1 | /** @file
2 | Implementation for Hii Popup Protocol.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include "FormDisplay.h"
10 |
11 | EFI_SCREEN_DESCRIPTOR gPopupDimensions;
12 | LIST_ENTRY gUserSelectableOptions;
13 | EFI_STRING gMessageString;
14 | UINTN gMesStrLineNum;
15 | UINTN gMaxRowWidth;
16 |
17 | /**
18 | Free the user selectable option structure data.
19 |
20 | @param OptionList Point to the selectable option list which need to be freed.
21 |
22 | **/
23 | VOID
24 | FreeSelectableOptions(
25 | LIST_ENTRY *OptionList
26 | )
27 | {
28 | LIST_ENTRY *Link;
29 | USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION *SelectableOption;
30 |
31 | while (!IsListEmpty (OptionList)) {
32 | Link = GetFirstNode (OptionList);
33 | SelectableOption = SELECTABLE_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link);
34 | RemoveEntryList (&SelectableOption->Link);
35 | FreePool (SelectableOption);
36 | }
37 | }
38 |
39 | /**
40 | Display one selectable option.
41 |
42 | @param SelectableOption The selectable option need to be drew.
43 | @param Highlight Whether the option need to be highlighted.
44 |
45 | **/
46 | VOID
47 | DisplayOneSelectableOption(
48 | IN USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION *SelectableOption,
49 | IN BOOLEAN Highlight
50 | )
51 | {
52 | if (Highlight) {
53 | gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, GetHighlightTextColor ());
54 | }
55 | PrintStringAt (SelectableOption->OptionCol, SelectableOption->OptionRow, SelectableOption->OptionString);
56 | gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, GetPopupColor ());
57 | }
58 |
59 | /**
60 | Add one selectable option to option list. This is the work function for AddUserSelectableOptions.
61 |
62 | @param PopupType The option need to be drew.
63 | @param OptionType The type of this selection option.
64 | @param OptionString Point to the option string that to be shown.
65 | @param OptionCol The column that the option need to be drew at.
66 | @param OptionRow The row that the option need to be drew at.
67 |
68 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS This function implement successfully.
69 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available.
70 |
71 | **/
73 | AddOneSelectableOption (
76 | IN CHAR16 *OptionString,
77 | IN UINTN OptionCol,
78 | IN UINTN OptionRow
79 | )
80 | {
81 | USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION *UserSelectableOption;
82 |
83 | UserSelectableOption = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION));
84 | if (UserSelectableOption == NULL) {
86 | }
87 | //
88 | // Initialize the user selectable option based on the PopupType and OptionType.
89 | // And then add the option to the option list gUserSelectableOptions.
90 | //
91 | UserSelectableOption->Signature = USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_SIGNATURE;
92 | UserSelectableOption->OptionString = OptionString;
93 | UserSelectableOption->OptionType = OptionType;
94 | UserSelectableOption->OptionCol = OptionCol;
95 | UserSelectableOption->OptionRow = OptionRow;
96 | UserSelectableOption->MinSequence = 0;
97 |
98 | switch (PopupType) {
99 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeOk:
100 | UserSelectableOption->MaxSequence = 0;
101 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence= 0;
102 | break;
103 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeOkCancel:
104 | UserSelectableOption->MaxSequence = 1;
105 | if (OptionType == EfiHiiPopupSelectionOk) {
106 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence= 0;
107 | } else {
108 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence= 1;
109 | }
110 | break;
111 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNo:
112 | UserSelectableOption->MaxSequence = 1;
113 | if (OptionType == EfiHiiPopupSelectionYes) {
114 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence = 0;
115 | } else {
116 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence = 1;
117 | }
118 | break;
119 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel:
120 | UserSelectableOption->MaxSequence = 2;
121 | if (OptionType == EfiHiiPopupSelectionYes) {
122 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence = 0;
123 | } else if (OptionType == EfiHiiPopupSelectionNo){
124 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence = 1;
125 | } else {
126 | UserSelectableOption->Sequence = 2;
127 | }
128 | break;
129 | default:
130 | break;
131 | }
132 | InsertTailList (&gUserSelectableOptions, &UserSelectableOption->Link);
133 |
134 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
135 | }
136 |
137 | /**
138 | Add user selectable options to option list for different types of Popup.
