1 | /** @file
2 |
3 | Implement the Driver Binding Protocol and the Component Name 2 Protocol for
4 | the Virtio GPU hybrid driver.
5 |
6 | Copyright (C) 2016, Red Hat, Inc.
7 |
8 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
9 |
10 | **/
11 |
12 | #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h>
13 | #include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
14 | #include <Library/PrintLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/UefiLib.h>
17 | #include <Protocol/ComponentName2.h>
18 | #include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>
19 | #include <Protocol/DriverBinding.h>
20 | #include <Protocol/PciIo.h>
21 |
22 | #include "VirtioGpu.h"
23 |
24 | //
25 | // The device path node that describes the Video Output Device Attributes for
26 | // the single head (UEFI child handle) that we support.
27 | //
28 | // The ACPI_DISPLAY_ADR() macro corresponds to Table B-2, section "B.4.2 _DOD"
29 | // in the ACPI 3.0b spec, or more recently, to Table B-379, section "B.3.2
30 | // _DOD" in the ACPI 6.0 spec.
31 | //
33 | { // Header
34 | ACPI_DEVICE_PATH, // Type
35 | ACPI_ADR_DP, // SubType
36 | { sizeof mAcpiAdr, 0 }, // Length
37 | },
39 | 1, // DeviceIdScheme: use the ACPI
40 | // bit-field definitions
41 | 0, // HeadId
42 | 0, // NonVgaOutput
43 | 1, // BiosCanDetect
44 | 0, // VendorInfo
46 | 0, // Port
47 | 0 // Index
48 | )
49 | };
50 |
51 | //
52 | // Component Name 2 Protocol implementation.
53 | //
55 | { "en", L"Virtio GPU Driver" },
56 | { NULL, NULL }
57 | };
58 |
62 | VirtioGpuGetDriverName (
64 | IN CHAR8 *Language,
65 | OUT CHAR16 **DriverName
66 | )
67 | {
68 | return LookupUnicodeString2 (Language, This->SupportedLanguages,
69 | mDriverNameTable, DriverName, FALSE /* Iso639Language */);
70 | }
71 |
75 | VirtioGpuGetControllerName (
77 | IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
79 | IN CHAR8 *Language,
80 | OUT CHAR16 **ControllerName
81 | )
82 | {
83 | EFI_STATUS Status;
84 | VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev;
85 |
86 | //
87 | // Look up the VGPU_DEV "protocol interface" on ControllerHandle.
88 | //
89 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
90 | (VOID **)&VgpuDev, gImageHandle, ControllerHandle,
92 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
93 | return Status;
94 | }
95 | //
96 | // Sanity check: if we found gEfiCallerIdGuid on ControllerHandle, then we
97 | // keep its Virtio Device Protocol interface open BY_DRIVER.
98 | //
99 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (EfiTestManagedDevice (ControllerHandle, gImageHandle,
100 | &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid));
101 |
102 | if (ChildHandle == NULL) {
103 | //
104 | // The caller is querying the name of the VGPU_DEV controller.
105 | //
106 | return LookupUnicodeString2 (Language, This->SupportedLanguages,
107 | VgpuDev->BusName, ControllerName, FALSE /* Iso639Language */);
108 | }
109 |
110 | //
111 | // Otherwise, the caller is looking for the name of the GOP child controller.
112 | // Check if it is asking about the GOP child controller that we manage. (The
113 | // condition below covers the case when we haven't produced the GOP child
114 | // controller yet, or we've destroyed it since.)
115 | //
116 | if (VgpuDev->Child == NULL || ChildHandle != VgpuDev->Child->GopHandle) {
117 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
118 | }
119 | //
120 | // Sanity check: our GOP child controller keeps the VGPU_DEV controller's
121 | // Virtio Device Protocol interface open BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER.
