1 | /** @file
2 | Include file matches things in PI.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | @par Revision Reference:
8 | PI Version 1.7
9 |
10 | **/
11 |
12 | #ifndef __PI_DXECIS_H__
13 | #define __PI_DXECIS_H__
14 |
15 | #include <Uefi/UefiMultiPhase.h>
16 | #include <Pi/PiMultiPhase.h>
17 |
18 | ///
19 | /// Global Coherencey Domain types - Memory type.
20 | ///
21 | typedef enum {
22 | ///
23 | /// A memory region that is visible to the boot processor. However, there are no system
24 | /// components that are currently decoding this memory region.
25 | ///
26 | EfiGcdMemoryTypeNonExistent,
27 | ///
28 | /// A memory region that is visible to the boot processor. This memory region is being
29 | /// decoded by a system component, but the memory region is not considered to be either
30 | /// system memory or memory-mapped I/O.
31 | ///
32 | EfiGcdMemoryTypeReserved,
33 | ///
34 | /// A memory region that is visible to the boot processor. A memory controller is
35 | /// currently decoding this memory region and the memory controller is producing a
36 | /// tested system memory region that is available to the memory services.
37 | ///
38 | EfiGcdMemoryTypeSystemMemory,
39 | ///
40 | /// A memory region that is visible to the boot processor. This memory region is
41 | /// currently being decoded by a component as memory-mapped I/O that can be used to
42 | /// access I/O devices in the platform.
43 | ///
44 | EfiGcdMemoryTypeMemoryMappedIo,
45 | ///
46 | /// A memory region that is visible to the boot processor.
47 | /// This memory supports byte-addressable non-volatility.
48 | ///
49 | EfiGcdMemoryTypePersistent,
50 | //
51 | // Keep original one for the compatibility.
52 | //
53 | EfiGcdMemoryTypePersistentMemory = EfiGcdMemoryTypePersistent,
54 | ///
55 | /// A memory region that provides higher reliability relative to other memory in the
56 | /// system. If all memory has the same reliability, then this bit is not used.
57 | ///
58 | EfiGcdMemoryTypeMoreReliable,
59 | // ///
60 | // /// A memory region that describes system memory that has not been accepted
61 | // /// by a corresponding call to the underlying isolation architecture.
62 | // ///
63 | // /// Please be noted:
64 | // /// EfiGcdMemoryTypeUnaccepted is defined in PrePiDxeCis.h because it has not been
65 | // /// defined in PI spec.
66 | // EfiGcdMemoryTypeUnaccepted,
67 | EfiGcdMemoryTypeMaximum = 7
69 |
70 | ///
71 | /// Global Coherencey Domain types - IO type.
72 | ///
73 | typedef enum {
74 | ///
75 | /// An I/O region that is visible to the boot processor. However, there are no system
76 | /// components that are currently decoding this I/O region.
77 | ///
78 | EfiGcdIoTypeNonExistent,
79 | ///
80 | /// An I/O region that is visible to the boot processor. This I/O region is currently being
81 | /// decoded by a system component, but the I/O region cannot be used to access I/O devices.
82 | ///
83 | EfiGcdIoTypeReserved,
84 | ///
85 | /// An I/O region that is visible to the boot processor. This I/O region is currently being
86 | /// decoded by a system component that is producing I/O ports that can be used to access I/O devices.
87 | ///
88 | EfiGcdIoTypeIo,
89 | EfiGcdIoTypeMaximum
91 |
92 | ///
93 | /// The type of allocation to perform.
94 | ///
95 | typedef enum {
96 | ///
97 | /// The GCD memory space map is searched from the lowest address up to the highest address
98 | /// looking for unallocated memory ranges.
99 | ///
100 | EfiGcdAllocateAnySearchBottomUp,
101 | ///
102 | /// The GCD memory space map is searched from the lowest address up
103 | /// to the specified MaxAddress looking for unallocated memory ranges.
104 | ///
105 | EfiGcdAllocateMaxAddressSearchBottomUp,
106 | ///
107 | /// The GCD memory space map is checked to see if the memory range starting
108 | /// at the specified Address is available.
109 | ///
110 | EfiGcdAllocateAddress,
111 | ///
112 | /// The GCD memory space map is searched from the highest address down to the lowest address
113 | /// looking for unallocated memory ranges.
