VOID
513 | BdsFormalizeConsoleVariable (
514 | IN CHAR16 *VariableName
515 | )
516 | {
518 | UINTN VariableSize;
519 | EFI_STATUS Status;
520 |
521 | GetEfiGlobalVariable2 (VariableName, (VOID **)&DevicePath, &VariableSize);
522 | if ((DevicePath != NULL) && !IsDevicePathValid (DevicePath, VariableSize)) {
523 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
524 | VariableName,
525 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
527 | 0,
528 | NULL
529 | );
530 | //
531 | // Deleting variable with current variable implementation shouldn't fail.
532 | //
533 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
534 | }
535 |
536 | if (DevicePath != NULL) {
537 | FreePool (DevicePath);
538 | }
539 | }
540 |
541 | /**
542 | Formalize OsIndication related variables.
543 |
544 | For OsIndicationsSupported, Create a BS/RT/UINT64 variable to report caps
545 | Delete OsIndications variable if it is not NV/BS/RT UINT64.
546 |
547 | Item 3 is used to solve case when OS corrupts OsIndications. Here simply delete this NV variable.
548 |
549 | Create a boot option for BootManagerMenu if it hasn't been created yet
550 |
551 | **/
552 | VOID
553 | BdsFormalizeOSIndicationVariable (
554 | VOID
555 | )
556 | {
557 | EFI_STATUS Status;
558 | UINT64 OsIndicationSupport;
559 | UINT64 OsIndication;
560 | UINTN DataSize;
561 | UINT32 Attributes;
563 |
564 | //
565 | // OS indicater support variable
566 | //
567 | Status = EfiBootManagerGetBootManagerMenu (&BootManagerMenu);
568 | if (Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
569 | OsIndicationSupport = EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI;
570 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOption (&BootManagerMenu);
571 | } else {
572 | OsIndicationSupport = 0;
573 | }
574 |
575 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdPlatformRecoverySupport)) {
577 | }
578 |
579 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdCapsuleOnDiskSupport)) {
581 | }
582 |
583 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
585 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
587 | sizeof (UINT64),
588 | &OsIndicationSupport
589 | );
590 | //
591 | // Platform needs to make sure setting volatile variable before calling 3rd party code shouldn't fail.
592 | //
593 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
594 |
595 | //
596 | // If OsIndications is invalid, remove it.
597 | // Invalid case
598 | // 1. Data size != UINT64
599 | // 2. OsIndication value inconsistence
600 | // 3. OsIndication attribute inconsistence
601 | //
602 | OsIndication = 0;
603 | Attributes = 0;
604 | DataSize = sizeof (UINT64);
605 | Status = gRT->GetVariable (
607 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
608 | &Attributes,
609 | &DataSize,
610 | &OsIndication
611 | );
612 | if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
613 | return;
614 | }
615 |
616 | if ((DataSize != sizeof (OsIndication)) ||
617 | ((OsIndication & ~OsIndicationSupport) != 0) ||
619 | )
620 | {
621 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "[Bds] Unformalized OsIndications variable exists. Delete it\n"));
622 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
624 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
625 | 0,
626 | 0,
627 | NULL
628 | );
629 | //
630 | // Deleting variable with current variable implementation shouldn't fail.
631 | //
632 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
633 | }
634 | }
635 |
636 | /**
637 |
638 | Validate variables.
639 |
640 | **/
641 | VOID
642 | BdsFormalizeEfiGlobalVariable (
643 | VOID
644 | )
645 | {
646 | //
647 | // Validate Console variable.
648 | //
649 | BdsFormalizeConsoleVariable (EFI_CON_IN_VARIABLE_NAME);
650 | BdsFormalizeConsoleVariable (EFI_CON_OUT_VARIABLE_NAME);
651 | BdsFormalizeConsoleVariable (EFI_ERR_OUT_VARIABLE_NAME);
652 |
653 | //
654 | // Validate OSIndication related variable.
655 | //
656 | BdsFormalizeOSIndicationVariable ();
657 | }
658 |
659 | /**
660 |
661 | Service routine for BdsInstance->Entry(). Devices are connected, the
662 | consoles are initialized, and the boot options are tried.
