1 | /** @file
2 | Public include file for Local APIC library.
3 |
4 | Local APIC library assumes local APIC is enabled. It does not
5 | handles cases where local APIC is disabled.
6 |
7 | Copyright (c) 2010 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | **/
11 |
12 | #ifndef __LOCAL_APIC_LIB_H__
13 | #define __LOCAL_APIC_LIB_H__
14 |
15 | #define LOCAL_APIC_MODE_XAPIC 0x1 ///< xAPIC mode.
16 | #define LOCAL_APIC_MODE_X2APIC 0x2 ///< x2APIC mode.
17 |
18 | /**
19 | Retrieve the base address of local APIC.
20 |
21 | @return The base address of local APIC.
22 |
23 | **/
24 | UINTN
26 | GetLocalApicBaseAddress (
27 | VOID
28 | );
29 |
30 | /**
31 | Set the base address of local APIC.
32 |
33 | If BaseAddress is not aligned on a 4KB boundary, then ASSERT().
34 |
35 | @param[in] BaseAddress Local APIC base address to be set.
36 |
37 | **/
38 | VOID
40 | SetLocalApicBaseAddress (
41 | IN UINTN BaseAddress
42 | );
43 |
44 | /**
45 | Get the current local APIC mode.
46 |
47 | If local APIC is disabled, then ASSERT.
48 |
49 | @retval LOCAL_APIC_MODE_XAPIC current APIC mode is xAPIC.
50 | @retval LOCAL_APIC_MODE_X2APIC current APIC mode is x2APIC.
51 | **/
52 | UINTN
54 | GetApicMode (
55 | VOID
56 | );
57 |
58 | /**
59 | Set the current local APIC mode.
60 |
61 | If the specified local APIC mode is not valid, then ASSERT.
62 | If the specified local APIC mode can't be set as current, then ASSERT.
63 |
64 | @param ApicMode APIC mode to be set.
65 |
66 | @note This API must not be called from an interrupt handler or SMI handler.
67 | It may result in unpredictable behavior.
68 | **/
69 | VOID
71 | SetApicMode (
72 | IN UINTN ApicMode
73 | );
74 |
75 | /**
76 | Get the initial local APIC ID of the executing processor assigned by hardware upon power on or reset.
77 |
78 | In xAPIC mode, the initial local APIC ID may be different from current APIC ID.
79 | In x2APIC mode, the local APIC ID can't be changed and there is no concept of initial APIC ID. In this case,
80 | the 32-bit local APIC ID is returned as initial APIC ID.
81 |
82 | @return 32-bit initial local APIC ID of the executing processor.
83 | **/
84 | UINT32
86 | GetInitialApicId (
87 | VOID
88 | );
89 |
90 | /**
91 | Get the local APIC ID of the executing processor.
92 |
93 | @return 32-bit local APIC ID of the executing processor.
94 | **/
95 | UINT32
97 | GetApicId (
98 | VOID
99 | );
100 |
101 | /**
102 | Get the value of the local APIC version register.
103 |
104 | @return the value of the local APIC version register.
105 | **/
106 | UINT32
107 | EFIAPI
108 | GetApicVersion (
109 | VOID
110 | );
111 |
112 | /**
113 | Send a Fixed IPI to a specified target processor.
114 |
115 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processor.
116 |
117 | @param ApicId The local APIC ID of the target processor.
118 | @param Vector The vector number of the interrupt being sent.
119 | **/
120 | VOID
121 | EFIAPI
122 | SendFixedIpi (
123 | IN UINT32 ApicId,
124 | IN UINT8 Vector
125 | );
126 |
127 | /**
128 | Send a Fixed IPI to all processors excluding self.
129 |
130 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processors.
131 |
132 | @param Vector The vector number of the interrupt being sent.
133 | **/
134 | VOID
135 | EFIAPI
136 | SendFixedIpiAllExcludingSelf (
137 | IN UINT8 Vector
138 | );
139 |
140 | /**
141 | Send a SMI IPI to a specified target processor.
142 |
143 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processor.
144 |
145 | @param ApicId Specify the local APIC ID of the target processor.
146 | **/
147 | VOID
148 | EFIAPI
149 | SendSmiIpi (
150 | IN UINT32 ApicId
151 | );
152 |
153 | /**
154 | Send a SMI IPI to all processors excluding self.
155 |
156 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processors.
157 | **/
158 | VOID
159 | EFIAPI
160 | SendSmiIpiAllExcludingSelf (
161 | VOID
162 | );
163 |
164 | /**
165 | Send an INIT IPI to a specified target processor.
166 |
167 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processor.
168 |
169 | @param ApicId Specify the local APIC ID of the target processor.
