1 | /** @file
2 | The header <time.h> defines two macros, and declares several types and
3 | functions for manipulating time. Many functions deal with a calendar time
4 | that represents the current date (according to the Gregorian calendar) and
5 | time. Some functions deal with local time, which is the calendar time
6 | expressed for some specific time zone, and with Daylight Saving Time, which
7 | is a temporary change in the algorithm for determining local time. The local
8 | time zone and Daylight Saving Time are implementation-defined.
9 |
10 | The macros defined are NULL; and CLOCKS_PER_SEC which expands to an
11 | expression with type clock_t (described below) that is the number per second
12 | of the value returned by the clock function.
13 |
14 | The types declared are size_t along with clock_t and time_t which are
15 | arithmetic types capable of representing times; and struct tm which holds
16 | the components of a calendar time, called the broken-down time.
17 |
18 | The range and precision of times representable in clock_t and time_t are
19 | implementation-defined. The tm structure shall contain at least the following
20 | members, in any order. The semantics of the members and their normal ranges
21 | are expressed in the comments.
22 | - int tm_sec; // seconds after the minute - [0, 60]
23 | - int tm_min; // minutes after the hour - [0, 59]
24 | - int tm_hour; // hours since midnight - [0, 23]
25 | - int tm_mday; // day of the month - [1, 31]
26 | - int tm_mon; // months since January - [0, 11]
27 | - int tm_year; // years since 1900
28 | - int tm_wday; // days since Sunday - [0, 6]
29 | - int tm_yday; // days since January 1 - [0, 365]
30 | - int tm_isdst; // Daylight Saving Time flag
31 |
32 | The value of tm_isdst is positive if Daylight Saving Time is in effect, zero
33 | if Daylight Saving Time is not in effect, and negative if the information
34 | is not available.
35 |
36 | The following macros are defined in this file:<BR>
37 | @verbatim
38 | NULL
39 | CLOCKS_PER_SEC The number of values per second returned by the clock function.
40 | @endverbatim
41 |
42 | The following types are defined in this file:<BR>
43 | @verbatim
44 | size_t Unsigned integer type of the result of the sizeof operator.
45 | clock_t Arithmetic type capable of representing a time from the clock function.
46 | time_t Arithmetic type capable of representing a time.
47 | struct tm Holds the components of a calendar time; or broken-down time.
48 | @endverbatim
49 |
50 | The following functions are declared in this file:<BR>
51 | @verbatim
52 | ############### Time Manipulation Functions
53 | clock_t clock (void);
54 | double difftime (time_t time1, time_t time0);
55 | time_t mktime (struct tm *timeptr);
56 | time_t time (time_t *timer);
57 |
58 | ################# Time Conversion Functions
59 | char * asctime (const struct tm *timeptr);
60 | char * ctime (const time_t *timer);
61 | struct tm * gmtime (const time_t *timer);
62 | time_t timegm (struct tm*);
63 | struct tm * localtime (const time_t *timer);
64 | size_t strftime (char * __restrict s, size_t maxsize,
65 | const char * __restrict format,
66 | const struct tm * __restrict timeptr);
67 | char * strptime (const char *, const char * format, struct tm*);
68 | @endverbatim
69 |
70 | Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
71 | This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under
72 | the terms and conditions of the BSD License that accompanies this distribution.
73 | The full text of the license may be found at
74 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.