139 |
140 | @param PopupType Type of the popup to display.
141 |
142 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS This function implement successfully.
143 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available.
144 |
145 | **/
147 | AddUserSelectableOptions (
149 | )
150 | {
151 | EFI_STATUS Status;
152 | UINTN EndCol;
153 | UINTN StartCol;
154 | UINTN OptionCol;
155 | UINTN OptionRow;
156 | UINTN ColDimension;
157 |
158 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
159 | EndCol = gPopupDimensions.RightColumn;
160 | StartCol = gPopupDimensions.LeftColumn;
161 | OptionRow = gPopupDimensions.BottomRow - POPUP_BORDER;
162 | ColDimension = EndCol - StartCol + 1;
163 |
164 | InitializeListHead (&gUserSelectableOptions);
165 |
166 | switch (PopupType) {
167 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeOk:
168 | //
169 | // Add [Ok] option to the option list.
170 | //
171 | OptionCol = StartCol + (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_OK_WIDTH) / 2;
172 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionOk, gOkOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
173 | break;
174 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeOkCancel:
175 | //
176 | // Add [Ok] and [Cancel] options to the option list.
177 | //
178 | OptionCol = StartCol + (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_OK_CAL_WIDTH) / 3;
179 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionOk, gOkOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
180 | OptionCol = EndCol - (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_OK_CAL_WIDTH) / 3 - (GetStringWidth (gCancelOption) -2) / 2 + 1;
181 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionCancel, gCancelOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
182 | break;
183 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNo:
184 | //
185 | // Add [Yes] and [No] options to the option list.
186 | //
187 | OptionCol = StartCol + (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_YES_NO_WIDTH) / 3;
188 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionYes, gYesOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
189 | OptionCol = EndCol - (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_YES_NO_WIDTH) / 3 - (GetStringWidth (gNoOption)- 2) / 2 + 1;
190 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionNo, gNoOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
191 | break;
192 | case EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel:
193 | //
194 | // Add [Yes], [No] and [Cancel] options to the option list.
195 | //
196 | OptionCol = StartCol + (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_YES_NO_CAL_WIDTH) / 4;
197 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionYes, gYesOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
198 | OptionCol = StartCol + (ColDimension - (GetStringWidth (gNoOption) -2) / 2) / 2;
199 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionNo, gNoOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
200 | OptionCol = EndCol - (ColDimension - USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION_YES_NO_CAL_WIDTH) / 4 - (GetStringWidth (gCancelOption) - 2) / 2 + 1;
201 | Status = AddOneSelectableOption (PopupType, EfiHiiPopupSelectionCancel, gCancelOption, OptionCol, OptionRow);
202 | break;
203 | default:
204 | break;
205 | }
206 | return Status;
207 | }
208 |
209 | /**
210 | Show selectable options to user and get the one that user select.
211 |
212 | @param PopupType Type of the popup to display.
213 | @param UserSelection User selection.
214 |
215 | **/
216 | VOID
217 | GetUserSelection (
218 | IN EFI_HII_POPUP_TYPE PopupType,
220 | )
221 | {
222 | LIST_ENTRY *HighlightPos;
223 | LIST_ENTRY *Link;
224 | USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION *SelectableOption;
225 | USER_SELECTABLE_OPTION *HighlightOption;
226 | EFI_INPUT_KEY KeyValue;
227 | EFI_STATUS Status;
228 |
229 | //
230 | // Display user selectable options in gUserSelectableOptions and get the option which user selects.
