1 | /** @file
2 | Library that provides CPU specific functions to support the PiSmmCpuDxeSmm module.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2015 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #ifndef __SMM_FEATURES_LIB_H__
10 | #define __SMM_FEATURES_LIB_H__
11 |
12 | #include <Protocol/MpService.h>
13 | #include <Protocol/SmmCpu.h>
14 | #include <Register/Intel/SmramSaveStateMap.h>
15 | #include <CpuHotPlugData.h>
16 |
17 | ///
18 | /// Enumeration of SMM registers that are accessed using the library functions
19 | /// SmmCpuFeaturesIsSmmRegisterSupported (), SmmCpuFeaturesGetSmmRegister (),
20 | /// and SmmCpuFeaturesSetSmmRegister ().
21 | ///
22 | typedef enum {
23 | ///
24 | /// Read-write register to provides access to MSR_SMM_FEATURE_CONTROL if the
25 | /// CPU supports this MSR.
26 | ///
27 | SmmRegFeatureControl,
28 | ///
29 | /// Read-only register that returns a non-zero value if the CPU is able to
30 | /// respond to SMIs.
31 | ///
32 | SmmRegSmmEnable,
33 | ///
34 | /// Read-only register that returns a non-zero value if the CPU is able to
35 | /// respond to SMIs, but is busy with other actions that are causing a delay
36 | /// in responding to an SMI. This register abstracts access to MSR_SMM_DELAYED
37 | /// if the CPU supports this MSR.
38 | ///
39 | SmmRegSmmDelayed,
40 | ///
41 | /// Read-only register that returns a non-zero value if the CPU is able to
42 | /// respond to SMIs, but is busy with other actions that are blocking its
43 | /// ability to respond to an SMI. This register abstracts access to
44 | /// MSR_SMM_BLOCKED if the CPU supports this MSR.
45 | ///
46 | SmmRegSmmBlocked
47 | } SMM_REG_NAME;
48 |
49 | /**
50 | Called during the very first SMI into System Management Mode to initialize
51 | CPU features, including SMBASE, for the currently executing CPU. Since this
52 | is the first SMI, the SMRAM Save State Map is at the default address of
54 | CPU is specified by CpuIndex and CpuIndex can be used to access information
55 | about the currently executing CPU in the ProcessorInfo array and the
56 | HotPlugCpuData data structure.
57 |
58 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to initialize. The value
59 | must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in
60 | the System Management System Table (SMST).
61 | @param[in] IsMonarch TRUE if the CpuIndex is the index of the CPU that
62 | was elected as monarch during System Management
63 | Mode initialization.
64 | FALSE if the CpuIndex is not the index of the CPU
65 | that was elected as monarch during System
66 | Management Mode initialization.
67 | @param[in] ProcessorInfo Pointer to an array of EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION
68 | structures. ProcessorInfo[CpuIndex] contains the
69 | information for the currently executing CPU.
70 | @param[in] CpuHotPlugData Pointer to the CPU_HOT_PLUG_DATA structure that
71 | contains the ApidId and SmBase arrays.
72 | **/
73 | VOID
75 | SmmCpuFeaturesInitializeProcessor (
76 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
77 | IN BOOLEAN IsMonarch,
79 | IN CPU_HOT_PLUG_DATA *CpuHotPlugData
80 | );
81 |
82 | /**
83 | This function updates the SMRAM save state on the currently executing CPU
84 | to resume execution at a specific address after an RSM instruction. This
85 | function must evaluate the SMRAM save state to determine the execution mode
86 | the RSM instruction resumes and update the resume execution address with
87 | either NewInstructionPointer32 or NewInstructionPoint. The auto HALT restart
88 | flag in the SMRAM save state must always be cleared. This function returns
89 | the value of the instruction pointer from the SMRAM save state that was
90 | replaced. If this function returns 0, then the SMRAM save state was not
91 | modified.
