1 | /** @file
2 | Dhcp6 internal data structure and definition declaration.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | This program and the accompanying materials
7 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
8 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
9 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
10 |
13 |
14 | **/
15 |
16 | #ifndef __EFI_DHCP6_IMPL_H__
17 | #define __EFI_DHCP6_IMPL_H__
18 |
19 |
20 | #include <Uefi.h>
21 |
22 | #include <Protocol/Dhcp6.h>
23 | #include <Protocol/Udp6.h>
24 | #include <Protocol/ServiceBinding.h>
25 | #include <Protocol/DriverBinding.h>
26 |
27 | #include <Library/UdpIoLib.h>
28 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
29 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
30 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
31 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
32 | #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
33 | #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
34 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
35 | #include <Library/NetLib.h>
36 |
37 |
38 | typedef struct _DHCP6_IA_CB DHCP6_IA_CB;
39 | typedef struct _DHCP6_INF_CB DHCP6_INF_CB;
40 | typedef struct _DHCP6_TX_CB DHCP6_TX_CB;
41 | typedef struct _DHCP6_SERVICE DHCP6_SERVICE;
42 | typedef struct _DHCP6_INSTANCE DHCP6_INSTANCE;
43 |
44 | #include "Dhcp6Utility.h"
45 | #include "Dhcp6Io.h"
46 | #include "Dhcp6Driver.h"
47 |
48 | #define DHCP6_SERVICE_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('D', 'H', '6', 'S')
49 | #define DHCP6_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE SIGNATURE_32 ('D', 'H', '6', 'I')
50 |
51 | //
52 | // Transmit parameters of solicit message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
53 | //
54 | #define DHCP6_SOL_MAX_DELAY 1
55 | #define DHCP6_SOL_IRT 1
56 | #define DHCP6_SOL_MRC 0
57 | #define DHCP6_SOL_MRT 120
58 | #define DHCP6_SOL_MRD 0
59 | //
60 | // Transmit parameters of request message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
61 | //
62 | #define DHCP6_REQ_IRT 1
63 | #define DHCP6_REQ_MRC 10
64 | #define DHCP6_REQ_MRT 30
65 | #define DHCP6_REQ_MRD 0
66 | //
67 | // Transmit parameters of confirm message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
68 | //
69 | #define DHCP6_CNF_MAX_DELAY 1
70 | #define DHCP6_CNF_IRT 1
71 | #define DHCP6_CNF_MRC 0
72 | #define DHCP6_CNF_MRT 4
73 | #define DHCP6_CNF_MRD 10
74 | //
75 | // Transmit parameters of renew message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
76 | //
77 | #define DHCP6_REN_IRT 10
78 | #define DHCP6_REN_MRC 0
79 | #define DHCP6_REN_MRT 600
80 | #define DHCP6_REN_MRD 0
81 | //
82 | // Transmit parameters of rebind message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
83 | //
84 | #define DHCP6_REB_IRT 10
85 | #define DHCP6_REB_MRC 0
86 | #define DHCP6_REB_MRT 600
87 | #define DHCP6_REB_MRD 0
88 | //
89 | // Transmit parameters of information request message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
90 | //
91 | #define DHCP6_INF_MAX_DELAY 1
92 | #define DHCP6_INF_IRT 1
93 | #define DHCP6_INF_MRC 0
94 | #define DHCP6_INF_MRT 120
95 | #define DHCP6_INF_MRD 0
96 | //
97 | // Transmit parameters of release message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
98 | //
99 | #define DHCP6_REL_IRT 1
100 | #define DHCP6_REL_MRC 5
101 | #define DHCP6_REL_MRT 0
102 | #define DHCP6_REL_MRD 0
103 | //
104 | // Transmit parameters of decline message, refers to section-5.5 of rfc-3315.
105 | //
106 | #define DHCP6_DEC_IRT 1
107 | #define DHCP6_DEC_MRC 5
108 | #define DHCP6_DEC_MRT 0
109 | #define DHCP6_DEC_MRD 0
110 |
111 | #define DHCP6_PACKET_ALL 0
112 | #define DHCP6_PACKET_STATEFUL 1
113 | #define DHCP6_PACKET_STATELESS 2
114 |
115 | #define DHCP6_BASE_PACKET_SIZE 1024
116 |
117 | #define DHCP6_PORT_CLIENT 546
118 | #define DHCP6_PORT_SERVER 547
119 |
121 | #define DHCP6_SERVICE_FROM_THIS(Service) CR ((Service), DHCP6_SERVICE, ServiceBinding, DHCP6_SERVICE_SIGNATURE)
122 |
123 | extern EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress;
124 | extern EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS mAllDhcpServersAddress;
125 | extern EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL gDhcp6ProtocolTemplate;
126 |
127 | //
128 | // Enumeration of Dhcp6 message type, refers to section-5.3 of rfc-3315.
