1 | /** @file
2 | Miscellaneous definitions for iSCSI driver.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2004 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #ifndef _ISCSI_MISC_H_
10 | #define _ISCSI_MISC_H_
11 |
13 |
14 | ///
15 | /// IPv4 Device Path Node Length
16 | ///
17 | #define IP4_NODE_LEN_NEW_VERSIONS 27
18 |
19 | ///
20 | /// IPv6 Device Path Node Length
21 | ///
22 | #define IP6_NODE_LEN_OLD_VERSIONS 43
23 | #define IP6_NODE_LEN_NEW_VERSIONS 60
24 |
25 | ///
26 | /// The ignored field StaticIpAddress's offset in old IPv6 Device Path
27 | ///
28 | #define IP6_OLD_IPADDRESS_OFFSET 42
29 |
30 |
31 | #pragma pack(1)
32 | typedef struct _ISCSI_SESSION_CONFIG_NVDATA {
33 | UINT16 TargetPort;
34 | UINT8 Enabled;
35 | UINT8 IpMode;
36 |
37 | EFI_IP_ADDRESS LocalIp;
38 | EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS SubnetMask;
39 | EFI_IP_ADDRESS Gateway;
40 |
41 | BOOLEAN InitiatorInfoFromDhcp;
42 | BOOLEAN TargetInfoFromDhcp;
43 |
45 | EFI_IP_ADDRESS TargetIp;
46 | UINT8 PrefixLength;
47 | UINT8 BootLun[8];
48 |
49 | UINT16 ConnectTimeout; ///< timout value in milliseconds.
50 | UINT8 ConnectRetryCount;
51 | UINT8 IsId[6];
52 |
53 | BOOLEAN RedirectFlag;
54 | UINT16 OriginalTargetPort; // The port of proxy/virtual target.
55 | EFI_IP_ADDRESS OriginalTargetIp; // The address of proxy/virtual target.
56 |
57 | BOOLEAN DnsMode; // Flag indicate whether the Target address is expressed as URL format.
59 |
61 | #pragma pack()
62 |
63 | /**
64 | Calculate the prefix length of the IPv4 subnet mask.
65 |
66 | @param[in] SubnetMask The IPv4 subnet mask.
67 |
68 | @return The prefix length of the subnet mask.
69 | @retval 0 Other errors as indicated.
70 |
71 | **/
72 | UINT8
73 | IScsiGetSubnetMaskPrefixLength (
74 | IN EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *SubnetMask
75 | );
76 |
77 | /**
78 | Convert the hexadecimal encoded LUN string into the 64-bit LUN.
79 |
80 | @param[in] Str The hexadecimal encoded LUN string.
81 | @param[out] Lun Storage to return the 64-bit LUN.
82 |
83 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The 64-bit LUN is stored in Lun.
84 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The string is malformatted.
85 |
86 | **/
88 | IScsiAsciiStrToLun (
89 | IN CHAR8 *Str,
90 | OUT UINT8 *Lun
91 | );
92 |
93 | /**
94 | Convert the 64-bit LUN into the hexadecimal encoded LUN string.
95 |
96 | @param[in] Lun The 64-bit LUN.
97 | @param[out] String The storage to return the hexadecimal encoded LUN string.
98 |
99 | **/
100 | VOID
101 | IScsiLunToUnicodeStr (
102 | IN UINT8 *Lun,
103 | OUT CHAR16 *String
104 | );
105 |
106 | /**
107 | Convert the mac address into a hexadecimal encoded "-" seperated string.
108 |
109 | @param[in] Mac The mac address.
110 | @param[in] Len Length in bytes of the mac address.
111 | @param[in] VlanId VLAN ID of the network device.
112 | @param[out] Str The storage to return the mac string.
113 |
114 | **/
115 | VOID
116 | IScsiMacAddrToStr (
118 | IN UINT32 Len,
119 | IN UINT16 VlanId,
120 | OUT CHAR16 *Str
121 | );
122 |
123 | /**
124 | Convert the formatted IP address into the binary IP address.
125 |
126 | @param[in] Str The UNICODE string.
127 | @param[in] IpMode Indicates whether the IP address is v4 or v6.
128 | @param[out] Ip The storage to return the ASCII string.
129 |
130 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The binary IP address is returned in Ip.
131 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The IP string is malformatted or IpMode is
132 | invalid.
133 |
134 | **/
136 | IScsiAsciiStrToIp (
137 | IN CHAR8 *Str,
138 | IN UINT8 IpMode,
140 | );
141 |
142 | /**
143 | Convert the binary encoded buffer into a hexadecimal encoded string.
144 |
145 | @param[in] BinBuffer The buffer containing the binary data.
146 | @param[in] BinLength Length of the binary buffer.
