1 | #!/usr/bin/python
2 | #
3 | # Copyright (c) 2010 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
4 | #
5 | # This program and the accompanying materials
6 | # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7 | # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8 | # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
9 | #
12 | #
13 |
14 | import os
15 | import re
16 | import StringIO
17 | import subprocess
18 | import sys
19 | import zipfile
20 |
21 | is_unix = not sys.platform.startswith('win')
22 |
23 | if not is_unix:
24 | print "This script currently only supports unix-like systems"
25 | sys.exit(-1)
26 |
27 | if os.path.exists('OvmfPkgX64.dsc'):
28 | os.chdir('..')
29 |
30 | if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('OvmfPkg', 'OvmfPkgX64.dsc')):
31 | print "OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc doesn't exist"
32 | sys.exit(-1)
33 |
34 | def run_and_capture_output(args, checkExitCode = True):
35 | p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
36 | stdout = p.stdout.read()
37 | ret_code = p.wait()
38 | if checkExitCode:
39 | assert ret_code == 0
40 | return stdout
41 |
42 | gcc_version = run_and_capture_output(args=('gcc', '--version'))
43 | gcc_re = re.compile(r'\s*\S+\s+\([^\)]+?\)\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(?:\s+.*)?')
44 | mo = gcc_re.match(gcc_version)
45 | if not mo:
46 | print "Unable to find GCC version"
47 | sys.exit(-1)
48 | gcc_version = map(lambda n: int(n), mo.group(1).split('.'))
49 |
50 | if 'TOOLCHAIN' in os.environ:
51 | TOOLCHAIN = os.environ['TOOLCHAIN']
52 | else:
53 | assert(gcc_version[0] == 4)
54 | minor = max(4, min(7, gcc_version[1]))
55 | TOOLCHAIN = 'GCC4' + str(minor)
56 |
57 | def git_based_version():
58 | dir = os.getcwd()
59 | if not os.path.exists('.git'):
60 | os.chdir('OvmfPkg')
61 | stdout = run_and_capture_output(args=('git', 'log',
62 | '-n', '1',
63 | '--abbrev-commit'))
64 | regex = re.compile(r'^\s*git-svn-id:\s+\S+@(\d+)\s+[0-9a-f\-]+$',
65 | re.MULTILINE)
66 | mo = regex.search(stdout)
67 | if mo:
68 | version = 'r' + mo.group(1)
69 | else:
70 | version = stdout.split(None, 3)[1]
71 | os.chdir(dir)
72 | return version
73 |
74 | def svn_info():
75 | dir = os.getcwd()
76 | os.chdir('OvmfPkg')
77 | stdout = run_and_capture_output(args=('svn', 'info'))
78 | os.chdir(dir)
79 | return stdout
80 |
81 | def svn_based_version():
82 | buf = svn_info()
83 | revision_re = re.compile('^Revision\:\s*([\da-f]+)$', re.MULTILINE)
84 | mo = revision_re.search(buf)
85 | assert(mo is not None)
86 | return 'r' + mo.group(1)
87 |
88 | def get_revision():
89 | if os.path.exists(os.path.join('OvmfPkg', '.svn')):
90 | return svn_based_version()
91 | else:
92 | return git_based_version()
93 |
94 | revision = get_revision()
95 |
96 | newline_re = re.compile(r'(\n|\r\n|\r(?!\n))', re.MULTILINE)
97 | def to_dos_text(str):
98 | return newline_re.sub('\r\n', str)
99 |
100 | def gen_build_info():
101 | distro = run_and_capture_output(args=('lsb_release', '-sd')).strip()
102 |
103 | machine = run_and_capture_output(args=('uname', '-m')).strip()
104 |
105 | gcc_version_str = '.'.join(map(lambda v: str(v), gcc_version))
106 |
107 | ld_version = run_and_capture_output(args=('ld', '--version'))
108 | ld_version = ld_version.split('\n')[0].split()[-1]
109 |
110 | iasl_version = run_and_capture_output(args=('iasl'), checkExitCode=False)
111 | iasl_version = filter(lambda s: s.find(' version ') >= 0, iasl_version.split('\n'))[0]
112 | iasl_version = iasl_version.split(' version ')[1].strip()
113 |
114 | sb = StringIO.StringIO()
115 | print >> sb, 'edk2: ', revision
116 | print >> sb, 'compiler: GCC', gcc_version_str, '(' + TOOLCHAIN + ')'
117 | print >> sb, 'binutils:', ld_version
118 | print >> sb, 'iasl: ', iasl_version
119 | print >> sb, 'system: ', distro, machine.replace('_', '-')
120 | return to_dos_text(sb.getvalue())
121 |
122 | def read_file(filename):
123 | f = open(filename)
124 | d = f.read()
125 | f.close()
126 | return d
127 |
128 | LICENSE = to_dos_text(
129 | '''This OVMF binary release is built from source code licensed under
130 | the BSD open source license. The BSD license is documented at
131 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php, and a copy is
132 | shown below.
133 |
134 | One sub-component of the OVMF project is a FAT filesystem driver. The FAT
135 | filesystem driver code is also BSD licensed, but the code license contains
136 | one additional term. This license can be found at
137 | https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Edk2-fat-driver
138 | and a copy is shown below (following the normal BSD license).
139 |
140 | === BSD license: START ===
141 |
142 | ''')
143 |
144 | LICENSE += read_file(os.path.join('MdePkg', 'License.txt'))
145 |
146 | LICENSE += to_dos_text(
147 | '''
148 | === BSD license: END ===
149 |
150 | === FAT filesystem driver license: START ===
151 |
152 | ''')
153 |
154 | LICENSE += read_file(os.path.join('FatBinPkg', 'License.txt'))
155 |
156 | LICENSE += to_dos_text(
157 | '''
158 | === FAT filesystem driver license: END ===
159 | ''')
160 |
161 | def build(arch):
162 | args = (
163 | 'OvmfPkg/build.sh',
164 | '-t', TOOLCHAIN,
165 | '-a', arch,
166 | '-b', 'RELEASE'
167 | )
168 | logname = 'build-%s.log' % arch
169 | build_log = open(logname, 'w')
170 | print 'Building OVMF for', arch, '(%s)' % logname, '...',
171 | sys.stdout.flush()
172 | p = subprocess.Popen(args=args, stdout=build_log, stderr=build_log)
173 | ret_code = p.wait()
174 | if ret_code == 0:
175 | print '[done]'
176 | else:
177 | print '[error 0x%x]' % ret_code
178 | return ret_code
179 |
180 | def create_zip(arch):
181 | global build_info
182 | filename = 'OVMF-%s-%s.zip' % (arch, revision)
183 | print 'Creating', filename, '...',
184 | sys.stdout.flush()
185 | if os.path.exists(filename):
186 | os.remove(filename)
187 | zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
188 |
189 | zipf.writestr('BUILD_INFO', build_info)
190 | zipf.writestr('LICENSE', LICENSE)
191 | zipf.write(os.path.join('OvmfPkg', 'README'), 'README')
192 | FV_DIR = os.path.join(
193 | 'Build',
194 | 'Ovmf' + arch.title(),
196 | 'FV'
197 | )
198 | zipf.write(os.path.join(FV_DIR, 'OVMF.fd'), 'OVMF.fd')
199 | zipf.close()
200 | print '[done]'
201 |
202 | build_info = gen_build_info()
203 | build('IA32')
204 | build('X64')
205 | create_zip('IA32')
206 | create_zip('X64')
207 |
208 |