1 | # SplitFspBin.py is a python script to support some operations on Intel FSP 2.0 image.
2 |
3 | It supports:
4 |
5 | - Split Intel FSP 2.0 image into individual FSP-T/M/S/O component
6 |
7 | - Rebase Intel FSP 2.0 components to different base addresses
8 |
9 | - Generate Intel FSP 2.0 C header file
10 |
11 | - Display Intel FSP 2.0 information header for each FSP component
12 |
13 | ## Split Intel FSP 2.0 image
14 |
15 | To split individual FSP component in Intel FSP 2.0 image, the following
16 | command can be used:
17 |
18 | **python SplitFspBin.py split [-h] -f FSPBINARY [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-n NAMETEMPLATE]**
19 |
20 | For example:
21 |
22 | `python SplitFspBin.py split -f FSP.bin`
23 |
24 | It will create FSP_T.bin, FSP_M.bin and FSP_S.bin in current directory.
25 |
26 | ## Rebase Intel FSP 2.0 components
27 |
28 | To rebase one or multiple FSP components in Intel FSP 2.0 image, the following
29 | command can be used:
30 |
31 | **python SplitFspBin.py rebase [-h] -f FSPBINARY -c {t,m,s,o} [{t,m,s,o} ...] -b FSPBASE [FSPBASE ...] [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-n OUTPUTFILE]**
32 |
33 | For example:
34 |
35 | `python SplitFspBin.py rebase -f FSP.bin –c t –b 0xFFF00000 –n FSP_new.bin`
36 |
37 | It will rebase FSP-T component inside FSP.bin to new base 0xFFF00000 and save the
38 | rebased Intel FSP 2.0 image into file FSP_new.bin.
39 |
40 | `python SplitFspBin.py rebase -f FSP.bin –c t m –b 0xFFF00000 0xFEF80000 –n FSP_new.bin`
41 |
42 | It will rebase FSP-T and FSP-M components inside FSP.bin to new base 0xFFF00000
43 | and 0xFEF80000 respectively, and save the rebased Intel FSP 2.0 image into file
44 | FSP_new.bin file.
45 |
46 | ## Generate Intel FSP 2.0 C header file
47 |
48 | To generate Intel FSP 2.0 C header file, the following command can be used:
49 |
50 | **Python SplitFspBin.py genhdr [-h] -f FSPBINARY [-o OUTPUTDIR] [-n HFILENAME]**
51 |
52 | For example:
53 |
54 | `python SplitFspBin.py genhdr -f FSP.bin –n FSP.h`
55 |
56 | It will create the C header file FSP.h containing the image ID, revision, offset
57 | and size for each individual FSP component.
58 |
59 | ## Display Intel FSP 2.0 information header
60 |
61 | To display Intel FSP 2.0 information headers, the following command can be used:
62 |
63 | **Python SplitFspBin.py info [-h] -f FSPBINARY**
64 |
65 | For example:
66 |
67 | `python SplitFspBin.py info -f FSP.bin`
68 |
69 | It will print out the FSP information header for each FSP component.