1 | /** @file
2 | Implement the socket API.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation
5 | All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
6 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 |
12 |
13 | **/
14 |
15 | #include <SocketInternals.h>
16 |
17 |
18 | /**
19 | File system interface for the socket layer.
20 |
21 | This data structure defines the routines for the various
22 | file system functions associated with the socket layer.
23 | **/
24 | const struct fileops SocketOperations = {
25 | BslSocketClose, // close
26 | BslSocketRead, // read
27 | BslSocketWrite, // write
28 |
29 | //
30 | // Not supported
31 | //
32 | fnullop_fcntl, // fcntl
33 | BslSocketPoll, // poll
34 | fnullop_flush, // flush
35 |
36 | fbadop_stat, // stat
37 | fbadop_ioctl, // ioctl
38 | fbadop_delete, // delete
39 | fbadop_rmdir, // rmdir
40 | fbadop_mkdir, // mkdir
41 | fbadop_rename, // rename
42 |
43 | NULL // lseek
44 | };
45 |
46 |
47 | /**
48 | Translate from the socket file descriptor to the socket protocol.
49 |
50 | @param [in] s Socket file descriptor returned from ::socket.
51 |
52 | @param [in] ppDescriptor Address to receive the descriptor structure
53 | address for the file
54 | @param [in] pErrno Address of the errno variable
55 |
56 | @return A pointer to the EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure or NULL if
57 | an invalid file descriptor was passed in.
58 |
59 | **/
61 | BslFdToSocketProtocol (
62 | int s,
63 | struct __filedes ** ppDescriptor,
64 | int * pErrno
65 | )
66 | {
67 | struct __filedes * pDescriptor;
68 | EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol;
69 |
70 | //
71 | // Assume failure
72 | //
73 | pSocketProtocol = NULL;
74 |
75 | //
76 | // Validate the file descriptor
77 | //
78 | if ( !ValidateFD ( s, TRUE )) {
79 | //
80 | // Bad file descriptor
81 | //
82 | *pErrno = EBADF;
83 | }
84 | else {
85 | //
86 | // Get the descriptor for the file
87 | //
88 | pDescriptor = &gMD->fdarray[ s ];
89 |
90 | //
91 | // Validate that the descriptor is associated with sockets
92 | //
93 | pSocketProtocol = BslValidateSocketFd ( pDescriptor, pErrno );
94 | if (( NULL != ppDescriptor ) && ( NULL != pSocketProtocol )) {
95 | *ppDescriptor = pDescriptor;
96 | }
97 | }
98 |
99 | //
100 | // Return the socket protocol
101 | //
102 | return pSocketProtocol;
103 | }
104 |
105 |
106 | /**
107 | Build a file descriptor for a socket.
108 |
109 | @param [in] pSocketProtocol Socket protocol structure address
110 |
111 | @param [in] pErrno Address of the errno variable
112 |
113 | @return The file descriptor for the socket or -1 if an error occurs.
114 |
115 | **/
116 | int
117 | BslSocketProtocolToFd (
118 | IN EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol,
119 | IN int * pErrno
120 | )
121 | {
122 | int FileDescriptor;
123 | struct __filedes * pDescriptor;
124 |
125 | //
126 | // Assume failure
127 | //
128 | FileDescriptor = -1;
129 |
130 | //
131 | // Locate a file descriptor
132 | //
133 | FileDescriptor = FindFreeFD ( VALID_CLOSED );
134 | if ( FileDescriptor < 0 ) {
135 | //
136 | // All available FDs are in use
137 | //
138 | errno = EMFILE;
139 | }
140 | else {
141 | //
142 | // Initialize the file descriptor
143 | //
144 | pDescriptor = &gMD->fdarray[ FileDescriptor ];
145 | pDescriptor->f_offset = 0;
146 | pDescriptor->f_flag = 0;
147 | pDescriptor->f_iflags = DTYPE_SOCKET;
148 | pDescriptor->MyFD = (UINT16)FileDescriptor;
149 | pDescriptor->Oflags = O_RDWR;
150 | pDescriptor->Omode = S_ACC_READ | S_ACC_WRITE;
151 | pDescriptor->RefCount = 1;
152 | FILE_SET_MATURE ( pDescriptor );
153 |
154 | //
155 | // Socket specific file descriptor initialization
156 | //
157 | pDescriptor->devdata = pSocketProtocol;
158 | pDescriptor->f_ops = &SocketOperations;
159 | }
160 |
161 | //
162 | // Return the socket's file descriptor
163 | //
164 | return FileDescriptor;
165 | }
166 |
167 |
168 | /**
169 | Creates an endpoint for network communication.
