1 | /** @file
2 | Support FSP Wrapper MultiPhase process.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
10 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
11 | #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
12 | #include <Library/FspWrapperApiLib.h>
13 | #include <Library/FspWrapperPlatformLib.h>
14 | #include <FspEas.h>
15 | #include <FspGlobalData.h>
16 | #include <Ppi/ReadOnlyVariable2.h>
17 | #include <Ppi/Variable.h>
18 | #include <Library/PeiServicesLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/FspWrapperPlatformMultiPhaseLib.h>
20 |
21 | /**
22 | Execute 32-bit FSP API entry code.
23 |
24 | @param[in] Function The 32bit code entry to be executed.
25 | @param[in] Param1 The first parameter to pass to 32bit code.
26 | @param[in] Param2 The second parameter to pass to 32bit code.
27 |
28 | @return EFI_STATUS.
29 | **/
31 | Execute32BitCode (
32 | IN UINT64 Function,
33 | IN UINT64 Param1,
34 | IN UINT64 Param2
35 | );
36 |
37 | /**
38 | Execute 64-bit FSP API entry code.
39 |
40 | @param[in] Function The 64bit code entry to be executed.
41 | @param[in] Param1 The first parameter to pass to 64bit code.
42 | @param[in] Param2 The second parameter to pass to 64bit code.
43 |
44 | @return EFI_STATUS.
45 | **/
47 | Execute64BitCode (
48 | IN UINT64 Function,
49 | IN UINT64 Param1,
50 | IN UINT64 Param2
51 | );
52 |
53 | /**
54 | Call FspsMultiPhase API.
55 |
56 | @param[in] FspsMultiPhaseParams - Parameters for MultiPhase API.
57 | @param[in] FspHobListPtr - Pointer to FSP HobList (valid after FSP-M completed)
58 | @param[in] ComponentIndex - FSP Component which executing MultiPhase initialization.
59 |
60 | @return EFI_UNSUPPORTED - the requested FspsMultiPhase API is not supported.
61 | @return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR - the FSP header was not found.
62 | @return EFI status returned by FspsMultiPhase API.
63 | **/
66 | CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (
67 | IN VOID *FspMultiPhaseParams,
68 | IN OUT VOID **FspHobListPtr,
69 | IN UINT8 ComponentIndex
70 | )
71 | {
72 | FSP_INFO_HEADER *FspHeader;
73 | //
74 | // FSP_MULTI_PHASE_INIT and FSP_MULTI_PHASE_SI_INIT API functions having same prototype.
75 | //
76 | UINTN FspMultiPhaseApiEntry;
77 | UINTN FspMultiPhaseApiOffset;
78 | EFI_STATUS Status;
79 | BOOLEAN InterruptState;
80 | BOOLEAN IsVariableServiceRequest;
81 | FSP_MULTI_PHASE_PARAMS *FspMultiPhaseParamsPtr;
82 |
83 | FspMultiPhaseApiOffset = 0;
84 | FspMultiPhaseParamsPtr = (FSP_MULTI_PHASE_PARAMS *)FspMultiPhaseParams;
85 | IsVariableServiceRequest = FALSE;
86 | if ((FspMultiPhaseParamsPtr->MultiPhaseAction == EnumMultiPhaseGetVariableRequestInfo) ||
87 | (FspMultiPhaseParamsPtr->MultiPhaseAction == EnumMultiPhaseCompleteVariableRequest))
88 | {
89 | IsVariableServiceRequest = TRUE;
90 | }
91 |
92 | if (ComponentIndex == FspMultiPhaseMemInitApiIndex) {
93 | FspHeader = (FSP_INFO_HEADER *)FspFindFspHeader (PcdGet32 (PcdFspmBaseAddress));
94 | if (FspHeader == NULL) {
95 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
96 | } else if (FspHeader->SpecVersion < 0x24) {
97 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
98 | }
99 |
100 | FspMultiPhaseApiOffset = FspHeader->FspMultiPhaseMemInitEntryOffset;
101 | } else if (ComponentIndex == FspMultiPhaseSiInitApiIndex) {
102 | FspHeader = (FSP_INFO_HEADER *)FspFindFspHeader (PcdGet32 (PcdFspsBaseAddress));
103 | if (FspHeader == NULL) {
104 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
105 | } else if (FspHeader->SpecVersion < 0x22) {
106 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
107 | } else if ((FspHeader->SpecVersion < 0x24) && (IsVariableServiceRequest == TRUE)) {
108 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
109 | }
110 |
111 | FspMultiPhaseApiOffset = FspHeader->FspMultiPhaseSiInitEntryOffset;
112 | }
113 |
114 | if (FspMultiPhaseApiOffset == 0) {
115 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
116 | }
117 |
118 | FspMultiPhaseApiEntry = FspHeader->ImageBase + FspMultiPhaseApiOffset;
119 | InterruptState = SaveAndDisableInterrupts ();
120 | if ((FspHeader->ImageAttribute & BIT2) == 0) {
122 | Status = Execute32BitCode ((UINTN)FspMultiPhaseApiEntry, (UINTN)FspMultiPhaseParams, (UINTN)NULL);
123 | } else {
124 | Status = Execute64BitCode ((UINTN)FspMultiPhaseApiEntry, (UINTN)FspMultiPhaseParams, (UINTN)NULL);
125 | }
126 |
127 | SetInterruptState (InterruptState);
128 |
129 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "CallFspMultiPhaseEntry return Status %r \n", Status));
130 |
131 | return Status;
132 | }
133 |
134 | /**
135 | FSP Wrapper Variable Request Handler
136 |
137 | @param[in, out] FspHobListPtr - Pointer to FSP HobList (valid after FSP-M completed)
138 | @param[in] ComponentIndex - FSP Component which executing MultiPhase initialization.