129 | //
130 | typedef enum {
131 | Dhcp6MsgSolicit = 1,
132 | Dhcp6MsgAdvertise = 2,
133 | Dhcp6MsgRequest = 3,
134 | Dhcp6MsgConfirm = 4,
135 | Dhcp6MsgRenew = 5,
136 | Dhcp6MsgRebind = 6,
137 | Dhcp6MsgReply = 7,
138 | Dhcp6MsgRelease = 8,
139 | Dhcp6MsgDecline = 9,
140 | Dhcp6MsgReconfigure = 10,
141 | Dhcp6MsgInfoRequest = 11
142 | } DHCP6_MSG_TYPE;
143 |
144 | //
145 | // Enumeration of option code in Dhcp6 packet, refers to section-24.3 of rfc-3315.
146 | //
147 | typedef enum {
148 | Dhcp6OptClientId = 1,
149 | Dhcp6OptServerId = 2,
150 | Dhcp6OptIana = 3,
151 | Dhcp6OptIata = 4,
152 | Dhcp6OptIaAddr = 5,
153 | Dhcp6OptRequestOption = 6,
154 | Dhcp6OptPreference = 7,
155 | Dhcp6OptElapsedTime = 8,
156 | Dhcp6OptReplayMessage = 9,
157 | Dhcp6OptAuthentication = 11,
158 | Dhcp6OptServerUnicast = 12,
159 | Dhcp6OptStatusCode = 13,
160 | Dhcp6OptRapidCommit = 14,
161 | Dhcp6OptUserClass = 15,
162 | Dhcp6OptVendorClass = 16,
163 | Dhcp6OptVendorInfo = 17,
164 | Dhcp6OptInterfaceId = 18,
165 | Dhcp6OptReconfigMessage = 19,
166 | Dhcp6OptReconfigureAccept = 20
167 | } DHCP6_OPT_CODE;
168 |
169 | //
170 | // Enumeration of status code recorded by IANA, refers to section-24.4 of rfc-3315.
171 | //
172 | typedef enum {
173 | Dhcp6StsSuccess = 0,
174 | Dhcp6StsUnspecFail = 1,
175 | Dhcp6StsNoAddrsAvail = 2,
176 | Dhcp6StsNoBinding = 3,
177 | Dhcp6StsNotOnLink = 4,
178 | Dhcp6StsUseMulticast = 5
179 | } DHCP6_STS_CODE;
180 |
181 | //
182 | // Enumeration of Duid type recorded by IANA, refers to section-24.5 of rfc-3315.
183 | //
184 | typedef enum {
185 | Dhcp6DuidTypeLlt = 1,
186 | Dhcp6DuidTypeEn = 2,
187 | Dhcp6DuidTypeLl = 3,
188 | Dhcp6DuidTypeUuid = 4
189 | } DHCP6_DUID_TYPE;
190 |
191 | //
192 | // Control block for each IA.
193 | //
194 | struct _DHCP6_IA_CB {
195 | EFI_DHCP6_IA *Ia;
196 | UINT32 T1;
197 | UINT32 T2;
198 | UINT32 AllExpireTime;
199 | UINT32 LeaseTime;
200 | };
201 |
202 | //
203 | // Control block for each transmitted message.
204 | //
205 | struct _DHCP6_TX_CB {
206 | LIST_ENTRY Link;
207 | UINT32 Xid;
208 | EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *TxPacket;
210 | UINT32 RetryCnt;
211 | UINT32 RetryExp;
212 | UINT32 RetryLos;
213 | UINT32 TickTime;
214 | UINT16 *Elapsed;
215 | BOOLEAN SolicitRetry;
216 | };
217 |
218 | //
219 | // Control block for each info-request message.
220 | //
221 | struct _DHCP6_INF_CB {
222 | LIST_ENTRY Link;
223 | UINT32 Xid;
224 | EFI_DHCP6_INFO_CALLBACK ReplyCallback;
225 | VOID *CallbackContext;
226 | EFI_EVENT TimeoutEvent;
227 | };
228 |
229 | //
230 | // Control block for Dhcp6 instance, it's per configuration data.
