1 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 | #*
3 | #* Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 | #* This program and the accompanying materials
5 | #* are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
6 | #* which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
7 | #* http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
8 | #*
11 | #*
12 | #* CpuAsm.S
13 | #*
14 | #* Abstract:
15 | #*
16 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 |
18 |
19 | #.MMX
20 | #.XMM
21 |
22 | #EXTRN ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag):DWORD # Error code flags for exceptions
23 |
24 |
25 | #
26 | # point to the external interrupt vector table
27 | #
28 | ExternalVectorTablePtr:
29 | .byte 0, 0, 0, 0
30 |
31 | ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(InitializeExternalVectorTablePtr)
32 | ASM_PFX(InitializeExternalVectorTablePtr):
33 | movl 4(%esp), %eax
34 | movl %eax, ExternalVectorTablePtr
35 | ret
36 |
37 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 | # VOID
39 | # SetCodeSelector (
40 | # UINT16 Selector
41 | # );
42 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 | ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(SetCodeSelector)
44 | ASM_PFX(SetCodeSelector):
45 | movl 4(%esp), %ecx
46 | subl $0x10, %esp
47 | leal setCodeSelectorLongJump, %eax
48 | movl %eax, (%esp)
49 | movw %cx, 4(%esp)
50 | .byte 0xFF, 0x2C, 0x24 # jmp *(%esp) note:(FWORD jmp)
51 | setCodeSelectorLongJump:
52 | addl $0x10, %esp
53 | ret
54 |
55 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 | # VOID
57 | # SetDataSelectors (
58 | # UINT16 Selector
59 | # );
60 | #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 | ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(SetDataSelectors)
62 | ASM_PFX(SetDataSelectors):
63 | movl 4(%esp), %ecx
64 | movw %cx, %ss
65 | movw %cx, %ds
66 | movw %cx, %es
67 | movw %cx, %fs
68 | movw %cx, %gs
69 | ret
70 |
71 | #---------------------------------------;
72 | # CommonInterruptEntry ;
73 | #---------------------------------------;
74 | # The follow algorithm is used for the common interrupt routine.
75 |
76 | ASM_GLOBAL ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry)
77 | ASM_PFX(CommonInterruptEntry):
78 | cli
79 | #
80 | # All interrupt handlers are invoked through interrupt gates, so
81 | # IF flag automatically cleared at the entry point
82 | #
83 |
84 | #
85 | # Calculate vector number
86 | #
87 | # Get the return address of call, actually, it is the
88 | # address of vector number.
89 | #
90 | xchgl (%esp), %ecx
91 | movw (%ecx), %cx
92 | andl $0x0FFFF, %ecx
93 | cmpl $32, %ecx # Intel reserved vector for exceptions?
94 | jae NoErrorCode
95 | bt %ecx, ASM_PFX(mErrorCodeFlag)
96 | jc HasErrorCode
97 |
98 | NoErrorCode:
99 |
100 | #
101 | # Stack:
102 | # +---------------------+
103 | # + EFlags +
104 | # +---------------------+
105 | # + CS +
106 | # +---------------------+
107 | # + EIP +
108 | # +---------------------+
109 | # + ECX +
110 | # +---------------------+ <-- ESP
111 | #
112 | # Registers:
113 | # ECX - Vector Number
114 | #
115 |
116 | #
117 | # Put Vector Number on stack
118 | #
119 | pushl %ecx
120 |
121 | #
122 | # Put 0 (dummy) error code on stack, and restore ECX
123 | #
124 | xorl %ecx, %ecx # ECX = 0
125 | xchgl 4(%esp), %ecx
126 |
127 | jmp ErrorCodeAndVectorOnStack
128 |
129 | HasErrorCode:
130 |
131 | #
132 | # Stack:
133 | # +---------------------+
134 | # + EFlags +
135 | # +---------------------+
136 | # + CS +
137 | # +---------------------+
138 | # + EIP +
139 | # +---------------------+
140 | # + Error Code +
141 | # +---------------------+
142 | # + ECX +
143 | # +---------------------+ <-- ESP
144 | #
145 | # Registers:
146 | # ECX - Vector Number
147 | #
148 |
149 | #
150 | # Put Vector Number on stack and restore ECX
151 | #
152 | xchgl (%esp), %ecx
153 |
154 | #
155 | # Fall through to join main routine code
156 | # at ErrorCodeAndVectorOnStack
157 | #
158 | CommonInterruptEntry_al_0000:
159 | jmp CommonInterruptEntry_al_0000
160 |
161 | ErrorCodeAndVectorOnStack:
162 | pushl %ebp
163 | movl %esp, %ebp
164 |
165 | #
166 | # Stack:
167 | # +---------------------+
168 | # + EFlags +
169 | # +---------------------+
170 | # + CS +
171 | # +---------------------+
172 | # + EIP +
173 | # +---------------------+
174 | # + Error Code +
175 | # +---------------------+
176 | # + Vector Number +
177 | # +---------------------+
178 | # + EBP +
179 | # +---------------------+ <-- EBP
180 | #
181 |
182 | #
183 | # Align stack to make sure that EFI_FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 of EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_IA32
