1 | /** @file
2 | Timer Architectural Protocol module using High Precesion Event Timer (HPET)
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 |
7 | **/
8 |
9 | #include <PiDxe.h>
10 |
11 | #include <Protocol/Cpu.h>
12 | #include <Protocol/Timer.h>
13 |
14 | #include <Library/IoLib.h>
15 | #include <Library/PcdLib.h>
16 | #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
17 | #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
18 | #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
19 | #include <Library/LocalApicLib.h>
20 | #include <Library/IoApicLib.h>
21 |
22 | #include <Register/LocalApic.h>
23 | #include <Register/IoApic.h>
24 | #include <Register/Hpet.h>
25 |
26 | ///
27 | /// Define value for an invalid HPET Timer index.
28 | ///
29 | #define HPET_INVALID_TIMER_INDEX 0xff
30 |
31 | ///
32 | /// Timer Architectural Protocol function prototypes.
33 | ///
34 |
35 | /**
36 | This function registers the handler NotifyFunction so it is called every time
37 | the timer interrupt fires. It also passes the amount of time since the last
38 | handler call to the NotifyFunction. If NotifyFunction is NULL, then the
39 | handler is unregistered. If the handler is registered, then EFI_SUCCESS is
40 | returned. If the CPU does not support registering a timer interrupt handler,
41 | then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. If an attempt is made to register a handler
42 | when a handler is already registered, then EFI_ALREADY_STARTED is returned.
43 | If an attempt is made to unregister a handler when a handler is not registered,
44 | then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned. If an error occurs attempting to
45 | register the NotifyFunction with the timer interrupt, then EFI_DEVICE_ERROR
46 | is returned.
47 |
48 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
49 | @param NotifyFunction The function to call when a timer interrupt fires.
50 | This function executes at TPL_HIGH_LEVEL. The DXE
51 | Core will register a handler for the timer interrupt,
52 | so it can know how much time has passed. This
53 | information is used to signal timer based events.
54 | NULL will unregister the handler.
55 |
56 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timer handler was registered.
57 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support timer interrupts.
58 | @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED NotifyFunction is not NULL, and a handler is already
59 | registered.
60 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER NotifyFunction is NULL, and a handler was not
61 | previously registered.
62 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The timer handler could not be registered.
63 |
64 | **/
67 | TimerDriverRegisterHandler (
69 | IN EFI_TIMER_NOTIFY NotifyFunction
70 | );
71 |
72 | /**
73 | This function adjusts the period of timer interrupts to the value specified
74 | by TimerPeriod. If the timer period is updated, then the selected timer
75 | period is stored in EFI_TIMER.TimerPeriod, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned. If
76 | the timer hardware is not programmable, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
77 | If an error occurs while attempting to update the timer period, then the
78 | timer hardware will be put back in its state prior to this call, and
79 | EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned. If TimerPeriod is 0, then the timer interrupt
80 | is disabled. This is not the same as disabling the CPU's interrupts.
81 | Instead, it must either turn off the timer hardware, or it must adjust the
82 | interrupt controller so that a CPU interrupt is not generated when the timer
83 | interrupt fires.
84 |
85 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
86 | @param TimerPeriod The rate to program the timer interrupt in 100 nS units.
87 | If the timer hardware is not programmable, then
88 | EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. If the timer is programmable,
89 | then the timer period will be rounded up to the nearest
90 | timer period that is supported by the timer hardware.
91 | If TimerPeriod is set to 0, then the timer interrupts
92 | will be disabled.
93 |
94 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timer period was changed.
95 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The platform cannot change the period of the timer interrupt.
96 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The timer period could not be changed due to a device error.
97 |
98 | **/
100 | EFIAPI
101 | TimerDriverSetTimerPeriod (
103 | IN UINT64 TimerPeriod
104 | );
105 |
106 | /**
107 | This function retrieves the period of timer interrupts in 100 ns units,
108 | returns that value in TimerPeriod, and returns EFI_SUCCESS. If TimerPeriod
109 | is NULL, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned. If a TimerPeriod of 0 is
110 | returned, then the timer is currently disabled.