75 |
78 | **/
79 | #ifndef _TIME_H
80 | #define _TIME_H
81 | #include <sys/EfiCdefs.h>
82 |
83 | #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC __getCPS()
84 |
85 | #ifdef _EFI_SIZE_T_
86 | typedef _EFI_SIZE_T_ size_t;
87 | #undef _EFI_SIZE_T_
88 | #undef _BSD_SIZE_T_
89 | #endif
90 |
91 | #ifdef _EFI_CLOCK_T
92 | /** An arithmetic type capable of representing values returned by clock(); **/
93 | typedef _EFI_CLOCK_T clock_t;
94 | #undef _EFI_CLOCK_T
95 | #endif
96 |
97 | #ifdef _EFI_TIME_T
98 | /** An arithmetic type capable of representing values returned as calendar time
99 | values, such as that returned by mktime();
100 | **/
101 | typedef _EFI_TIME_T time_t;
102 | #undef _EFI_TIME_T
103 | #endif
104 |
105 | /** Value added to tm_year to get the full year value. TM_YEAR_BASE + 110 --> 2010 **/
106 | #define TM_YEAR_BASE 1900
107 |
108 | /** @{
109 | Values for the tm_wday member of struct tm.
110 | **/
111 | #define TM_SUNDAY 0
112 | #define TM_MONDAY 1
113 | #define TM_TUESDAY 2
114 | #define TM_WEDNESDAY 3
115 | #define TM_THURSDAY 4
116 | #define TM_FRIDAY 5
117 | #define TM_SATURDAY 6
118 | /*@}*/
119 |
120 | /** @{
121 | Values for the tm_mon member of struct tm.
122 | **/
123 | #define TM_JANUARY 0
124 | #define TM_FEBRUARY 1
125 | #define TM_MARCH 2
126 | #define TM_APRIL 3
127 | #define TM_MAY 4
128 | #define TM_JUNE 5
129 | #define TM_JULY 6
130 | #define TM_AUGUST 7
131 | #define TM_SEPTEMBER 8
132 | #define TM_OCTOBER 9
133 | #define TM_NOVEMBER 10
134 | #define TM_DECEMBER 11
135 | /*@}*/
136 |
137 | /** A structure holding the components of a calendar time, called the
138 | broken-down time. The first nine (9) members are as mandated by the
139 | C95 standard. Additional fields have been added for EFI support.
140 | **/
141 | struct tm {
142 | int tm_year; // years since 1900
143 | int tm_mon; // months since January [0, 11]
144 | int tm_mday; // day of the month [1, 31]
145 | int tm_hour; // hours since midnight [0, 23]
146 | int tm_min; // minutes after the hour [0, 59]
147 | int tm_sec; // seconds after the minute [0, 60]
148 | int tm_wday; // days since Sunday [0, 6]
149 | int tm_yday; // days since January 1 [0, 365]
150 | int tm_isdst; // Daylight Saving Time flag
151 | int tm_zoneoff; // EFI TimeZone offset, -1440 to 1440 or 2047
152 | int tm_daylight; // EFI Daylight flags
153 | UINT32 tm_Nano; // EFI Nanosecond value
154 | };
155 |
156 | /* ############### Time Manipulation Functions ########################## */
157 |
158 | /** The clock function determines the processor time used.
159 |
160 | @return The clock function returns the implementation's best
161 | approximation to the processor time used by the program since the
162 | beginning of an implementation-defined era related only to the
163 | program invocation. To determine the time in seconds, the value
164 | returned by the clock function should be divided by the value of
165 | the macro CLOCKS_PER_SEC. If the processor time used is not
166 | available or its value cannot be represented, the function
167 | returns the value (clock_t)(-1).
168 | **/
169 | clock_t clock(void);
170 |
171 | /** Compute the difference between two calendar times: time1 - time0.
172 |
173 | @param[in] time1 An arithmetic calendar time.
174 | @param[in] time2 Another arithmetic calendar time.
175 |
176 | @return The difference between the two times expressed in seconds.
177 | **/
178 | double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time0);
179 |
180 | /** Convert a broken-down time into an arithmetic calendar time.
181 |
182 | The mktime function converts the broken-down time, expressed as local time,
183 | in the structure pointed to by timeptr into a calendar time value with the
184 | same encoding as that of the values returned by the time function. The
185 | original values of the tm_wday and tm_yday components of the structure are
186 | ignored, and the original values of the other components are not
187 | restricted to the ranges indicated above. On successful completion,
188 | the values of the tm_wday and tm_yday components of the structure are set
189 | appropriately, and the other components are set to represent the specified
190 | calendar time, but with their values forced to the ranges indicated above;
191 | the final value of tm_mday is not set until tm_mon and tm_year
192 | are determined.