231 | //
232 | struct _DHCP6_INSTANCE {
233 | UINT32 Signature;
234 | EFI_HANDLE Handle;
235 | DHCP6_SERVICE *Service;
236 | LIST_ENTRY Link;
238 | EFI_EVENT Timer;
239 | EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA *Config;
240 | EFI_DHCP6_IA *CacheIa;
241 | DHCP6_IA_CB IaCb;
242 | LIST_ENTRY TxList;
243 | LIST_ENTRY InfList;
244 | EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *AdSelect;
245 | UINT8 AdPref;
246 | EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Unicast;
247 | EFI_STATUS UdpSts;
248 | BOOLEAN InDestory;
249 | BOOLEAN MediaPresent;
250 | UINT64 StartTime;
251 | };
252 |
253 | //
254 | // Control block for Dhcp6 service, it's per Nic handle.
255 | //
256 | struct _DHCP6_SERVICE {
257 | UINT32 Signature;
258 | EFI_HANDLE Controller;
259 | EFI_HANDLE Image;
262 | EFI_DHCP6_DUID *ClientId;
263 | UDP_IO *UdpIo;
264 | UINT32 Xid;
265 | LIST_ENTRY Child;
266 | UINTN NumOfChild;
267 | BOOLEAN InDestory;
268 | };
269 |
270 | /**
271 | Starts the DHCPv6 standard S.A.R.R. process.
272 |
273 | The Start() function starts the DHCPv6 standard process. This function can
274 | be called only when the state of Dhcp6 instance is in the Dhcp6Init state.
275 | If the DHCP process completes successfully, the state of the Dhcp6 instance
276 | will be transferred through Dhcp6Selecting and Dhcp6Requesting to the
277 | Dhcp6Bound state.
278 | Refer to rfc-3315 for precise state transitions during this process. At the
279 | time when each event occurs in this process, the callback function that was set
280 | by EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL.Configure() will be called and the user can take this
281 | opportunity to control the process.
282 |
283 | @param[in] This The pointer to Dhcp6 protocol.
284 |
285 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DHCPv6 standard process has started, or it
286 | completed when CompletionEvent was NULL.
287 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The EFI DHCPv6 Child instance hasn't been configured.
288 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
289 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
290 | @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The DHCPv6 configuration process failed because no
291 | response was received from the server within the
292 | specified timeout value.
293 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The user aborted the DHCPv6 process.
294 | @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED Some other Dhcp6 instance already started the DHCPv6
295 | standard process.
296 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
297 |
298 | **/
300 | EFIAPI
301 | EfiDhcp6Start (
303 | );
304 |
305 | /**
306 | Stops the DHCPv6 standard S.A.R.R. process.
307 |
308 | The Stop() function is used to stop the DHCPv6 standard process. After this
309 | function is called successfully, the state of Dhcp6 instance is transferred
310 | into the Dhcp6Init. EFI_DHCP6_PROTOCOL.Configure() needs to be called
311 | before DHCPv6 standard process can be started again. This function can be
312 | called when the Dhcp6 instance is in any state.
313 |
314 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
315 |
316 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Dhcp6 instance is now in the Dhcp6Init state.
317 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
318 |
319 | **/
321 | EFIAPI
322 | EfiDhcp6Stop (
324 | );
325 |
326 | /**
327 | Returns the current operating mode data for the Dhcp6 instance.
328 |
329 | The GetModeData() function returns the current operating mode and
330 | cached data packet for the Dhcp6 instance.
331 |
332 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
333 | @param[out] Dhcp6ModeData The pointer to the Dhcp6 mode data.
334 | @param[out] Dhcp6ConfigData The pointer to the Dhcp6 configure data.
335 |
336 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The mode data was returned.
337 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL.
338 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The EFI DHCPv6 Protocol instance has not
339 | been configured when Dhcp6ConfigData is
340 | not NULL.
341 | **/
343 | EFIAPI
344 | EfiDhcp6GetModeData (
348 | );
349 |
350 | /**
351 | Initializes, changes, or resets the operational settings for the Dhcp6 instance.
352 |
353 | The Configure() function is used to initialize or clean up the configuration
354 | data of the Dhcp6 instance:
355 | - When Dhcp6CfgData is not NULL and Configure() is called successfully, the
356 | configuration data will be initialized in the Dhcp6 instance and the state
357 | of the configured IA will be transferred into Dhcp6Init.
358 | - When Dhcp6CfgData is NULL and Configure() is called successfully, the
359 | configuration data will be cleaned up and no IA will be associated with
360 | the Dhcp6 instance.
361 | To update the configuration data for an Dhcp6 instance, the original data
362 | must be cleaned up before setting the new configuration data.
363 |
364 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol
365 | @param[in] Dhcp6CfgData The pointer to the EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.
366 |
367 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Dhcp6 is configured successfully with the
368 | Dhcp6Init state, or cleaned up the original
369 | configuration setting.