111 |
112 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
113 | @param TimerPeriod A pointer to the timer period to retrieve in 100 ns units.
114 | If 0 is returned, then the timer is currently disabled.
115 |
116 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timer period was returned in TimerPeriod.
117 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER TimerPeriod is NULL.
118 |
119 | **/
121 | EFIAPI
122 | TimerDriverGetTimerPeriod (
124 | OUT UINT64 *TimerPeriod
125 | );
126 |
127 | /**
128 | This function generates a soft timer interrupt. If the platform does not support soft
129 | timer interrupts, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. Otherwise, EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
130 | If a handler has been registered through the EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL.RegisterHandler()
131 | service, then a soft timer interrupt will be generated. If the timer interrupt is
132 | enabled when this service is called, then the registered handler will be invoked. The
133 | registered handler should not be able to distinguish a hardware-generated timer
134 | interrupt from a software-generated timer interrupt.
135 |
136 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
137 |
138 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The soft timer interrupt was generated.
139 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support the generation of soft
140 | timer interrupts.
141 |
142 | **/
144 | EFIAPI
145 | TimerDriverGenerateSoftInterrupt (
147 | );
148 |
149 | ///
150 | /// The handle onto which the Timer Architectural Protocol will be installed.
151 | ///
152 | EFI_HANDLE mTimerHandle = NULL;
153 |
154 | ///
155 | /// The Timer Architectural Protocol that this driver produces.
156 | ///
158 | TimerDriverRegisterHandler,
159 | TimerDriverSetTimerPeriod,
160 | TimerDriverGetTimerPeriod,
161 | TimerDriverGenerateSoftInterrupt
162 | };
163 |
164 | ///
165 | /// Pointer to the CPU Architectural Protocol instance.
166 | ///
168 |
169 | ///
170 | /// The notification function to call on every timer interrupt.
171 | ///
172 | EFI_TIMER_NOTIFY mTimerNotifyFunction = NULL;
173 |
174 | ///
175 | /// The current period of the HPET timer interrupt in 100 ns units.
176 | ///
177 | UINT64 mTimerPeriod = 0;
178 |
179 | ///
180 | /// The number of HPET timer ticks required for the current HPET rate specified by mTimerPeriod.
181 | ///
182 | UINT64 mTimerCount;
183 |
184 | ///
185 | /// Mask used for counter and comparator calculations to adjust for a 32-bit or 64-bit counter.
186 | ///
187 | UINT64 mCounterMask;
188 |
189 | ///
190 | /// The HPET main counter value from the most recent HPET timer interrupt.
191 | ///
192 | volatile UINT64 mPreviousMainCounter;
193 |
194 | volatile UINT64 mPreviousComparator;
195 |
196 | ///
197 | /// The index of the HPET timer being managed by this driver.
198 | ///
199 | UINTN mTimerIndex;
200 |
201 | ///
202 | /// The I/O APIC IRQ that the HPET Timer is mapped if I/O APIC mode is used.
203 | ///
204 | UINT32 mTimerIrq;
205 |
206 | ///
207 | /// Cached state of the HPET General Capabilities register managed by this driver.
208 | /// Caching the state reduces the number of times the configuration register is read.
209 | ///
211 |
212 | ///
213 | /// Cached state of the HPET General Configuration register managed by this driver.
214 | /// Caching the state reduces the number of times the configuration register is read.
215 | ///
217 |
218 | ///
219 | /// Cached state of the Configuration register for the HPET Timer managed by
220 | /// this driver. Caching the state reduces the number of times the configuration
221 | /// register is read.
222 | ///
224 |
225 | ///
226 | /// Counts the number of HPET Timer interrupts processed by this driver.
227 | /// Only required for debug.