231 | //
232 | HighlightPos = gUserSelectableOptions.ForwardLink;
233 | do {
234 | for (Link = gUserSelectableOptions.ForwardLink; Link != &gUserSelectableOptions; Link = Link->ForwardLink) {
235 | SelectableOption = SELECTABLE_OPTION_FROM_LINK (Link);
236 | DisplayOneSelectableOption (SelectableOption, (BOOLEAN)(Link == HighlightPos));
237 | }
238 | //
239 | //If UserSelection is NULL, there is no need to handle the key user input, just return.
240 | //
241 | if (UserSelection == NULL) {
242 | return;
243 | }
244 |
245 | Status = WaitForKeyStroke (&KeyValue);
246 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
247 |
248 | HighlightOption = SELECTABLE_OPTION_FROM_LINK (HighlightPos);
249 | switch (KeyValue.UnicodeChar) {
250 | case CHAR_NULL:
251 | switch (KeyValue.ScanCode) {
252 | case SCAN_RIGHT:
253 | if (HighlightOption->Sequence < HighlightOption->MaxSequence) {
254 | HighlightPos = HighlightPos->ForwardLink;
255 | } else {
256 | HighlightPos = gUserSelectableOptions.ForwardLink;
257 | }
258 | break;
259 | case SCAN_LEFT:
260 | if (HighlightOption->Sequence > HighlightOption->MinSequence) {
261 | HighlightPos = HighlightPos->BackLink;
262 | } else {
263 | HighlightPos = gUserSelectableOptions.BackLink;
264 | }
265 | break;
266 | default:
267 | break;
268 | }
269 | break;
270 |
272 | *UserSelection = HighlightOption->OptionType;
273 | return;
274 | default:
275 | if (((KeyValue.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) == (*gConfirmOptYes | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET)) &&
276 | (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNo || PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel)) {
277 | *UserSelection = EfiHiiPopupSelectionYes;
278 | return;
279 | } else if ((KeyValue.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) == (*gConfirmOptNo| UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) &&
280 | (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNo || PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel)){
281 | *UserSelection = EfiHiiPopupSelectionNo;
282 | return;
283 | } else if ((KeyValue.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) == (*gConfirmOptOk | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) &&
284 | (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeOk || PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeOkCancel)){
285 | *UserSelection = EfiHiiPopupSelectionOk;
286 | return;
287 | } else if ((KeyValue.UnicodeChar | UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) == (*gConfirmOptCancel| UPPER_LOWER_CASE_OFFSET) &&
288 | (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeOkCancel || PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel)){
289 | *UserSelection = EfiHiiPopupSelectionCancel;
290 | return;
291 | }
292 | break;
293 | }
294 | } while (TRUE);
295 | }
296 |
297 | /**
298 | Get the offset in the input string when the width reaches to a fixed one.
299 |
300 | The input string may contain NARROW_CHAR and WIDE_CHAR.
301 | Notice: the input string doesn't contain line break characters.
302 |
303 | @param String The input string to be counted.
304 | @param MaxWidth The max length this function supported.
305 | @param Offset The max index of the string can be show out. If string's width less than MaxWidth, offset will point to the "\0" of the string.
306 |
307 | **/
308 | VOID
309 | GetStringOffsetWithWidth (
310 | IN CHAR16 *String,
311 | IN UINTN MaxWidth,
312 | OUT UINTN *Offset
313 | )
314 | {
315 | UINTN StringWidth;
316 | UINTN CharWidth;
317 | UINTN StrOffset;
318 |
319 | StringWidth = 0;
320 | CharWidth = 1;
321 |
322 | for (StrOffset = 0; String[StrOffset] != CHAR_NULL; StrOffset++) {
323 | switch (String[StrOffset]) {
324 | case NARROW_CHAR:
325 | CharWidth = 1;
326 | break;
327 | case WIDE_CHAR:
328 | CharWidth = 2;
329 | break;
330 | default:
331 | StringWidth += CharWidth;
332 | if (StringWidth >= MaxWidth) {
333 | *Offset = StrOffset;
334 | return;
335 | }
336 | }
337 | }
338 | *Offset = StrOffset;
339 | }
340 |
341 | /**
342 | Parse the message to check if it contains line break characters.
