1 | /** @file
2 | SMM MP perf-logging implementation
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 |
8 | **/
9 |
10 | #include "PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.h"
11 |
12 | #define SMM_MP_PERF_PROCEDURE_NAME(procedure) # procedure
14 | CHAR8 *gSmmMpPerfProcedureName[] = {
16 | };
17 | //
18 | // Each element holds the performance data for one processor.
19 | //
21 | SMM_PERF_AP_PROCEDURE_PERFORMANCE *mSmmMpProcedurePerformance = NULL;
22 |
23 | /**
24 | Initialize the perf-logging feature for APs.
25 |
26 | @param NumberofCpus Number of processors in the platform.
27 | **/
28 | VOID
29 | InitializeMpPerf (
30 | UINTN NumberofCpus
31 | )
32 | {
33 | mSmmMpProcedurePerformance = AllocateZeroPool (NumberofCpus * sizeof (*mSmmMpProcedurePerformance));
34 | ASSERT (mSmmMpProcedurePerformance != NULL);
35 | }
36 |
37 | /**
38 | Migrate MP performance data to standardized performance database.
39 |
40 | @param NumberofCpus Number of processors in the platform.
41 | @param BspIndex The index of the BSP.
42 | **/
43 | VOID
44 | MigrateMpPerf (
45 | UINTN NumberofCpus,
46 | UINTN BspIndex
47 | )
48 | {
49 | UINTN CpuIndex;
50 | UINTN MpProcecureId;
51 |
52 | for (CpuIndex = 0; CpuIndex < NumberofCpus; CpuIndex++) {
53 | if ((CpuIndex != BspIndex) && !FeaturePcdGet (PcdSmmApPerfLogEnable)) {
54 | //
55 | // Skip migrating AP performance data if AP perf-logging is disabled.
56 | //
57 | continue;
58 | }
59 |
60 | for (MpProcecureId = 0; MpProcecureId < SMM_MP_PERF_PROCEDURE_ID (SmmMpProcedureMax); MpProcecureId++) {
61 | if (mSmmMpProcedurePerformance[CpuIndex].Begin[MpProcecureId] != 0) {
62 | PERF_START (NULL, gSmmMpPerfProcedureName[MpProcecureId], NULL, mSmmMpProcedurePerformance[CpuIndex].Begin[MpProcecureId]);
63 | PERF_END (NULL, gSmmMpPerfProcedureName[MpProcecureId], NULL, mSmmMpProcedurePerformance[CpuIndex].End[MpProcecureId]);
64 | }
65 | }
66 | }
67 |
68 | ZeroMem (mSmmMpProcedurePerformance, NumberofCpus * sizeof (*mSmmMpProcedurePerformance));
69 | }
70 |
71 | /**
72 | Save the performance counter value before running the MP procedure.
73 |
74 | @param CpuIndex The index of the CPU.
75 | @param MpProcedureId The ID of the MP procedure.
76 | **/
77 | VOID
78 | MpPerfBegin (
79 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
80 | IN UINTN MpProcedureId
81 | )
82 | {
83 | mSmmMpProcedurePerformance[CpuIndex].Begin[MpProcedureId] = GetPerformanceCounter ();
84 | }
85 |
86 | /**
87 | Save the performance counter value after running the MP procedure.
88 |
89 | @param CpuIndex The index of the CPU.
90 | @param MpProcedureId The ID of the MP procedure.
91 | **/
92 | VOID
93 | MpPerfEnd (
94 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
95 | IN UINTN MpProcedureId
96 | )
97 | {
98 | mSmmMpProcedurePerformance[CpuIndex].End[MpProcedureId] = GetPerformanceCounter ();
99 | }