122 | //
123 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (EfiTestChildHandle (ControllerHandle, ChildHandle,
124 | &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid));
125 |
126 | return LookupUnicodeString2 (Language, This->SupportedLanguages,
127 | VgpuDev->Child->GopName, ControllerName,
128 | FALSE /* Iso639Language */);
129 | }
130 |
132 | VirtioGpuGetDriverName,
133 | VirtioGpuGetControllerName,
134 | "en" // SupportedLanguages (RFC 4646)
135 | };
136 |
137 | //
138 | // Helper functions for the Driver Binding Protocol Implementation.
139 | //
140 | /**
141 | Format the VGPU_DEV controller name, to be looked up and returned by
142 | VirtioGpuGetControllerName().
143 |
144 | @param[in] ControllerHandle The handle that identifies the VGPU_DEV
145 | controller.
146 |
147 | @param[in] AgentHandle The handle of the agent that will attempt to
148 | temporarily open the PciIo protocol. This is the
149 | DriverBindingHandle member of the
151 | function is calling this function.
152 |
153 | @param[in] DevicePath The device path that is installed on
154 | ControllerHandle.
155 |
156 | @param[out] ControllerName A dynamically allocated unicode string that
157 | unconditionally says "Virtio GPU Device", with a
158 | PCI Segment:Bus:Device.Function location
159 | optionally appended. The latter part is only
160 | produced if DevicePath contains at least one
161 | PciIo node; in that case, the most specific such
162 | node is used for retrieving the location info.
163 | The caller is responsible for freeing
164 | ControllerName after use.
165 |
166 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS ControllerName has been formatted.
167 |
168 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate memory for ControllerName.
169 | **/
170 | STATIC
172 | FormatVgpuDevName (
173 | IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
174 | IN EFI_HANDLE AgentHandle,
176 | OUT CHAR16 **ControllerName
177 | )
178 | {
179 | EFI_HANDLE PciIoHandle;
181 | UINTN Segment, Bus, Device, Function;
182 | STATIC CONST CHAR16 ControllerNameStem[] = L"Virtio GPU Device";
183 | UINTN ControllerNameSize;
184 |
185 | if (EFI_ERROR (gBS->LocateDevicePath (&gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid, &DevicePath,
186 | &PciIoHandle)) ||
187 | EFI_ERROR (gBS->OpenProtocol (PciIoHandle, &gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid,
188 | (VOID **)&PciIo, AgentHandle, ControllerHandle,
190 | EFI_ERROR (PciIo->GetLocation (PciIo, &Segment, &Bus, &Device,
191 | &Function))) {
192 | //
193 | // Failed to retrieve location info, return verbatim copy of static string.
194 | //
195 | *ControllerName = AllocateCopyPool (sizeof ControllerNameStem,
196 | ControllerNameStem);
197 | return (*ControllerName == NULL) ? EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES : EFI_SUCCESS;
198 | }
199 | //
200 | // Location info available, format ControllerName dynamically.
201 | //
202 | ControllerNameSize = sizeof ControllerNameStem + // includes L'\0'
203 | sizeof (CHAR16) * (1 + 4 + // Segment
204 | 1 + 2 + // Bus
205 | 1 + 2 + // Device
206 | 1 + 1 // Function
207 | );
208 | *ControllerName = AllocatePool (ControllerNameSize);
209 | if (*ControllerName == NULL) {
210 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
211 | }
212 |
213 | UnicodeSPrintAsciiFormat (*ControllerName, ControllerNameSize,
214 | "%s %04x:%02x:%02x.%x", ControllerNameStem, (UINT32)Segment, (UINT32)Bus,
215 | (UINT32)Device, (UINT32)Function);
216 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
217 | }
218 |
219 | /**
220 | Dynamically allocate and initialize the VGPU_GOP child object within an
221 | otherwise configured parent VGPU_DEV object.
222 |
223 | This function adds a BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER reference to ParentBusController's
225 |
226 | @param[in,out] ParentBus The pre-initialized VGPU_DEV object that the
227 | newly created VGPU_GOP object will be the
228 | child of.
229 |
230 | @param[in] ParentDevicePath The device path protocol instance that is
231 | installed on ParentBusController.
