1 | # @file
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
4 | # Copyright (c) 2020, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | # Copyright (c) 2020 - 2021, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
6 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
7 | ##
8 | import os
9 | import logging
10 | from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment
11 | from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_ci_build import CiBuildSettingsManager
12 | from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_setup import SetupSettingsManager, RequiredSubmodule
13 | from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_update import UpdateSettingsManager
14 | from edk2toolext.invocables.edk2_pr_eval import PrEvalSettingsManager
15 | from edk2toollib.utility_functions import GetHostInfo
16 |
17 |
18 | class Settings(CiBuildSettingsManager, UpdateSettingsManager, SetupSettingsManager, PrEvalSettingsManager):
19 |
20 | def __init__(self):
21 | self.ActualPackages = []
22 | self.ActualTargets = []
23 | self.ActualArchitectures = []
24 | self.ActualToolChainTag = ""
25 | self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = None
26 | self.ActualScopes = None
27 |
28 | # ####################################################################################### #
29 | # Extra CmdLine configuration #
30 | # ####################################################################################### #
31 |
32 | def AddCommandLineOptions(self, parserObj):
33 | group = parserObj.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
34 | group.add_argument("-force_piptools", "--fpt", dest="force_piptools", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force the system to use pip tools")
35 | group.add_argument("-no_piptools", "--npt", dest="no_piptools", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force the system to not use pip tools")
36 |
37 | def RetrieveCommandLineOptions(self, args):
38 | super().RetrieveCommandLineOptions(args)
39 | if args.force_piptools:
40 | self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = True
41 | if args.no_piptools:
42 | self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = False
43 |
44 | # ####################################################################################### #
45 | # Default Support for this Ci Build #
46 | # ####################################################################################### #
47 |
48 | def GetPackagesSupported(self):
49 | ''' return iterable of edk2 packages supported by this build.
50 | These should be edk2 workspace relative paths '''
51 |
52 | return ("ArmPkg",
53 | "ArmPlatformPkg",
54 | "ArmVirtPkg",
55 | "DynamicTablesPkg",
56 | "EmbeddedPkg",
57 | "EmulatorPkg",
58 | "IntelFsp2Pkg",
59 | "IntelFsp2WrapperPkg",
60 | "MdePkg",
61 | "MdeModulePkg",
62 | "NetworkPkg",
63 | "PcAtChipsetPkg",
64 | "SecurityPkg",
65 | "UefiCpuPkg",
66 | "FmpDevicePkg",
67 | "ShellPkg",
68 | "SignedCapsulePkg",
69 | "StandaloneMmPkg",
70 | "FatPkg",
71 | "CryptoPkg",
72 | "PrmPkg",
73 | "UnitTestFrameworkPkg",
74 | "OvmfPkg",
75 | "RedfishPkg",
76 | "SourceLevelDebugPkg",
77 | "UefiPayloadPkg"
78 | )
79 |
80 | def GetArchitecturesSupported(self):
81 | ''' return iterable of edk2 architectures supported by this build '''
82 | return (
83 | "IA32",
84 | "X64",
85 | "ARM",
86 | "AARCH64",
87 | "RISCV64",
88 | "LOONGARCH64")
89 |
90 | def GetTargetsSupported(self):
91 | ''' return iterable of edk2 target tags supported by this build '''
92 | return ("DEBUG", "RELEASE", "NO-TARGET", "NOOPT")
93 |
94 | # ####################################################################################### #
95 | # Verify and Save requested Ci Build Config #
96 | # ####################################################################################### #
97 |
98 | def SetPackages(self, list_of_requested_packages):
99 | ''' Confirm the requested package list is valid and configure SettingsManager
100 | to build the requested packages.
101 |
102 | Raise UnsupportedException if a requested_package is not supported
103 | '''
104 | unsupported = set(list_of_requested_packages) - \
105 | set(self.GetPackagesSupported())
106 | if(len(unsupported) > 0):
107 | logging.critical(
108 | "Unsupported Package Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
109 | raise Exception("Unsupported Package Requested: " +
110 | " ".join(unsupported))
111 | self.ActualPackages = list_of_requested_packages
112 |
113 | def SetArchitectures(self, list_of_requested_architectures):
114 | ''' Confirm the requests architecture list is valid and configure SettingsManager
115 | to run only the requested architectures.
