1 | /** @file
2 | Provides calibrated delay and performance counter services.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #ifndef __TIMER_LIB__
10 | #define __TIMER_LIB__
11 |
12 | /**
13 | Stalls the CPU for at least the given number of microseconds.
14 |
15 | Stalls the CPU for the number of microseconds specified by MicroSeconds.
16 |
17 | @param MicroSeconds The minimum number of microseconds to delay.
18 |
19 | @return The value of MicroSeconds inputted.
20 |
21 | **/
22 | UINTN
24 | MicroSecondDelay (
25 | IN UINTN MicroSeconds
26 | );
27 |
28 | /**
29 | Stalls the CPU for at least the given number of nanoseconds.
30 |
31 | Stalls the CPU for the number of nanoseconds specified by NanoSeconds.
32 |
33 | @param NanoSeconds The minimum number of nanoseconds to delay.
34 |
35 | @return The value of NanoSeconds inputted.
36 |
37 | **/
38 | UINTN
40 | NanoSecondDelay (
41 | IN UINTN NanoSeconds
42 | );
43 |
44 | /**
45 | Retrieves the current value of a 64-bit free running performance counter.
46 |
47 | The counter can either count up by 1 or count down by 1. If the physical
48 | performance counter counts by a larger increment, then the counter values
49 | must be translated. The properties of the counter can be retrieved from
50 | GetPerformanceCounterProperties().
51 |
52 | @return The current value of the free running performance counter.
53 |
54 | **/
55 | UINT64
57 | GetPerformanceCounter (
58 | VOID
59 | );
60 |
61 | /**
62 | Retrieves the 64-bit frequency in Hz and the range of performance counter
63 | values.
64 |
65 | If StartValue is not NULL, then the value that the performance counter starts
66 | with immediately after is it rolls over is returned in StartValue. If
67 | EndValue is not NULL, then the value that the performance counter end with
68 | immediately before it rolls over is returned in EndValue. The 64-bit
69 | frequency of the performance counter in Hz is always returned. If StartValue
70 | is less than EndValue, then the performance counter counts up. If StartValue
71 | is greater than EndValue, then the performance counter counts down. For
72 | example, a 64-bit free running counter that counts up would have a StartValue
73 | of 0 and an EndValue of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. A 24-bit free running counter
74 | that counts down would have a StartValue of 0xFFFFFF and an EndValue of 0.
75 |
76 | @param StartValue The value the performance counter starts with when it
77 | rolls over.
78 | @param EndValue The value that the performance counter ends with before
79 | it rolls over.
80 |
81 | @return The frequency in Hz.
82 |
83 | **/
84 | UINT64
86 | GetPerformanceCounterProperties (
87 | OUT UINT64 *StartValue, OPTIONAL
88 | OUT UINT64 *EndValue OPTIONAL
89 | );
90 |
91 | /**
92 | Converts elapsed ticks of performance counter to time in nanoseconds.
93 |
94 | This function converts the elapsed ticks of running performance counter to
95 | time value in unit of nanoseconds.
96 |
97 | @param Ticks The number of elapsed ticks of running performance counter.
98 |
99 | @return The elapsed time in nanoseconds.
100 |
101 | **/
102 | UINT64
103 | EFIAPI
104 | GetTimeInNanoSecond (
105 | IN UINT64 Ticks
106 | );
107 |
108 | #endif