1 | /** @file
2 | Provides services to load and relocate a PE/COFF image.
3 |
4 | The PE/COFF Loader Library abstracts the implementation of a PE/COFF loader for
5 | IA-32, x86, IPF, and EBC processor types. The library functions are memory-based
6 | and can be ported easily to any environment.
7 |
8 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
9 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
10 |
11 | **/
12 |
13 | #ifndef __BASE_PE_COFF_LIB_H__
14 | #define __BASE_PE_COFF_LIB_H__
15 |
16 | #include <IndustryStandard/PeImage.h>
17 | //
18 | // Return status codes from the PE/COFF Loader services
19 | //
20 | #define IMAGE_ERROR_SUCCESS 0
32 |
33 | /**
34 | Reads contents of a PE/COFF image.
35 |
36 | A function of this type reads contents of the PE/COFF image specified by FileHandle. The read
37 | operation copies ReadSize bytes from the PE/COFF image starting at byte offset FileOffset into
38 | the buffer specified by Buffer. The size of the buffer actually read is returned in ReadSize.
39 | If FileOffset specifies an offset past the end of the PE/COFF image, a ReadSize of 0 is returned.
40 | A function of this type must be registered in the ImageRead field of a PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT
41 | structure for the PE/COFF Loader Library service to function correctly. This function abstracts access
42 | to a PE/COFF image so it can be implemented in an environment specific manner. For example, SEC and PEI
43 | environments may access memory directly to read the contents of a PE/COFF image, and DXE or UEFI
44 | environments may require protocol services to read the contents of PE/COFF image
45 | stored on FLASH, disk, or network devices.
46 |
47 | If FileHandle is not a valid handle, then ASSERT().
48 | If ReadSize is NULL, then ASSERT().
49 | If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
50 |
51 | @param FileHandle Pointer to the file handle to read the PE/COFF image.
52 | @param FileOffset Offset into the PE/COFF image to begin the read operation.
53 | @param ReadSize On input, the size in bytes of the requested read operation.
54 | On output, the number of bytes actually read.
55 | @param Buffer Output buffer that contains the data read from the PE/COFF image.
56 |
57 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The specified portion of the PE/COFF image was
58 | read and the size return in ReadSize.
59 | @retval RETURN_DEVICE_ERROR The specified portion of the PE/COFF image
60 | could not be read due to a device error.
61 |
62 | **/
63 | typedef
66 | IN VOID *FileHandle,
67 | IN UINTN FileOffset,
68 | IN OUT UINTN *ReadSize,
69 | OUT VOID *Buffer
70 | );
71 |
72 | ///
73 | /// The context structure used while PE/COFF image is being loaded and relocated.
74 | ///
75 | typedef struct {
76 | ///
77 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the ImageBase in the PE/COFF header.
78 | ///
79 | PHYSICAL_ADDRESS ImageAddress;
80 | ///
81 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the SizeOfImage in the PE/COFF header.
82 | /// Image size includes the size of Debug Entry if it is present.
83 | ///
84 | UINT64 ImageSize;
85 | ///
86 | /// Is set to zero by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo(). If DestinationAddress is non-zero,
87 | /// PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage() will relocate the image using this base address.
88 | /// If the DestinationAddress is zero, the ImageAddress will be used as the base
89 | /// address of relocation.
90 | ///
91 | PHYSICAL_ADDRESS DestinationAddress;
92 | ///
93 | /// PeCoffLoaderLoadImage() sets EntryPoint to to the entry point of the PE/COFF image.
94 | ///
96 | ///
97 | /// Passed in by the caller to PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() and PeCoffLoaderLoadImage()
98 | /// to abstract accessing the image from the library.
99 | ///
101 | ///
102 | /// Used as the FileHandle passed into the ImageRead function when it's called.
103 | ///
104 | VOID *Handle;
105 | ///
106 | /// Caller allocated buffer of size FixupDataSize that can be optionally allocated
107 | /// prior to calling PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage().
108 | /// This buffer is filled with the information used to fix up the image.