147 | @param[in, out] HexStr Pointer to the string.
148 | @param[in, out] HexLength The length of the string.
149 |
150 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The binary data is converted to the hexadecimal string
151 | and the length of the string is updated.
152 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The string is too small.
153 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The IP string is malformatted.
154 |
155 | **/
157 | IScsiBinToHex (
158 | IN UINT8 *BinBuffer,
159 | IN UINT32 BinLength,
160 | IN OUT CHAR8 *HexStr,
161 | IN OUT UINT32 *HexLength
162 | );
163 |
164 | /**
165 | Convert the hexadecimal string into a binary encoded buffer.
166 |
167 | @param[in, out] BinBuffer The binary buffer.
168 | @param[in, out] BinLength Length of the binary buffer.
169 | @param[in] HexStr The hexadecimal string.
170 |
171 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The hexadecimal string is converted into a binary
172 | encoded buffer.
173 | @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The binary buffer is too small to hold the converted data.
174 |
175 | **/
177 | IScsiHexToBin (
178 | IN OUT UINT8 *BinBuffer,
179 | IN OUT UINT32 *BinLength,
180 | IN CHAR8 *HexStr
181 | );
182 |
183 |
184 | /**
185 | Convert the decimal-constant string or hex-constant string into a numerical value.
186 |
187 | @param[in] Str String in decimal or hex.
188 |
189 | @return The numerical value.
190 |
191 | **/
192 | UINTN
193 | IScsiNetNtoi (
194 | IN CHAR8 *Str
195 | );
196 |
197 | /**
198 | Generate random numbers.
199 |
200 | @param[in, out] Rand The buffer to contain random numbers.
201 | @param[in] RandLength The length of the Rand buffer.
202 |
203 | **/
204 | VOID
205 | IScsiGenRandom (
206 | IN OUT UINT8 *Rand,
207 | IN UINTN RandLength
208 | );
209 |
210 | /**
211 | Record the NIC information in a global structure.
212 |
213 | @param[in] Controller The handle of the controller.
214 | @param[in] Image Handle of the image.
215 |
216 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is completed.
217 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Do not have sufficient resource to finish this
218 | operation.
219 |
220 | **/
222 | IScsiAddNic (
223 | IN EFI_HANDLE Controller,
224 | IN EFI_HANDLE Image
225 | );
226 |
227 | /**
228 | Delete the recorded NIC information from a global structure. Also delete corresponding
229 | attempts.
230 |
231 | @param[in] Controller The handle of the controller.
232 |
233 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed.
234 | @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The NIC information to be deleted is not recorded.
235 |
236 | **/
238 | IScsiRemoveNic (
239 | IN EFI_HANDLE Controller
240 | );
241 |
242 | /**
243 | Create and initialize the Attempts.
244 |
245 | @param[in] AttemptNum The number of Attempts will be created.
246 |
247 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The Attempts have been created successfully.
248 | @retval Others Failed to create the Attempt.
249 |
250 | **/
252 | IScsiCreateAttempts (
253 | IN UINTN AttemptNum
254 | );
255 |
256 | /**
257 | Create the iSCSI configuration Keywords for each attempt.
258 |
259 | @param[in] KeywordNum The number Sets of Keywords will be created.
260 |
261 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is completed.
262 | @retval Others Failed to create the Keywords.
263 |
264 | **/
266 | IScsiCreateKeywords (
267 | IN UINTN KeywordNum
268 | );
269 |
270 | /**
271 |
272 | Free the attempt configure data variable.
273 |
274 | **/
275 | VOID
276 | IScsiCleanAttemptVariable (
277 | IN VOID
278 | );
279 |
280 | /**
281 | Get the recorded NIC information from a global structure by the Index.
282 |
283 | @param[in] NicIndex The index indicates the position of NIC info.
284 |
285 | @return Pointer to the NIC info or NULL if not found.
286 |
287 | **/
289 | IScsiGetNicInfoByIndex (
290 | IN UINT8 NicIndex
291 | );
292 |
293 |
294 | /**
295 | Get the NIC's PCI location and return it according to the composited
296 | format defined in iSCSI Boot Firmware Table.
297 |
298 | @param[in] Controller The handle of the controller.
299 | @param[out] Bus The bus number.
300 | @param[out] Device The device number.
301 | @param[out] Function The function number.
302 |
303 | @return The composited representation of the NIC PCI location.
304 |
305 | **/
306 | UINT16
307 | IScsiGetNICPciLocation (
308 | IN EFI_HANDLE Controller,
309 | OUT UINTN *Bus,
310 | OUT UINTN *Device,
311 | OUT UINTN *Function
312 | );
313 |
314 | /**
315 | Read the EFI variable (VendorGuid/Name) and return a dynamically allocated
316 | buffer, and the size of the buffer. If failure, return NULL.
