1 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
2 | ; Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
3 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
4 | ;
5 | ; Module Name:
6 | ;
7 | ; MpFuncs.nasm
8 | ;
9 | ; Abstract:
10 | ;
11 | ; This is the assembly code for Multi-processor S3 support
12 | ;
13 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 |
15 | SECTION .text
16 |
17 | extern ASM_PFX(InitializeFloatingPointUnits)
18 |
19 | %define VacantFlag 0x0
20 | %define NotVacantFlag 0xff
21 |
22 | %define LockLocation RendezvousFunnelProcEnd - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
23 | %define StackStart LockLocation + 0x4
24 | %define StackSize LockLocation + 0x8
25 | %define RendezvousProc LockLocation + 0xC
26 | %define GdtrProfile LockLocation + 0x10
27 | %define IdtrProfile LockLocation + 0x16
28 | %define BufferStart LockLocation + 0x1C
29 |
30 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 | ;RendezvousFunnelProc procedure follows. All APs execute their procedure. This
32 | ;procedure serializes all the AP processors through an Init sequence. It must be
33 | ;noted that APs arrive here very raw...ie: real mode, no stack.
36 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 | ;RendezvousFunnelProc (&WakeUpBuffer,MemAddress);
38 |
39 | BITS 16
40 | global ASM_PFX(RendezvousFunnelProc)
41 | ASM_PFX(RendezvousFunnelProc):
42 | RendezvousFunnelProcStart:
43 |
44 | ; At this point CS = 0x(vv00) and ip= 0x0.
45 |
46 | mov ax, cs
47 | mov ds, ax
48 | mov es, ax
49 | mov ss, ax
50 | xor ax, ax
51 | mov fs, ax
52 | mov gs, ax
53 |
54 | flat32Start:
55 |
56 | mov si, BufferStart
57 | mov edx,dword [si] ; EDX is keeping the start address of wakeup buffer
58 |
59 | mov si, GdtrProfile
60 | o32 lgdt [cs:si]
61 |
62 | mov si, IdtrProfile
63 | o32 lidt [cs:si]
64 |
65 | xor ax, ax
66 | mov ds, ax
67 |
68 | mov eax, cr0 ; Get control register 0
69 | or eax, 0x000000001 ; Set PE bit (bit #0)
70 | mov cr0, eax
71 |
72 | FLAT32_JUMP:
73 |
74 | a32 jmp dword 0x20:0x0
75 |
76 | BITS 32
77 | PMODE_ENTRY: ; protected mode entry point
78 |
79 | mov ax, 0x8
80 | o16 mov ds, ax
81 | o16 mov es, ax
82 | o16 mov fs, ax
83 | o16 mov gs, ax
84 | o16 mov ss, ax ; Flat mode setup.
85 |
86 | mov esi, edx
87 |
88 | mov edi, esi
89 | add edi, LockLocation
90 | mov al, NotVacantFlag
91 | TestLock:
92 | xchg byte [edi], al
93 | cmp al, NotVacantFlag
94 | jz TestLock
95 |
96 | ProgramStack:
97 |
98 | mov edi, esi
99 | add edi, StackSize
100 | mov eax, dword [edi]
101 | mov edi, esi
102 | add edi, StackStart
103 | add eax, dword [edi]
104 | mov esp, eax
105 | mov dword [edi], eax
106 |
107 | Releaselock:
108 |
109 | mov al, VacantFlag
110 | mov edi, esi
111 | add edi, LockLocation
112 | xchg byte [edi], al
113 |
114 | ;
115 | ; Call assembly function to initialize FPU.
116 | ;
117 | mov ebx, ASM_PFX(InitializeFloatingPointUnits)
118 | call ebx
119 | ;
120 | ; Call C Function
121 | ;
122 | mov edi, esi
123 | add edi, RendezvousProc
124 | mov eax, dword [edi]
125 |
126 | test eax, eax
127 | jz GoToSleep
128 | call eax ; Call C function
129 |
130 | GoToSleep:
131 | cli
132 | hlt
133 | jmp $-2
134 |
135 | RendezvousFunnelProcEnd:
136 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 | ; AsmGetAddressMap (&AddressMap);
138 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 | global ASM_PFX(AsmGetAddressMap)
140 | ASM_PFX(AsmGetAddressMap):
141 |
142 | pushad
143 | mov ebp,esp
144 |
145 | mov ebx, dword [ebp+0x24]
146 | mov dword [ebx], RendezvousFunnelProcStart
147 | mov dword [ebx+0x4], PMODE_ENTRY - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
148 | mov dword [ebx+0x8], FLAT32_JUMP - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
149 | mov dword [ebx+0xc], RendezvousFunnelProcEnd - RendezvousFunnelProcStart
150 |
151 | popad
152 | ret
153 |