116 |
117 | Raise Exception if a list_of_requested_architectures is not supported
118 | '''
119 | unsupported = set(list_of_requested_architectures) - \
120 | set(self.GetArchitecturesSupported())
121 | if(len(unsupported) > 0):
122 | logging.critical(
123 | "Unsupported Architecture Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
124 | raise Exception(
125 | "Unsupported Architecture Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
126 | self.ActualArchitectures = list_of_requested_architectures
127 |
128 | def SetTargets(self, list_of_requested_target):
129 | ''' Confirm the request target list is valid and configure SettingsManager
130 | to run only the requested targets.
131 |
132 | Raise UnsupportedException if a requested_target is not supported
133 | '''
134 | unsupported = set(list_of_requested_target) - \
135 | set(self.GetTargetsSupported())
136 | if(len(unsupported) > 0):
137 | logging.critical(
138 | "Unsupported Targets Requested: " + " ".join(unsupported))
139 | raise Exception("Unsupported Targets Requested: " +
140 | " ".join(unsupported))
141 | self.ActualTargets = list_of_requested_target
142 |
143 | # ####################################################################################### #
144 | # Actual Configuration for Ci Build #
145 | # ####################################################################################### #
146 |
147 | def GetActiveScopes(self):
148 | ''' return tuple containing scopes that should be active for this process '''
149 | if self.ActualScopes is None:
150 | scopes = ("cibuild", "edk2-build", "host-based-test")
151 |
152 | self.ActualToolChainTag = shell_environment.GetBuildVars().GetValue("TOOL_CHAIN_TAG", "")
153 |
154 | is_linux = GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX"
155 |
156 | if self.UseBuiltInBaseTools is None:
157 | is_linux = GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX"
158 | # try and import the pip module for basetools
159 | try:
160 | import edk2basetools
161 | self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = True
162 | except ImportError:
163 | self.UseBuiltInBaseTools = False
164 | pass
165 |
166 | if self.UseBuiltInBaseTools == True:
167 | scopes += ('pipbuild-unix',) if is_linux else ('pipbuild-win',)
168 | logging.warning("Using Pip Tools based BaseTools")
169 | else:
170 | logging.warning("Falling back to using in-tree BaseTools")
171 |
172 | self.ActualScopes = scopes
173 | return self.ActualScopes
174 |
175 | def GetRequiredSubmodules(self):
176 | ''' return iterable containing RequiredSubmodule objects.
177 | If no RequiredSubmodules return an empty iterable
178 | '''
179 | rs = []
180 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
181 | "ArmPkg/Library/ArmSoftFloatLib/berkeley-softfloat-3", False))
182 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
183 | "CryptoPkg/Library/OpensslLib/openssl", False))
184 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
185 | "UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/CmockaLib/cmocka", False))
186 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
187 | "UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/GoogleTestLib/googletest", False))
188 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
189 | "MdeModulePkg/Universal/RegularExpressionDxe/oniguruma", False))
190 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
191 | "MdeModulePkg/Library/BrotliCustomDecompressLib/brotli", False))
192 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
193 | "BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli", False))
194 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
195 | "RedfishPkg/Library/JsonLib/jansson", False))
196 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
197 | "UnitTestFrameworkPkg/Library/SubhookLib/subhook", False))
198 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
199 | "MdePkg/Library/BaseFdtLib/libfdt", False))
200 | rs.append(RequiredSubmodule(
201 | "MdePkg/Library/MipiSysTLib/mipisyst", False))
202 | return rs
203 |
204 | def GetName(self):
205 | return "Edk2"
206 |
207 | def GetDependencies(self):
208 | return [
209 | ]
210 |
211 | def GetPackagesPath(self):
212 | return ()
213 |
214 | def GetWorkspaceRoot(self):
215 | ''' get WorkspacePath '''
216 | return os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
217 |
218 | def FilterPackagesToTest(self, changedFilesList: list, potentialPackagesList: list) -> list:
219 | ''' Filter potential packages to test based on changed files. '''
220 | build_these_packages = []
221 | possible_packages = potentialPackagesList.copy()
222 | for f in changedFilesList:
223 | # split each part of path for comparison later
224 | nodes = f.split("/")
225 |
226 | # python file change in .pytool folder causes building all
227 | if f.endswith(".py") and ".pytool" in nodes:
228 | build_these_packages = possible_packages
229 | break
230 |
231 | # BaseTools files that might change the build
232 | if "BaseTools" in nodes:
233 | if os.path.splitext(f) not in [".txt", ".md"]:
234 | build_these_packages = possible_packages
235 | break
236 | return build_these_packages