663 |
664 | @param This Protocol Instance structure.
665 |
666 | **/
667 | VOID
668 | EFIAPI
669 | BdsEntry (
671 | )
672 | {
674 | UINTN LoadOptionCount;
675 | CHAR16 *FirmwareVendor;
676 | EFI_EVENT HotkeyTriggered;
677 | UINT64 OsIndication;
678 | UINTN DataSize;
679 | EFI_STATUS Status;
680 | UINT32 BootOptionSupport;
681 | UINT16 BootTimeOut;
683 | UINTN Index;
685 | UINT16 *BootNext;
686 | CHAR16 BootNextVariableName[sizeof ("Boot####")];
688 | BOOLEAN BootFwUi;
689 | BOOLEAN PlatformRecovery;
690 | BOOLEAN BootSuccess;
692 | EFI_STATUS BootManagerMenuStatus;
693 | EFI_BOOT_MANAGER_LOAD_OPTION PlatformDefaultBootOption;
694 | BOOLEAN PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid;
695 |
696 | HotkeyTriggered = NULL;
697 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
698 | BootSuccess = FALSE;
699 |
700 | //
701 | // Insert the performance probe
702 | //
705 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds] Entry...\n"));
706 |
707 | //
708 | // Fill in FirmwareVendor and FirmwareRevision from PCDs
709 | //
710 | FirmwareVendor = (CHAR16 *)PcdGetPtr (PcdFirmwareVendor);
711 | gST->FirmwareVendor = AllocateRuntimeCopyPool (StrSize (FirmwareVendor), FirmwareVendor);
712 | ASSERT (gST->FirmwareVendor != NULL);
713 | gST->FirmwareRevision = PcdGet32 (PcdFirmwareRevision);
714 |
715 | //
716 | // Fixup Tasble CRC after we updated Firmware Vendor and Revision
717 | //
718 | gST->Hdr.CRC32 = 0;
719 | gBS->CalculateCrc32 ((VOID *)gST, sizeof (EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE), &gST->Hdr.CRC32);
720 |
721 | //
722 | // Validate Variable.
723 | //
724 | BdsFormalizeEfiGlobalVariable ();
725 |
726 | //
727 | // Mark the read-only variables if the Variable Lock protocol exists
728 | //
729 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEdkiiVariablePolicyProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&VariablePolicy);
730 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[BdsDxe] Locate Variable Policy protocol - %r\n", Status));
731 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
732 | for (Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_SIZE (mReadOnlyVariables); Index++) {
733 | Status = RegisterBasicVariablePolicy (
734 | VariablePolicy,
735 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
736 | mReadOnlyVariables[Index],
742 | );
743 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
744 | }
745 | }
746 |
747 | InitializeHwErrRecSupport ();
748 |
749 | //
750 | // Initialize L"Timeout" EFI global variable.
751 | //
752 | BootTimeOut = PcdGet16 (PcdPlatformBootTimeOut);
753 | if (BootTimeOut != 0xFFFF) {
754 | //
755 | // If time out value equal 0xFFFF, no need set to 0xFFFF to variable area because UEFI specification
756 | // define same behavior between no value or 0xFFFF value for L"Timeout".
757 | //
758 | BdsDxeSetVariableAndReportStatusCodeOnError (
760 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
762 | sizeof (UINT16),
763 | &BootTimeOut
764 | );
765 | }
766 |
767 | //
768 | // Initialize L"BootOptionSupport" EFI global variable.
769 | // Lazy-ConIn implictly disables BDS hotkey.
770 | //
772 | if (!PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) {
773 | BootOptionSupport |= EFI_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_KEY;
774 | SET_BOOT_OPTION_SUPPORT_KEY_COUNT (BootOptionSupport, 3);
775 | }
776 |
777 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
779 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
781 | sizeof (BootOptionSupport),
782 | &BootOptionSupport
783 | );
784 | //
785 | // Platform needs to make sure setting volatile variable before calling 3rd party code shouldn't fail.