228 | ///
229 | volatile UINTN mNumTicks;
230 |
231 | /**
232 | Read a 64-bit register from the HPET
233 |
234 | @param Offset Specifies the offset of the HPET register to read.
235 |
236 | @return The 64-bit value read from the HPET register specified by Offset.
237 | **/
238 | UINT64
239 | HpetRead (
240 | IN UINTN Offset
241 | )
242 | {
243 | return MmioRead64 (PcdGet32 (PcdHpetBaseAddress) + Offset);
244 | }
245 |
246 | /**
247 | Write a 64-bit HPET register.
248 |
249 | @param Offset Specifies the ofsfert of the HPET register to write.
250 | @param Value Specifies the value to write to the HPET register specified by Offset.
251 |
252 | @return The 64-bit value written to HPET register specified by Offset.
253 | **/
254 | UINT64
255 | HpetWrite (
256 | IN UINTN Offset,
257 | IN UINT64 Value
258 | )
259 | {
260 | return MmioWrite64 (PcdGet32 (PcdHpetBaseAddress) + Offset, Value);
261 | }
262 |
263 | /**
264 | Enable or disable the main counter in the HPET Timer.
265 |
266 | @param Enable If TRUE, then enable the main counter in the HPET Timer.
267 | If FALSE, then disable the main counter in the HPET Timer.
268 | **/
269 | VOID
270 | HpetEnable (
271 | IN BOOLEAN Enable
272 | )
273 | {
274 | mHpetGeneralConfiguration.Bits.MainCounterEnable = Enable ? 1 : 0;
275 | HpetWrite (HPET_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET, mHpetGeneralConfiguration.Uint64);
276 | }
277 |
278 | /**
279 | The interrupt handler for the HPET timer. This handler clears the HPET interrupt
280 | and computes the amount of time that has passed since the last HPET timer interrupt.
281 | If a notification function is registered, then the amount of time since the last
282 | HPET interrupt is passed to that notification function in 100 ns units. The HPET
283 | time is updated to generate another interrupt in the required time period.
284 |
285 | @param InterruptType The type of interrupt that occurred.
286 | @param SystemContext A pointer to the system context when the interrupt occurred.
287 | **/
288 | VOID
289 | EFIAPI
290 | TimerInterruptHandler (
291 | IN EFI_EXCEPTION_TYPE InterruptType,
292 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext
293 | )
294 | {
295 | UINT64 MainCounter;
296 | UINT64 Comparator;
297 | UINT64 TimerPeriod;
298 | UINT64 Delta;
299 |
300 | //
301 | // Count number of ticks
302 | //
303 | DEBUG_CODE (mNumTicks++;);
304 |
305 | //
306 | // Clear HPET timer interrupt status
307 | //
308 | HpetWrite (HPET_GENERAL_INTERRUPT_STATUS_OFFSET, LShiftU64 (1, mTimerIndex));
309 |
310 | //
311 | // Local APIC EOI
312 | //
313 | SendApicEoi ();
314 |
315 | //
316 | // Disable HPET timer when adjusting the COMPARATOR value to prevent a missed interrupt
317 | //
318 | HpetEnable (FALSE);
319 |
320 | //
321 | // Capture main counter value
322 | //
323 | MainCounter = HpetRead (HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_OFFSET);
324 |
325 | //
326 | // Get the previous comparator counter
327 | //
328 | mPreviousComparator = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
329 |
330 | //
331 | // Set HPET COMPARATOR to the value required for the next timer tick
332 | //
333 | Comparator = (mPreviousComparator + mTimerCount) & mCounterMask;
334 |
335 | if ((mPreviousMainCounter < MainCounter) && (mPreviousComparator > Comparator)) {
336 | //
337 | // When comparator overflows
338 | //
339 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, Comparator);
340 | } else if ((mPreviousMainCounter > MainCounter) && (mPreviousComparator < Comparator)) {
341 | //
342 | // When main counter overflows
343 | //
344 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, (MainCounter + mTimerCount) & mCounterMask);
345 | } else {
346 | //
347 | // When both main counter and comparator do not overflow or both do overflow
348 | //
349 | if (Comparator > MainCounter) {
350 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, Comparator);
351 | } else {
352 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, (MainCounter + mTimerCount) & mCounterMask);
353 | }
354 | }
355 |
356 | //
357 | // Enable the HPET counter once the new COMPARATOR value has been set.