139 |
140 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED FSP Wrapper cannot support the specific variable request,
141 | or FSP does not support VariableService
142 | @retval EFI_STATUS Return FSP returned status
143 |
144 | **/
146 | EFIAPI
147 | FspWrapperVariableRequestHandler (
148 | IN OUT VOID **FspHobListPtr,
149 | IN UINT8 ComponentIndex
150 | )
151 | {
152 | EFI_STATUS Status;
153 | FSP_MULTI_PHASE_PARAMS FspMultiPhaseParams;
155 | EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI *ReadOnlyVariablePpi;
156 | EDKII_PEI_VARIABLE_PPI *VariablePpi;
157 | BOOLEAN WriteVariableSupport;
159 |
160 | WriteVariableSupport = TRUE;
161 | Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
162 | &gEdkiiPeiVariablePpiGuid,
163 | 0,
164 | NULL,
165 | (VOID **)&VariablePpi
166 | );
167 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
168 | WriteVariableSupport = FALSE;
169 | Status = PeiServicesLocatePpi (
170 | &gEfiPeiReadOnlyVariable2PpiGuid,
171 | 0,
172 | NULL,
173 | (VOID **)&ReadOnlyVariablePpi
174 | );
175 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
176 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
177 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
178 | }
179 | }
180 |
182 | while (Status == FSP_STATUS_VARIABLE_REQUEST) {
183 | //
184 | // Get the variable request information from FSP.
185 | //
186 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseGetVariableRequestInfo;
187 | FspMultiPhaseParams.PhaseIndex = 0;
188 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
189 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
190 | //
191 | // FSP should output this pointer for variable request information.
192 | //
193 | FspVariableRequestParams = (FSP_MULTI_PHASE_VARIABLE_REQUEST_INFO_PARAMS *)FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr;
194 | switch (FspVariableRequestParams->VariableRequest) {
195 | case EnumFspVariableRequestGetVariable:
196 | if (WriteVariableSupport) {
197 | Status = VariablePpi->GetVariable (
198 | VariablePpi,
199 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableName,
200 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableGuid,
201 | FspVariableRequestParams->Attributes,
202 | (UINTN *)FspVariableRequestParams->DataSize,
203 | FspVariableRequestParams->Data
204 | );
205 | } else {
206 | Status = ReadOnlyVariablePpi->GetVariable (
207 | ReadOnlyVariablePpi,
208 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableName,
209 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableGuid,
210 | FspVariableRequestParams->Attributes,
211 | (UINTN *)FspVariableRequestParams->DataSize,
212 | FspVariableRequestParams->Data
213 | );
214 | }
215 |
216 | CompleteVariableRequestParams.VariableRequestStatus = Status;
217 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr = (VOID *)&CompleteVariableRequestParams;
218 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseCompleteVariableRequest;
219 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
220 | break;
221 |
222 | case EnumFspVariableRequestSetVariable:
223 | if (WriteVariableSupport) {
224 | Status = VariablePpi->SetVariable (
225 | VariablePpi,
226 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableName,
227 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableGuid,
228 | *FspVariableRequestParams->Attributes,
229 | (UINTN)*FspVariableRequestParams->DataSize,
230 | FspVariableRequestParams->Data
231 | );
232 | } else {
233 | Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
234 | }
235 |
236 | CompleteVariableRequestParams.VariableRequestStatus = Status;
237 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr = (VOID *)&CompleteVariableRequestParams;
238 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseCompleteVariableRequest;
239 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
240 | break;
241 |
242 | case EnumFspVariableRequestGetNextVariableName:
243 | if (WriteVariableSupport) {
244 | Status = VariablePpi->GetNextVariableName (
245 | VariablePpi,
246 | (UINTN *)FspVariableRequestParams->VariableNameSize,
247 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableName,
248 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableGuid
249 | );
250 | } else {
251 | Status = ReadOnlyVariablePpi->NextVariableName (
252 | ReadOnlyVariablePpi,
253 | (UINTN *)FspVariableRequestParams->VariableNameSize,
254 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableName,
255 | FspVariableRequestParams->VariableGuid