114 | ///
115 | EfiGcdAllocateAnySearchTopDown,
116 | ///
117 | /// The GCD memory space map is searched from the specified MaxAddress
118 | /// down to the lowest address looking for unallocated memory ranges.
119 | ///
120 | EfiGcdAllocateMaxAddressSearchTopDown,
121 | EfiGcdMaxAllocateType
123 |
124 | ///
126 | ///
127 | typedef struct {
128 | ///
129 | /// The physical address of the first byte in the memory region. Type
130 | /// EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS is defined in the AllocatePages() function
131 | /// description in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
132 | ///
134 |
135 | ///
136 | /// The number of bytes in the memory region.
137 | ///
138 | UINT64 Length;
139 |
140 | ///
141 | /// The bit mask of attributes that the memory region is capable of supporting. The bit
142 | /// mask of available attributes is defined in the GetMemoryMap() function description
143 | /// in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
144 | ///
145 | UINT64 Capabilities;
146 | ///
147 | /// The bit mask of attributes that the memory region is currently using. The bit mask of
148 | /// available attributes is defined in GetMemoryMap().
149 | ///
150 | UINT64 Attributes;
151 | ///
152 | /// Type of the memory region. Type EFI_GCD_MEMORY_TYPE is defined in the
153 | /// AddMemorySpace() function description.
154 | ///
155 | EFI_GCD_MEMORY_TYPE GcdMemoryType;
156 |
157 | ///
158 | /// The image handle of the agent that allocated the memory resource described by
159 | /// PhysicalStart and NumberOfBytes. If this field is NULL, then the memory
160 | /// resource is not currently allocated. Type EFI_HANDLE is defined in
161 | /// InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
162 | ///
163 | EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle;
164 |
165 | ///
166 | /// The device handle for which the memory resource has been allocated. If
167 | /// ImageHandle is NULL, then the memory resource is not currently allocated. If this
168 | /// field is NULL, then the memory resource is not associated with a device that is
169 | /// described by a device handle. Type EFI_HANDLE is defined in
170 | /// InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
171 | ///
172 | EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle;
174 |
175 | ///
177 | ///
178 | typedef struct {
179 | ///
180 | /// Physical address of the first byte in the I/O region. Type
181 | /// EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS is defined in the AllocatePages() function
182 | /// description in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
183 | ///
185 |
186 | ///
187 | /// Number of bytes in the I/O region.
188 | ///
189 | UINT64 Length;
190 |
191 | ///
192 | /// Type of the I/O region. Type EFI_GCD_IO_TYPE is defined in the
193 | /// AddIoSpace() function description.
194 | ///
195 | EFI_GCD_IO_TYPE GcdIoType;
196 |
197 | ///
198 | /// The image handle of the agent that allocated the I/O resource described by
199 | /// PhysicalStart and NumberOfBytes. If this field is NULL, then the I/O
200 | /// resource is not currently allocated. Type EFI_HANDLE is defined in
201 | /// InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI 2.0 specification.
202 | ///
203 | EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle;
204 |
205 | ///
206 | /// The device handle for which the I/O resource has been allocated. If ImageHandle
207 | /// is NULL, then the I/O resource is not currently allocated. If this field is NULL, then
208 | /// the I/O resource is not associated with a device that is described by a device handle.
209 | /// Type EFI_HANDLE is defined in InstallProtocolInterface() in the UEFI
210 | /// 2.0 specification.
211 | ///
212 | EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle;
214 |
215 | /**
216 | Adds reserved memory, system memory, or memory-mapped I/O resources to the
217 | global coherency domain of the processor.
218 |
219 | @param GcdMemoryType The type of memory resource being added.
220 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address
221 | of the memory resource being added.
222 | @param Length The size, in bytes, of the memory resource that
223 | is being added.
224 | @param Capabilities The bit mask of attributes that the memory
225 | resource region supports.
226 |
227 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory resource was added to the global
228 | coherency domain of the processor.
229 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER GcdMemoryType is invalid.
230 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
231 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to add
232 | the memory resource to the global coherency
233 | domain of the processor.