786 | //
787 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
788 |
789 | //
790 | // Cache the "BootNext" NV variable before calling any PlatformBootManagerLib APIs
791 | // This could avoid the "BootNext" set by PlatformBootManagerLib be consumed in this boot.
792 | //
793 | GetEfiGlobalVariable2 (EFI_BOOT_NEXT_VARIABLE_NAME, (VOID **)&BootNext, &DataSize);
794 | if (DataSize != sizeof (UINT16)) {
795 | if (BootNext != NULL) {
796 | FreePool (BootNext);
797 | }
798 |
799 | BootNext = NULL;
800 | }
801 |
802 | //
803 | // Initialize the platform language variables
804 | //
805 | InitializeLanguage (TRUE);
806 |
807 | FilePath = FileDevicePath (NULL, EFI_REMOVABLE_MEDIA_FILE_NAME);
808 | if (FilePath == NULL) {
809 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Fail to allocate memory for default boot file path. Unable to boot.\n"));
810 | CpuDeadLoop ();
811 | }
812 |
813 | PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid = EfiBootManagerInitializeLoadOption (
814 | &PlatformDefaultBootOption,
815 | LoadOptionNumberUnassigned,
816 | LoadOptionTypePlatformRecovery,
818 | L"Default PlatformRecovery",
819 | FilePath,
820 | NULL,
821 | 0
822 | ) == EFI_SUCCESS;
823 | ASSERT (PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid == TRUE);
824 |
825 | //
826 | // System firmware must include a PlatformRecovery#### variable specifying
827 | // a short-form File Path Media Device Path containing the platform default
828 | // file path for removable media if the platform supports Platform Recovery.
829 | //
830 | if (PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid && PcdGetBool (PcdPlatformRecoverySupport)) {
831 | LoadOptions = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&LoadOptionCount, LoadOptionTypePlatformRecovery);
832 | if (EfiBootManagerFindLoadOption (&PlatformDefaultBootOption, LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount) == -1) {
833 | for (Index = 0; Index < LoadOptionCount; Index++) {
834 | //
835 | // The PlatformRecovery#### options are sorted by OptionNumber.
836 | // Find the the smallest unused number as the new OptionNumber.
837 | //
838 | if (LoadOptions[Index].OptionNumber != Index) {
839 | break;
840 | }
841 | }
842 |
843 | PlatformDefaultBootOption.OptionNumber = Index;
844 | Status = EfiBootManagerLoadOptionToVariable (&PlatformDefaultBootOption);
845 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
846 | }
847 |
848 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
849 | }
850 |
851 | FreePool (FilePath);
852 |
853 | //
854 | // Report Status Code to indicate connecting drivers will happen
855 | //
859 | );
860 |
861 | //
862 | // Initialize ConnectConIn event before calling platform code.
863 | //
864 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) {
865 | Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
868 | BdsDxeOnConnectConInCallBack,
869 | NULL,
870 | &gConnectConInEventGuid,
871 | &gConnectConInEvent
872 | );
873 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
874 | gConnectConInEvent = NULL;
875 | }
876 | }
877 |
878 | //
879 | // Do the platform init, can be customized by OEM/IBV
880 | // Possible things that can be done in PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole:
881 | // > Update console variable: 1. include hot-plug devices; 2. Clear ConIn and add SOL for AMT
882 | // > Register new Driver#### or Boot####
883 | // > Register new Key####: e.g.: F12
884 | // > Signal ReadyToLock event
885 | // > Authentication action: 1. connect Auth devices; 2. Identify auto logon user.
886 | //
887 | PERF_INMODULE_BEGIN ("PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole");
888 | PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole ();
889 | PERF_INMODULE_END ("PlatformBootManagerBeforeConsole");
890 |
891 | //
892 | // Initialize hotkey service
893 | //
894 | EfiBootManagerStartHotkeyService (&HotkeyTriggered);
895 |
896 | //
897 | // Execute Driver Options
898 | //
899 | LoadOptions = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&LoadOptionCount, LoadOptionTypeDriver);
900 | ProcessLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
901 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
902 |
903 | //
904 | // Connect consoles
905 | //
906 | PERF_INMODULE_BEGIN ("EfiBootManagerConnectAllDefaultConsoles");
907 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) {
908 | EfiBootManagerConnectConsoleVariable (ConOut);
909 | EfiBootManagerConnectConsoleVariable (ErrOut);
910 | //
911 | // Do not connect ConIn devices when lazy ConIn feature is ON.