92 |
93 | This function is called during the very first SMI on each CPU after
94 | SmmCpuFeaturesInitializeProcessor() to set a flag in normal execution mode
95 | to signal that the SMBASE of each CPU has been updated before the default
96 | SMBASE address is used for the first SMI to the next CPU.
97 |
98 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to hook. The value
99 | must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus
100 | field in the System Management System Table
101 | (SMST).
102 | @param[in] CpuState Pointer to SMRAM Save State Map for the
103 | currently executing CPU.
104 | @param[in] NewInstructionPointer32 Instruction pointer to use if resuming to
105 | 32-bit execution mode from 64-bit SMM.
106 | @param[in] NewInstructionPointer Instruction pointer to use if resuming to
107 | same execution mode as SMM.
108 |
109 | @retval 0 This function did modify the SMRAM save state.
110 | @retval > 0 The original instruction pointer value from the SMRAM save state
111 | before it was replaced.
112 | **/
113 | UINT64
114 | EFIAPI
115 | SmmCpuFeaturesHookReturnFromSmm (
116 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
118 | IN UINT64 NewInstructionPointer32,
119 | IN UINT64 NewInstructionPointer
120 | );
121 |
122 | /**
123 | Hook point in normal execution mode that allows the one CPU that was elected
124 | as monarch during System Management Mode initialization to perform additional
125 | initialization actions immediately after all of the CPUs have processed their
126 | first SMI and called SmmCpuFeaturesInitializeProcessor() relocating SMBASE
127 | into a buffer in SMRAM and called SmmCpuFeaturesHookReturnFromSmm().
128 | **/
129 | VOID
130 | EFIAPI
131 | SmmCpuFeaturesSmmRelocationComplete (
132 | VOID
133 | );
134 |
135 | /**
136 | Return the size, in bytes, of a custom SMI Handler in bytes. If 0 is
137 | returned, then a custom SMI handler is not provided by this library,
138 | and the default SMI handler must be used.
139 |
140 | @retval 0 Use the default SMI handler.
141 | @retval > 0 Use the SMI handler installed by SmmCpuFeaturesInstallSmiHandler()
142 | The caller is required to allocate enough SMRAM for each CPU to
143 | support the size of the custom SMI handler.
144 | **/
145 | UINTN
146 | EFIAPI
147 | SmmCpuFeaturesGetSmiHandlerSize (
148 | VOID
149 | );
150 |
151 | /**
152 | Install a custom SMI handler for the CPU specified by CpuIndex. This function
153 | is only called if SmmCpuFeaturesGetSmiHandlerSize() returns a size is greater
154 | than zero and is called by the CPU that was elected as monarch during System
155 | Management Mode initialization.
156 |
157 | //
158 | // Append Shadow Stack after normal stack
159 | //
160 | // |= SmiStack
161 | // +--------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
162 | // | Known Good Stack | Guard Page | SMM Stack | Known Good Shadow Stack | Guard Page | SMM Shadow Stack |
163 | // +--------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
164 | // | |PcdCpuSmmStackSize| |PcdCpuSmmShadowStackSize|
165 | // |<-------------------- StackSize ----------------->|<------------------------- ShadowStackSize ------------------->|
166 | // | |
167 | // |<-------------------------------------------- Processor N ------------------------------------------------------->|
168 | // | low address (bottom) high address (top) |
169 | //
170 |
171 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to install the custom SMI handler.
172 | The value must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field
173 | in the System Management System Table (SMST).
174 | @param[in] SmBase The SMBASE address for the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
175 | @param[in] SmiStack The bottom of stack to use when an SMI is processed by the
176 | the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
177 | @param[in] StackSize The size, in bytes, if the stack used when an SMI is
178 | processed by the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
179 | StackSize should be PcdCpuSmmStackSize, with 2 more pages
180 | if PcdCpuSmmStackGuard is true.
181 | If ShadowStack is enabled, the shadow stack is allocated
182 | after the normal Stack. The size is PcdCpuSmmShadowStackSize.