370 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The Dhcp6 instance has been already configured
371 | when Dhcp6CfgData is not NULL.
372 | The Dhcp6 instance has already started the
373 | DHCPv6 S.A.R.R when Dhcp6CfgData is NULL.
374 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some of the parameter is invalid.
375 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
376 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
377 |
378 | **/
380 | EFIAPI
381 | EfiDhcp6Configure (
384 | );
385 |
386 | /**
387 | Request configuration information without the assignment of any
388 | Ia addresses of the client.
389 |
390 | The InfoRequest() function is used to request configuration information
391 | without the assignment of any IPv6 address of the client. Client sends
392 | out Information Request packet to obtain the required configuration
393 | information, and DHCPv6 server responds with Reply packet containing
394 | the information for the client. The received Reply packet will be passed
395 | to the user by ReplyCallback function. If user returns EFI_NOT_READY from
396 | ReplyCallback, the Dhcp6 instance will continue to receive other Reply
397 | packets unless timeout according to the Retransmission parameter.
398 | Otherwise, the Information Request exchange process will be finished
399 | successfully if user returns EFI_SUCCESS from ReplyCallback.
400 |
401 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
402 | @param[in] SendClientId If TRUE, the DHCPv6 protocol instance will build Client
403 | Identifier option and include it into Information Request
404 | packet. Otherwise, Client Identifier option will not be included.
405 | @param[in] OptionRequest The pointer to the buffer of option request options.
406 | @param[in] OptionCount The option number in the OptionList.
407 | @param[in] OptionList The list of appended options.
408 | @param[in] Retransmission The pointer to the retransmission of the message.
409 | @param[in] TimeoutEvent The event of timeout.
410 | @param[in] ReplyCallback The callback function when a reply was received.
411 | @param[in] CallbackContext The pointer to the parameter passed to the callback.
412 |
413 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DHCPv6 information request exchange process
414 | completed when TimeoutEvent is NULL. Information
415 | Request packet has been sent to DHCPv6 server when
416 | TimeoutEvent is not NULL.
417 | @retval EFI_NO_RESPONSE The DHCPv6 information request exchange process failed
418 | because of no response, or not all requested-options
419 | are responded to by DHCPv6 servers when Timeout happened.
420 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The DHCPv6 information request exchange process was aborted
421 | by the user.
422 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
423 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated.
424 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
425 |
426 | **/
428 | EFIAPI
429 | EfiDhcp6InfoRequest (
431 | IN BOOLEAN SendClientId,
432 | IN EFI_DHCP6_PACKET_OPTION *OptionRequest,
433 | IN UINT32 OptionCount,
435 | IN EFI_DHCP6_RETRANSMISSION *Retransmission,
436 | IN EFI_EVENT TimeoutEvent OPTIONAL,
437 | IN EFI_DHCP6_INFO_CALLBACK ReplyCallback,
438 | IN VOID *CallbackContext OPTIONAL
439 | );
440 |
441 | /**
442 | Manually extend the valid and preferred lifetimes for the IPv6 addresses
443 | of the configured IA and update other configuration parameters by sending
444 | Renew or Rebind packet.
445 |
446 | The RenewRebind() function is used to manually extend the valid and preferred
447 | lifetimes for the IPv6 addresses of the configured IA and update other
448 | configuration parameters by sending a Renew or Rebind packet.
449 | - When RebindRequest is FALSE and the state of the configured IA is Dhcp6Bound,
450 | it will send Renew packet to the previously DHCPv6 server and transfer the
451 | state of the configured IA to Dhcp6Renewing. If valid Reply packet received,
452 | the state transfers to Dhcp6Bound and the valid and preferred timer restarts.
453 | If fails, the state transfers to Dhcp6Bound but the timer continues.
454 | - When RebindRequest is TRUE and the state of the configured IA is Dhcp6Bound,
455 | it will send a Rebind packet. If a valid Reply packet is received, the state transfers
456 | to Dhcp6Bound, and the valid and preferred timer restarts. If it fails, the state
457 | transfers to Dhcp6Init, and the IA can't be used.
458 |
459 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
460 | @param[in] RebindRequest If TRUE, Rebind packet will be sent and enter Dhcp6Rebinding state.
461 | Otherwise, Renew packet will be sent and enter Dhcp6Renewing state.
462 |
463 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process
464 | completed and at least one IPv6 address of the
465 | configured IA was bound again when
466 | EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent was NULL.
467 | The EFI DHCPv6 Protocol instance has sent Renew
468 | or Rebind packet when
469 | EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is not NULL.
