1 | /** @file
2 | Provides services to print debug and assert messages to a debug output device.
3 |
4 | The Debug library supports debug print and asserts based on a combination of macros and code.
5 | The debug library can be turned on and off so that the debug code does not increase the size of an image.
6 |
7 | Note that a reserved macro named MDEPKG_NDEBUG is introduced for the intention
8 | of size reduction when compiler optimization is disabled. If MDEPKG_NDEBUG is
9 | defined, then debug and assert related macros wrapped by it are the NULL implementations.
10 |
11 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
12 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
13 |
14 | **/
15 |
16 | #ifndef __DEBUG_LIB_H__
17 | #define __DEBUG_LIB_H__
18 |
19 | //
20 | // Declare bits for PcdDebugPropertyMask
21 | //
28 |
29 | //
30 | // Declare bits for PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel and the ErrorLevel parameter of DebugPrint()
31 | //
32 | #define DEBUG_INIT 0x00000001 // Initialization
33 | #define DEBUG_WARN 0x00000002 // Warnings
34 | #define DEBUG_LOAD 0x00000004 // Load events
35 | #define DEBUG_FS 0x00000008 // EFI File system
36 | #define DEBUG_POOL 0x00000010 // Alloc & Free (pool)
37 | #define DEBUG_PAGE 0x00000020 // Alloc & Free (page)
38 | #define DEBUG_INFO 0x00000040 // Informational debug messages
39 | #define DEBUG_DISPATCH 0x00000080 // PEI/DXE/SMM Dispatchers
40 | #define DEBUG_VARIABLE 0x00000100 // Variable
41 | #define DEBUG_BM 0x00000400 // Boot Manager
42 | #define DEBUG_BLKIO 0x00001000 // BlkIo Driver
43 | #define DEBUG_NET 0x00004000 // Network Io Driver
44 | #define DEBUG_UNDI 0x00010000 // UNDI Driver
45 | #define DEBUG_LOADFILE 0x00020000 // LoadFile
46 | #define DEBUG_EVENT 0x00080000 // Event messages
47 | #define DEBUG_GCD 0x00100000 // Global Coherency Database changes
48 | #define DEBUG_CACHE 0x00200000 // Memory range cachability changes
49 | #define DEBUG_VERBOSE 0x00400000 // Detailed debug messages that may
50 | // significantly impact boot performance
51 | #define DEBUG_ERROR 0x80000000 // Error
52 |
53 | //
54 | // Aliases of debug message mask bits
55 | //
56 | #define EFI_D_INIT DEBUG_INIT
57 | #define EFI_D_WARN DEBUG_WARN
58 | #define EFI_D_LOAD DEBUG_LOAD
59 | #define EFI_D_FS DEBUG_FS
60 | #define EFI_D_POOL DEBUG_POOL
61 | #define EFI_D_PAGE DEBUG_PAGE
62 | #define EFI_D_INFO DEBUG_INFO
65 | #define EFI_D_BM DEBUG_BM
67 | #define EFI_D_NET DEBUG_NET
68 | #define EFI_D_UNDI DEBUG_UNDI
73 |
74 | /**
75 | Prints a debug message to the debug output device if the specified error level is enabled.
76 |
77 | If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in DebugPrintErrorLevelLib function
78 | GetDebugPrintErrorLevel (), then print the message specified by Format and the
79 | associated variable argument list to the debug output device.
80 |
81 | If Format is NULL, then ASSERT().
82 |
83 | @param ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message.
84 | @param Format The format string for the debug message to print.
85 | @param ... The variable argument list whose contents are accessed
86 | based on the format string specified by Format.
87 |
88 | **/
89 | VOID
91 | DebugPrint (
92 | IN UINTN ErrorLevel,
93 | IN CONST CHAR8 *Format,
94 | ...
95 | );
96 |
97 |
98 | /**
99 | Prints a debug message to the debug output device if the specified
100 | error level is enabled.
101 |
102 | If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in DebugPrintErrorLevelLib function
103 | GetDebugPrintErrorLevel (), then print the message specified by Format and
104 | the associated variable argument list to the debug output device.
105 |
106 | If Format is NULL, then ASSERT().
107 |
108 | @param ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message.
109 | @param Format Format string for the debug message to print.
110 | @param VaListMarker VA_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
111 |
112 | **/
113 | VOID
114 | EFIAPI
115 | DebugVPrint (
116 | IN UINTN ErrorLevel,
117 | IN CONST CHAR8 *Format,
118 | IN VA_LIST VaListMarker
119 | );
120 |
121 |
122 | /**
123 | Prints a debug message to the debug output device if the specified
124 | error level is enabled.