170 | **/
171 | VOID
172 | EFIAPI
173 | SendInitIpi (
174 | IN UINT32 ApicId
175 | );
176 |
177 | /**
178 | Send an INIT IPI to all processors excluding self.
179 |
180 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processors.
181 | **/
182 | VOID
183 | EFIAPI
184 | SendInitIpiAllExcludingSelf (
185 | VOID
186 | );
187 |
188 | /**
189 | Send an INIT-Start-up-Start-up IPI sequence to a specified target processor.
190 |
191 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processor.
192 |
193 | if StartupRoutine >= 1M, then ASSERT.
194 | if StartupRoutine is not multiple of 4K, then ASSERT.
195 |
196 | @param ApicId Specify the local APIC ID of the target processor.
197 | @param StartupRoutine Points to a start-up routine which is below 1M physical
198 | address and 4K aligned.
199 | **/
200 | VOID
201 | EFIAPI
202 | SendInitSipiSipi (
203 | IN UINT32 ApicId,
204 | IN UINT32 StartupRoutine
205 | );
206 |
207 | /**
208 | Send an INIT-Start-up-Start-up IPI sequence to all processors excluding self.
209 |
210 | This function returns after the IPI has been accepted by the target processors.
211 |
212 | if StartupRoutine >= 1M, then ASSERT.
213 | if StartupRoutine is not multiple of 4K, then ASSERT.
214 |
215 | @param StartupRoutine Points to a start-up routine which is below 1M physical
216 | address and 4K aligned.
217 | **/
218 | VOID
219 | EFIAPI
220 | SendInitSipiSipiAllExcludingSelf (
221 | IN UINT32 StartupRoutine
222 | );
223 |
224 | /**
225 | Initialize the state of the SoftwareEnable bit in the Local APIC
226 | Spurious Interrupt Vector register.
227 |
228 | @param Enable If TRUE, then set SoftwareEnable to 1
229 | If FALSE, then set SoftwareEnable to 0.
230 |
231 | **/
232 | VOID
233 | EFIAPI
234 | InitializeLocalApicSoftwareEnable (
235 | IN BOOLEAN Enable
236 | );
237 |
238 | /**
239 | Programming Virtual Wire Mode.
240 |
241 | This function programs the local APIC for virtual wire mode following
242 | the example described in chapter A.3 of the MP 1.4 spec.
243 |
244 | IOxAPIC is not involved in this type of virtual wire mode.
245 | **/
246 | VOID
247 | EFIAPI
248 | ProgramVirtualWireMode (
249 | VOID
250 | );
251 |
252 | /**
253 | Disable LINT0 & LINT1 interrupts.
254 |
255 | This function sets the mask flag in the LVT LINT0 & LINT1 registers.
256 | **/
257 | VOID
258 | EFIAPI
259 | DisableLvtInterrupts (
260 | VOID
261 | );
262 |
263 | /**
264 | Read the initial count value from the init-count register.
265 |
266 | @return The initial count value read from the init-count register.
267 | **/
268 | UINT32
269 | EFIAPI
270 | GetApicTimerInitCount (
271 | VOID
272 | );
273 |
274 | /**
275 | Read the current count value from the current-count register.
276 |
277 | @return The current count value read from the current-count register.
278 | **/
279 | UINT32
280 | EFIAPI
281 | GetApicTimerCurrentCount (
282 | VOID
283 | );
284 |
285 | /**
286 | Initialize the local APIC timer.
287 |
288 | The local APIC timer is initialized and enabled.
289 |
290 | @param DivideValue The divide value for the DCR. It is one of 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128.
291 | If it is 0, then use the current divide value in the DCR.
292 | @param InitCount The initial count value.
293 | @param PeriodicMode If TRUE, timer mode is peridoic. Othewise, timer mode is one-shot.
294 | @param Vector The timer interrupt vector number.
295 | **/
296 | VOID
297 | EFIAPI
298 | InitializeApicTimer (
299 | IN UINTN DivideValue,
300 | IN UINT32 InitCount,
301 | IN BOOLEAN PeriodicMode,
302 | IN UINT8 Vector
303 | );
304 |
305 | /**
306 | Get the state of the local APIC timer.
307 |
308 | @param DivideValue Return the divide value for the DCR. It is one of 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128.
309 | @param PeriodicMode Return the timer mode. If TRUE, timer mode is peridoic. Othewise, timer mode is one-shot.
310 | @param Vector Return the timer interrupt vector number.
311 | **/
312 | VOID
313 | EFIAPI
314 | GetApicTimerState (
315 | OUT UINTN *DivideValue OPTIONAL,
316 | OUT BOOLEAN *PeriodicMode OPTIONAL,
317 | OUT UINT8 *Vector OPTIONAL
318 | );
319 |
320 | /**
321 | Enable the local APIC timer interrupt.