232 |
233 | @param[in] ParentBusController The UEFI controller handle on which the
234 | ParentBus VGPU_DEV object and the
235 | ParentDevicePath device path protocol are
236 | installed.
237 |
238 | @param[in] DriverBindingHandle The DriverBindingHandle member of
240 | function is calling this function. It is
241 | passed as AgentHandle to gBS->OpenProtocol()
242 | when creating the BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER
243 | reference.
244 |
245 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS ParentBus->Child has been created and
246 | populated, and ParentBus->Child->GopHandle now
247 | references ParentBusController->VirtIo
249 |
250 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed.
251 |
252 | @return Error codes from underlying functions.
253 | **/
254 | STATIC
256 | InitVgpuGop (
257 | IN OUT VGPU_DEV *ParentBus,
258 | IN EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *ParentDevicePath,
259 | IN EFI_HANDLE ParentBusController,
260 | IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle
261 | )
262 | {
263 | VGPU_GOP *VgpuGop;
264 | EFI_STATUS Status;
265 | CHAR16 *ParentBusName;
266 | STATIC CONST CHAR16 NameSuffix[] = L" Head #0";
267 | UINTN NameSize;
268 | CHAR16 *Name;
269 | EFI_TPL OldTpl;
270 | VOID *ParentVirtIo;
271 |
272 | VgpuGop = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof *VgpuGop);
273 | if (VgpuGop == NULL) {
274 | return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
275 | }
276 |
277 | VgpuGop->Signature = VGPU_GOP_SIG;
278 | VgpuGop->ParentBus = ParentBus;
279 |
280 | //
281 | // Format a human-readable controller name for VGPU_GOP, and stash it for
282 | // VirtioGpuGetControllerName() to look up. We simply append NameSuffix to
283 | // ParentBus->BusName.
284 | //
285 | Status = LookupUnicodeString2 ("en", mComponentName2.SupportedLanguages,
286 | ParentBus->BusName, &ParentBusName, FALSE /* Iso639Language */);
287 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
288 | NameSize = StrSize (ParentBusName) - sizeof (CHAR16) + sizeof NameSuffix;
289 | Name = AllocatePool (NameSize);
290 | if (Name == NULL) {
291 | Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
292 | goto FreeVgpuGop;
293 | }
294 | UnicodeSPrintAsciiFormat (Name, NameSize, "%s%s", ParentBusName, NameSuffix);
295 | Status = AddUnicodeString2 ("en", mComponentName2.SupportedLanguages,
296 | &VgpuGop->GopName, Name, FALSE /* Iso639Language */);
297 | FreePool (Name);
298 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
299 | goto FreeVgpuGop;
300 | }
301 |
302 | //
303 | // Create the child device path.
304 | //
305 | VgpuGop->GopDevicePath = AppendDevicePathNode (ParentDevicePath,
306 | &mAcpiAdr.Header);
307 | if (VgpuGop->GopDevicePath == NULL) {
308 | Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
309 | goto FreeVgpuGopName;
310 | }
311 |
312 | //
313 | // Mask protocol notify callbacks until we're done.
314 | //
315 | OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_CALLBACK);
316 |
317 | //
318 | // Create the child handle with the child device path.
319 | //
320 | Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface (&VgpuGop->GopHandle,
321 | &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE,
322 | VgpuGop->GopDevicePath);
323 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
324 | goto FreeDevicePath;
325 | }
326 |
327 | //
328 | // The child handle must present a reference to the parent handle's Virtio
329 | // Device Protocol interface.
330 | //
331 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ParentBusController, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
332 | &ParentVirtIo, DriverBindingHandle, VgpuGop->GopHandle,
334 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
335 | goto UninstallDevicePath;
336 | }
337 | ASSERT (ParentVirtIo == ParentBus->VirtIo);
338 |
339 | //
340 | // Initialize our Graphics Output Protocol.
341 | //
342 | // Fill in the function members of VgpuGop->Gop from the template, then set
343 | // up the rest of the GOP infrastructure by calling SetMode() right now.