184 | # is 16-byte aligned
185 | #
186 | andl $0x0fffffff0, %esp
187 | subl $12, %esp
188 |
189 | #; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax;
190 | pushl %eax
191 | pushl %ecx
192 | pushl %edx
193 | pushl %ebx
194 | leal 24(%ebp), %ecx
195 | pushl %ecx # ESP
196 | pushl (%ebp) # EBP
197 | pushl %esi
198 | pushl %edi
199 |
200 | #; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss;
201 | movl %ss, %eax
202 | pushl %eax
203 | movzwl 16(%ebp), %eax
204 | pushl %eax
205 | movl %ds, %eax
206 | pushl %eax
207 | movl %es, %eax
208 | pushl %eax
209 | movl %fs, %eax
210 | pushl %eax
211 | movl %gs, %eax
212 | pushl %eax
213 |
214 | #; UINT32 Eip;
215 | movl 12(%ebp), %eax
216 | pushl %eax
217 |
218 | #; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2];
219 | subl $8, %esp
220 | sidt (%esp)
221 | movl 2(%esp), %eax
222 | xchgl (%esp), %eax
223 | andl $0x0FFFF, %eax
224 | movl %eax, 4(%esp)
225 |
226 | subl $8, %esp
227 | sgdt (%esp)
228 | movl 2(%esp), %eax
229 | xchgl (%esp), %eax
230 | andl $0x0FFFF, %eax
231 | movl %eax, 4(%esp)
232 |
233 | #; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr;
234 | xorl %eax, %eax
235 | str %ax
236 | pushl %eax
237 | sldt %ax
238 | pushl %eax
239 |
240 | #; UINT32 EFlags;
241 | movl 20(%ebp), %eax
242 | pushl %eax
243 |
244 | #; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4;
245 | movl %cr4, %eax
246 | orl $0x208, %eax
247 | movl %eax, %cr4
248 | pushl %eax
249 | movl %cr3, %eax
250 | pushl %eax
251 | movl %cr2, %eax
252 | pushl %eax
253 | xorl %eax, %eax
254 | pushl %eax
255 | movl %cr0, %eax
256 | pushl %eax
257 |
258 | #; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7;
259 | movl %dr7, %eax
260 | pushl %eax
261 | movl %dr6, %eax
262 | pushl %eax
263 | movl %dr3, %eax
264 | pushl %eax
265 | movl %dr2, %eax
266 | pushl %eax
267 | movl %dr1, %eax
268 | pushl %eax
269 | movl %dr0, %eax
270 | pushl %eax
271 |
272 | #; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState;
273 | subl $512, %esp
274 | movl %esp, %edi
275 | .byte 0x0f, 0x0ae, 0x07 #fxsave [edi]
276 |
277 | #; UEFI calling convention for IA32 requires that Direction flag in EFLAGs is clear
278 | cld
279 |
280 | #; UINT32 ExceptionData;
281 | pushl 8(%ebp)
282 |
283 | #; call into exception handler
284 | movl ExternalVectorTablePtr, %eax # get the interrupt vectors base
285 | orl %eax, %eax # NULL?
286 | jz nullExternalExceptionHandler
287 |
288 | mov 4(%ebp), %ecx
289 | movl (%eax,%ecx,4), %eax
290 | orl %eax, %eax # NULL?
291 | jz nullExternalExceptionHandler
292 |
293 | #; Prepare parameter and call
294 | movl %esp, %edx
295 | pushl %edx
296 | movl 4(%ebp), %edx
297 | pushl %edx
298 |
299 | #
300 | # Call External Exception Handler
301 | #
302 | call *%eax
303 | addl $8, %esp
304 |
305 | nullExternalExceptionHandler:
306 |
307 | cli
308 | #; UINT32 ExceptionData;
309 | addl $4, %esp
310 |
311 | #; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState;
312 | movl %esp, %esi
313 | .byte 0x0f, 0x0ae, 0x0e # fxrstor [esi]
314 | addl $512, %esp
315 |
316 | #; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7;
317 | #; Skip restoration of DRx registers to support in-circuit emualators
318 | #; or debuggers set breakpoint in interrupt/exception context
319 | addl $24, %esp
320 |
321 | #; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4;
322 | popl %eax
323 | movl %eax, %cr0
324 | addl $4, %esp # not for Cr1
325 | popl %eax
326 | movl %eax, %cr2
327 | popl %eax
328 | movl %eax, %cr3
329 | popl %eax
330 | movl %eax, %cr4
331 |
332 | #; UINT32 EFlags;
333 | popl 20(%ebp)
334 |
335 | #; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr;
336 | #; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2];
337 | #; Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers...
338 | addl $24, %esp
339 |
340 | #; UINT32 Eip;
341 | popl 12(%ebp)
342 |
343 | #; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss;
344 | #; NOTE - modified segment registers could hang the debugger... We
345 | #; could attempt to insulate ourselves against this possibility,
346 | #; but that poses risks as well.
347 | #;
348 | popl %gs
349 | popl %fs
350 | popl %es
351 | popl %ds
352 | popl 16(%ebp)
353 | popl %ss
354 |
355 | #; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax;
356 | popl %edi
357 | popl %esi
358 | addl $4, %esp # not for ebp
359 | addl $4, %esp # not for esp
360 | popl %ebx
361 | popl %edx
362 | popl %ecx
363 | popl %eax
364 |
365 | movl %ebp, %esp
366 | popl %ebp
367 | addl $8, %esp
368 | iretl
369 |
370 |
371 | #END
372 |