1 | /** @file
2 | Common operation of the IKE
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2010 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | This program and the accompanying materials
7 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
8 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
9 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
10 |
13 |
14 | **/
15 |
16 | #include "Ike.h"
17 | #include "IkeCommon.h"
18 | #include "IpSecConfigImpl.h"
19 | #include "IpSecDebug.h"
20 |
21 | /**
22 | Check whether the new generated Spi has existed.
23 |
24 | @param[in] IkeSaSession Pointer to the Child SA Session.
25 | @param[in] SpiValue SPI Value.
26 |
27 | @retval TRUE This SpiValue has existed in the Child SA Session
28 | @retval FALSE This SpiValue doesn't exist in the Child SA Session.
29 |
30 | **/
32 | IkeSpiValueExisted (
33 | IN IKEV2_SA_SESSION *IkeSaSession,
34 | IN UINT32 SpiValue
35 | )
36 | {
37 | LIST_ENTRY *Entry;
38 | LIST_ENTRY *Next;
40 |
41 | Entry = NULL;
42 | Next = NULL;
43 | SaSession = NULL;
44 |
45 | //
46 | // Check whether the SPI value has existed in ChildSaEstablishSessionList.
47 | //
48 | NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, &IkeSaSession->ChildSaEstablishSessionList) {
49 | SaSession= IKEV2_CHILD_SA_SESSION_BY_IKE_SA (Entry);
50 | if (SaSession->LocalPeerSpi == SpiValue) {
51 | return TRUE;
52 | }
53 | }
54 |
55 | //
56 | // Check whether the SPI value has existed in ChildSaSessionList.
57 | //
58 | NET_LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (Entry, Next, &IkeSaSession->ChildSaSessionList) {
59 | SaSession= IKEV2_CHILD_SA_SESSION_BY_IKE_SA (Entry);
60 | if (SaSession->LocalPeerSpi == SpiValue) {
61 | return TRUE;
62 | }
63 | }
64 |
65 | return FALSE;
66 | }
67 |
68 | /**
69 | Call Crypto Lib to generate a random value with eight-octet length.
70 |
71 | @return the 64 byte vaule.
72 |
73 | **/
74 | UINT64
75 | IkeGenerateCookie (
76 | VOID
77 | )
78 | {
79 | UINT64 Cookie;
80 | EFI_STATUS Status;
81 |
82 | Status = IpSecCryptoIoGenerateRandomBytes ((UINT8 *)&Cookie, sizeof (UINT64));
83 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
84 | return 0;
85 | } else {
86 | return Cookie;
87 | }
88 | }
89 |
90 | /**
91 | Generate the random data for Nonce payload.
92 |
93 | @param[in] NonceSize Size of the data in bytes.
94 |
95 | @return Buffer which contains the random data of the spcified size.
96 |
97 | **/
98 | UINT8 *
99 | IkeGenerateNonce (
100 | IN UINTN NonceSize
101 | )
102 | {
103 | UINT8 *Nonce;
104 | EFI_STATUS Status;
105 |
106 | Nonce = AllocateZeroPool (NonceSize);
107 | if (Nonce == NULL) {
108 | return NULL;
109 | }
110 |
111 | Status = IpSecCryptoIoGenerateRandomBytes (Nonce, NonceSize);
112 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
113 | FreePool (Nonce);
114 | return NULL;
115 | } else {
116 | return Nonce;
117 | }
118 | }
119 |
120 | /**
121 | Convert the IKE Header from Network order to Host order.
122 |
123 | @param[in, out] Header The pointer of the IKE_HEADER.
124 |
125 | **/
126 | VOID
127 | IkeHdrNetToHost (
128 | IN OUT IKE_HEADER *Header
129 | )
130 | {
131 | Header->InitiatorCookie = NTOHLL (Header->InitiatorCookie);
132 | Header->ResponderCookie = NTOHLL (Header->ResponderCookie);
133 | Header->MessageId = NTOHL (Header->MessageId);
134 | Header->Length = NTOHL (Header->Length);
135 | }
136 |
137 | /**
138 | Convert the IKE Header from Host order to Network order.
139 |
140 | @param[in, out] Header The pointer of the IKE_HEADER.
141 |
142 | **/
143 | VOID
144 | IkeHdrHostToNet (
145 | IN OUT IKE_HEADER *Header
146 | )
147 | {
148 | Header->InitiatorCookie = HTONLL (Header->InitiatorCookie);
149 | Header->ResponderCookie = HTONLL (Header->ResponderCookie);
150 | Header->MessageId = HTONL (Header->MessageId);
151 | Header->Length = HTONL (Header->Length);
152 | }
153 |
154 | /**
155 | Allocate a buffer of IKE_PAYLOAD and set its Signature.
156 |
157 | @return A buffer of IKE_PAYLOAD.
