1 | /** @file
2 | Declarations of objects defined internally to the Dp Application.
3 |
4 | Declarations of data and functions which are private to the Dp application.
5 | This file should never be referenced by anything other than components of the
6 | Dp application. In addition to global data, function declarations for
7 | DpUtilities.c, DpTrace.c, and DpProfile.c are included here.
8 |
9 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
10 | This program and the accompanying materials
11 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
12 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
13 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
14 |
17 | **/
18 | #ifndef _DP_INTELNAL_H_
19 | #define _DP_INTELNAL_H_
20 |
21 | #define DP_GAUGE_STRING_LENGTH 36
22 |
23 | //
24 | /// Module-Global Variables
25 | ///@{
26 | extern EFI_HII_HANDLE gDpHiiHandle;
27 | extern CHAR16 mGaugeString[DP_GAUGE_STRING_LENGTH + 1];
28 | extern CHAR16 mUnicodeToken[DXE_PERFORMANCE_STRING_SIZE];
29 | extern UINT64 mInterestThreshold;
30 | extern BOOLEAN mShowId;
31 |
32 | extern PERF_SUMMARY_DATA SummaryData; ///< Create the SummaryData structure and init. to ZERO.
33 |
34 | /// Timer Specific Information.
35 | extern TIMER_INFO TimerInfo;
36 |
37 | /// Items for which to gather cumulative statistics.
38 | extern PERF_CUM_DATA CumData[];
39 |
40 | /// Number of items for which we are gathering cumulative statistics.
41 | extern UINT32 const NumCum;
42 |
43 | ///@}
44 |
45 | /**
46 | Calculate an event's duration in timer ticks.
47 |
48 | Given the count direction and the event's start and end timer values,
49 | calculate the duration of the event in timer ticks. Information for
50 | the current measurement is pointed to by the parameter.
51 |
52 | If the measurement's start time is 1, it indicates that the developer
53 | is indicating that the measurement began at the release of reset.
54 | The start time is adjusted to the timer's starting count before performing
55 | the elapsed time calculation.
56 |
57 | The calculated duration, in ticks, is the absolute difference between
58 | the measurement's ending and starting counts.
59 |
60 | @param Measurement Pointer to a MEASUREMENT_RECORD structure containing
61 | data for the current measurement.
62 |
63 | @return The 64-bit duration of the event.
64 | **/
65 | UINT64
66 | GetDuration (
68 | );
69 |
70 | /**
71 | Determine whether the Measurement record is for an EFI Phase.
72 |
73 | The Token and Module members of the measurement record are checked.
74 | Module must be empty and Token must be one of SEC, PEI, DXE, BDS, or SHELL.
75 |
76 | @param[in] Measurement A pointer to the Measurement record to test.
77 |
78 | @retval TRUE The measurement record is for an EFI Phase.
79 | @retval FALSE The measurement record is NOT for an EFI Phase.
80 | **/
82 | IsPhase(
84 | );
85 |
86 | /**
87 | Get the file name portion of the Pdb File Name.
88 |
89 | The portion of the Pdb File Name between the last backslash and
90 | either a following period or the end of the string is converted
91 | to Unicode and copied into UnicodeBuffer. The name is truncated,
92 | if necessary, to ensure that UnicodeBuffer is not overrun.
93 |
94 | @param[in] PdbFileName Pdb file name.
95 | @param[out] UnicodeBuffer The resultant Unicode File Name.
96 |
97 | **/
98 | VOID
99 | GetShortPdbFileName (
100 | IN CHAR8 *PdbFileName,
101 | OUT CHAR16 *UnicodeBuffer
102 | );
103 |
104 | /**
105 | Get a human readable name for an image handle.
106 | The following methods will be tried orderly:
107 | 1. Image PDB
108 | 2. ComponentName2 protocol
109 | 3. FFS UI section
110 | 4. Image GUID
111 | 5. Image DevicePath
112 | 6. Unknown Driver Name
113 |
114 | @param[in] Handle
115 |
116 | @post The resulting Unicode name string is stored in the
117 | mGaugeString global array.