234 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes
235 | of the memory resource range specified by
236 | BaseAddress and Length.
237 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED One or more bytes of the memory resource range
238 | specified by BaseAddress and Length conflicts
239 | with a memory resource range that was previously
240 | added to the global coherency domain of the processor.
241 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED One or more bytes of the memory resource range
242 | specified by BaseAddress and Length was allocated
243 | in a prior call to AllocateMemorySpace().
244 |
245 | **/
246 | typedef
249 | IN EFI_GCD_MEMORY_TYPE GcdMemoryType,
251 | IN UINT64 Length,
252 | IN UINT64 Capabilities
253 | );
254 |
255 | /**
256 | Allocates nonexistent memory, reserved memory, system memory, or memorymapped
257 | I/O resources from the global coherency domain of the processor.
258 |
259 | @param GcdAllocateType The type of allocation to perform.
260 | @param GcdMemoryType The type of memory resource being allocated.
261 | @param Alignment The log base 2 of the boundary that BaseAddress must
262 | be aligned on output. Align with 2^Alignment.
263 | @param Length The size in bytes of the memory resource range that
264 | is being allocated.
265 | @param BaseAddress A pointer to a physical address to allocate.
266 | @param Imagehandle The image handle of the agent that is allocating
267 | the memory resource.
268 | @param DeviceHandle The device handle for which the memory resource
269 | is being allocated.
270 |
271 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER GcdAllocateType is invalid.
272 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER GcdMemoryType is invalid.
273 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
274 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER BaseAddress is NULL.
275 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageHandle is NULL.
276 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The memory resource request could not be satisfied.
277 | No descriptor contains the desired space.
278 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to allocate the memory
279 | resource from the global coherency domain of the processor.
280 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory resource was allocated from the global coherency
281 | domain of the processor.
282 |
283 |
284 | **/
285 | typedef
288 | IN EFI_GCD_ALLOCATE_TYPE GcdAllocateType,
289 | IN EFI_GCD_MEMORY_TYPE GcdMemoryType,
290 | IN UINTN Alignment,
291 | IN UINT64 Length,
293 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
295 | );
296 |
297 | /**
298 | Frees nonexistent memory, reserved memory, system memory, or memory-mapped
299 | I/O resources from the global coherency domain of the processor.
300 |
301 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of the memory resource being freed.
302 | @param Length The size in bytes of the memory resource range that is being freed.
303 |
304 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory resource was freed from the global coherency domain of
305 | the processor.
306 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
307 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes of the memory
308 | resource range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
309 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The memory resource range specified by BaseAddress and
310 | Length was not allocated with previous calls to AllocateMemorySpace().
311 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to free the memory resource
312 | from the global coherency domain of the processor.
313 |
314 | **/
315 | typedef
319 | IN UINT64 Length
320 | );
321 |
322 | /**
323 | Removes reserved memory, system memory, or memory-mapped I/O resources from
324 | the global coherency domain of the processor.
325 |
326 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of the memory resource being removed.
327 | @param Length The size in bytes of the memory resource that is being removed.
328 |
329 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory resource was removed from the global coherency
330 | domain of the processor.
331 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
332 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes of the memory
333 | resource range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
334 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND One or more bytes of the memory resource range specified by
335 | BaseAddress and Length was not added with previous calls to
336 | AddMemorySpace().
337 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DEFINED One or more bytes of the memory resource range specified by
338 | BaseAddress and Length has been allocated with AllocateMemorySpace().
339 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to remove the memory
340 | resource from the global coherency domain of the processor.
341 |
342 | **/
343 | typedef
347 | IN UINT64 Length
348 | );
349 |
350 | /**
351 | Retrieves the descriptor for a memory region containing a specified address.
352 |
353 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of a memory region.
354 | @param Descriptor A pointer to a caller allocated descriptor.
355 |
356 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The descriptor for the memory resource region containing
357 | BaseAddress was returned in Descriptor.
358 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Descriptor is NULL.
359 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND A memory resource range containing BaseAddress was not found.
360 |
361 | **/
362 | typedef
367 | );
368 |
369 | /**
370 | Modifies the attributes for a memory region in the global coherency domain of the
371 | processor.
372 |
373 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of a memory region.