256 | );
257 | }
258 |
259 | CompleteVariableRequestParams.VariableRequestStatus = Status;
260 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr = (VOID *)&CompleteVariableRequestParams;
261 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseCompleteVariableRequest;
262 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
263 | break;
264 |
265 | case EnumFspVariableRequestQueryVariableInfo:
266 | if (WriteVariableSupport) {
267 | Status = VariablePpi->QueryVariableInfo (
268 | VariablePpi,
269 | *FspVariableRequestParams->Attributes,
270 | FspVariableRequestParams->MaximumVariableStorageSize,
271 | FspVariableRequestParams->RemainingVariableStorageSize,
272 | FspVariableRequestParams->MaximumVariableSize
273 | );
274 | } else {
275 | Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
276 | }
277 |
278 | CompleteVariableRequestParams.VariableRequestStatus = Status;
279 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr = (VOID *)&CompleteVariableRequestParams;
280 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseCompleteVariableRequest;
281 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
282 | break;
283 |
284 | default:
285 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unknown VariableRequest type!\n"));
286 | Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
287 | break;
288 | }
289 | }
290 |
291 | //
292 | // Reset the system if FSP API returned FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED status
293 | //
295 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FspMultiPhaseApi-0x%x requested reset %r\n", ComponentIndex, Status));
296 | CallFspWrapperResetSystem ((UINTN)Status);
297 | }
298 |
299 | return Status;
300 | }
301 |
302 | /**
303 | FSP Wrapper MultiPhase Handler
304 |
305 | @param[in, out] FspHobListPtr - Pointer to FSP HobList (valid after FSP-M completed)
306 | @param[in] ComponentIndex - FSP Component which executing MultiPhase initialization.
307 |
308 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Specific MultiPhase action was not supported.
309 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS MultiPhase action were completed successfully.
310 |
311 | **/
313 | EFIAPI
314 | FspWrapperMultiPhaseHandler (
315 | IN OUT VOID **FspHobListPtr,
316 | IN UINT8 ComponentIndex
317 | )
318 | {
319 | EFI_STATUS Status;
320 | FSP_MULTI_PHASE_PARAMS FspMultiPhaseParams;
322 | UINT32 Index;
323 | UINT32 NumOfPhases;
324 |
325 | //
326 | // Query FSP for the number of phases supported.
327 | //
328 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseGetNumberOfPhases;
329 | FspMultiPhaseParams.PhaseIndex = 0;
330 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr = (VOID *)&FspMultiPhaseGetNumber;
331 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
332 | if (Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) {
333 | //
334 | // MultiPhase API was not supported
335 | //
336 | return Status;
337 | } else {
338 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
339 | }
340 |
341 | NumOfPhases = FspMultiPhaseGetNumber.NumberOfPhases;
342 |
343 | for (Index = 1; Index <= NumOfPhases; Index++) {
344 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "MultiPhase Index/NumOfPhases = %d of %d\n", Index, NumOfPhases));
345 | //
346 | // Platform actions can be added in below function for each component and phase before returning control back to FSP.
347 | //
348 | FspWrapperPlatformMultiPhaseHandler (FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex, Index);
349 |
350 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseAction = EnumMultiPhaseExecutePhase;
351 | FspMultiPhaseParams.PhaseIndex = Index;
352 | FspMultiPhaseParams.MultiPhaseParamPtr = NULL;
353 | Status = CallFspMultiPhaseEntry (&FspMultiPhaseParams, FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
354 |
355 | if (Status == FSP_STATUS_VARIABLE_REQUEST) {
356 | //
357 | // call to Variable request handler
358 | //
359 | FspWrapperVariableRequestHandler (FspHobListPtr, ComponentIndex);
360 | }
361 |
362 | //
363 | // Reset the system if FSP API returned FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED status
364 | //
366 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "FspMultiPhaseApi-0x%x requested reset %r\n", ComponentIndex, Status));
367 | CallFspWrapperResetSystem ((UINTN)Status);
368 | }
369 |
370 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
371 | }
372 |
373 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
374 | }