912 | //
913 | } else {
914 | EfiBootManagerConnectAllDefaultConsoles ();
915 | }
916 |
917 | PERF_INMODULE_END ("EfiBootManagerConnectAllDefaultConsoles");
918 |
919 | //
920 | // Do the platform specific action after the console is ready
921 | // Possible things that can be done in PlatformBootManagerAfterConsole:
922 | // > Console post action:
923 | // > Dynamically switch output mode from 100x31 to 80x25 for certain senarino
924 | // > Signal console ready platform customized event
925 | // > Run diagnostics like memory testing
926 | // > Connect certain devices
927 | // > Dispatch aditional option roms
928 | // > Special boot: e.g.: USB boot, enter UI
929 | //
930 | PERF_INMODULE_BEGIN ("PlatformBootManagerAfterConsole");
931 | PlatformBootManagerAfterConsole ();
932 | PERF_INMODULE_END ("PlatformBootManagerAfterConsole");
933 |
934 | //
935 | // If any component set PcdTestKeyUsed to TRUE because use of a test key
936 | // was detected, then display a warning message on the debug log and the console
937 | //
938 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdTestKeyUsed)) {
939 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "**********************************\n"));
940 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "** WARNING: Test Key is used. **\n"));
941 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "**********************************\n"));
942 | Print (L"** WARNING: Test Key is used. **\n");
943 | }
944 |
945 | //
946 | // Boot to Boot Manager Menu when EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI is set. Skip HotkeyBoot
947 | //
948 | DataSize = sizeof (UINT64);
949 | Status = gRT->GetVariable (
951 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
952 | NULL,
953 | &DataSize,
954 | &OsIndication
955 | );
956 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
957 | OsIndication = 0;
958 | }
959 |
962 |
963 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds]OsIndication: %016x\n", OsIndication));
964 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds]=============Begin Load Options Dumping ...=============\n"));
965 | for (LoadOptionType = 0; LoadOptionType < LoadOptionTypeMax; LoadOptionType++) {
966 | DEBUG ((
968 | " %s Options:\n",
969 | mBdsLoadOptionName[LoadOptionType]
970 | ));
971 | LoadOptions = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&LoadOptionCount, LoadOptionType);
972 | for (Index = 0; Index < LoadOptionCount; Index++) {
973 | DEBUG ((
975 | " %s%04x: %s \t\t 0x%04x\n",
976 | mBdsLoadOptionName[LoadOptionType],
977 | LoadOptions[Index].OptionNumber,
978 | LoadOptions[Index].Description,
979 | LoadOptions[Index].Attributes
980 | ));
981 | }
982 |
983 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
984 | }
985 |
986 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "[Bds]=============End Load Options Dumping=============\n"));
987 | DEBUG_CODE_END ();
988 |
989 | //
990 | // BootManagerMenu doesn't contain the correct information when return status is EFI_NOT_FOUND.
991 | //
992 | BootManagerMenuStatus = EfiBootManagerGetBootManagerMenu (&BootManagerMenu);
993 |
994 | BootFwUi = (BOOLEAN)((OsIndication & EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI) != 0);
995 | PlatformRecovery = (BOOLEAN)((OsIndication & EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_START_PLATFORM_RECOVERY) != 0);
996 | //
997 | // Clear EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI to acknowledge OS
998 | //
999 | if (BootFwUi || PlatformRecovery) {
1001 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
1003 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
1005 | sizeof (UINT64),
1006 | &OsIndication
1007 | );
1008 | //
1009 | // Changing the content without increasing its size with current variable implementation shouldn't fail.