374 | @param Length The size in bytes of the memory region.
375 | @param Attributes The bit mask of attributes to set for the memory region.
376 |
377 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The attributes were set for the memory region.
378 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
379 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes of the memory
380 | resource range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
381 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The bit mask of attributes is not support for the memory resource
382 | range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
383 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The attributes for the memory resource range specified by
384 | BaseAddress and Length cannot be modified.
385 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to modify the attributes of
386 | the memory resource range.
387 | @retval EFI_NOT_AVAILABLE_YET The attributes cannot be set because CPU architectural protocol is
388 | not available yet.
389 | **/
390 | typedef
394 | IN UINT64 Length,
395 | IN UINT64 Attributes
396 | );
397 |
398 | /**
399 | Modifies the capabilities for a memory region in the global coherency domain of the
400 | processor.
401 |
402 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of a memory region.
403 | @param Length The size in bytes of the memory region.
404 | @param Capabilities The bit mask of capabilities that the memory region supports.
405 |
406 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The capabilities were set for the memory region.
407 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
408 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The capabilities specified by Capabilities do not include the
409 | memory region attributes currently in use.
410 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The capabilities for the memory resource range specified by
411 | BaseAddress and Length cannot be modified.
412 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to modify the capabilities
413 | of the memory resource range.
414 | **/
415 | typedef
419 | IN UINT64 Length,
420 | IN UINT64 Capabilities
421 | );
422 |
423 | /**
424 | Returns a map of the memory resources in the global coherency domain of the
425 | processor.
426 |
427 | @param NumberOfDescriptors A pointer to number of descriptors returned in the MemorySpaceMap buffer.
428 | @param MemorySpaceMap A pointer to the array of EFI_GCD_MEMORY_SPACE_DESCRIPTORs.
429 |
430 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The memory space map was returned in the MemorySpaceMap
431 | buffer, and the number of descriptors in MemorySpaceMap was
432 | returned in NumberOfDescriptors.
433 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER NumberOfDescriptors is NULL.
434 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER MemorySpaceMap is NULL.
435 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to allocate MemorySpaceMap.
436 |
437 | **/
438 | typedef
441 | OUT UINTN *NumberOfDescriptors,
443 | );
444 |
445 | /**
446 | Adds reserved I/O or I/O resources to the global coherency domain of the processor.
447 |
448 | @param GcdIoType The type of I/O resource being added.
449 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of the I/O resource being added.
450 | @param Length The size in bytes of the I/O resource that is being added.
451 |
452 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The I/O resource was added to the global coherency domain of
453 | the processor.
454 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER GcdIoType is invalid.
455 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
456 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to add the I/O resource to
457 | the global coherency domain of the processor.
458 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes of the I/O
459 | resource range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
460 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED One or more bytes of the I/O resource range specified by
461 | BaseAddress and Length conflicts with an I/O resource
462 | range that was previously added to the global coherency domain
463 | of the processor.
464 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED One or more bytes of the I/O resource range specified by
465 | BaseAddress and Length was allocated in a prior call to
466 | AllocateIoSpace().
467 |
468 | **/
469 | typedef
472 | IN EFI_GCD_IO_TYPE GcdIoType,
474 | IN UINT64 Length
475 | );
476 |
477 | /**
478 | Allocates nonexistent I/O, reserved I/O, or I/O resources from the global coherency
479 | domain of the processor.
480 |
481 | @param GcdAllocateType The type of allocation to perform.
482 | @param GcdIoType The type of I/O resource being allocated.
483 | @param Alignment The log base 2 of the boundary that BaseAddress must be aligned on output.
484 | @param Length The size in bytes of the I/O resource range that is being allocated.
485 | @param BaseAddress A pointer to a physical address.
486 | @param Imagehandle The image handle of the agent that is allocating the I/O resource.
487 | @param DeviceHandle The device handle for which the I/O resource is being allocated.
488 |
489 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The I/O resource was allocated from the global coherency domain
490 | of the processor.
491 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER GcdAllocateType is invalid.
492 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER GcdIoType is invalid.
493 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
494 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER BaseAddress is NULL.
495 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ImageHandle is NULL.
496 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to allocate the I/O
497 | resource from the global coherency domain of the processor.