118 |
119 | **/
120 | VOID
121 | GetNameFromHandle (
122 | IN EFI_HANDLE Handle
123 | );
124 |
125 | /**
126 | Calculate the Duration in microseconds.
127 |
128 | Duration is multiplied by 1000, instead of Frequency being divided by 1000 or
129 | multiplying the result by 1000, in order to maintain precision. Since Duration is
130 | a 64-bit value, multiplying it by 1000 is unlikely to produce an overflow.
131 |
132 | The time is calculated as (Duration * 1000) / Timer_Frequency.
133 |
134 | @param[in] Duration The event duration in timer ticks.
135 |
136 | @return A 64-bit value which is the Elapsed time in microseconds.
137 | **/
138 | UINT64
139 | DurationInMicroSeconds (
140 | IN UINT64 Duration
141 | );
142 |
143 | /**
144 | Get index of Measurement Record's match in the CumData array.
145 |
146 | If the Measurement's Token value matches a Token in one of the CumData
147 | records, the index of the matching record is returned. The returned
148 | index is a signed value so that negative values can indicate that
149 | the Measurement didn't match any entry in the CumData array.
150 |
151 | @param[in] Measurement A pointer to a Measurement Record to match against the CumData array.
152 |
153 | @retval <0 Token is not in the CumData array.
154 | @retval >=0 Return value is the index into CumData where Token is found.
155 | **/
156 | INTN
157 | GetCumulativeItem(
158 | IN MEASUREMENT_RECORD *Measurement
159 | );
160 |
161 | /**
162 | Collect verbose statistics about the logged performance measurements.
163 |
164 | General Summary information for all Trace measurements is gathered and
165 | stored within the SummaryData structure. This information is both
166 | used internally by subsequent reporting functions, and displayed
167 | at the end of verbose reports.
168 |
169 | @pre The SummaryData and CumData structures must be initialized
170 | prior to calling this function.
171 |
172 | @post The SummaryData and CumData structures contain statistics for the
173 | current performance logs.
174 | **/
175 | VOID
176 | GatherStatistics(
177 | VOID
178 | );
179 |
180 | /**
181 | Gather and print ALL Trace Records.
182 |
183 | Displays all "interesting" Trace measurements in order.<BR>
184 | The number of records displayed is controlled by:
185 | - records with a duration less than mInterestThreshold microseconds are not displayed.
186 | - No more than Limit records are displayed. A Limit of zero will not limit the output.
187 | - If the ExcludeFlag is TRUE, records matching entries in the CumData array are not
188 | displayed.
189 |
190 | @pre The mInterestThreshold global variable is set to the shortest duration to be printed.
191 | The mGaugeString and mUnicodeToken global arrays are used for temporary string storage.
192 | They must not be in use by a calling function.
193 |
194 | @param[in] Limit The number of records to print. Zero is ALL.
195 | @param[in] ExcludeFlag TRUE to exclude individual Cumulative items from display.
196 |
197 | **/
198 | VOID
199 | DumpAllTrace(
200 | IN UINTN Limit,
201 | IN BOOLEAN ExcludeFlag
202 | );
203 |
204 | /**
205 | Gather and print Raw Trace Records.
206 |
207 | All Trace measurements with a duration greater than or equal to
208 | mInterestThreshold are printed without interpretation.
209 |
210 | The number of records displayed is controlled by:
211 | - records with a duration less than mInterestThreshold microseconds are not displayed.
212 | - No more than Limit records are displayed. A Limit of zero will not limit the output.
213 | - If the ExcludeFlag is TRUE, records matching entries in the CumData array are not
214 | displayed.
215 |
216 | @pre The mInterestThreshold global variable is set to the shortest duration to be printed.