183 | with 2 more pages if PcdCpuSmmStackGuard is true.
184 | @param[in] GdtBase The base address of the GDT to use when an SMI is
185 | processed by the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
186 | @param[in] GdtSize The size, in bytes, of the GDT used when an SMI is
187 | processed by the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
188 | @param[in] IdtBase The base address of the IDT to use when an SMI is
189 | processed by the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
190 | @param[in] IdtSize The size, in bytes, of the IDT used when an SMI is
191 | processed by the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
192 | @param[in] Cr3 The base address of the page tables to use when an SMI
193 | is processed by the CPU specified by CpuIndex.
194 | **/
195 | VOID
196 | EFIAPI
197 | SmmCpuFeaturesInstallSmiHandler (
198 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
199 | IN UINT32 SmBase,
200 | IN VOID *SmiStack,
201 | IN UINTN StackSize,
202 | IN UINTN GdtBase,
203 | IN UINTN GdtSize,
204 | IN UINTN IdtBase,
205 | IN UINTN IdtSize,
206 | IN UINT32 Cr3
207 | );
208 |
209 | /**
210 | Determines if MTRR registers must be configured to set SMRAM cache-ability
211 | when executing in System Management Mode.
212 |
213 | @retval TRUE MTRR registers must be configured to set SMRAM cache-ability.
214 | @retval FALSE MTRR registers do not need to be configured to set SMRAM
215 | cache-ability.
216 | **/
218 | EFIAPI
219 | SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs (
220 | VOID
221 | );
222 |
223 | /**
224 | Disable SMRR register if SMRR is supported and SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs()
225 | returns TRUE.
226 | **/
227 | VOID
228 | EFIAPI
229 | SmmCpuFeaturesDisableSmrr (
230 | VOID
231 | );
232 |
233 | /**
234 | Enable SMRR register if SMRR is supported and SmmCpuFeaturesNeedConfigureMtrrs()
235 | returns TRUE.
236 | **/
237 | VOID
238 | EFIAPI
239 | SmmCpuFeaturesReenableSmrr (
240 | VOID
241 | );
242 |
243 | /**
244 | Processor specific hook point each time a CPU enters System Management Mode.
245 |
246 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU that has entered SMM. The value
247 | must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in the
248 | System Management System Table (SMST).
249 | **/
250 | VOID
251 | EFIAPI
252 | SmmCpuFeaturesRendezvousEntry (
253 | IN UINTN CpuIndex
254 | );
255 |
256 | /**
257 | Processor specific hook point each time a CPU exits System Management Mode.
258 |
259 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU that is exiting SMM. The value must
260 | be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in the System
261 | Management System Table (SMST).
262 | **/
263 | VOID
264 | EFIAPI
265 | SmmCpuFeaturesRendezvousExit (
266 | IN UINTN CpuIndex
267 | );
268 |
269 | /**
270 | Check to see if an SMM register is supported by a specified CPU.
271 |
272 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to check for SMM register support.
273 | The value must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field
274 | in the System Management System Table (SMST).
275 | @param[in] RegName Identifies the SMM register to check for support.
276 |
277 | @retval TRUE The SMM register specified by RegName is supported by the CPU
278 | specified by CpuIndex.
279 | @retval FALSE The SMM register specified by RegName is not supported by the
280 | CPU specified by CpuIndex.
281 | **/
283 | EFIAPI
284 | SmmCpuFeaturesIsSmmRegisterSupported (
285 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
286 | IN SMM_REG_NAME RegName
287 | );
288 |
289 | /**
290 | Returns the current value of the SMM register for the specified CPU.
291 | If the SMM register is not supported, then 0 is returned.
292 |
293 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to read the SMM register. The
294 | value must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in
295 | the System Management System Table (SMST).
296 | @param[in] RegName Identifies the SMM register to read.
297 |
298 | @return The value of the SMM register specified by RegName from the CPU
299 | specified by CpuIndex.