125 | This function use BASE_LIST which would provide a more compatible
126 | service than VA_LIST.
127 |
128 | If any bit in ErrorLevel is also set in DebugPrintErrorLevelLib function
129 | GetDebugPrintErrorLevel (), then print the message specified by Format and
130 | the associated variable argument list to the debug output device.
131 |
132 | If Format is NULL, then ASSERT().
133 |
134 | @param ErrorLevel The error level of the debug message.
135 | @param Format Format string for the debug message to print.
136 | @param BaseListMarker BASE_LIST marker for the variable argument list.
137 |
138 | **/
139 | VOID
140 | EFIAPI
141 | DebugBPrint (
142 | IN UINTN ErrorLevel,
143 | IN CONST CHAR8 *Format,
144 | IN BASE_LIST BaseListMarker
145 | );
146 |
147 |
148 | /**
149 | Prints an assert message containing a filename, line number, and description.
150 | This may be followed by a breakpoint or a dead loop.
151 |
152 | Print a message of the form "ASSERT <FileName>(<LineNumber>): <Description>\n"
153 | to the debug output device. If DEBUG_PROPERTY_ASSERT_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED bit of
154 | PcdDebugProperyMask is set then CpuBreakpoint() is called. Otherwise, if
155 | DEBUG_PROPERTY_ASSERT_DEADLOOP_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set then
156 | CpuDeadLoop() is called. If neither of these bits are set, then this function
157 | returns immediately after the message is printed to the debug output device.
158 | DebugAssert() must actively prevent recursion. If DebugAssert() is called while
159 | processing another DebugAssert(), then DebugAssert() must return immediately.
160 |
161 | If FileName is NULL, then a <FileName> string of "(NULL) Filename" is printed.
162 | If Description is NULL, then a <Description> string of "(NULL) Description" is printed.
163 |
164 | @param FileName The pointer to the name of the source file that generated the assert condition.
165 | @param LineNumber The line number in the source file that generated the assert condition
166 | @param Description The pointer to the description of the assert condition.
167 |
168 | **/
169 | VOID
170 | EFIAPI
171 | DebugAssert (
172 | IN CONST CHAR8 *FileName,
173 | IN UINTN LineNumber,
174 | IN CONST CHAR8 *Description
175 | );
176 |
177 |
178 | /**
179 | Fills a target buffer with PcdDebugClearMemoryValue, and returns the target buffer.
180 |
181 | This function fills Length bytes of Buffer with the value specified by
182 | PcdDebugClearMemoryValue, and returns Buffer.
183 |
184 | If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
185 | If Length is greater than (MAX_ADDRESS - Buffer + 1), then ASSERT().
186 |
187 | @param Buffer The pointer to the target buffer to be filled with PcdDebugClearMemoryValue.
188 | @param Length The number of bytes in Buffer to fill with zeros PcdDebugClearMemoryValue.
189 |
190 | @return Buffer The pointer to the target buffer filled with PcdDebugClearMemoryValue.
191 |
192 | **/
193 | VOID *
194 | EFIAPI
195 | DebugClearMemory (
196 | OUT VOID *Buffer,
197 | IN UINTN Length
198 | );
199 |
200 |
201 | /**
202 | Returns TRUE if ASSERT() macros are enabled.
203 |
204 | This function returns TRUE if the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED bit of
205 | PcdDebugProperyMask is set. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
206 |
207 | @retval TRUE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set.
208 | @retval FALSE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_ASSERT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear.
209 |
210 | **/
212 | EFIAPI
213 | DebugAssertEnabled (
214 | VOID
215 | );
216 |
217 |
218 | /**
219 | Returns TRUE if DEBUG() macros are enabled.
220 |
221 | This function returns TRUE if the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED bit of
222 | PcdDebugProperyMask is set. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
223 |
224 | @retval TRUE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set.
225 | @retval FALSE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_PRINT_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear.
226 |
227 | **/
229 | EFIAPI
230 | DebugPrintEnabled (
231 | VOID
232 | );
233 |
234 |
235 | /**
236 | Returns TRUE if DEBUG_CODE() macros are enabled.
237 |
238 | This function returns TRUE if the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED bit of
239 | PcdDebugProperyMask is set. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
240 |
241 | @retval TRUE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set.
242 | @retval FALSE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear.
243 |
244 | **/
246 | EFIAPI
247 | DebugCodeEnabled (
248 | VOID
249 | );
250 |
251 |
252 | /**
253 | Returns TRUE if DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY() macro is enabled.