343 | For once call, caller can get the string for one line and the width of the string.
344 | This function call be called recursively to parse the whole InputString.
345 |
346 | (Notice: current implementation, it only checks \r, \n characters, it deals \r,\n,\n\r same as \r\n.)
347 |
348 | @param InputString String description for this option.
349 | @param OutputString Buffer to copy the string into, caller is responsible for freeing the buffer.
350 | @param OutputStrWidth The width of OutputString.
351 | @param Index Where in InputString to start the copy process
352 |
353 | @return Returns the number of CHAR16 characters that were copied into the OutputString buffer, include the '\0' info.
354 |
355 | **/
356 | UINTN
357 | ParseMessageString (
358 | IN CHAR16 *InputString,
359 | OUT CHAR16 **OutputString,
360 | OUT UINTN *OutputStrWidth,
361 | IN OUT UINTN *Index
362 | )
363 | {
364 | UINTN StrOffset;
365 |
366 | if (InputString == NULL || Index == NULL || OutputString == NULL) {
367 | return 0;
368 | }
369 |
370 | *OutputStrWidth = 0;
371 |
372 | //
373 | //Check the string to see if there are line break characters in the string
374 | //
375 | for (StrOffset = 0;
376 | InputString[*Index + StrOffset] != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN && InputString[*Index + StrOffset] != CHAR_LINEFEED && InputString[*Index + StrOffset] != CHAR_NULL;
377 | StrOffset++
378 | );
379 |
380 | //
381 | // The CHAR_NULL has process last time, this time just return 0 to stand for finishing parsing the InputString.
382 | //
383 | if (StrOffset == 0 && (InputString[*Index + StrOffset] == CHAR_NULL)) {
384 | return 0;
385 | }
386 |
387 | //
388 | // Copy the string to OutputString buffer and calculate the width of OutputString.
389 | //
390 | *OutputString = AllocateZeroPool ((StrOffset + 1) * sizeof(CHAR16));
391 | if (*OutputString == NULL) {
392 | return 0;
393 | }
394 | CopyMem ((*OutputString), &InputString[*Index], StrOffset * sizeof(CHAR16));
395 | *OutputStrWidth = (GetStringWidth (*OutputString) -2) / 2;
396 |
397 | //
398 | // Update the value of Index, can be used for marking where to check the input string for next call.
399 | //
400 | if (InputString[*Index + StrOffset] == CHAR_LINEFEED) {
401 | //
402 | // Skip the /n or /n/r info.
403 | //
404 | if (InputString[*Index + StrOffset + 1] == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) {
405 | *Index = (*Index + StrOffset + 2);
406 | } else {
407 | *Index = (*Index + StrOffset + 1);
408 | }
409 | } else if (InputString[*Index + StrOffset] == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) {
410 | //
411 | // Skip the /r or /r/n info.
412 | //
413 | if (InputString[*Index + StrOffset + 1] == CHAR_LINEFEED) {
414 | *Index = (*Index + StrOffset + 2);
415 | } else {
416 | *Index = (*Index + StrOffset + 1);
417 | }
418 | } else {
419 | *Index = (*Index + StrOffset);
420 | }
421 |
422 | return StrOffset + 1;
423 | }
424 |
425 | /**
426 | Calculate the position of the popup.
427 |
428 | @param PopupType Type of the popup to display.
429 | @param ScreenForPopup The screen dimensions for the popup.
430 |
431 | **/
432 | VOID
433 | CalculatePopupPosition (
434 | IN EFI_HII_POPUP_TYPE PopupType,
436 | )
437 | {
438 | CHAR16 *OutputString;
439 | UINTN StringIndex;
440 | UINTN OutputStrWidth;
441 | UINTN OptionRowWidth;
442 | UINTN Columns;
443 | UINTN Rows;
444 |
445 | OptionRowWidth = 0;
446 |
447 | //
448 | // Calculate the row number which is needed to show the message string and the max width of the string in one row.
