1 | /** @file
2 | This library class provides common serial I/O port functions.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | Copyright (c) 2012 - 2014, ARM Ltd. All rights reserved.
6 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 |
8 | **/
9 |
10 | #ifndef __SERIAL_PORT_LIB__
11 | #define __SERIAL_PORT_LIB__
12 |
13 | #include <Uefi/UefiBaseType.h>
14 | #include <Protocol/SerialIo.h>
15 |
16 | /**
17 | Initialize the serial device hardware.
18 |
19 | If no initialization is required, then return RETURN_SUCCESS.
20 | If the serial device was successfully initialized, then return RETURN_SUCCESS.
21 | If the serial device could not be initialized, then return RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR.
22 |
23 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The serial device was initialized.
24 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR The serial device could not be initialized.
25 |
26 | **/
29 | SerialPortInitialize (
30 | VOID
31 | );
32 |
33 | /**
34 | Write data from buffer to serial device.
35 |
36 | Writes NumberOfBytes data bytes from Buffer to the serial device.
37 | The number of bytes actually written to the serial device is returned.
38 | If the return value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the write operation failed.
39 | If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
40 | If NumberOfBytes is zero, then return 0.
41 |
42 | @param Buffer Pointer to the data buffer to be written.
43 | @param NumberOfBytes Number of bytes to written to the serial device.
44 |
45 | @retval 0 NumberOfBytes is 0.
46 | @retval >0 The number of bytes written to the serial device.
47 | If this value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the write operation failed.
48 |
49 | **/
50 | UINTN
52 | SerialPortWrite (
53 | IN UINT8 *Buffer,
54 | IN UINTN NumberOfBytes
55 | );
56 |
57 | /**
58 | Read data from serial device and save the datas in buffer.
59 |
60 | Reads NumberOfBytes data bytes from a serial device into the buffer
61 | specified by Buffer. The number of bytes actually read is returned.
62 | If the return value is less than NumberOfBytes, then the rest operation failed.
63 | If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
64 | If NumberOfBytes is zero, then return 0.
65 |
66 | @param Buffer Pointer to the data buffer to store the data read from the serial device.
67 | @param NumberOfBytes Number of bytes which will be read.
68 |
69 | @retval 0 Read data failed, no data is to be read.
70 | @retval >0 Actual number of bytes read from serial device.
71 |
72 | **/
73 | UINTN
75 | SerialPortRead (
76 | OUT UINT8 *Buffer,
77 | IN UINTN NumberOfBytes
78 | );
79 |
80 | /**
81 | Polls a serial device to see if there is any data waiting to be read.
82 |
83 | Polls a serial device to see if there is any data waiting to be read.
84 | If there is data waiting to be read from the serial device, then TRUE is returned.
85 | If there is no data waiting to be read from the serial device, then FALSE is returned.
86 |
87 | @retval TRUE Data is waiting to be read from the serial device.
88 | @retval FALSE There is no data waiting to be read from the serial device.
89 |
90 | **/
93 | SerialPortPoll (
94 | VOID
95 | );
96 |
97 | /**
98 | Sets the control bits on a serial device.
99 |
100 | @param Control Sets the bits of Control that are settable.
101 |
102 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The new control bits were set on the serial device.
103 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The serial device does not support this operation.
104 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR The serial device is not functioning correctly.
105 |
106 | **/
108 | EFIAPI
109 | SerialPortSetControl (
110 | IN UINT32 Control
111 | );
112 |
113 | /**
114 | Retrieve the status of the control bits on a serial device.
115 |
116 | @param Control A pointer to return the current control signals from the serial device.
117 |
118 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The control bits were read from the serial device.
119 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The serial device does not support this operation.
120 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR The serial device is not functioning correctly.
121 |
122 | **/
124 | EFIAPI
125 | SerialPortGetControl (
126 | OUT UINT32 *Control
127 | );
128 |
129 | /**
130 | Sets the baud rate, receive FIFO depth, transmit/receice time out, parity,
131 | data bits, and stop bits on a serial device.
132 |
133 | @param BaudRate The requested baud rate. A BaudRate value of 0 will use the
134 | device's default interface speed.
135 | On output, the value actually set.
136 | @param ReveiveFifoDepth The requested depth of the FIFO on the receive side of the
137 | serial interface. A ReceiveFifoDepth value of 0 will use
138 | the device's default FIFO depth.
139 | On output, the value actually set.
140 | @param Timeout The requested time out for a single character in microseconds.
141 | This timeout applies to both the transmit and receive side of the
142 | interface. A Timeout value of 0 will use the device's default time
143 | out value.
144 | On output, the value actually set.
145 | @param Parity The type of parity to use on this serial device. A Parity value of
146 | DefaultParity will use the device's default parity value.
147 | On output, the value actually set.
148 | @param DataBits The number of data bits to use on the serial device. A DataBits
149 | vaule of 0 will use the device's default data bit setting.
150 | On output, the value actually set.
151 | @param StopBits The number of stop bits to use on this serial device. A StopBits
152 | value of DefaultStopBits will use the device's default number of
153 | stop bits.
154 | On output, the value actually set.
155 |
156 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The new attributes were set on the serial device.
157 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The serial device does not support this operation.
158 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the attributes has an unsupported value.
159 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR The serial device is not functioning correctly.
160 |
161 | **/
163 | EFIAPI
164 | SerialPortSetAttributes (
165 | IN OUT UINT64 *BaudRate,
166 | IN OUT UINT32 *ReceiveFifoDepth,
167 | IN OUT UINT32 *Timeout,
169 | IN OUT UINT8 *DataBits,
171 | );
172 |
173 | #endif