254 |
255 | This function returns TRUE if the DEBUG_PROPERTY_CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED bit of
256 | PcdDebugProperyMask is set. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
257 |
258 | @retval TRUE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set.
259 | @retval FALSE The DEBUG_PROPERTY_CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear.
260 |
261 | **/
263 | EFIAPI
264 | DebugClearMemoryEnabled (
265 | VOID
266 | );
267 |
268 | /**
269 | Returns TRUE if any one of the bit is set both in ErrorLevel and PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel.
270 |
271 | This function compares the bit mask of ErrorLevel and PcdFixedDebugPrintErrorLevel.
272 |
273 | @retval TRUE Current ErrorLevel is supported.
274 | @retval FALSE Current ErrorLevel is not supported.
275 |
276 | **/
278 | EFIAPI
279 | DebugPrintLevelEnabled (
280 | IN CONST UINTN ErrorLevel
281 | );
282 |
283 | /**
284 | Internal worker macro that calls DebugAssert().
285 |
286 | This macro calls DebugAssert(), passing in the filename, line number, and an
287 | expression that evaluated to FALSE.
288 |
289 | @param Expression Boolean expression that evaluated to FALSE
290 |
291 | **/
292 | #define _ASSERT(Expression) DebugAssert (__FILE__, __LINE__, #Expression)
293 |
294 |
295 | /**
296 | Internal worker macro that calls DebugPrint().
297 |
298 | This macro calls DebugPrint() passing in the debug error level, a format
299 | string, and a variable argument list.
300 | __VA_ARGS__ is not supported by EBC compiler, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
301 | and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Driver Development Kit (Microsoft WINDDK) version 3790.1830.
302 |
303 | @param Expression Expression containing an error level, a format string,
304 | and a variable argument list based on the format string.
305 |
306 | **/
307 |
308 | #if !defined(MDE_CPU_EBC) && (!defined (_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER > 1400)
309 | #define _DEBUG_PRINT(PrintLevel, ...) \
310 | do { \
311 | if (DebugPrintLevelEnabled (PrintLevel)) { \
312 | DebugPrint (PrintLevel, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
313 | } \
314 | } while (FALSE)
315 | #define _DEBUG(Expression) _DEBUG_PRINT Expression
316 | #else
317 | #define _DEBUG(Expression) DebugPrint Expression
318 | #endif
319 |
320 | /**
321 | Macro that calls DebugAssert() if an expression evaluates to FALSE.
322 |
324 | bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set, then this macro evaluates the Boolean
325 | expression specified by Expression. If Expression evaluates to FALSE, then
326 | DebugAssert() is called passing in the source filename, source line number,
327 | and Expression.
328 |
329 | @param Expression Boolean expression.
330 |
331 | **/
332 | #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG)
333 | #define ASSERT(Expression) \
334 | do { \
335 | if (DebugAssertEnabled ()) { \
336 | if (!(Expression)) { \
337 | _ASSERT (Expression); \
339 | } \
340 | } \
341 | } while (FALSE)
342 | #else
343 | #define ASSERT(Expression)
344 | #endif
345 |
346 | /**
347 | Macro that calls DebugPrint().
348 |
350 | bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set, then this macro passes Expression to
351 | DebugPrint().
352 |
353 | @param Expression Expression containing an error level, a format string,
354 | and a variable argument list based on the format string.
355 |
356 |
357 | **/
358 | #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG)
359 | #define DEBUG(Expression) \
360 | do { \
361 | if (DebugPrintEnabled ()) { \
362 | _DEBUG (Expression); \
363 | } \
364 | } while (FALSE)
365 | #else
366 | #define DEBUG(Expression)
367 | #endif
368 |
369 | /**
370 | Macro that calls DebugAssert() if an EFI_STATUS evaluates to an error code.
371 |
373 | bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set, then this macro evaluates the EFI_STATUS
374 | value specified by StatusParameter. If StatusParameter is an error code,
375 | then DebugAssert() is called passing in the source filename, source line
376 | number, and StatusParameter.
377 |
378 | @param StatusParameter EFI_STATUS value to evaluate.
379 |
380 | **/
381 | #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG)
382 | #define ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(StatusParameter) \
383 | do { \
384 | if (DebugAssertEnabled ()) { \
385 | if (EFI_ERROR (StatusParameter)) { \
386 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "\nASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = %r)\n", StatusParameter)); \
387 | _ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (StatusParameter)); \
388 | } \
389 | } \
390 | } while (FALSE)
391 | #else
392 | #define ASSERT_EFI_ERROR(StatusParameter)
393 | #endif
394 |
395 | /**
396 | Macro that calls DebugAssert() if a RETURN_STATUS evaluates to an error code.
