1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | Implementation of the SNP.Receive() function and its private helpers if any.
4 |
5 | Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
6 | Copyright (C) 2013, Red Hat, Inc.
7 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
8 |
9 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
10 |
11 | **/
12 |
13 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
14 | #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
16 |
17 | #include "E1kNet.h"
18 |
19 | /**
20 | Receives a packet from a network interface.
21 |
22 | @param This The protocol instance pointer.
23 | @param HeaderSize The size, in bytes, of the media header received on the
24 | network interface. If this parameter is NULL, then the
25 | media header size will not be returned.
26 | @param BufferSize On entry, the size, in bytes, of Buffer. On exit, the
27 | size, in bytes, of the packet that was received on the
28 | network interface.
29 | @param Buffer A pointer to the data buffer to receive both the media
30 | header and the data.
31 | @param SrcAddr The source HW MAC address. If this parameter is NULL, the
32 | HW MAC source address will not be extracted from the media
33 | header.
34 | @param DestAddr The destination HW MAC address. If this parameter is NULL,
35 | the HW MAC destination address will not be extracted from
36 | the media header.
37 | @param Protocol The media header type. If this parameter is NULL, then the
38 | protocol will not be extracted from the media header. See
39 | RFC 1700 section "Ether Types" for examples.
40 |
41 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The received data was stored in Buffer, and
42 | BufferSize has been updated to the number of
43 | bytes received.
44 | @retval EFI_NOT_STARTED The network interface has not been started.
45 | @retval EFI_NOT_READY The network interface is too busy to accept
46 | this transmit request.
47 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The BufferSize parameter is too small.
48 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the parameters has an
49 | unsupported value.
50 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The command could not be sent to the network
51 | interface.
52 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This function is not supported by the network
53 | interface.
54 |
55 | **/
56 |
59 | E1kNetReceive (
61 | OUT UINTN *HeaderSize OPTIONAL,
62 | IN OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
63 | OUT VOID *Buffer,
66 | OUT UINT16 *Protocol OPTIONAL
67 | )
68 | {
69 | E1K_NET_DEV *Dev;
70 | EFI_TPL OldTpl;
71 | EFI_STATUS Status;
72 | UINT32 RdhCur;
73 | UINT32 RxLen;
74 | UINTN OrigBufferSize;
75 | EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BufferAddress;
76 | UINT8 *RxPtr;
77 | UINTN RxBufOffset;
78 |
79 | DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "E1kNetReceive: HeaderSize=%p BufferSize=%u Buffer=%p\n",
80 | HeaderSize, *BufferSize, Buffer));
81 |
82 | if (This == NULL || BufferSize == NULL || Buffer == NULL) {
84 | }
85 |
86 | Dev = E1K_NET_FROM_SNP (This);
87 | OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_CALLBACK);
88 | switch (Dev->Snm.State) {
89 | case EfiSimpleNetworkStopped:
90 | Status = EFI_NOT_STARTED;
91 | goto Exit;
92 | case EfiSimpleNetworkStarted:
93 | Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
94 | goto Exit;
95 | default:
96 | break;
97 | }
98 |
99 | E1kNetRegRead32(Dev, E1K_REG_RDH, &RdhCur);
100 |
101 | if (Dev->RdhLastSeen == RdhCur) {
102 | Status = EFI_NOT_READY;
103 | goto Exit;
104 | }
105 |
106 | RxLen = Dev->RxRing[Dev->RdhLastSeen].BufferLength;
107 | //
108 | // the host must not have filled in more data than requested
109 | //
110 | ASSERT (RxLen <= 2048);
111 |
112 | OrigBufferSize = *BufferSize;
113 | *BufferSize = RxLen;
114 |
115 | if (OrigBufferSize < RxLen) {
116 | Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
117 | goto Exit; // keep the packet
118 | }
119 |
120 | if (RxLen < Dev->Snm.MediaHeaderSize) {
121 | Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
122 | goto RecycleDesc; // drop useless short packet
123 | }
124 |
125 | if (HeaderSize != NULL) {
126 | *HeaderSize = Dev->Snm.MediaHeaderSize;
127 | }
128 |
129 | BufferAddress = Dev->RxRing[Dev->RdhLastSeen].AddrBufferLow;
130 | BufferAddress |= LShiftU64(Dev->RxRing[Dev->RdhLastSeen].AddrBufferHigh, 32);
131 | RxBufOffset = (UINTN)(BufferAddress - Dev->RxBufDeviceBase);
132 | RxPtr = Dev->RxBuf + RxBufOffset;
133 | CopyMem (Buffer, RxPtr, RxLen);
134 |
135 | if (DestAddr != NULL) {
136 | CopyMem (DestAddr, RxPtr, sizeof (E1K_NET_MAC));
137 | }
138 | RxPtr += sizeof (E1K_NET_MAC);
139 |
140 | if (SrcAddr != NULL) {
141 | CopyMem (SrcAddr, RxPtr, sizeof (E1K_NET_MAC));
142 | }
143 | RxPtr += sizeof (E1K_NET_MAC);
144 |
145 | if (Protocol != NULL) {
146 | *Protocol = (UINT16) ((RxPtr[0] << 8) | RxPtr[1]);
147 | }
148 | RxPtr += sizeof (UINT16);
149 |
150 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
151 |
152 | RecycleDesc:
153 | Dev->RdhLastSeen = (Dev->RdhLastSeen + 1) % E1K_NET_MAX_PENDING;
154 | E1kNetRegWrite32(Dev, E1K_REG_RDT, Dev->RdhLastSeen);
155 |
156 | Exit:
157 | gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl);
158 | return Status;
159 | }