193 |
194 | @param[in] timeptr Pointer to a broken-down time to be converted.
195 |
196 | @return The mktime function returns the specified calendar time encoded
197 | as a value of type time_t. If the calendar time cannot be
198 | represented, the function returns the value (time_t)(-1).
199 | **/
200 | time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr);
201 |
202 | /** The time function determines the current calendar time.
203 |
204 | The encoding of the value is unspecified and undocumented.
205 |
206 | @param[out] timer An optional pointer to an object in which to
207 | store the calendar time.
208 |
209 | @return The time function returns the implementation's best approximation
210 | of the current calendar time. The value (time_t)(-1) is returned
211 | if the calendar time is not available. If timer is not a null
212 | pointer, the return value is also assigned to the object it
213 | points to.
214 | **/
215 | time_t time(time_t *timer);
216 |
217 | /* ################# Time Conversion Functions ########################## */
218 |
219 | /** The asctime function converts the broken-down time in the structure pointed
220 | to by timeptr into a string in the form<BR>
221 | @verbatim
222 | Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973\n\0
223 | @endverbatim
224 |
225 | @param[in] timeptr A pointer to a broken-down time to convert.
226 |
227 | @return The asctime function returns a pointer to the string.
228 | **/
229 | char * asctime(const struct tm *timeptr);
230 |
231 | /** The ctime function converts the calendar time pointed to by timer to a local
232 | time in the form of a string. It is equivalent to asctime(localtime(timer))
233 |
234 | @param[in] timer Pointer to a calendar time value to convert into a
235 | string representation.
236 |
237 | @return The ctime function returns the pointer returned by the asctime
238 | function with that broken-down time as argument.
239 | **/
240 | char * ctime(const time_t *timer);
241 |
242 | /** The gmtime function converts the calendar time pointed to by timer into a
243 | broken-down time, expressed as UTC.
244 |
245 | @param[in] timer Pointer to a calendar time value to convert into a
246 | broken-down time.
247 |
248 | @return The gmtime function returns a pointer to the broken-down time,
249 | or a null pointer if the specified time cannot be converted to UTC.
250 | **/
251 | struct tm * gmtime(const time_t *timer);
252 |
253 | /** The timegm function is the opposite of gmtime.
254 |
255 | @param[in] tm Pointer to a broken-down time to convert into a
256 | calendar time.
257 |
258 | @return The calendar time expressed as UTC.
259 | **/
260 | time_t timegm(struct tm*);
261 |
262 | /** The localtime function converts the calendar time pointed to by timer into
263 | a broken-down time, expressed as local time.
264 |
265 | @param[in] timer Pointer to a calendar time value to be converted.
266 |
267 | @return The localtime function returns a pointer to the broken-down time,
268 | or a null pointer if the specified time cannot be converted to
269 | local time.
270 | **/
271 | struct tm * localtime(const time_t *timer);
272 |
273 | /** The strftime function places characters into the array pointed to by s as
274 | controlled by the string pointed to by format. The format shall be a
275 | multibyte character sequence, beginning and ending in its initial shift
276 | state. The format string consists of zero or more conversion specifiers
277 | and ordinary multibyte characters. A conversion specifier consists of
278 | a % character, possibly followed by an E or O modifier character
279 | (described below), followed by a character that determines the behavior of
280 | the conversion specifier.
281 |
282 | All ordinary multibyte characters (including the terminating null
283 | character) are copied unchanged into the array. If copying takes place
284 | between objects that overlap, the behavior is undefined. No more than
285 | maxsize characters are placed into the array. 3 Each conversion specifier
286 | is replaced by appropriate characters as described in the following list.