109 | /// The fixups have been applied to the image and this entry is just for information.
110 | ///
111 | VOID *FixupData;
112 | ///
113 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the Section Alignment in the PE/COFF header.
114 | /// If the image is a TE image, then this field is set to 0.
115 | ///
116 | UINT32 SectionAlignment;
117 | ///
118 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to offset to the PE/COFF header.
119 | /// If the PE/COFF image does not start with a DOS header, this value is zero.
120 | /// Otherwise, it's the offset to the PE/COFF header.
121 | ///
122 | UINT32 PeCoffHeaderOffset;
123 | ///
124 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the Relative Virtual Address of the debug directory,
125 | /// if it exists in the image
126 | ///
127 | UINT32 DebugDirectoryEntryRva;
128 | ///
129 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderLoadImage() to CodeView area of the PE/COFF Debug directory.
130 | ///
131 | VOID *CodeView;
132 | ///
133 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderLoadImage() to point to the PDB entry contained in the CodeView area.
134 | /// The PdbPointer points to the filename of the PDB file used for source-level debug of
135 | /// the image by a debugger.
136 | ///
137 | CHAR8 *PdbPointer;
138 | ///
139 | /// Is set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the Section Alignment in the PE/COFF header.
140 | ///
141 | UINTN SizeOfHeaders;
142 | ///
143 | /// Not used by this library class. Other library classes that layer on top of this library
144 | /// class fill in this value as part of their GetImageInfo call.
145 | /// This allows the caller of the library to know what type of memory needs to be allocated
146 | /// to load and relocate the image.
147 | ///
148 | UINT32 ImageCodeMemoryType;
149 | ///
150 | /// Not used by this library class. Other library classes that layer on top of this library
151 | /// class fill in this value as part of their GetImageInfo call.
152 | /// This allows the caller of the library to know what type of memory needs to be allocated
153 | /// to load and relocate the image.
154 | ///
155 | UINT32 ImageDataMemoryType;
156 | ///
157 | /// Set by any of the library functions if they encounter an error.
158 | ///
159 | UINT32 ImageError;
160 | ///
161 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderLoadImage() to indicate the size of FixupData that the caller must
162 | /// allocate before calling PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage().
163 | ///
164 | UINTN FixupDataSize;
165 | ///
166 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the machine type stored in the PE/COFF header.
167 | ///
168 | UINT16 Machine;
169 | ///
170 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to the subsystem type stored in the PE/COFF header.
171 | ///
172 | UINT16 ImageType;
173 | ///
174 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to TRUE if the PE/COFF image does not contain
175 | /// relocation information.
176 | ///
177 | BOOLEAN RelocationsStripped;
178 | ///
179 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo() to TRUE if the image is a TE image.
180 | /// For a definition of the TE Image format, see the Platform Initialization Pre-EFI
181 | /// Initialization Core Interface Specification.
182 | ///
183 | BOOLEAN IsTeImage;
184 | ///
185 | /// Set by PeCoffLoaderLoadImage() to the HII resource offset
186 | /// if the image contains a custom PE/COFF resource with the type 'HII'.
187 | /// Otherwise, the entry remains to be 0.
188 | ///
189 | PHYSICAL_ADDRESS HiiResourceData;
190 | #ifdef VBOX /* Mach-O FAT support. */
191 | ///
192 | /// Indicates that this is a FAT image.
193 | ///
194 | BOOLEAN IsFat;
195 | ///
196 | /// The EFI image offset within the FAT file.
197 | ///
198 | UINT32 FatOffset;
199 | #endif
200 | ///
201 | /// Private storage for implementation specific data.
202 | ///
203 | UINT64 Context;
205 |
206 | /**
207 | Retrieves information about a PE/COFF image.
208 |
209 | Computes the PeCoffHeaderOffset, IsTeImage, ImageType, ImageAddress, ImageSize,
210 | DestinationAddress, RelocationsStripped, SectionAlignment, SizeOfHeaders, and
211 | DebugDirectoryEntryRva fields of the ImageContext structure.
212 | If ImageContext is NULL, then return RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER.