358 | //
359 | HpetEnable (TRUE);
360 |
361 | //
362 | // Check to see if there is a registered notification function
363 | //
364 | if (mTimerNotifyFunction != NULL) {
365 | //
366 | // Compute time since last notification in 100 ns units (10 ^ -7)
367 | //
368 | if (MainCounter > mPreviousMainCounter) {
369 | //
370 | // Main counter does not overflow
371 | //
372 | Delta = MainCounter - mPreviousMainCounter;
373 | } else {
374 | //
375 | // Main counter overflows, first usb, then add
376 | //
377 | Delta = (mCounterMask - mPreviousMainCounter) + MainCounter;
378 | }
379 | TimerPeriod = DivU64x32 (
380 | MultU64x32 (
381 | Delta & mCounterMask,
382 | mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Bits.CounterClockPeriod
383 | ),
384 | 100000000
385 | );
386 |
387 | //
388 | // Call registered notification function passing in the time since the last
389 | // interrupt in 100 ns units.
390 | //
391 | mTimerNotifyFunction (TimerPeriod);
392 | }
393 |
394 | //
395 | // Save main counter value
396 | //
397 | mPreviousMainCounter = MainCounter;
398 | }
399 |
400 | /**
401 | This function registers the handler NotifyFunction so it is called every time
402 | the timer interrupt fires. It also passes the amount of time since the last
403 | handler call to the NotifyFunction. If NotifyFunction is NULL, then the
404 | handler is unregistered. If the handler is registered, then EFI_SUCCESS is
405 | returned. If the CPU does not support registering a timer interrupt handler,
406 | then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. If an attempt is made to register a handler
407 | when a handler is already registered, then EFI_ALREADY_STARTED is returned.
408 | If an attempt is made to unregister a handler when a handler is not registered,
409 | then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned. If an error occurs attempting to
410 | register the NotifyFunction with the timer interrupt, then EFI_DEVICE_ERROR
411 | is returned.
412 |
413 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
414 | @param NotifyFunction The function to call when a timer interrupt fires.
415 | This function executes at TPL_HIGH_LEVEL. The DXE
416 | Core will register a handler for the timer interrupt,
417 | so it can know how much time has passed. This
418 | information is used to signal timer based events.
419 | NULL will unregister the handler.
420 |
421 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timer handler was registered.
422 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support timer interrupts.
423 | @retval EFI_ALREADY_STARTED NotifyFunction is not NULL, and a handler is already
424 | registered.
425 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER NotifyFunction is NULL, and a handler was not
426 | previously registered.
427 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The timer handler could not be registered.
428 |
429 | **/
431 | EFIAPI
432 | TimerDriverRegisterHandler (
434 | IN EFI_TIMER_NOTIFY NotifyFunction
435 | )
436 | {
437 | //
438 | // Check for invalid parameters
439 | //
440 | if (NotifyFunction == NULL && mTimerNotifyFunction == NULL) {
442 | }
443 | if (NotifyFunction != NULL && mTimerNotifyFunction != NULL) {
445 | }
446 |
447 | //
448 | // Cache the registered notification function
449 | //
450 | mTimerNotifyFunction = NotifyFunction;
451 |
452 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
453 | }
454 |
455 | /**
456 | This function adjusts the period of timer interrupts to the value specified
457 | by TimerPeriod. If the timer period is updated, then the selected timer
458 | period is stored in EFI_TIMER.TimerPeriod, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned. If
459 | the timer hardware is not programmable, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned.