498 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The I/O resource request could not be satisfied.
499 |
500 | **/
501 | typedef
504 | IN EFI_GCD_ALLOCATE_TYPE GcdAllocateType,
505 | IN EFI_GCD_IO_TYPE GcdIoType,
506 | IN UINTN Alignment,
507 | IN UINT64 Length,
509 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
511 | );
512 |
513 | /**
514 | Frees nonexistent I/O, reserved I/O, or I/O resources from the global coherency
515 | domain of the processor.
516 |
517 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of the I/O resource being freed.
518 | @param Length The size in bytes of the I/O resource range that is being freed.
519 |
520 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The I/O resource was freed from the global coherency domain of the
521 | processor.
522 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
523 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes of the I/O resource
524 | range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
525 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The I/O resource range specified by BaseAddress and Length
526 | was not allocated with previous calls to AllocateIoSpace().
527 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to free the I/O resource from
528 | the global coherency domain of the processor.
529 |
530 | **/
531 | typedef
535 | IN UINT64 Length
536 | );
537 |
538 | /**
539 | Removes reserved I/O or I/O resources from the global coherency domain of the
540 | processor.
541 |
542 | @param BaseAddress A pointer to a physical address that is the start address of the I/O resource being
543 | removed.
544 | @param Length The size in bytes of the I/O resource that is being removed.
545 |
546 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The I/O resource was removed from the global coherency domain
547 | of the processor.
548 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Length is zero.
549 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The processor does not support one or more bytes of the I/O
550 | resource range specified by BaseAddress and Length.
551 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND One or more bytes of the I/O resource range specified by
552 | BaseAddress and Length was not added with previous
553 | calls to AddIoSpace().
554 | @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED One or more bytes of the I/O resource range specified by
555 | BaseAddress and Length has been allocated with
556 | AllocateIoSpace().
557 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources to remove the I/O
558 | resource from the global coherency domain of the processor.
559 |
560 | **/
561 | typedef
565 | IN UINT64 Length
566 | );
567 |
568 | /**
569 | Retrieves the descriptor for an I/O region containing a specified address.
570 |
571 | @param BaseAddress The physical address that is the start address of an I/O region.
572 | @param Descriptor A pointer to a caller allocated descriptor.
573 |
574 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The descriptor for the I/O resource region containing
575 | BaseAddress was returned in Descriptor.
576 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Descriptor is NULL.
577 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND An I/O resource range containing BaseAddress was not found.
578 |
579 | **/
580 | typedef
585 | );
586 |
587 | /**
588 | Returns a map of the I/O resources in the global coherency domain of the processor.
589 |
590 | @param NumberOfDescriptors A pointer to number of descriptors returned in the IoSpaceMap buffer.
591 | @param MemorySpaceMap A pointer to the array of EFI_GCD_IO_SPACE_DESCRIPTORs.
592 |
593 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The I/O space map was returned in the IoSpaceMap buffer, and
594 | the number of descriptors in IoSpaceMap was returned in
595 | NumberOfDescriptors.
596 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER NumberOfDescriptors is NULL.
597 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER IoSpaceMap is NULL.
598 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources to allocate IoSpaceMap.
599 |
600 |
601 | **/
602 | typedef
605 | OUT UINTN *NumberOfDescriptors,
607 | );
608 |
609 | /**
610 | Loads and executed DXE drivers from firmware volumes.
611 |
612 | The Dispatch() function searches for DXE drivers in firmware volumes that have been
613 | installed since the last time the Dispatch() service was called. It then evaluates
614 | the dependency expressions of all the DXE drivers and loads and executes those DXE
615 | drivers whose dependency expression evaluate to TRUE. This service must interact with
616 | the Security Architectural Protocol to authenticate DXE drivers before they are executed.
617 | This process is continued until no more DXE drivers can be executed.
618 |
619 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS One or more DXE driver were dispatched.
620 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND No DXE drivers were dispatched.
621 | @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED An attempt is being made to start the DXE Dispatcher recursively.
622 | Thus, no action was taken.
623 |
624 | **/
625 | typedef
628 | VOID
629 | );
630 |
631 | /**
632 | Clears the Schedule on Request (SOR) flag for a component that is stored in a firmware volume.