213 | If the PE/COFF image accessed through the ImageRead service in the ImageContext
214 | structure is not a supported PE/COFF image type, then return RETURN_UNSUPPORTED.
215 | If any errors occur while computing the fields of ImageContext,
216 | then the error status is returned in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
217 | If the image is a TE image, then SectionAlignment is set to 0.
218 | The ImageRead and Handle fields of ImageContext structure must be valid prior
219 | to invoking this service.
220 |
221 | @param ImageContext The pointer to the image context structure that
222 | describes the PE/COFF image that needs to be
223 | examined by this function.
224 |
225 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The information on the PE/COFF image was collected.
226 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageContext is NULL.
227 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED The PE/COFF image is not supported.
228 |
229 | **/
231 | EFIAPI
232 | PeCoffLoaderGetImageInfo (
234 | );
235 |
236 | /**
237 | Applies relocation fixups to a PE/COFF image that was loaded with PeCoffLoaderLoadImage().
238 |
239 | If the DestinationAddress field of ImageContext is 0, then use the ImageAddress field of
240 | ImageContext as the relocation base address. Otherwise, use the DestinationAddress field
241 | of ImageContext as the relocation base address. The caller must allocate the relocation
242 | fixup log buffer and fill in the FixupData field of ImageContext prior to calling this function.
243 |
244 | The ImageRead, Handle, PeCoffHeaderOffset, IsTeImage, Machine, ImageType, ImageAddress,
245 | ImageSize, DestinationAddress, RelocationsStripped, SectionAlignment, SizeOfHeaders,
246 | DebugDirectoryEntryRva, EntryPoint, FixupDataSize, CodeView, PdbPointer, and FixupData of
247 | the ImageContext structure must be valid prior to invoking this service.
248 |
249 | If ImageContext is NULL, then ASSERT().
250 |
251 | Note that if the platform does not maintain coherency between the instruction cache(s) and the data
252 | cache(s) in hardware, then the caller is responsible for performing cache maintenance operations
253 | prior to transferring control to a PE/COFF image that is loaded using this library.
254 |
255 | @param ImageContext The pointer to the image context structure that describes the PE/COFF
256 | image that is being relocated.
257 |
258 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The PE/COFF image was relocated.
259 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
260 | @retval RETURN_LOAD_ERROR The image in not a valid PE/COFF image.
261 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
262 | @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED A relocation record type is not supported.
263 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
264 |
265 | **/
267 | EFIAPI
268 | PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage (
270 | );
271 |
272 | /**
273 | Loads a PE/COFF image into memory.
274 |
275 | Loads the PE/COFF image accessed through the ImageRead service of ImageContext into the buffer
276 | specified by the ImageAddress and ImageSize fields of ImageContext. The caller must allocate
277 | the load buffer and fill in the ImageAddress and ImageSize fields prior to calling this function.
278 | The EntryPoint, FixupDataSize, CodeView, PdbPointer and HiiResourceData fields of ImageContext are computed.
279 | The ImageRead, Handle, PeCoffHeaderOffset, IsTeImage, Machine, ImageType, ImageAddress, ImageSize,
280 | DestinationAddress, RelocationsStripped, SectionAlignment, SizeOfHeaders, and DebugDirectoryEntryRva
281 | fields of the ImageContext structure must be valid prior to invoking this service.
282 |
283 | If ImageContext is NULL, then ASSERT().
284 |
285 | Note that if the platform does not maintain coherency between the instruction cache(s) and the data
286 | cache(s) in hardware, then the caller is responsible for performing cache maintenance operations
287 | prior to transferring control to a PE/COFF image that is loaded using this library.
288 |
289 | @param ImageContext The pointer to the image context structure that describes the PE/COFF
290 | image that is being loaded.
291 |
292 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The PE/COFF image was loaded into the buffer specified by
293 | the ImageAddress and ImageSize fields of ImageContext.
294 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
295 | @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The caller did not provide a large enough buffer.
296 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
297 | @retval RETURN_LOAD_ERROR The PE/COFF image is an EFI Runtime image with no relocations.