397 |
399 | bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set, then this macro evaluates the
400 | RETURN_STATUS value specified by StatusParameter. If StatusParameter is an
401 | error code, then DebugAssert() is called passing in the source filename,
402 | source line number, and StatusParameter.
403 |
404 | @param StatusParameter RETURN_STATUS value to evaluate.
405 |
406 | **/
407 | #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG)
408 | #define ASSERT_RETURN_ERROR(StatusParameter) \
409 | do { \
410 | if (DebugAssertEnabled ()) { \
411 | if (RETURN_ERROR (StatusParameter)) { \
412 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "\nASSERT_RETURN_ERROR (Status = %r)\n", \
413 | StatusParameter)); \
414 | _ASSERT (!RETURN_ERROR (StatusParameter)); \
415 | } \
416 | } \
417 | } while (FALSE)
418 | #else
419 | #define ASSERT_RETURN_ERROR(StatusParameter)
420 | #endif
421 |
422 | /**
423 | Macro that calls DebugAssert() if a protocol is already installed in the
424 | handle database.
425 |
427 | of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear, then return.
428 |
429 | If Handle is NULL, then a check is made to see if the protocol specified by Guid
430 | is present on any handle in the handle database. If Handle is not NULL, then
431 | a check is made to see if the protocol specified by Guid is present on the
432 | handle specified by Handle. If the check finds the protocol, then DebugAssert()
433 | is called passing in the source filename, source line number, and Guid.
434 |
435 | If Guid is NULL, then ASSERT().
436 |
437 | @param Handle The handle to check for the protocol. This is an optional
438 | parameter that may be NULL. If it is NULL, then the entire
439 | handle database is searched.
440 |
441 | @param Guid The pointer to a protocol GUID.
442 |
443 | **/
444 | #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG)
446 | do { \
447 | if (DebugAssertEnabled ()) { \
448 | VOID *Instance; \
449 | ASSERT (Guid != NULL); \
450 | if (Handle == NULL) { \
451 | if (!EFI_ERROR (gBS->LocateProtocol ((EFI_GUID *)Guid, NULL, &Instance))) { \
452 | _ASSERT (Guid already installed in database); \
453 | } \
454 | } else { \
455 | if (!EFI_ERROR (gBS->HandleProtocol (Handle, (EFI_GUID *)Guid, &Instance))) { \
456 | _ASSERT (Guid already installed on Handle); \
457 | } \
458 | } \
459 | } \
460 | } while (FALSE)
461 | #else
463 | #endif
464 |
465 | /**
466 | Macro that marks the beginning of debug source code.
467 |
468 | If the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set,
469 | then this macro marks the beginning of source code that is included in a module.
470 | Otherwise, the source lines between DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN() and DEBUG_CODE_END()
471 | are not included in a module.
472 |
473 | **/
474 | #define DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN() do { if (DebugCodeEnabled ()) { UINT8 __DebugCodeLocal
475 |
476 |
477 | /**
478 | The macro that marks the end of debug source code.
479 |
480 | If the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set,
481 | then this macro marks the end of source code that is included in a module.
482 | Otherwise, the source lines between DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN() and DEBUG_CODE_END()
483 | are not included in a module.
484 |
485 | **/
486 | #define DEBUG_CODE_END() __DebugCodeLocal = 0; __DebugCodeLocal++; } } while (FALSE)
487 |
488 |
489 | /**
490 | The macro that declares a section of debug source code.
491 |
492 | If the DEBUG_PROPERTY_DEBUG_CODE_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set,
493 | then the source code specified by Expression is included in a module.
494 | Otherwise, the source specified by Expression is not included in a module.
495 |
496 | **/
497 | #define DEBUG_CODE(Expression) \
498 | DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN (); \
499 | Expression \
501 |
502 |
503 | /**
504 | The macro that calls DebugClearMemory() to clear a buffer to a default value.
505 |
506 | If the DEBUG_PROPERTY_CLEAR_MEMORY_ENABLED bit of PcdDebugProperyMask is set,
507 | then this macro calls DebugClearMemory() passing in Address and Length.
508 |
509 | @param Address The pointer to a buffer.
510 | @param Length The number of bytes in the buffer to set.
511 |
512 | **/
513 | #define DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY(Address, Length) \
514 | do { \
515 | if (DebugClearMemoryEnabled ()) { \
516 | DebugClearMemory (Address, Length); \
517 | } \
518 | } while (FALSE)
519 |
520 |
521 | /**
522 | Macro that calls DebugAssert() if the containing record does not have a
523 | matching signature. If the signatures matches, then a pointer to the data
524 | structure that contains a specified field of that data structure is returned.