322 | **/
323 | VOID
324 | EFIAPI
325 | EnableApicTimerInterrupt (
326 | VOID
327 | );
328 |
329 | /**
330 | Disable the local APIC timer interrupt.
331 | **/
332 | VOID
333 | EFIAPI
334 | DisableApicTimerInterrupt (
335 | VOID
336 | );
337 |
338 | /**
339 | Get the local APIC timer interrupt state.
340 |
341 | @retval TRUE The local APIC timer interrupt is enabled.
342 | @retval FALSE The local APIC timer interrupt is disabled.
343 | **/
345 | EFIAPI
346 | GetApicTimerInterruptState (
347 | VOID
348 | );
349 |
350 | /**
351 | Send EOI to the local APIC.
352 | **/
353 | VOID
354 | EFIAPI
355 | SendApicEoi (
356 | VOID
357 | );
358 |
359 | /**
360 | Get the 32-bit address that a device should use to send a Message Signaled
361 | Interrupt (MSI) to the Local APIC of the currently executing processor.
362 |
363 | @return 32-bit address used to send an MSI to the Local APIC.
364 | **/
365 | UINT32
366 | EFIAPI
367 | GetApicMsiAddress (
368 | VOID
369 | );
370 |
371 | /**
372 | Get the 64-bit data value that a device should use to send a Message Signaled
373 | Interrupt (MSI) to the Local APIC of the currently executing processor.
374 |
375 | If Vector is not in range 0x10..0xFE, then ASSERT().
376 | If DeliveryMode is not supported, then ASSERT().
377 |
378 | @param Vector The 8-bit interrupt vector associated with the MSI.
379 | Must be in the range 0x10..0xFE
380 | @param DeliveryMode A 3-bit value that specifies how the recept of the MSI
381 | is handled. The only supported values are:
388 |
389 | @param LevelTriggered TRUE specifies a level triggered interrupt.
390 | FALSE specifies an edge triggered interrupt.
391 | @param AssertionLevel Ignored if LevelTriggered is FALSE.
392 | TRUE specifies a level triggered interrupt that active
393 | when the interrupt line is asserted.
394 | FALSE specifies a level triggered interrupt that active
395 | when the interrupt line is deasserted.
396 |
397 | @return 64-bit data value used to send an MSI to the Local APIC.
398 | **/
399 | UINT64
400 | EFIAPI
401 | GetApicMsiValue (
402 | IN UINT8 Vector,
403 | IN UINTN DeliveryMode,
404 | IN BOOLEAN LevelTriggered,
405 | IN BOOLEAN AssertionLevel
406 | );
407 |
408 | /**
409 | Get Package ID/Core ID/Thread ID of a processor.
410 |
411 | The algorithm assumes the target system has symmetry across physical
412 | package boundaries with respect to the number of logical processors
413 | per package, number of cores per package.
414 |
415 | @param[in] InitialApicId Initial APIC ID of the target logical processor.
416 | @param[out] Package Returns the processor package ID.
417 | @param[out] Core Returns the processor core ID.
418 | @param[out] Thread Returns the processor thread ID.
419 | **/
420 | VOID
421 | EFIAPI
422 | GetProcessorLocationByApicId (
423 | IN UINT32 InitialApicId,
424 | OUT UINT32 *Package OPTIONAL,
425 | OUT UINT32 *Core OPTIONAL,
426 | OUT UINT32 *Thread OPTIONAL
427 | );
428 |
429 | /**
430 | Get Package ID/Module ID/Tile ID/Die ID/Core ID/Thread ID of a processor.
431 |
432 | The algorithm assumes the target system has symmetry across physical
433 | package boundaries with respect to the number of threads per core, number of
434 | cores per module, number of modules per tile, number of tiles per die, number
435 | of dies per package.
436 |
437 | @param[in] InitialApicId Initial APIC ID of the target logical processor.
438 | @param[out] Package Returns the processor package ID.
439 | @param[out] Die Returns the processor die ID.
440 | @param[out] Tile Returns the processor tile ID.
441 | @param[out] Module Returns the processor module ID.
442 | @param[out] Core Returns the processor core ID.
443 | @param[out] Thread Returns the processor thread ID.
444 | **/
445 | VOID
446 | EFIAPI
447 | GetProcessorLocation2ByApicId (
448 | IN UINT32 InitialApicId,
449 | OUT UINT32 *Package OPTIONAL,
451 | OUT UINT32 *Tile OPTIONAL,
452 | OUT UINT32 *Module OPTIONAL,
453 | OUT UINT32 *Core OPTIONAL,
454 | OUT UINT32 *Thread OPTIONAL
455 | );
456 | #endif
457 |