460 | If an error occurs while attempting to update the timer period, then the
461 | timer hardware will be put back in its state prior to this call, and
462 | EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned. If TimerPeriod is 0, then the timer interrupt
463 | is disabled. This is not the same as disabling the CPU's interrupts.
464 | Instead, it must either turn off the timer hardware, or it must adjust the
465 | interrupt controller so that a CPU interrupt is not generated when the timer
466 | interrupt fires.
467 |
468 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
469 | @param TimerPeriod The rate to program the timer interrupt in 100 nS units.
470 | If the timer hardware is not programmable, then
471 | EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. If the timer is programmable,
472 | then the timer period will be rounded up to the nearest
473 | timer period that is supported by the timer hardware.
474 | If TimerPeriod is set to 0, then the timer interrupts
475 | will be disabled.
476 |
477 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timer period was changed.
478 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The platform cannot change the period of the timer interrupt.
479 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The timer period could not be changed due to a device error.
480 |
481 | **/
483 | EFIAPI
484 | TimerDriverSetTimerPeriod (
486 | IN UINT64 TimerPeriod
487 | )
488 | {
489 | EFI_TPL Tpl;
490 | UINT64 MainCounter;
491 | UINT64 Delta;
492 | UINT64 CurrentComparator;
494 |
495 | //
496 | // Disable interrupts
497 | //
498 | Tpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);
499 |
500 | //
501 | // Disable HPET timer when adjusting the timer period
502 | //
503 | HpetEnable (FALSE);
504 |
505 | if (TimerPeriod == 0) {
506 | if (mTimerPeriod != 0) {
507 | //
508 | // Check if there is possibly a pending interrupt
509 | //
510 | MainCounter = HpetRead (HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_OFFSET);
511 | if (MainCounter < mPreviousMainCounter) {
512 | Delta = (mCounterMask - mPreviousMainCounter) + MainCounter;
513 | } else {
514 | Delta = MainCounter - mPreviousMainCounter;
515 | }
516 | if ((Delta & mCounterMask) >= mTimerCount) {
517 | //
518 | // Interrupt still happens after disable HPET, wait to be processed
519 | // Wait until interrupt is processed and comparator is increased
520 | //
521 | CurrentComparator = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
522 | while (CurrentComparator == mPreviousComparator) {
523 | CurrentComparator = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
524 | CpuPause();
525 | }
526 | }
527 | }
528 |
529 | //
530 | // If TimerPeriod is 0, then mask HPET Timer interrupts
531 | //
532 |
533 | if (mTimerConfiguration.Bits.MsiInterruptCapablity != 0 && FeaturePcdGet (PcdHpetMsiEnable)) {
534 | //
535 | // Disable HPET MSI interrupt generation
536 | //
537 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.MsiInterruptEnable = 0;
538 | } else {
539 | //
540 | // Disable I/O APIC Interrupt
541 | //
542 | IoApicEnableInterrupt (mTimerIrq, FALSE);
543 | }
544 |
545 | //
546 | // Disable HPET timer interrupt
547 | //
548 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.InterruptEnable = 0;
549 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, mTimerConfiguration.Uint64);
550 | } else {
551 | //
552 | // Convert TimerPeriod to femtoseconds and divide by the number if femtoseconds
553 | // per tick of the HPET counter to determine the number of HPET counter ticks
554 | // in TimerPeriod 100 ns units.
