1 | /** @file
2 | Implement the accept API.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation
5 | All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #include "SocketInternals.h"
16 |
17 |
18 | /**
19 | Worker routine for ::accept and ::AcceptNB
20 |
21 | @param [in] s Socket file descriptor returned from ::socket.
22 |
23 | @param [in] bBlockingAllowed TRUE if this is a blocking call
24 | @param [in] address Address of a buffer to receive the remote network address.
25 |
26 | @param [in, out] address_len Address of a buffer containing the Length in bytes
27 | of the remote network address buffer. Upon return,
28 | contains the length of the remote network address.
29 |
30 | @return AcceptWork returns zero if successful and -1 when an error occurs.
31 | In the case of an error, ::errno contains more details.
32 |
33 | **/
34 | int
35 | AcceptWork (
36 | int s,
37 | BOOLEAN bBlockingAllowed,
38 | struct sockaddr * address,
39 | socklen_t * address_len
40 | )
41 | {
42 | BOOLEAN bBlocking;
43 | INT32 NewSocketFd;
44 | struct __filedes * pDescriptor;
45 | EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pNewSocket;
46 | EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol;
47 | EFI_STATUS Status;
48 |
49 | //
50 | // Assume failure
51 | //
52 | NewSocketFd = -1;
53 |
54 | //
55 | // Locate the context for this socket
56 | //
57 | pSocketProtocol = BslFdToSocketProtocol ( s,
58 | &pDescriptor,
59 | &errno );
60 | if ( NULL != pSocketProtocol ) {
61 | //
62 | // Determine if the operation is blocking
63 | //
64 | bBlocking = (BOOLEAN)( 0 == ( pDescriptor->Oflags & O_NONBLOCK ));
65 | bBlocking &= bBlockingAllowed;
66 |
67 | //
68 | // Attempt to accept a new network connection
69 | //
70 | do {
71 | Status = pSocketProtocol->pfnAccept ( pSocketProtocol,
72 | address,
73 | address_len,
74 | &pNewSocket,
75 | &errno );
76 | } while ( bBlocking && ( EFI_NOT_READY == Status ));
77 |
78 | //
79 | // Convert the protocol to a socket
80 | //
81 | if ( !EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
82 | NewSocketFd = BslSocketProtocolToFd ( pNewSocket, &errno );
83 | if ( -1 == NewSocketFd ) {
84 | //
85 | // Close the socket
86 | //
87 | BslSocketCloseWork ( pNewSocket, NULL );
88 | }
89 | }
90 | }
91 |
92 | //
93 | // Return the new socket file descriptor
94 | //
95 | return NewSocketFd;
96 | }
97 |
98 |
99 | /**
100 | Accept a network connection.
101 |
102 | The accept routine waits for a network connection to the socket.
103 | It returns the remote network address to the caller if requested.
104 |
105 | The
106 | <a href="http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/accept.html">POSIX</a>
107 | documentation is available online.
108 |
109 | @param [in] s Socket file descriptor returned from ::socket.
110 |
111 | @param [in] address Address of a buffer to receive the remote network address.
112 |
113 | @param [in, out] address_len Address of a buffer containing the Length in bytes
114 | of the remote network address buffer. Upon return,
115 | contains the length of the remote network address.
116 |
117 | @return The accept routine returns zero if successful and -1 when an error occurs.
118 | In the case of an error, ::errno contains more details.
119 |
120 | **/
121 | int
122 | accept (
123 | int s,
124 | struct sockaddr * address,
125 | socklen_t * address_len
126 | )
127 | {
128 | //
129 | // Wait for the accept call to complete
130 | //
131 | return AcceptWork ( s, TRUE, address, address_len );
132 | }
133 |
134 |
135 | /**
136 | Non blocking version of ::accept.
137 |
138 | @param [in] s Socket file descriptor returned from ::socket.
139 |
140 | @param [in] address Address of a buffer to receive the remote network address.
141 |
142 | @param [in, out] address_len Address of a buffer containing the Length in bytes
143 | of the remote network address buffer. Upon return,
144 | contains the length of the remote network address.
145 |
146 | @return This routine returns zero if successful and -1 when an error occurs.
147 | In the case of an error, ::errno contains more details.
148 |
149 | **/
150 | int
151 | AcceptNB (
152 | int s,
153 | struct sockaddr * address,
154 | socklen_t * address_len
155 | )
156 | {
157 | //
158 | // Attempt to accept a network connection
159 | //
160 | return AcceptWork ( s, FALSE, address, address_len );
161 | }