344 | //
345 | CopyMem (&VgpuGop->Gop, &mGopTemplate, sizeof mGopTemplate);
346 | Status = VgpuGop->Gop.SetMode (&VgpuGop->Gop, 0);
347 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
348 | goto CloseVirtIoByChild;
349 | }
350 |
351 | //
352 | // Install the Graphics Output Protocol on the child handle.
353 | //
354 | Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface (&VgpuGop->GopHandle,
355 | &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE,
356 | &VgpuGop->Gop);
357 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
358 | goto UninitGop;
359 | }
360 |
361 | //
362 | // We're done.
363 | //
364 | gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl);
365 | ParentBus->Child = VgpuGop;
366 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
367 |
368 | UninitGop:
369 | ReleaseGopResources (VgpuGop, TRUE /* DisableHead */);
370 |
371 | CloseVirtIoByChild:
372 | gBS->CloseProtocol (ParentBusController, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
373 | DriverBindingHandle, VgpuGop->GopHandle);
374 |
375 | UninstallDevicePath:
376 | gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (VgpuGop->GopHandle,
377 | &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, VgpuGop->GopDevicePath);
378 |
379 | FreeDevicePath:
380 | gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl);
381 | FreePool (VgpuGop->GopDevicePath);
382 |
383 | FreeVgpuGopName:
384 | FreeUnicodeStringTable (VgpuGop->GopName);
385 |
386 | FreeVgpuGop:
387 | FreePool (VgpuGop);
388 |
389 | return Status;
390 | }
391 |
392 | /**
393 | Tear down and release the VGPU_GOP child object within the VGPU_DEV parent
394 | object.
395 |
396 | This function removes the BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER reference from
397 | ParentBusController's VIRTIO_DEVICE_PROTOCOL interface.
398 |
399 | @param[in,out] ParentBus The VGPU_DEV object that the VGPU_GOP child
400 | object will be removed from.
401 |
402 | @param[in] ParentBusController The UEFI controller handle on which the
403 | ParentBus VGPU_DEV object is installed.
404 |
405 | @param[in] DriverBindingHandle The DriverBindingHandle member of
407 | function is calling this function. It is
408 | passed as AgentHandle to gBS->CloseProtocol()
409 | when removing the BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER
410 | reference.
411 | **/
412 | STATIC
413 | VOID
414 | UninitVgpuGop (
415 | IN OUT VGPU_DEV *ParentBus,
416 | IN EFI_HANDLE ParentBusController,
417 | IN EFI_HANDLE DriverBindingHandle
418 | )
419 | {
420 | VGPU_GOP *VgpuGop;
421 | EFI_STATUS Status;
422 |
423 | VgpuGop = ParentBus->Child;
424 | Status = gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (VgpuGop->GopHandle,
425 | &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, &VgpuGop->Gop);
426 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
427 |
428 | //
429 | // Uninitialize VgpuGop->Gop.
430 | //
431 | ReleaseGopResources (VgpuGop, TRUE /* DisableHead */);
432 |
433 | Status = gBS->CloseProtocol (ParentBusController, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
434 | DriverBindingHandle, VgpuGop->GopHandle);
435 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
436 |
437 | Status = gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (VgpuGop->GopHandle,
438 | &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid, VgpuGop->GopDevicePath);
439 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
440 |
441 | FreePool (VgpuGop->GopDevicePath);
442 | FreeUnicodeStringTable (VgpuGop->GopName);
443 | FreePool (VgpuGop);
444 |
445 | ParentBus->Child = NULL;
446 | }
447 |
448 | //
449 | // Driver Binding Protocol Implementation.
450 | //
451 | STATIC
453 | EFIAPI
454 | VirtioGpuDriverBindingSupported (
456 | IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
458 | )
459 | {
460 | EFI_STATUS Status;
462 |
463 | //
464 | // - If RemainingDevicePath is NULL: the caller is interested in creating all
465 | // child handles.
466 | // - If RemainingDevicePath points to an end node: the caller is not
467 | // interested in creating any child handle.