633 |
634 | @param FirmwareVolumeHandle The handle of the firmware volume that contains the file specified by FileName.
635 | @param FileName A pointer to the name of the file in a firmware volume.
636 |
637 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The DXE driver was found and its SOR bit was cleared.
638 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The DXE driver does not exist, or the DXE driver exists and its SOR
639 | bit is not set.
640 |
641 | **/
642 | typedef
645 | IN EFI_HANDLE FirmwareVolumeHandle,
646 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *FileName
647 | );
648 |
649 | /**
650 | Promotes a file stored in a firmware volume from the untrusted to the trusted state.
651 |
652 | @param FirmwareVolumeHandle The handle of the firmware volume that contains the file specified by FileName.
653 | @param DriverName A pointer to the name of the file in a firmware volume.
654 |
655 | @return Status of promoting FFS from untrusted to trusted
656 | state.
657 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The file was not found in the untrusted state.
658 |
659 | **/
660 | typedef
663 | IN EFI_HANDLE FirmwareVolumeHandle,
664 | IN CONST EFI_GUID *FileName
665 | );
666 |
667 | /**
668 | Creates a firmware volume handle for a firmware volume that is present in system memory.
669 |
670 | @param FirmwareVolumeHeader A pointer to the header of the firmware volume.
671 | @param Size The size, in bytes, of the firmware volume.
672 | @param FirmwareVolumeHandle On output, a pointer to the created handle.
673 |
675 | EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL were installed onto
676 | FirmwareVolumeHandle for the firmware volume described
677 | by FirmwareVolumeHeader and Size.
678 | @retval EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED The firmware volume described by FirmwareVolumeHeader
679 | and Size is corrupted.
680 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough system resources available to produce the
682 | for the firmware volume described by FirmwareVolumeHeader and Size.
683 |
684 | **/
685 | typedef
688 | IN CONST VOID *FirmwareVolumeHeader,
689 | IN UINTN Size,
690 | OUT EFI_HANDLE *FirmwareVolumeHandle
691 | );
692 |
693 | //
694 | // DXE Services Table
695 | //
696 | #define DXE_SERVICES_SIGNATURE 0x565245535f455844ULL
700 |
701 | typedef struct {
702 | ///
703 | /// The table header for the DXE Services Table.
704 | /// This header contains the DXE_SERVICES_SIGNATURE and DXE_SERVICES_REVISION values.
705 | ///
707 |
708 | //
709 | // Global Coherency Domain Services
710 | //
711 | EFI_ADD_MEMORY_SPACE AddMemorySpace;
712 | EFI_ALLOCATE_MEMORY_SPACE AllocateMemorySpace;
713 | EFI_FREE_MEMORY_SPACE FreeMemorySpace;
714 | EFI_REMOVE_MEMORY_SPACE RemoveMemorySpace;
715 | EFI_GET_MEMORY_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR GetMemorySpaceDescriptor;
716 | EFI_SET_MEMORY_SPACE_ATTRIBUTES SetMemorySpaceAttributes;
717 | EFI_GET_MEMORY_SPACE_MAP GetMemorySpaceMap;
718 | EFI_ADD_IO_SPACE AddIoSpace;
719 | EFI_ALLOCATE_IO_SPACE AllocateIoSpace;
720 | EFI_FREE_IO_SPACE FreeIoSpace;
721 | EFI_REMOVE_IO_SPACE RemoveIoSpace;
722 | EFI_GET_IO_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR GetIoSpaceDescriptor;
723 | EFI_GET_IO_SPACE_MAP GetIoSpaceMap;
724 |
725 | //
726 | // Dispatcher Services
727 | //
728 | EFI_DISPATCH Dispatch;
729 | EFI_SCHEDULE Schedule;
730 | EFI_TRUST Trust;
731 | //
732 | // Service to process a single firmware volume found in a capsule
733 | //
734 | EFI_PROCESS_FIRMWARE_VOLUME ProcessFirmwareVolume;
735 | //
736 | // Extensions to Global Coherency Domain Services
737 | //
738 | EFI_SET_MEMORY_SPACE_CAPABILITIES SetMemorySpaceCapabilities;
740 |
742 |
743 | #endif