449 | //
450 | for (StringIndex = 0; ParseMessageString (gMessageString, &OutputString, &OutputStrWidth, &StringIndex) != 0;) {
451 | gMesStrLineNum ++;
452 | if (gMaxRowWidth < OutputStrWidth) {
453 | gMaxRowWidth = OutputStrWidth;
454 | }
455 | FreePool (OutputString);
456 | }
457 |
458 | //
459 | // Calculate the row width for the selectable options.(OptionRowWidth = Number * SkipWidth + OptionWidth)
460 | //
461 | if (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeOk) {
463 | } else if (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeOkCancel) {
465 | } else if (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNo) {
467 | } else if (PopupType == EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel) {
469 | }
470 | if (OptionRowWidth > gMaxRowWidth) {
471 | gMaxRowWidth = OptionRowWidth;
472 | }
473 |
474 | //
475 | // Avialble row width for message string = screen width - left popup border width - right popup border width.
476 | // Avialble line number for message string = screen height - 1 - popup header height - popup footer height.
477 | // (Notice: screen height - 1 because in current UI page, the bottom row of srceen is usded to show Status Bar,not for form itself.
478 | // So we don't use the bottom row for popup either. If macro STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT changed, we also need to update the height here.)
479 | //
480 | // Select the smaller one between actual dimension of message string and the avialble dimension for message string.
481 | //
482 | gST->ConOut->QueryMode (gST->ConOut, gST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &Columns, &Rows);
483 | gMaxRowWidth = MIN (gMaxRowWidth, Columns - 2 * POPUP_BORDER);
484 | gMesStrLineNum = MIN (gMesStrLineNum, Rows -1 - POPUP_FOOTER_HEIGHT - POPUP_HEADER_HEIGHT);
485 |
486 | //
487 | // Calculate the start column, end column, top row and bottom row for the popup.
488 | //
489 | ScreenForPopup->LeftColumn = (Columns -2 * POPUP_BORDER - gMaxRowWidth) / 2;
490 | ScreenForPopup->RightColumn = ScreenForPopup->LeftColumn + gMaxRowWidth + 2 * POPUP_BORDER - 1;
491 | ScreenForPopup->TopRow = (Rows - 1 - POPUP_FOOTER_HEIGHT - POPUP_HEADER_HEIGHT - gMesStrLineNum) / 2;
492 | ScreenForPopup->BottomRow = ScreenForPopup->TopRow + gMesStrLineNum + POPUP_FOOTER_HEIGHT + POPUP_HEADER_HEIGHT - 1;
493 | }
494 |
495 | /**
496 | Draw the Message box.
497 | +-------------------------------------------+
499 | |-------------------------------------------|
500 | | popup messages |
501 | | |
502 | | user selectable options |
503 | +-------------------------------------------+
504 |
505 | @param PopupStyle Popup style to use.
506 |
507 | **/
509 | DrawMessageBox (
511 | )
512 | {
513 | UINTN Index;
514 | UINTN Length;
515 | UINTN EndCol;
516 | UINTN TopRow;
517 | UINTN StartCol;
518 | UINTN BottomRow;
519 | CHAR16 Character;
520 | UINTN DisplayRow;
521 | UINTN StringIndex;
522 | CHAR16 *TempString;
523 | CHAR16 *OutputString;
524 | UINTN ColDimension;
525 | UINTN OutputStrWidth;
526 | UINTN DrawMesStrRowNum;
527 |
528 | EndCol = gPopupDimensions.RightColumn;
529 | TopRow = gPopupDimensions.TopRow;
530 | StartCol = gPopupDimensions.LeftColumn;
531 | BottomRow = gPopupDimensions.BottomRow;
532 | ColDimension = EndCol - StartCol + 1;
533 | DrawMesStrRowNum = 0;
534 |
535 | //
536 | // 1. Draw the top of the message box.