468 | // - Otherwise, the caller would like to create the one child handle
469 | // specified in RemainingDevicePath. In this case we have to see if the
470 | // requested device path is supportable.
471 | //
472 | if (RemainingDevicePath != NULL &&
473 | !IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath) &&
474 | (DevicePathNodeLength (RemainingDevicePath) != sizeof mAcpiAdr ||
475 | CompareMem (RemainingDevicePath, &mAcpiAdr, sizeof mAcpiAdr) != 0)) {
476 | return EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
477 | }
478 |
479 | //
480 | // Open the Virtio Device Protocol interface on the controller, BY_DRIVER.
481 | //
482 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
483 | (VOID **)&VirtIo, This->DriverBindingHandle,
484 | ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER);
485 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
486 | //
487 | // If this fails, then by default we cannot support ControllerHandle. There
488 | // is one exception: we've already bound the device, have not produced any
489 | // GOP child controller, and now the caller wants us to produce the child
490 | // controller (either specifically or as part of "all children"). That's
491 | // allowed.
492 | //
493 | if (Status == EFI_ALREADY_STARTED) {
494 | EFI_STATUS Status2;
495 | VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev;
496 |
497 | Status2 = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
498 | (VOID **)&VgpuDev, This->DriverBindingHandle,
499 | ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL);
500 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status2);
501 |
502 | if (VgpuDev->Child == NULL &&
503 | (RemainingDevicePath == NULL ||
504 | !IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath))) {
505 | Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
506 | }
507 | }
508 |
509 | return Status;
510 | }
511 |
512 | //
513 | // First BY_DRIVER open; check the VirtIo revision and subsystem.
514 | //
515 | if (VirtIo->Revision < VIRTIO_SPEC_REVISION (1, 0, 0) ||
516 | VirtIo->SubSystemDeviceId != VIRTIO_SUBSYSTEM_GPU_DEVICE) {
517 | Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED;
518 | goto CloseVirtIo;
519 | }
520 |
521 | //
522 | // We'll need the device path of the VirtIo device both for formatting
523 | // VGPU_DEV.BusName and for populating VGPU_GOP.GopDevicePath.
524 | //
525 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
526 | NULL, This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle,
528 |
529 | CloseVirtIo:
530 | gBS->CloseProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
531 | This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle);
532 |
533 | return Status;
534 | }
535 |
536 | STATIC
538 | EFIAPI
539 | VirtioGpuDriverBindingStart (
541 | IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
543 | )
544 | {
545 | EFI_STATUS Status;
547 | BOOLEAN VirtIoBoundJustNow;
548 | VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev;
550 |
551 | //
552 | // Open the Virtio Device Protocol.
553 | //
554 | // The result of this operation, combined with the checks in
555 | // VirtioGpuDriverBindingSupported(), uniquely tells us whether we are
556 | // binding the VirtIo controller on this call (with or without creating child
557 | // controllers), or else we're *only* creating child controllers.
558 | //
559 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
560 | (VOID **)&VirtIo, This->DriverBindingHandle,
561 | ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER);
562 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
563 | //
564 | // The assertions below are based on the success of
565 | // VirtioGpuDriverBindingSupported(): we bound ControllerHandle earlier,
566 | // without producing child handles, and now we're producing the GOP child
567 | // handle only.
568 | //
570 |
571 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
572 | (VOID **)&VgpuDev, This->DriverBindingHandle,
573 | ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL);
574 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
575 |
576 | ASSERT (VgpuDev->Child == NULL);
577 | ASSERT (
578 | RemainingDevicePath == NULL || !IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath));
579 |
580 | VirtIoBoundJustNow = FALSE;
581 | } else {
582 | VirtIoBoundJustNow = TRUE;
583 |
584 | //
585 | // Allocate the private structure.