158 |
159 | **/
161 | IkePayloadAlloc (
162 | VOID
163 | )
164 | {
165 | IKE_PAYLOAD *IkePayload;
166 |
167 | IkePayload = (IKE_PAYLOAD *) AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IKE_PAYLOAD));
168 | if (IkePayload == NULL) {
169 | return NULL;
170 | }
171 |
172 | IkePayload->Signature = IKE_PAYLOAD_SIGNATURE;
173 |
174 | return IkePayload;
175 | }
176 |
177 | /**
178 | Free a specified IKE_PAYLOAD buffer.
179 |
180 | @param[in] IkePayload Pointer of IKE_PAYLOAD to be freed.
181 |
182 | **/
183 | VOID
184 | IkePayloadFree (
185 | IN IKE_PAYLOAD *IkePayload
186 | )
187 | {
188 | if (IkePayload == NULL) {
189 | return;
190 | }
191 | //
192 | // If this IkePayload is not referred by others, free it.
193 | //
194 | if (!IkePayload->IsPayloadBufExt && (IkePayload->PayloadBuf != NULL)) {
195 | FreePool (IkePayload->PayloadBuf);
196 | }
197 |
198 | FreePool (IkePayload);
199 | }
200 |
201 | /**
202 | Generate an new SPI.
203 |
204 | @param[in] IkeSaSession Pointer to IKEV2_SA_SESSION related to this Child SA
205 | Session.
206 | @param[in, out] SpiValue Pointer to the new generated SPI value.
207 |
208 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation performs successfully.
209 | @retval Otherwise The operation is failed.
210 |
211 | **/
213 | IkeGenerateSpi (
214 | IN IKEV2_SA_SESSION *IkeSaSession,
215 | IN OUT UINT32 *SpiValue
216 | )
217 | {
218 | EFI_STATUS Status;
219 |
220 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
221 |
222 | while (TRUE) {
223 | //
224 | // Generate SPI randomly
225 | //
226 | Status = IpSecCryptoIoGenerateRandomBytes ((UINT8 *)SpiValue, sizeof (UINT32));
227 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
228 | break;
229 | }
230 |
231 | //
232 | // The set of SPI values in the range 1 through 255 are reserved by the
233 | // Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for future use; a reserved
234 | // SPI value will not normally be assigned by IANA unless the use of the
235 | // assigned SPI value is specified in an RFC.
236 | //
237 | if (*SpiValue < IKE_SPI_BASE) {
238 | *SpiValue += IKE_SPI_BASE;
239 | }
240 |
241 | //
242 | // Check whether the new generated SPI has existed.
243 | //
244 | if (!IkeSpiValueExisted (IkeSaSession, *SpiValue)) {
245 | break;
246 | }
247 | }
248 |
249 | return Status;
250 | }
251 |
252 | /**
253 | Generate a random data for IV
254 |
255 | @param[in] IvBuffer The pointer of the IV buffer.
256 | @param[in] IvSize The IV size.
257 |
258 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Create a random data for IV.
259 | @retval otherwise Failed.
260 |
261 | **/
263 | IkeGenerateIv (
264 | IN UINT8 *IvBuffer,
265 | IN UINTN IvSize
266 | )
267 | {
268 | return IpSecCryptoIoGenerateRandomBytes (IvBuffer, IvSize);
269 | }
270 |
271 |
272 | /**
273 | Find SPD entry by a specified SPD selector.
274 |
275 | @param[in] SpdSel Point to SPD Selector to be searched for.
276 |
277 | @retval Point to SPD Entry if the SPD entry found.
278 | @retval NULL if not found.
279 |
280 | **/
282 | IkeSearchSpdEntry (
284 | )
285 | {
286 | IPSEC_SPD_ENTRY *SpdEntry;
287 | LIST_ENTRY *SpdList;
288 | LIST_ENTRY *Entry;
289 |
290 | SpdList = &mConfigData[IPsecConfigDataTypeSpd];
291 |
292 | NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, SpdList) {
293 | SpdEntry = IPSEC_SPD_ENTRY_FROM_LIST (Entry);
294 |
295 | //
296 | // Find the required SPD entry
297 | //
298 | if (CompareSpdSelector (
300 | (EFI_IPSEC_CONFIG_SELECTOR *) SpdEntry->Selector
301 | )) {
302 | return SpdEntry;
303 | }
304 |
305 | }
306 |
307 | return NULL;
308 | }
309 |
310 | /**
311 | Get the IKE Version from the IKE_SA_SESSION.
312 |
313 | @param[in] Session Pointer of the IKE_SA_SESSION.
314 |
315 | **/
316 | UINT8
317 | IkeGetVersionFromSession (
318 | IN UINT8 *Session
319 | )
320 | {
321 | if (*(UINT32 *) Session == IKEV2_SA_SESSION_SIGNATURE) {
322 | return ((IKEV2_SA_SESSION *) Session)->SessionCommon.IkeVer;
323 | } else {
324 | //
325 | // Add IKEv1 support here.
326 | //
327 | return 0;
328 | }
329 | }
330 |