317 |
318 | @param[in] Name String part of EFI variable name.
319 | @param[in] VendorGuid GUID part of EFI variable name.
320 | @param[out] VariableSize Returns the size of the EFI variable that was read.
321 |
322 | @return Dynamically allocated memory that contains a copy of the EFI variable.
323 | @return Caller is responsible freeing the buffer.
324 | @retval NULL Variable was not read.
325 |
326 | **/
327 | VOID *
328 | IScsiGetVariableAndSize (
329 | IN CHAR16 *Name,
330 | IN EFI_GUID *VendorGuid,
331 | OUT UINTN *VariableSize
332 | );
333 |
334 | /**
335 | Create the iSCSI driver data.
336 |
337 | @param[in] Image The handle of the driver image.
338 | @param[in] Controller The handle of the controller.
339 |
340 | @return The iSCSI driver data created.
341 | @retval NULL Other errors as indicated.
342 |
343 | **/
345 | IScsiCreateDriverData (
346 | IN EFI_HANDLE Image,
347 | IN EFI_HANDLE Controller
348 | );
349 |
350 | /**
351 | Clean the iSCSI driver data.
352 |
353 | @param[in] Private The iSCSI driver data.
354 |
355 | @retval EFI_SUCCES The clean operation is successful.
356 | @retval Others Other errors as indicated.
357 |
358 | **/
360 | IScsiCleanDriverData (
362 | );
363 |
364 | /**
365 | Check wheather the Controller handle is configured to use DHCP protocol.
366 |
367 | @param[in] Controller The handle of the controller.
368 | @param[in] IpVersion IP_VERSION_4 or IP_VERSION_6.
369 |
370 | @retval TRUE The handle of the controller need the Dhcp protocol.
371 | @retval FALSE The handle of the controller does not need the Dhcp protocol.
372 |
373 | **/
375 | IScsiDhcpIsConfigured (
376 | IN EFI_HANDLE Controller,
377 | IN UINT8 IpVersion
378 | );
379 |
380 | /**
381 | Check wheather the Controller handle is configured to use DNS protocol.
382 |
383 | @param[in] Controller The handle of the controller.
384 |
385 | @retval TRUE The handle of the controller need the DNS protocol.
386 | @retval FALSE The handle of the controller does not need the DNS protocol.
387 |
388 | **/
390 | IScsiDnsIsConfigured (
391 | IN EFI_HANDLE Controller
392 | );
393 |
394 | /**
395 | Get the various configuration data of this iSCSI instance.
396 |
397 | @param[in] Private The iSCSI driver data.
398 |
399 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Obtained the configuration of this instance.
400 | @retval EFI_ABORTED The operation was aborted.
401 | @retval Others Other errors as indicated.
402 |
403 | **/
405 | IScsiGetConfigData (
407 | );
408 |
409 | /**
410 | Get the device path of the iSCSI tcp connection and update it.
411 |
412 | @param[in] Session The iSCSI session data.
413 |
414 | @return The updated device path.
415 | @retval NULL Other errors as indicated.
416 |
417 | **/
419 | IScsiGetTcpConnDevicePath (
420 | IN ISCSI_SESSION *Session
421 | );
422 |
423 | /**
424 | Abort the session when the transition from BS to RT is initiated.
425 |
426 | @param[in] Event The event signaled.
427 | @param[in] Context The iSCSI driver data.
428 |
429 | **/
430 | VOID
431 | EFIAPI
432 | IScsiOnExitBootService (
433 | IN EFI_EVENT Event,
434 | IN VOID *Context
435 | );
436 |
437 | /**
438 | Tests whether a controller handle is being managed by IScsi driver.
439 |
440 | This function tests whether the driver specified by DriverBindingHandle is
441 | currently managing the controller specified by ControllerHandle. This test
442 | is performed by evaluating if the the protocol specified by ProtocolGuid is
443 | present on ControllerHandle and is was opened by DriverBindingHandle and Nic
444 | Device handle with an attribute of EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER.
445 | If ProtocolGuid is NULL, then ASSERT().
446 |
447 | @param ControllerHandle A handle for a controller to test.
448 | @param DriverBindingHandle Specifies the driver binding handle for the
449 | driver.
450 | @param ProtocolGuid Specifies the protocol that the driver specified
451 | by DriverBindingHandle opens in its Start()
452 | function.
453 |
454 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS ControllerHandle is managed by the driver
455 | specified by DriverBindingHandle.
456 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED ControllerHandle is not managed by the driver
457 | specified by DriverBindingHandle.
458 |
459 | **/
461 | EFIAPI
462 | IScsiTestManagedDevice (
463 | IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
464 | IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle,
465 | IN EFI_GUID *ProtocolGuid
466 | );
467 | #endif