1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
5 |
6 | **/
7 |
8 | #ifndef _FSP_COMMON_LIB_H_
9 | #define _FSP_COMMON_LIB_H_
10 |
11 | #include <FspGlobalData.h>
12 | #include <FspMeasurePointId.h>
13 |
14 | /**
15 | This function sets the FSP global data pointer.
16 |
17 | @param[in] FspData Fsp global data pointer.
18 |
19 | **/
20 | VOID
22 | SetFspGlobalDataPointer (
24 | );
25 |
26 | /**
27 | This function gets the FSP global data pointer.
28 |
29 | **/
32 | GetFspGlobalDataPointer (
33 | VOID
34 | );
35 |
36 | /**
37 | This function gets back the FSP API first parameter passed by the bootloader.
38 |
39 | @retval ApiParameter FSP API first parameter passed by the bootloader.
40 | **/
41 | UINT32
43 | GetFspApiParameter (
44 | VOID
45 | );
46 |
47 | /**
48 | This function gets back the FSP API second parameter passed by the bootloader.
49 |
50 | @retval ApiParameter FSP API second parameter passed by the bootloader.
51 | **/
52 | UINT32
54 | GetFspApiParameter2 (
55 | VOID
56 | );
57 |
58 | /**
59 | This function returns the FSP entry stack pointer from address of the first API parameter.
60 |
61 | @retval FSP entry stack pointer.
62 | **/
63 | VOID*
65 | GetFspEntryStack (
66 | VOID
67 | );
68 |
69 | /**
70 | This function sets the FSP API parameter in the stack.
71 |
72 | @param[in] Value New parameter value.
73 |
74 | **/
75 | VOID
77 | SetFspApiParameter (
78 | IN UINT32 Value
79 | );
80 |
81 | /**
82 | This function set the API status code returned to the BootLoader.
83 |
84 | @param[in] ReturnStatus Status code to return.
85 |
86 | **/
87 | VOID
89 | SetFspApiReturnStatus (
90 | IN UINT32 ReturnStatus
91 | );
92 |
93 | /**
94 | This function sets the context switching stack to a new stack frame.
95 |
96 | @param[in] NewStackTop New core stack to be set.
97 |
98 | **/
99 | VOID
100 | EFIAPI
101 | SetFspCoreStackPointer (
102 | IN VOID *NewStackTop
103 | );
104 |
105 | /**
106 | This function sets the platform specific data pointer.
107 |
108 | @param[in] PlatformData Fsp platform specific data pointer.
109 |
110 | **/
111 | VOID
112 | EFIAPI
113 | SetFspPlatformDataPointer (
114 | IN VOID *PlatformData
115 | );
116 |
117 | /**
118 | This function gets the platform specific data pointer.
119 |
120 | @param[in] PlatformData Fsp platform specific data pointer.
121 |
122 | **/
123 | VOID *
124 | EFIAPI
125 | GetFspPlatformDataPointer (
126 | VOID
127 | );
128 |
129 | /**
130 | This function sets the UPD data pointer.
131 |
132 | @param[in] UpdDataPtr UPD data pointer.
133 | **/
134 | VOID
135 | EFIAPI
136 | SetFspUpdDataPointer (
137 | IN VOID *UpdDataPtr
138 | );
139 |
140 | /**
141 | This function gets the UPD data pointer.
142 |
143 | @return UpdDataPtr UPD data pointer.
144 | **/
145 | VOID *
146 | EFIAPI
147 | GetFspUpdDataPointer (
148 | VOID
149 | );
150 |
151 | /**
152 | This function sets the memory init UPD data pointer.
153 |
154 | @param[in] MemoryInitUpdPtr memory init UPD data pointer.
155 | **/
156 | VOID
157 | EFIAPI
158 | SetFspMemoryInitUpdDataPointer (
159 | IN VOID *MemoryInitUpdPtr
160 | );
161 |
162 | /**
163 | This function gets the memory init UPD data pointer.
164 |
165 | @return memory init UPD data pointer.
166 | **/
167 | VOID *
168 | EFIAPI
169 | GetFspMemoryInitUpdDataPointer (
170 | VOID
171 | );
172 |
173 | /**
174 | This function sets the silicon init UPD data pointer.
175 |
176 | @param[in] SiliconInitUpdPtr silicon init UPD data pointer.
177 | **/
178 | VOID
179 | EFIAPI
180 | SetFspSiliconInitUpdDataPointer (
181 | IN VOID *SiliconInitUpdPtr
182 | );
183 |
184 | /**
185 | This function gets the silicon init UPD data pointer.
186 |
187 | @return silicon init UPD data pointer.
188 | **/
189 | VOID *
190 | EFIAPI
191 | GetFspSiliconInitUpdDataPointer (
192 | VOID
193 | );
194 |
195 | /**
196 | Set FSP measurement point timestamp.
197 |
198 | @param[in] Id Measurement point ID.
199 |
200 | @return performance timestamp.
201 | **/
202 | UINT64
203 | EFIAPI
204 | SetFspMeasurePoint (
205 | IN UINT8 Id
206 | );
207 |
208 | /**
209 | This function gets the FSP info header pointer.
210 |
211 | @retval FspInfoHeader FSP info header pointer
212 | **/
214 | EFIAPI
215 | GetFspInfoHeader (
216 | VOID
217 | );
218 |
219 | /**
220 | This function sets the FSP info header pointer.
221 |
222 | @param[in] FspInfoHeader FSP info header pointer
223 | **/
224 | VOID
225 | EFIAPI
226 | SetFspInfoHeader (
227 | FSP_INFO_HEADER *FspInfoHeader
228 | );
229 |
230 | /**
231 | This function gets the FSP info header pointer from the API context.
232 |
233 | @retval FspInfoHeader FSP info header pointer
234 | **/
236 | EFIAPI
237 | GetFspInfoHeaderFromApiContext (
238 | VOID
239 | );
240 |
241 | /**
242 | This function gets the CfgRegion data pointer.
243 |
244 | @return CfgRegion data pointer.
245 | **/
246 | VOID *
247 | EFIAPI
248 | GetFspCfgRegionDataPointer (
249 | VOID
250 | );
251 |
252 | /**
253 | This function gets FSP API calling mode.
254 |
255 | @retval API calling mode
256 | **/
257 | UINT8
258 | EFIAPI
259 | GetFspApiCallingIndex (
260 | VOID
261 | );
262 |
263 | /**
264 | This function sets FSP API calling mode.
265 |
266 | @param[in] Index API calling index
267 | **/
268 | VOID
269 | EFIAPI
270 | SetFspApiCallingIndex (
271 | UINT8 Index
272 | );
273 |
274 | /**
275 | This function gets FSP Phase StatusCode.
276 |
277 | @retval StatusCode
278 | **/
279 | UINT32
280 | EFIAPI
281 | GetPhaseStatusCode (
282 | VOID
283 | );
284 |
285 |
286 | /**
287 | This function sets FSP Phase StatusCode.
288 |
289 | @param[in] Mode Phase StatusCode
290 | **/
291 | VOID
292 | EFIAPI
293 | SetPhaseStatusCode (
294 | UINT32 StatusCode
295 | );
296 |
297 | /**
298 | This function updates the return status of the FSP API with requested reset type and returns to Boot Loader.
299 |
300 | @param[in] FspResetType Reset type that needs to returned as API return status
301 |
302 | **/
303 | VOID
304 | EFIAPI
305 | FspApiReturnStatusReset (
306 | IN UINT32 FspResetType
307 | );
308 | #endif