537 | //
538 | Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_RIGHT;
539 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, TopRow, Character);
540 | Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL;
541 | for (Index = StartCol; Index + 1 < EndCol; Index++) {
542 | PrintCharAt ((UINTN)-1, (UINTN)-1, Character);
543 | }
544 | Character = BOXDRAW_DOWN_LEFT;
545 | PrintCharAt ((UINTN)-1, (UINTN)-1, Character);
546 |
547 | //
548 | // 2. Draw the prompt string for different popup styles.
549 | //
550 | Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL;
551 | DisplayRow = TopRow + POPUP_BORDER;
552 | ClearLines (StartCol, EndCol, DisplayRow, DisplayRow, GetPopupColor ());
553 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, DisplayRow, Character);
554 | PrintCharAt (EndCol, DisplayRow, Character);
555 | if (PopupStyle == EfiHiiPopupStyleError) {
556 | PrintStringAt ((ColDimension - (GetStringWidth (gErrorPopup) - 2) / 2) / 2 + StartCol, DisplayRow, gErrorPopup);
557 | } else if (PopupStyle == EfiHiiPopupStyleWarning) {
558 | PrintStringAt ((ColDimension - (GetStringWidth (gWarningPopup) - 2) / 2) / 2 + StartCol, DisplayRow, gWarningPopup);
559 | } else {
560 | PrintStringAt ((ColDimension - (GetStringWidth (gInfoPopup) - 2) / 2) / 2 + StartCol, DisplayRow, gInfoPopup);
561 | }
562 |
563 | //
564 | // 3. Draw the horizontal line below the prompt string for different popup styles.
565 | //
567 | ClearLines (StartCol, EndCol, DisplayRow, DisplayRow, GetPopupColor ());
568 | Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL;
569 | for (Index = StartCol + 1; Index < EndCol; Index++) {
570 | PrintCharAt (Index, DisplayRow, Character);
571 | }
572 | Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL;
573 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, DisplayRow, Character);
574 | PrintCharAt (EndCol, DisplayRow, Character);
575 |
576 | //
577 | // 4. Draw the mesage string.
578 | //
579 | DisplayRow = TopRow + POPUP_HEADER_HEIGHT;
580 | for (Index = DisplayRow ,StringIndex = 0; ParseMessageString (gMessageString, &OutputString, &OutputStrWidth, &StringIndex) != 0 && DrawMesStrRowNum < gMesStrLineNum;) {
581 | ClearLines (StartCol, EndCol, Index, Index, GetPopupColor ());
582 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, Index, Character);
583 | PrintCharAt (EndCol, Index, Character);
584 | if (OutputStrWidth > gMaxRowWidth) {
585 | //
586 | //OutputStrWidth > MaxMesStrWidth, cut off the string and print print ... instead.
587 | //
588 | GetStringOffsetWithWidth (OutputString, gMaxRowWidth, &Length);
589 | TempString = AllocateZeroPool ((Length + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16));
590 | if (TempString == NULL) {
591 | FreePool (OutputString);
592 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
593 | }
594 | StrnCpyS (TempString, Length + 1, OutputString, Length - 3);
595 | StrCatS (TempString, Length + 1, L"...");
596 | PrintStringAt ((ColDimension - gMaxRowWidth) / 2 + StartCol, Index, TempString);
597 | FreePool (TempString);
598 | } else {
599 | PrintStringAt ((ColDimension - OutputStrWidth) / 2 + StartCol, Index, OutputString);
600 | }
601 | Index ++;
602 | DrawMesStrRowNum ++;
603 | FreePool (OutputString);
604 | }
605 |
606 | //
607 | // 5. Draw an empty line after message string.
608 | //
609 | ClearLines (StartCol, EndCol, Index, Index, GetPopupColor ());
610 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, Index, Character);
611 | PrintCharAt (EndCol, Index, Character);
612 | //
613 | // Check whether the actual string row number beyond the MesStrRowNum, if yes, print the ...... in the row.