470 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The Dhcp6 instance hasn't been configured, or the
471 | state of the configured IA is not in Dhcp6Bound.
472 | @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED The state of the configured IA has already entered
473 | Dhcp6Renewing when RebindRequest is FALSE.
474 | The state of the configured IA has already entered
475 | Dhcp6Rebinding when RebindRequest is TRUE.
476 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process aborted
477 | by user.
478 | @retval EFI_NO_RESPONSE The DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process failed
479 | because of no response.
480 | @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING No IPv6 address has been bound to the configured
481 | IA after the DHCPv6 renew/rebind exchange process.
482 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
483 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
484 |
485 | **/
487 | EFIAPI
488 | EfiDhcp6RenewRebind (
490 | IN BOOLEAN RebindRequest
491 | );
492 |
493 | /**
494 | Inform that one or more addresses assigned by a server are already
495 | in use by another node.
496 |
497 | The Decline() function is used to manually decline the assignment of
498 | IPv6 addresses, which have been already used by another node. If all
499 | IPv6 addresses of the configured IA are declined through this function,
500 | the state of the IA will switch through Dhcp6Declining to Dhcp6Init.
501 | Otherwise, the state of the IA will restore to Dhcp6Bound after the
502 | declining process. The Decline() can only be called when the IA is in
503 | Dhcp6Bound state. If the EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is NULL,
504 | this function is a blocking operation. It will return after the
505 | declining process finishes, or aborted by user.
506 |
507 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
508 | @param[in] AddressCount The number of declining addresses.
509 | @param[in] Addresses The pointer to the buffer stored the declining
510 | addresses.
511 |
512 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DHCPv6 decline exchange process completed
513 | when EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent was NULL.
514 | The Dhcp6 instance has sent Decline packet when
515 | EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is not NULL.
516 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The Dhcp6 instance hasn't been configured, or the
517 | state of the configured IA is not in Dhcp6Bound.
518 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The DHCPv6 decline exchange process was aborted by the user.
519 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Any specified IPv6 address is not correlated with
520 | the configured IA for this instance.
521 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
522 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
523 |
524 | **/
526 | EFIAPI
527 | EfiDhcp6Decline (
529 | IN UINT32 AddressCount,
530 | IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Addresses
531 | );
532 |
533 | /**
534 | Release one or more addresses associated with the configured Ia
535 | for the current instance.
536 |
537 | The Release() function is used to manually release the one or more
538 | IPv6 address. If AddressCount is zero, it will release all IPv6
539 | addresses of the configured IA. If all IPv6 addresses of the IA are
540 | released through this function, the state of the IA will switch
541 | through Dhcp6Releasing to Dhcp6Init, otherwise, the state of the
542 | IA will restore to Dhcp6Bound after the releasing process.
543 | The Release() can only be called when the IA is in a Dhcp6Bound state.
544 | If the EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent is NULL, the function is
545 | a blocking operation. It will return after the releasing process
546 | finishes, or aborted by user.
547 |
548 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
549 | @param[in] AddressCount The number of releasing addresses.
550 | @param[in] Addresses The pointer to the buffer stored the releasing
551 | addresses.
552 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DHCPv6 release exchange process has
553 | completed when EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent
554 | is NULL. The Dhcp6 instance has sent Release
555 | packet when EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA.IaInfoEvent
556 | is not NULL.
557 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The Dhcp6 instance hasn't been configured, or the
558 | state of the configured IA is not in Dhcp6Bound.
559 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The DHCPv6 release exchange process was aborted by the user.
560 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Any specified IPv6 address is not correlated with
561 | the configured IA for this instance.
562 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
563 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system or network error occurred.
564 |
565 | **/
567 | EFIAPI
568 | EfiDhcp6Release (
570 | IN UINT32 AddressCount,
571 | IN EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS *Addresses
572 | );
573 |
574 | /**
575 | Parse the option data in the Dhcp6 packet.
576 |
577 | The Parse() function is used to retrieve the option list in the DHCPv6 packet.
578 |
579 | @param[in] This The pointer to the Dhcp6 protocol.
580 | @param[in] Packet The pointer to the Dhcp6 packet.
581 | @param[in, out] OptionCount The number of option in the packet.
582 | @param[out] PacketOptionList The array of pointers to the each option in the packet.
583 |
584 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The packet was successfully parsed.
585 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameter is NULL.
586 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL *OptionCount is smaller than the number of options
587 | that were found in the Packet.
588 |
589 | **/
591 | EFIAPI
592 | EfiDhcp6Parse (
594 | IN EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *Packet,
595 | IN OUT UINT32 *OptionCount,
597 | );
598 |
599 | #endif