1010 | //
1011 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
1012 | }
1013 |
1014 | //
1015 | // Launch Boot Manager Menu directly when EFI_OS_INDICATIONS_BOOT_TO_FW_UI is set. Skip HotkeyBoot
1016 | //
1017 | if (BootFwUi && (BootManagerMenuStatus != EFI_NOT_FOUND)) {
1018 | //
1019 | // Follow generic rule, Call BdsDxeOnConnectConInCallBack to connect ConIn before enter UI
1020 | //
1021 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdConInConnectOnDemand)) {
1022 | BdsDxeOnConnectConInCallBack (NULL, NULL);
1023 | }
1024 |
1025 | //
1026 | // Directly enter the setup page.
1027 | //
1028 | EfiBootManagerBoot (&BootManagerMenu);
1029 | }
1030 |
1031 | if (!PlatformRecovery) {
1032 | //
1033 | // Execute SysPrep####
1034 | //
1035 | LoadOptions = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&LoadOptionCount, LoadOptionTypeSysPrep);
1036 | ProcessLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
1037 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
1038 |
1039 | //
1040 | // Execute Key####
1041 | //
1042 | PERF_INMODULE_BEGIN ("BdsWait");
1043 | BdsWait (HotkeyTriggered);
1044 | PERF_INMODULE_END ("BdsWait");
1045 | //
1046 | // BdsReadKeys() can be removed after all keyboard drivers invoke callback in timer callback.
1047 | //
1048 | BdsReadKeys ();
1049 |
1050 | EfiBootManagerHotkeyBoot ();
1051 |
1052 | if (BootNext != NULL) {
1053 | //
1054 | // Delete "BootNext" NV variable before transferring control to it to prevent loops.
1055 | //
1056 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
1058 | &gEfiGlobalVariableGuid,
1059 | 0,
1060 | 0,
1061 | NULL
1062 | );
1063 | //
1064 | // Deleting NV variable shouldn't fail unless it doesn't exist.
1065 | //
1066 | ASSERT (Status == EFI_SUCCESS || Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND);
1067 |
1068 | //
1069 | // Boot to "BootNext"
1070 | //
1071 | UnicodeSPrint (BootNextVariableName, sizeof (BootNextVariableName), L"Boot%04x", *BootNext);
1072 | Status = EfiBootManagerVariableToLoadOption (BootNextVariableName, &LoadOption);
1073 | if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
1074 | EfiBootManagerBoot (&LoadOption);
1075 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOption (&LoadOption);
1076 | if ((LoadOption.Status == EFI_SUCCESS) &&
1077 | (BootManagerMenuStatus != EFI_NOT_FOUND) &&
1078 | (LoadOption.OptionNumber != BootManagerMenu.OptionNumber))
1079 | {
1080 | //
1081 | // Boot to Boot Manager Menu upon EFI_SUCCESS
1082 | // Exception: Do not boot again when the BootNext points to Boot Manager Menu.
1083 | //
1084 | EfiBootManagerBoot (&BootManagerMenu);
1085 | }
1086 | }
1087 | }
1088 |
1089 | do {
1090 | //
1091 | // Retry to boot if any of the boot succeeds
1092 | //
1093 | LoadOptions = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&LoadOptionCount, LoadOptionTypeBoot);
1094 | BootSuccess = BootBootOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount, (BootManagerMenuStatus != EFI_NOT_FOUND) ? &BootManagerMenu : NULL);
1095 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
1096 | } while (BootSuccess);
1097 | }
1098 |
1099 | if (BootManagerMenuStatus != EFI_NOT_FOUND) {
1100 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOption (&BootManagerMenu);
1101 | }
1102 |
1103 | if (!BootSuccess) {
1104 | if (PcdGetBool (PcdPlatformRecoverySupport)) {
1105 | LoadOptions = EfiBootManagerGetLoadOptions (&LoadOptionCount, LoadOptionTypePlatformRecovery);
1106 | ProcessLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
1107 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOptions (LoadOptions, LoadOptionCount);
1108 | } else if (PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid) {
1109 | //
1110 | // When platform recovery is not enabled, still boot to platform default file path.