586 | //
587 | VgpuDev = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof *VgpuDev);
588 | if (VgpuDev == NULL) {
589 | Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
590 | goto CloseVirtIo;
591 | }
592 | VgpuDev->VirtIo = VirtIo;
593 | }
594 |
595 | //
596 | // Grab the VirtIo controller's device path. This is necessary regardless of
597 | // VirtIoBoundJustNow.
598 | //
599 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
600 | (VOID **)&DevicePath, This->DriverBindingHandle,
601 | ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL);
602 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
603 | goto FreeVgpuDev;
604 | }
605 |
606 | //
607 | // Create VGPU_DEV if we've bound the VirtIo controller right now (that is,
608 | // if we aren't *only* creating child handles).
609 | //
610 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
611 | CHAR16 *VgpuDevName;
612 |
613 | //
614 | // Format a human-readable controller name for VGPU_DEV, and stash it for
615 | // VirtioGpuGetControllerName() to look up.
616 | //
617 | Status = FormatVgpuDevName (ControllerHandle, This->DriverBindingHandle,
618 | DevicePath, &VgpuDevName);
619 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
620 | goto FreeVgpuDev;
621 | }
622 | Status = AddUnicodeString2 ("en", mComponentName2.SupportedLanguages,
623 | &VgpuDev->BusName, VgpuDevName, FALSE /* Iso639Language */);
624 | FreePool (VgpuDevName);
625 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
626 | goto FreeVgpuDev;
627 | }
628 |
629 | Status = VirtioGpuInit (VgpuDev);
630 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
631 | goto FreeVgpuDevBusName;
632 | }
633 |
635 | VirtioGpuExitBoot, VgpuDev /* NotifyContext */,
636 | &VgpuDev->ExitBoot);
637 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
638 | goto UninitGpu;
639 | }
640 |
641 | //
642 | // Install the VGPU_DEV "protocol interface" on ControllerHandle.
643 | //
644 | Status = gBS->InstallProtocolInterface (&ControllerHandle,
645 | &gEfiCallerIdGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, VgpuDev);
646 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
647 | goto CloseExitBoot;
648 | }
649 |
650 | if (RemainingDevicePath != NULL && IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath)) {
651 | //
652 | // No child handle should be produced; we're done.
653 | //
654 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%a: bound VirtIo=%p without producing GOP\n",
655 | __FUNCTION__, (VOID *)VgpuDev->VirtIo));
656 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
657 | }
658 | }
659 |
660 | //
661 | // Below we'll produce our single child handle: the caller requested it
662 | // either specifically, or as part of all child handles.
663 | //
664 | ASSERT (VgpuDev->Child == NULL);
665 | ASSERT (
666 | RemainingDevicePath == NULL || !IsDevicePathEnd (RemainingDevicePath));
667 |
668 | Status = InitVgpuGop (VgpuDev, DevicePath, ControllerHandle,
669 | This->DriverBindingHandle);
670 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
671 | goto UninstallVgpuDev;
672 | }
673 |
674 | //
675 | // We're done.
676 | //
677 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%a: produced GOP %a VirtIo=%p\n", __FUNCTION__,
678 | VirtIoBoundJustNow ? "while binding" : "for pre-bound",
679 | (VOID *)VgpuDev->VirtIo));
680 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
681 |
682 | UninstallVgpuDev:
683 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
684 | gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (ControllerHandle, &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
685 | VgpuDev);
686 | }
687 |
688 | CloseExitBoot:
689 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
690 | gBS->CloseEvent (VgpuDev->ExitBoot);
691 | }
692 |
693 | UninitGpu:
694 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
695 | VirtioGpuUninit (VgpuDev);
696 | }
697 |
698 | FreeVgpuDevBusName:
699 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
700 | FreeUnicodeStringTable (VgpuDev->BusName);
701 | }
702 |
703 | FreeVgpuDev:
704 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
705 | FreePool (VgpuDev);
706 | }
707 |
708 | CloseVirtIo:
709 | if (VirtIoBoundJustNow) {
710 | gBS->CloseProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
711 | This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle);
712 | }
713 |
714 | return Status;
715 | }
716 |
717 | STATIC
719 | EFIAPI
720 | VirtioGpuDriverBindingStop (
722 | IN EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle,
723 | IN UINTN NumberOfChildren,
724 | IN EFI_HANDLE *ChildHandleBuffer OPTIONAL
725 | )
726 | {
727 | EFI_STATUS Status;
728 | VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev;
729 |
730 | //
731 | // Look up the VGPU_DEV "protocol interface" on ControllerHandle.