287 | The appropriate characters are determined using the LC_TIME category of
288 | the current locale and by the values of zero or more members of the
289 | broken-down time structure pointed to by timeptr, as specified in brackets
290 | in the description. If any of the specified values is outside the normal
291 | range, the characters stored are unspecified.
292 |
293 | %a is replaced by the locale's abbreviated weekday name. [tm_wday]
294 | %A is replaced by the locale's full weekday name. [tm_wday]
295 | %b is replaced by the locale's abbreviated month name. [tm_mon]
296 | %B is replaced by the locale's full month name. [tm_mon]
297 | %c is replaced by the locale's appropriate date and time representation.
298 | %C is replaced by the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer,
299 | as a decimal number (00-99). [tm_year]
300 | %d is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31). [tm_mday]
301 | %D is equivalent to "%m/%d/%y". [tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_year]
302 | %e is replaced by the day of the month as a decimal number (1-31);
303 | a single digit is preceded by a space. [tm_mday]
304 | %F is equivalent to "%Y-%m-%d" (the ISO 8601 date format).
305 | [tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday]
306 | %g is replaced by the last 2 digits of the week-based year (see below) as
307 | a decimal number (00-99). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
308 | %G is replaced by the week-based year (see below) as a decimal number
309 | (e.g., 1997). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
310 | %h is equivalent to "%b". [tm_mon]
311 | %H is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23). [tm_hour]
312 | %I is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (01-12). [tm_hour]
313 | %j is replaced by the day of the year as a decimal number (001-366). [tm_yday]
314 | %m is replaced by the month as a decimal number (01-12). [tm_mon]
315 | %M is replaced by the minute as a decimal number (00-59). [tm_min]
316 | %n is replaced by a new-line character.
317 | %p is replaced by the locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designations
318 | associated with a 12-hour clock. [tm_hour]
319 | %r is replaced by the locale's 12-hour clock time. [tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec]
320 | %R is equivalent to "%H:%M". [tm_hour, tm_min]
321 | %S is replaced by the second as a decimal number (00-60). [tm_sec]
322 | %t is replaced by a horizontal-tab character.
323 | %T is equivalent to "%H:%M:%S" (the ISO 8601 time format).
324 | [tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec]
325 | %u is replaced by the ISO 8601 weekday as a decimal number (1-7),
326 | where Monday is 1. [tm_wday]
327 | %U is replaced by the week number of the year (the first Sunday as the
328 | first day of week 1) as a decimal number (00-53). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
329 | %V is replaced by the ISO 8601 week number (see below) as a decimal number
330 | (01-53). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
331 | %w is replaced by the weekday as a decimal number (0-6), where Sunday is 0.
332 | [tm_wday]
333 | %W is replaced by the week number of the year (the first Monday as the
334 | first day of week 1) as a decimal number (00-53). [tm_year, tm_wday, tm_yday]
335 | %x is replaced by the locale's appropriate date representation.
336 | %X is replaced by the locale's appropriate time representation.
337 | %y is replaced by the last 2 digits of the year as a decimal
338 | number (00-99). [tm_year]
339 | %Y is replaced by the year as a decimal number (e.g., 1997). [tm_year]
340 | %z is replaced by the offset from UTC in the ISO 8601 format "-0430"
341 | (meaning 4 hours 30 minutes behind UTC, west of Greenwich), or by no
342 | characters if no time zone is determinable. [tm_isdst]
343 | %Z is replaced by the locale's time zone name or abbreviation, or by no
344 | characters if no time zone is determinable. [tm_isdst]
345 | %% is replaced by %.
346 |
347 | Some conversion specifiers can be modified by the inclusion of an E or O
348 | modifier character to indicate an alternative format or specification.
349 | If the alternative format or specification does not exist for the current
350 | locale, the modifier is ignored. %Ec is replaced by the locale's
351 | alternative date and time representation.
352 |
353 | %EC is replaced by the name of the base year (period) in the locale's
354 | alternative representation.