300 | **/
301 | UINT64
302 | EFIAPI
303 | SmmCpuFeaturesGetSmmRegister (
304 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
305 | IN SMM_REG_NAME RegName
306 | );
307 |
308 | /**
309 | Sets the value of an SMM register on a specified CPU.
310 | If the SMM register is not supported, then no action is performed.
311 |
312 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to write the SMM register. The
313 | value must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in
314 | the System Management System Table (SMST).
315 | @param[in] RegName Identifies the SMM register to write.
316 | registers are read-only.
317 | @param[in] Value The value to write to the SMM register.
318 | **/
319 | VOID
320 | EFIAPI
321 | SmmCpuFeaturesSetSmmRegister (
322 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
323 | IN SMM_REG_NAME RegName,
324 | IN UINT64 Value
325 | );
326 |
327 | /**
328 | Read an SMM Save State register on the target processor. If this function
329 | returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED, then the caller is responsible for reading the
330 | SMM Save Sate register.
331 |
332 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to read the SMM Save State. The
333 | value must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in
334 | the System Management System Table (SMST).
335 | @param[in] Register The SMM Save State register to read.
336 | @param[in] Width The number of bytes to read from the CPU save state.
337 | @param[out] Buffer Upon return, this holds the CPU register value read
338 | from the save state.
339 |
340 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The register was read from Save State.
341 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is NULL.
342 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function does not support reading Register.
343 |
344 | **/
346 | EFIAPI
347 | SmmCpuFeaturesReadSaveStateRegister (
348 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
350 | IN UINTN Width,
351 | OUT VOID *Buffer
352 | );
353 |
354 | /**
355 | Writes an SMM Save State register on the target processor. If this function
356 | returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED, then the caller is responsible for writing the
357 | SMM Save Sate register.
358 |
359 | @param[in] CpuIndex The index of the CPU to write the SMM Save State. The
360 | value must be between 0 and the NumberOfCpus field in
361 | the System Management System Table (SMST).
362 | @param[in] Register The SMM Save State register to write.
363 | @param[in] Width The number of bytes to write to the CPU save state.
364 | @param[in] Buffer Upon entry, this holds the new CPU register value.
365 |
366 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The register was written to Save State.
367 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Buffer is NULL.
368 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function does not support writing Register.
369 | **/
371 | EFIAPI
372 | SmmCpuFeaturesWriteSaveStateRegister (
373 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
375 | IN UINTN Width,
376 | IN CONST VOID *Buffer
377 | );
378 |
379 | /**
380 | This function is hook point called after the gEfiSmmReadyToLockProtocolGuid
381 | notification is completely processed.
382 | **/
383 | VOID
384 | EFIAPI
385 | SmmCpuFeaturesCompleteSmmReadyToLock (
386 | VOID
387 | );
388 |
389 | /**
390 | This API provides a method for a CPU to allocate a specific region for storing page tables.
391 |
392 | This API can be called more once to allocate memory for page tables.
393 |
394 | Allocates the number of 4KB pages of type EfiRuntimeServicesData and returns a pointer to the
395 | allocated buffer. The buffer returned is aligned on a 4KB boundary. If Pages is 0, then NULL
396 | is returned. If there is not enough memory remaining to satisfy the request, then NULL is
397 | returned.
398 |
399 | This function can also return NULL if there is no preference on where the page tables are allocated in SMRAM.
400 |
401 | @param Pages The number of 4 KB pages to allocate.
402 |
403 | @return A pointer to the allocated buffer for page tables.
404 | @retval NULL Fail to allocate a specific region for storing page tables,
405 | Or there is no preference on where the page tables are allocated in SMRAM.
406 |
407 | **/
408 | VOID *
409 | EFIAPI
410 | SmmCpuFeaturesAllocatePageTableMemory (
411 | IN UINTN Pages
412 | );
413 |
414 | #endif