217 |
218 | @param[in] Limit The number of records to print. Zero is ALL.
219 | @param[in] ExcludeFlag TRUE to exclude individual Cumulative items from display.
220 |
221 | **/
222 | VOID
223 | DumpRawTrace(
224 | IN UINTN Limit,
225 | IN BOOLEAN ExcludeFlag
226 | );
227 |
228 | /**
229 | Gather and print Major Phase metrics.
230 |
231 | @param[in] Ticker The timer value for the END of Shell phase
232 |
233 | **/
234 | VOID
235 | ProcessPhases(
236 | IN UINT64 Ticker
237 | );
238 |
239 |
240 | /**
241 | Gather and print Handle data.
242 |
243 | @param[in] ExcludeFlag TRUE to exclude individual Cumulative items from display.
244 |
245 | @return Status from a call to gBS->LocateHandle().
246 | **/
248 | ProcessHandles(
249 | IN BOOLEAN ExcludeFlag
250 | );
251 |
252 |
253 | /**
254 | Gather and print PEIM data.
255 |
256 | Only prints complete PEIM records
257 |
258 | **/
259 | VOID
260 | ProcessPeims(
261 | VOID
262 | );
263 |
264 | /**
265 | Gather and print global data.
266 |
267 | Strips out incomplete or "Execution Phase" records
268 | Only prints records where Handle is NULL
269 | Increment TIndex for every record, even skipped ones, so that we have an
270 | indication of every measurement record taken.
271 |
272 | **/
273 | VOID
274 | ProcessGlobal(
275 | VOID
276 | );
277 |
278 | /**
279 | Gather and print cumulative data.
280 |
281 | Traverse the measurement records and:<BR>
282 | For each record with a Token listed in the CumData array:<BR>
283 | - Update the instance count and the total, minimum, and maximum durations.
284 | Finally, print the gathered cumulative statistics.
285 |
286 | **/
287 | VOID
288 | ProcessCumulative(
289 | VOID
290 | );
291 |
292 | /**
293 | Gather and print ALL Profiling Records.
294 |
295 | Displays all "interesting" Profile measurements in order.
296 | The number of records displayed is controlled by:
297 | - records with a duration less than mInterestThreshold microseconds are not displayed.
298 | - No more than Limit records are displayed. A Limit of zero will not limit the output.
299 | - If the ExcludeFlag is TRUE, records matching entries in the CumData array are not
300 | displayed.
301 |
302 | @pre The mInterestThreshold global variable is set to the shortest duration to be printed.
303 | The mGaugeString and mUnicodeToken global arrays are used for temporary string storage.
304 | They must not be in use by a calling function.
305 |
306 | @param[in] Limit The number of records to print. Zero is ALL.
307 | @param[in] ExcludeFlag TRUE to exclude individual Cumulative items from display.
308 |
309 | **/
310 | VOID
311 | DumpAllProfile(
312 | IN UINTN Limit,
313 | IN BOOLEAN ExcludeFlag
314 | );
315 |
316 | /**
317 | Gather and print Raw Profile Records.
318 |
319 | All Profile measurements with a duration greater than or equal to
320 | mInterestThreshold are printed without interpretation.
321 |
322 | The number of records displayed is controlled by:
323 | - records with a duration less than mInterestThreshold microseconds are not displayed.
324 | - No more than Limit records are displayed. A Limit of zero will not limit the output.
325 | - If the ExcludeFlag is TRUE, records matching entries in the CumData array are not
326 | displayed.
327 |
328 | @pre The mInterestThreshold global variable is set to the shortest duration to be printed.
329 |
330 | @param[in] Limit The number of records to print. Zero is ALL.
331 | @param[in] ExcludeFlag TRUE to exclude individual Cumulative items from display.
332 |
333 | **/
334 | VOID
335 | DumpRawProfile(
336 | IN UINTN Limit,
337 | IN BOOLEAN ExcludeFlag
338 | );
339 |
340 | #endif