525 | This is a lightweight method hide information by placing a public data
526 | structure inside a larger private data structure and using a pointer to the
527 | public data structure to retrieve a pointer to the private data structure.
528 |
530 | of PcdDebugProperyMask is clear, then this macro computes the offset, in bytes,
531 | of the field specified by Field from the beginning of the data structure specified
532 | by TYPE. This offset is subtracted from Record, and is used to return a pointer
533 | to a data structure of the type specified by TYPE.
534 |
536 | of PcdDebugProperyMask is set, then this macro computes the offset, in bytes,
537 | of field specified by Field from the beginning of the data structure specified
538 | by TYPE. This offset is subtracted from Record, and is used to compute a pointer
539 | to a data structure of the type specified by TYPE. The Signature field of the
540 | data structure specified by TYPE is compared to TestSignature. If the signatures
541 | match, then a pointer to the pointer to a data structure of the type specified by
542 | TYPE is returned. If the signatures do not match, then DebugAssert() is called
543 | with a description of "CR has a bad signature" and Record is returned.
544 |
545 | If the data type specified by TYPE does not contain the field specified by Field,
546 | then the module will not compile.
547 |
548 | If TYPE does not contain a field called Signature, then the module will not
549 | compile.
550 |
551 | @param Record The pointer to the field specified by Field within a data
552 | structure of type TYPE.
553 |
554 | @param TYPE The name of the data structure type to return This
555 | data structure must contain the field specified by Field.
556 |
557 | @param Field The name of the field in the data structure specified
558 | by TYPE to which Record points.
559 |
560 | @param TestSignature The 32-bit signature value to match.
561 |
562 | **/
563 | #if !defined(MDEPKG_NDEBUG)
564 | #define CR(Record, TYPE, Field, TestSignature) \
565 | (DebugAssertEnabled () && (BASE_CR (Record, TYPE, Field)->Signature != TestSignature)) ? \
566 | (TYPE *) (_ASSERT (CR has Bad Signature), Record) : \
567 | BASE_CR (Record, TYPE, Field)
568 | #else
569 | #define CR(Record, TYPE, Field, TestSignature) \
570 | BASE_CR (Record, TYPE, Field)
571 | #endif
572 |
573 | #if defined(VBOX)
574 | VOID EFIAPI VBoxLogWorker(const char *pszFormat, ...);
575 |
576 | /** See RT_XSTR */
577 | # define VBOX_XSTR(str) VBOX_STR(str)
578 | /** See RT_STR */
579 | # define VBOX_STR(str) #str
580 | # if defined(EFI_LOG_ENABLED)
581 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncEnter() DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "%a:" VBOX_XSTR(__LINE__) ": ENTER\n", __FUNCTION__))
582 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncLeave() DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "%a:" VBOX_XSTR(__LINE__) ": LEAVE\n", __FUNCTION__))
583 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncMark() DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "%a:" VBOX_XSTR(__LINE__) "\n", __FUNCTION__))
584 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc) \
585 | do { \
586 | EFI_STATUS rcLog = (rc); \
587 | VBoxLog(("%a:" VBOX_XSTR(__LINE__) ": LEAVE " #rc "=0x%x (%r)\n", __FUNCTION__, rcLog, rcLog)); \
588 | } while (0)
589 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncMarkVar(var, varfmt) \
590 | DEBUG((DEBUG_INFO, "%a:" VBOX_XSTR(__LINE__) ": " #var "=" varfmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, (var)))
591 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncMarkRC(rc) \
592 | do { \
593 | EFI_STATUS rcLog = (rc); \
594 | VBoxLog(("%a:" VBOX_XSTR(__LINE__) ": " #rc "=0x%x (%r)\n", __FUNCTION__, rcLog, rcLog)); \
595 | } while (0)
596 | # define VBoxLog(a) VBoxLogWorker a
597 | # else /* !EFI_LOG_ENABLED */
598 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncEnter() do {} while (0)
599 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncLeave() do {} while (0)
600 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc) do {} while (0)
601 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncMark() do {} while (0)
602 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncMarkVar(var, varfmt) do {} while (0)
603 | # define VBoxLogFlowFuncMarkRC(rc) do {} while (0)
604 | # define VBoxLog(a) do {} while (0)
605 | # endif /* !EFI_LOG_ENABLED */
606 | #endif /* VBOX */
607 | #endif