355 | %Ex is replaced by the locale's alternative date representation.
356 | %EX is replaced by the locale's alternative time representation.
357 | %Ey is replaced by the offset from %EC (year only) in the locale's
358 | alternative representation.
359 | %EY is replaced by the locale's full alternative year representation.
360 | %Od is replaced by the day of the month, using the locale's alternative
361 | numeric symbols (filled as needed with leading zeros, or with leading
362 | spaces if there is no alternative symbol for zero).
363 | %Oe is replaced by the day of the month, using the locale's alternative
364 | numeric symbols (filled as needed with leading spaces).
365 | %OH is replaced by the hour (24-hour clock), using the locale's
366 | alternative numeric symbols.
367 | %OI is replaced by the hour (12-hour clock), using the locale's
368 | alternative numeric symbols.
369 | %Om is replaced by the month, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
370 | %OM is replaced by the minutes, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
371 | %OS is replaced by the seconds, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
372 | %Ou is replaced by the ISO 8601 weekday as a number in the locale's
373 | alternative representation, where Monday is 1.
374 | %OU is replaced by the week number, using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
375 | %OV is replaced by the ISO 8601 week number, using the locale's alternative
376 | numeric symbols.
377 | %Ow is replaced by the weekday as a number, using the locale's alternative
378 | numeric symbols.
379 | %OW is replaced by the week number of the year, using the locale's
380 | alternative numeric symbols.
381 | %Oy is replaced by the last 2 digits of the year, using the locale's
382 | alternative numeric symbols.
383 |
384 | %g, %G, and %V give values according to the ISO 8601 week-based year. In
385 | this system, weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the year is the week
386 | that includes January 4th, which is also the week that includes the first
387 | Thursday of the year, and is also the first week that contains at least
388 | four days in the year. If the first Monday of January is the 2nd, 3rd, or
389 | 4th, the preceding days are part of the last week of the preceding year;
390 | thus, for Saturday 2nd January 1999, %G is replaced by 1998 and %V is
391 | replaced by 53. If December 29th, 30th, or 31st is a Monday, it and any
392 | following days are part of week 1 of the following year. Thus, for Tuesday
393 | 30th December 1997, %G is replaced by 1998 and %V is replaced by 01.
394 |
395 | If a conversion specifier is not one of the above, the behavior is undefined.
396 |
397 | In the "C" locale, the E and O modifiers are ignored and the replacement
398 | strings for the following specifiers are:
399 | %a the first three characters of %A.
400 | %A one of "Sunday", "Monday", ... , "Saturday".
401 | %b the first three characters of %B.
402 | %B one of "January", "February", ... , "December".
403 | %c equivalent to "%a %b %e %T %Y".
404 | %p one of "AM" or "PM".
405 | %r equivalent to "%I:%M:%S %p".
406 | %x equivalent to "%m/%d/%y".
407 | %X equivalent to %T.
408 | %Z implementation-defined.
409 |
410 | @param s Pointer to the buffer in which to store the result.
411 | @param maxsize Maximum number of characters to put into buffer s.
412 | @param format Format string, as described above.
413 | @param timeptr Pointer to a broken-down time structure containing the
414 | time to format.
415 |
416 | @return If the total number of resulting characters including the
417 | terminating null character is not more than maxsize, the
418 | strftime function returns the number of characters placed into
419 | the array pointed to by s not including the terminating null
420 | character. Otherwise, zero is returned and the contents of the
421 | array are indeterminate.
422 | **/
423 | size_t strftime( char * __restrict s, size_t maxsize,
424 | const char * __restrict format,
425 | const struct tm * __restrict timeptr);
426 |
427 | char *strptime(const char *, const char * format, struct tm*);
428 |
429 |
430 | /* ################# Implementation Functions ########################### */
431 |
432 | clock_t __getCPS(void);
433 |
434 | #endif /* _TIME_H */