1111 | //
1112 | PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid = EfiBootManagerProcessLoadOption (&PlatformDefaultBootOption) == EFI_SUCCESS;
1113 | }
1114 | }
1115 |
1116 | if (PlatformDefaultBootOptionValid) {
1117 | EfiBootManagerFreeLoadOption (&PlatformDefaultBootOption);
1118 | }
1119 |
1120 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "[Bds] Unable to boot!\n"));
1121 | PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot ();
1122 | CpuDeadLoop ();
1123 | }
1124 |
1125 | /**
1126 | Set the variable and report the error through status code upon failure.
1127 |
1128 | @param VariableName A Null-terminated string that is the name of the vendor's variable.
1129 | Each VariableName is unique for each VendorGuid. VariableName must
1130 | contain 1 or more characters. If VariableName is an empty string,
1131 | then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned.
1132 | @param VendorGuid A unique identifier for the vendor.
1133 | @param Attributes Attributes bitmask to set for the variable.
1134 | @param DataSize The size in bytes of the Data buffer. Unless the EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE,
1135 | or EFI_VARIABLE_TIME_BASED_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS attribute is set, a size of zero
1136 | causes the variable to be deleted. When the EFI_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE attribute is
1137 | set, then a SetVariable() call with a DataSize of zero will not cause any change to
1138 | the variable value (the timestamp associated with the variable may be updated however
1139 | even if no new data value is provided,see the description of the
1140 | EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 descriptor below. In this case the DataSize will not
1141 | be zero since the EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATION_2 descriptor will be populated).
1142 | @param Data The contents for the variable.
1143 |
1144 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The firmware has successfully stored the variable and its data as
1145 | defined by the Attributes.
1146 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER An invalid combination of attribute bits, name, and GUID was supplied, or the
1147 | DataSize exceeds the maximum allowed.
1148 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER VariableName is an empty string.
1149 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough storage is available to hold the variable and its data.
1150 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The variable could not be retrieved due to a hardware error.
1151 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The variable in question is read-only.
1152 | @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The variable in question cannot be deleted.
1153 | @retval EFI_SECURITY_VIOLATION The variable could not be written due to EFI_VARIABLE_TIME_BASED_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACESS
1154 | being set, but the AuthInfo does NOT pass the validation check carried out by the firmware.
1155 |
1156 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable trying to be updated or deleted was not found.
1157 | **/
1159 | BdsDxeSetVariableAndReportStatusCodeOnError (
1160 | IN CHAR16 *VariableName,
1161 | IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
1162 | IN UINT32 Attributes,
1163 | IN UINTN DataSize,
1164 | IN VOID *Data
1165 | )
1166 | {
1167 | EFI_STATUS Status;
1168 | EDKII_SET_VARIABLE_STATUS *SetVariableStatus;
1169 | UINTN NameSize;
1170 |
1171 | Status = gRT->SetVariable (
1172 | VariableName,
1173 | VendorGuid,
1174 | Attributes,
1175 | DataSize,
1176 | Data
1177 | );
1178 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
1179 | NameSize = StrSize (VariableName);
1180 | SetVariableStatus = AllocatePool (sizeof (EDKII_SET_VARIABLE_STATUS) + NameSize + DataSize);
1181 | if (SetVariableStatus != NULL) {
1182 | CopyGuid (&SetVariableStatus->Guid, VendorGuid);
1183 | SetVariableStatus->NameSize = NameSize;
1184 | SetVariableStatus->DataSize = DataSize;
1185 | SetVariableStatus->SetStatus = Status;
1186 | SetVariableStatus->Attributes = Attributes;
1187 | CopyMem (SetVariableStatus + 1, VariableName, NameSize);
1188 | CopyMem (((UINT8 *)(SetVariableStatus + 1)) + NameSize, Data, DataSize);
1189 |
1192 | PcdGet32 (PcdErrorCodeSetVariable),
1193 | 0,
1194 | NULL,
1195 | &gEdkiiStatusCodeDataTypeVariableGuid,
1196 | SetVariableStatus,
1197 | sizeof (EDKII_SET_VARIABLE_STATUS) + NameSize + DataSize
1198 | );
1199 |
1200 | FreePool (SetVariableStatus);
1201 | }
1202 | }
1203 |
1204 | return Status;
1205 | }