1 | Intel(R) Platform Innovation Framework for EFI
2 | BuildTools Project, BaseTools Sub-Project
3 | Root Package 1.00
4 | 2007-08-31
5 |
6 | Intel is a trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its
7 | subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
8 | * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
9 | Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
10 |
11 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 | Quick Start
13 | -----------
14 |
15 | Windows:
16 | a) Set the PYTHON_FREEZER_PATH to the cx_Freeze installation directory
17 | b) Go to the <buildtools_project>/BaseTools and run "toolsetup" script
18 |
19 | Unix-like:
20 | a) make -C <buildtools_project>/BaseTools
21 | b) Look over https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Getting%20Started%20with%20EDK%20II
22 | for a helpful step-by-step guide for building 'Hello World' on
23 | various operating systems with edk2.
24 |
25 | Supported build targets (toolsetup)
26 | -----------------------------------
27 |
28 | build(or none) - Incremental Build of all C based tools. This is the default target
29 | rebuild - Clean all generated files and directories during build, and rebuild all tools
30 |
31 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 | Tools in Python
33 | ---------------
34 | * Convert Python source to exe file
35 |
36 | The tools written in Python can be converted into executable program which can
37 | be executed without installing a Python interpreter. (Generally it is easier
38 | to run the scripts from their source on operating systems other than Windows.)
39 |
40 | For Windows and Linux, the conversion tool package is called cx_Freeze, its
41 | home page is:
42 |
43 | http://sourceforge.net/projects/cx-freeze/
44 |
45 | If you have installed cx_Freeze at c:\cx_Freeze-3.0.3. Use following command
46 | lines to convert MyBuild.py to MyBuild.exe (note this is an example, there is
47 | no MyBuild Python project in the BaseTools\Python tree.
48 |
49 | set PYTHONPATH=<BaseToolsDirPath>\Source\Python
50 | c:\cx_Freeze-3.0.3\FreezePython.exe --include-modules=encodings.cp437,encodings.gbk,encodings.utf_16,encodings.utf_16_le,encodings.utf_8 --install-dir=.\mybuild MyBuild.py
51 |
52 | The generated .exe (and .dll) files are put in "mybuild" subdirectory.
53 |
54 | The following is a real example with the BuildTools/trunk/BaseTools project
55 | installed in: C:\Work\BaseTools
56 |
57 |
58 | C:\Work\BaseTools\Source\Python> set PYTHONPATH=C:\Work\BaseTools\Source\Python
59 | C:\Work\BaseTools\Source\Python> c:\cx_Freeze-3.0.3\FreezePython.exe --include-modules=encodings.cp437,encodings.gbk,encodings.utf_16,encodings.utf_16_le,encodings.utf_8 --install-dir=C:\Work\BaseTools\Bin\Win32 build\build.py
60 |
61 | ---------------
62 | * Execute tools written in Python without conversion
63 |
64 | Unix-like systems:
65 |
66 | The edk2/edksetup.sh script will setup everything which is needed to
67 | run the scripts from their source.
68 |
69 | Windows:
70 |
71 | The tools written in Python can be executed directly from its source directory
72 | as long as the Python interpreter (Python 2.5) has been installed. Before the execution,
73 | please make sure the environment variable PYTHONPATH is set to
74 |
75 | <buildtools_project>/BaseTools/Source/Python
76 |
77 | There're five tools written in Python. The entrance file of each tool is listed
78 | below.
79 |
80 | build <buildtools_project>/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/build.py
81 | GenFds <buildtools_project>/BaseTools/Source/Python/GenFds/GenFds.py
82 | Trim <buildtools_project>/BaseTools/Source/Python/Trim/Trim.py
83 | MigrationMsa2Inf <buildtools_project>/BaseTools/Source/Python/MigrationMsa2Inf/MigrationMsa2Inf.py
84 | UPT <buildtools_project>/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/UPT.py