614 | //
615 | if (OutputStrWidth > 0 && DrawMesStrRowNum >= gMesStrLineNum) {
616 | PrintStringAt ((ColDimension - StrLen (L"......")) / 2 + StartCol, Index, L"......");
617 | }
618 |
619 | //
620 | // 6. Draw an empty line which is used to show user selectable options, will draw concrete option strings in function GetUserSelection().
621 | //
622 | Character = BOXDRAW_VERTICAL;
623 | DisplayRow = BottomRow - POPUP_BORDER;
624 | ClearLines (StartCol, EndCol, DisplayRow, DisplayRow, GetPopupColor ());
625 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, DisplayRow, Character);
626 | PrintCharAt (EndCol, DisplayRow, Character);
627 |
628 | //
629 | // 7. Draw the bottom of the message box.
630 | //
631 | Character = BOXDRAW_UP_RIGHT;
632 | PrintCharAt (StartCol, BottomRow, Character);
633 | Character = BOXDRAW_HORIZONTAL;
634 | for (Index = StartCol; Index + 1 < EndCol; Index++) {
635 | PrintCharAt ((UINTN)-1, (UINTN) -1, Character);
636 | }
637 | Character = BOXDRAW_UP_LEFT;
638 | PrintCharAt ((UINTN)-1, (UINTN) -1, Character);
639 |
640 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
641 | }
642 |
643 | /**
644 | Displays a popup window.
645 |
646 | @param This A pointer to the EFI_HII_POPUP_PROTOCOL instance.
647 | @param PopupStyle Popup style to use.
648 | @param PopupType Type of the popup to display.
649 | @param HiiHandle HII handle of the string pack containing Message
650 | @param Message A message to display in the popup box.
651 | @param UserSelection User selection.
652 |
653 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The popup box was successfully displayed.
654 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER HiiHandle and Message do not define a valid HII string.
655 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER PopupType is not one of the values defined by this specification.
656 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to display the popup box.
657 |
658 | **/
660 | EFIAPI
661 | CreatePopup (
663 | IN EFI_HII_POPUP_STYLE PopupStyle,
664 | IN EFI_HII_POPUP_TYPE PopupType,
665 | IN EFI_HII_HANDLE HiiHandle,
666 | IN EFI_STRING_ID Message,
668 | )
669 | {
672 | EFI_STATUS Status;
673 |
674 | if ((PopupType < EfiHiiPopupTypeOk) || (PopupType > EfiHiiPopupTypeYesNoCancel)) {
676 | }
677 |
678 | if((HiiHandle == NULL) || (Message == 0)) {
680 | }
681 |
682 | gMessageString = HiiGetString (HiiHandle, Message, NULL);
683 | if(gMessageString == NULL) {
685 | }
686 |
687 | ConOut = gST->ConOut;
688 | gMaxRowWidth = 0;
689 | gMesStrLineNum = 0;
690 |
691 | CopyMem (&SavedConsoleMode, ConOut->Mode, sizeof (SavedConsoleMode));
692 | ConOut->EnableCursor (ConOut, FALSE);
693 | ConOut->SetAttribute (ConOut, GetPopupColor ());
694 |
695 | CalculatePopupPosition (PopupType, &gPopupDimensions);
696 |
697 | Status = DrawMessageBox (PopupStyle);
698 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
699 | goto Done;
700 | }
701 |
702 | //
703 | // Add user selectable options to option list: gUserSelectableOptions
704 | //
705 | Status = AddUserSelectableOptions (PopupType);
706 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
707 | goto Done;
708 | }
709 |
710 | GetUserSelection (PopupType, UserSelection);
711 |
712 | Done:
713 | //
714 | // Restore Conout attributes and free the resources allocate before.
715 | //
716 | ConOut->EnableCursor (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.CursorVisible);
717 | ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.CursorColumn, SavedConsoleMode.CursorRow);
718 | ConOut->SetAttribute (ConOut, SavedConsoleMode.Attribute);
719 | FreeSelectableOptions (&gUserSelectableOptions);
720 | FreePool (gMessageString);
721 |
722 | return Status;
723 | }
724 |