732 | //
733 | Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gEfiCallerIdGuid,
734 | (VOID **)&VgpuDev, This->DriverBindingHandle,
735 | ControllerHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL);
736 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
737 | return Status;
738 | }
739 | //
740 | // Sanity check: if we found gEfiCallerIdGuid on ControllerHandle, then we
741 | // keep its Virtio Device Protocol interface open BY_DRIVER.
742 | //
743 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (EfiTestManagedDevice (ControllerHandle,
744 | This->DriverBindingHandle, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid));
745 |
746 | switch (NumberOfChildren) {
747 | case 0:
748 | //
749 | // The caller wants us to unbind the VirtIo controller.
750 | //
751 | if (VgpuDev->Child != NULL) {
752 | //
753 | // We still have the GOP child.
754 | //
755 | Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
756 | break;
757 | }
758 |
759 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%a: unbinding GOP-less VirtIo=%p\n", __FUNCTION__,
760 | (VOID *)VgpuDev->VirtIo));
761 |
762 | Status = gBS->UninstallProtocolInterface (ControllerHandle,
763 | &gEfiCallerIdGuid, VgpuDev);
764 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
765 |
766 | Status = gBS->CloseEvent (VgpuDev->ExitBoot);
767 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
768 |
769 | VirtioGpuUninit (VgpuDev);
770 | FreeUnicodeStringTable (VgpuDev->BusName);
771 | FreePool (VgpuDev);
772 |
773 | Status = gBS->CloseProtocol (ControllerHandle, &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid,
774 | This->DriverBindingHandle, ControllerHandle);
775 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
776 | break;
777 |
778 | case 1:
779 | //
780 | // The caller wants us to destroy our child GOP controller.
781 | //
782 | if (VgpuDev->Child == NULL ||
783 | ChildHandleBuffer[0] != VgpuDev->Child->GopHandle) {
784 | //
785 | // We have no child controller at the moment, or it differs from the one
786 | // the caller wants us to destroy. I.e., we don't own the child
787 | // controller passed in.
788 | //
789 | Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
790 | break;
791 | }
792 | //
793 | // Sanity check: our GOP child controller keeps the VGPU_DEV controller's
794 | // Virtio Device Protocol interface open BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER.
795 | //
796 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (EfiTestChildHandle (ControllerHandle,
797 | VgpuDev->Child->GopHandle,
798 | &gVirtioDeviceProtocolGuid));
799 |
800 | DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%a: destroying GOP under VirtIo=%p\n", __FUNCTION__,
801 | (VOID *)VgpuDev->VirtIo));
802 | UninitVgpuGop (VgpuDev, ControllerHandle, This->DriverBindingHandle);
803 | break;
804 |
805 | default:
806 | //
807 | // Impossible, we never produced more than one child.
808 | //
809 | Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
810 | break;
811 | }
812 | return Status;
813 | }
814 |
816 | VirtioGpuDriverBindingSupported,
817 | VirtioGpuDriverBindingStart,
818 | VirtioGpuDriverBindingStop,
819 | 0x10, // Version
820 | NULL, // ImageHandle, overwritten in entry point
821 | NULL // DriverBindingHandle, ditto
822 | };
823 |
824 | //
825 | // Entry point of the driver.
826 | //
828 | EFIAPI
829 | VirtioGpuEntryPoint (
830 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
831 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
832 | )
833 | {
834 | return EfiLibInstallDriverBindingComponentName2 (ImageHandle, SystemTable,
835 | &mDriverBinding, ImageHandle, NULL /* ComponentName */,
836 | &mComponentName2);
837 | }