298 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
299 | @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER The image address is invalid.
300 | Extended status information is in the ImageError field of ImageContext.
301 |
302 | **/
304 | EFIAPI
305 | PeCoffLoaderLoadImage (
307 | );
308 |
309 |
310 | /**
311 | Reads contents of a PE/COFF image from a buffer in system memory.
312 |
313 | This is the default implementation of a PE_COFF_LOADER_READ_FILE function
314 | that assumes FileHandle pointer to the beginning of a PE/COFF image.
315 | This function reads contents of the PE/COFF image that starts at the system memory
316 | address specified by FileHandle. The read operation copies ReadSize bytes from the
317 | PE/COFF image starting at byte offset FileOffset into the buffer specified by Buffer.
318 | The size of the buffer actually read is returned in ReadSize.
319 |
320 | If FileHandle is NULL, then ASSERT().
321 | If ReadSize is NULL, then ASSERT().
322 | If Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().
323 |
324 | @param FileHandle The pointer to base of the input stream
325 | @param FileOffset Offset into the PE/COFF image to begin the read operation.
326 | @param ReadSize On input, the size in bytes of the requested read operation.
327 | On output, the number of bytes actually read.
328 | @param Buffer Output buffer that contains the data read from the PE/COFF image.
329 |
330 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The data is read from FileOffset from the Handle into
331 | the buffer.
332 | **/
334 | EFIAPI
335 | PeCoffLoaderImageReadFromMemory (
336 | IN VOID *FileHandle,
337 | IN UINTN FileOffset,
338 | IN OUT UINTN *ReadSize,
339 | OUT VOID *Buffer
340 | );
341 |
342 |
343 | /**
344 | Reapply fixups on a fixed up PE32/PE32+ image to allow virtual calling at EFI
345 | runtime.
346 |
347 | This function reapplies relocation fixups to the PE/COFF image specified by ImageBase
348 | and ImageSize so the image will execute correctly when the PE/COFF image is mapped
349 | to the address specified by VirtualImageBase. RelocationData must be identical
350 | to the FiuxupData buffer from the PE_COFF_LOADER_IMAGE_CONTEXT structure
351 | after this PE/COFF image was relocated with PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage().
352 |
353 | Note that if the platform does not maintain coherency between the instruction cache(s) and the data
354 | cache(s) in hardware, then the caller is responsible for performing cache maintenance operations
355 | prior to transferring control to a PE/COFF image that is loaded using this library.
356 |
357 | @param ImageBase The base address of a PE/COFF image that has been loaded
358 | and relocated into system memory.
359 | @param VirtImageBase The request virtual address that the PE/COFF image is to
360 | be fixed up for.
361 | @param ImageSize The size, in bytes, of the PE/COFF image.
362 | @param RelocationData A pointer to the relocation data that was collected when the PE/COFF
363 | image was relocated using PeCoffLoaderRelocateImage().
364 |
365 | **/
366 | VOID
367 | EFIAPI
368 | PeCoffLoaderRelocateImageForRuntime (
370 | IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS VirtImageBase,
371 | IN UINTN ImageSize,
372 | IN VOID *RelocationData
373 | );
374 |
375 | /**
376 | Unloads a loaded PE/COFF image from memory and releases its taken resource.
377 | Releases any environment specific resources that were allocated when the image
378 | specified by ImageContext was loaded using PeCoffLoaderLoadImage().
379 |
380 | For NT32 emulator, the PE/COFF image loaded by system needs to release.
381 | For real platform, the PE/COFF image loaded by Core doesn't needs to be unloaded,
382 | this function can simply return RETURN_SUCCESS.
383 |
384 | If ImageContext is NULL, then ASSERT().
385 |
386 | @param ImageContext Pointer to the image context structure that describes the PE/COFF
387 | image to be unloaded.
388 |
389 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The PE/COFF image was unloaded successfully.
390 | **/
392 | EFIAPI
393 | PeCoffLoaderUnloadImage (
395 | );
396 | #endif