170 |
171 | The socket routine initializes the communication endpoint and returns a
172 | file descriptor.
173 |
174 | The
175 | <a href="http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/functions/socket.html">POSIX</a>
176 | documentation is available online.
177 |
178 | @param [in] domain Select the family of protocols for the client or server
179 | application. The supported values are:
180 | <ul>
181 | <li>AF_INET - Version 4 UEFI network stack</li>
182 | </ul>
183 |
184 | @param [in] type Specifies how to make the network connection. The following values
185 | are supported:
186 | <ul>
187 | <li>
188 | SOCK_DGRAM - Connect to UDP, provides a datagram service that is
189 | manipulated by recvfrom and sendto.
190 | </li>
191 | <li>
192 | SOCK_STREAM - Connect to TCP, provides a byte stream
193 | that is manipluated by read, recv, send and write.
194 | </li>
195 | <li>
196 | SOCK_RAW - Connect to IP, provides a datagram service that
197 | is manipulated by recvfrom and sendto.
198 | </li>
199 | </ul>
200 |
201 | @param [in] protocol Specifies the lower layer protocol to use. The following
202 | values are supported:
203 | <ul>
204 | <li>IPPROTO_TCP</li> - This value must be combined with SOCK_STREAM.</li>
205 | <li>IPPROTO_UDP</li> - This value must be combined with SOCK_DGRAM.</li>
206 | <li>0 - 254</li> - An assigned
207 | <a href="http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xml">protocol number</a>
208 | is combined with SOCK_RAW.
209 | </li>
210 | </ul>
211 |
212 | @return This routine returns a file descriptor for the socket. If an error
213 | occurs -1 is returned and ::errno contains more details.
214 |
215 | **/
216 | INT32
217 | socket (
218 | IN INT32 domain,
219 | IN INT32 type,
220 | IN INT32 protocol
221 | )
222 | {
223 | INT32 FileDescriptor;
224 | EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol;
225 | EFI_STATUS Status;
226 |
227 | //
228 | // Assume failure
229 | //
230 | FileDescriptor = -1;
231 |
232 | //
233 | // Locate the socket protocol
234 | //
235 | errno = EslServiceGetProtocol ( &pSocketProtocol );
236 | if ( 0 == errno ) {
237 | //
238 | // Initialize the socket
239 | //
240 | Status = pSocketProtocol->pfnSocket ( pSocketProtocol,
241 | domain,
242 | type,
243 | protocol,
244 | &errno );
245 | if ( !EFI_ERROR ( Status )) {
246 | //
247 | // Build the file descriptor for the socket
248 | //
249 | FileDescriptor = BslSocketProtocolToFd ( pSocketProtocol,
250 | &errno );
251 | }
252 | }
253 |
254 | //
255 | // Return the socket's file descriptor
256 | //
257 | return FileDescriptor;
258 | }
259 |
260 |
261 | /**
262 | Validate the socket's file descriptor
263 |
264 | @param [in] pDescriptor Descriptor for the file
265 |
266 | @param [in] pErrno Address of the errno variable
267 |
268 | @return A pointer to the EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL structure or NULL if
269 | an invalid file descriptor was passed in.
270 |
271 | **/
273 | BslValidateSocketFd (
274 | struct __filedes * pDescriptor,
275 | int * pErrno
276 | )
277 | {
278 | EFI_SOCKET_PROTOCOL * pSocketProtocol;
279 |
280 | //
281 | // Assume failure
282 | //
283 | *pErrno = ENOTSOCK;
284 | pSocketProtocol = NULL;
285 |
286 | //
287 | // Validate that the descriptor is associated with sockets
288 | //
289 | if ( DTYPE_SOCKET == ( pDescriptor->f_iflags & DTYPE_MASK )) {
290 | //
291 | // Locate the socket protocol
292 | //
293 | pSocketProtocol = pDescriptor->devdata;
294 | *pErrno = 0;
295 | }
296 |
297 | //
298 | // Return the socket protocol
299 | //
300 | return pSocketProtocol;
301 | }