555 | //
556 | mTimerCount = DivU64x32 (
557 | MultU64x32 (TimerPeriod, 100000000),
558 | mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Bits.CounterClockPeriod
559 | );
560 |
561 | //
562 | // Program the HPET Comparator with the number of ticks till the next interrupt
563 | //
564 | MainCounter = HpetRead (HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_OFFSET);
565 | if (MainCounter > mPreviousMainCounter) {
566 | Delta = MainCounter - mPreviousMainCounter;
567 | } else {
568 | Delta = (mCounterMask - mPreviousMainCounter) + MainCounter;
569 | }
570 | if ((Delta & mCounterMask) >= mTimerCount) {
571 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, (MainCounter + 1) & mCounterMask);
572 | } else {
573 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_COMPARATOR_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, (mPreviousMainCounter + mTimerCount) & mCounterMask);
574 | }
575 |
576 | //
577 | // Enable HPET Timer interrupt generation
578 | //
579 | if (mTimerConfiguration.Bits.MsiInterruptCapablity != 0 && FeaturePcdGet (PcdHpetMsiEnable)) {
580 | //
581 | // Program MSI Address and MSI Data values in the selected HPET Timer
582 | // Program HPET register with APIC ID of current BSP in case BSP has been switched
583 | //
584 | HpetTimerMsiRoute.Bits.Address = GetApicMsiAddress ();
585 | HpetTimerMsiRoute.Bits.Value = (UINT32)GetApicMsiValue (PcdGet8 (PcdHpetLocalApicVector), LOCAL_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE_LOWEST_PRIORITY, FALSE, FALSE);
586 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_MSI_ROUTE_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, HpetTimerMsiRoute.Uint64);
587 | //
588 | // Enable HPET MSI Interrupt
589 | //
590 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.MsiInterruptEnable = 1;
591 | } else {
592 | //
593 | // Enable timer interrupt through I/O APIC
594 | // Program IOAPIC register with APIC ID of current BSP in case BSP has been switched
595 | //
596 | IoApicConfigureInterrupt (mTimerIrq, PcdGet8 (PcdHpetLocalApicVector), IO_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE_LOWEST_PRIORITY, TRUE, FALSE);
597 | IoApicEnableInterrupt (mTimerIrq, TRUE);
598 | }
599 |
600 | //
601 | // Enable HPET Interrupt Generation
602 | //
603 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.InterruptEnable = 1;
604 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, mTimerConfiguration.Uint64);
605 | }
606 |
607 | //
608 | // Save the new timer period
609 | //
610 | mTimerPeriod = TimerPeriod;
611 |
612 | //
613 | // Enable the HPET counter once new timer period has been established
614 | // The HPET counter should run even if the HPET Timer interrupts are
615 | // disabled. This is used to account for time passed while the interrupt
616 | // is disabled.
617 | //
618 | HpetEnable (TRUE);
619 |
620 | //
621 | // Restore interrupts
622 | //
623 | gBS->RestoreTPL (Tpl);
624 |
625 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
626 | }
627 |
628 | /**
629 | This function retrieves the period of timer interrupts in 100 ns units,
630 | returns that value in TimerPeriod, and returns EFI_SUCCESS. If TimerPeriod
631 | is NULL, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned. If a TimerPeriod of 0 is
632 | returned, then the timer is currently disabled.
633 |
634 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
635 | @param TimerPeriod A pointer to the timer period to retrieve in 100 ns units.
636 | If 0 is returned, then the timer is currently disabled.
637 |
638 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timer period was returned in TimerPeriod.
639 | @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER TimerPeriod is NULL.
640 |
641 | **/
643 | EFIAPI
644 | TimerDriverGetTimerPeriod (
646 | OUT UINT64 *TimerPeriod
647 | )
648 | {
649 | if (TimerPeriod == NULL) {
651 | }
652 |
653 | *TimerPeriod = mTimerPeriod;
654 |
655 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
656 | }
657 |
658 | /**
659 | This function generates a soft timer interrupt. If the platform does not support soft
660 | timer interrupts, then EFI_UNSUPPORTED is returned. Otherwise, EFI_SUCCESS is returned.
661 | If a handler has been registered through the EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL.RegisterHandler()
662 | service, then a soft timer interrupt will be generated. If the timer interrupt is
663 | enabled when this service is called, then the registered handler will be invoked. The
664 | registered handler should not be able to distinguish a hardware-generated timer
665 | interrupt from a software-generated timer interrupt.
666 |
667 | @param This The EFI_TIMER_ARCH_PROTOCOL instance.
668 |
669 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS The soft timer interrupt was generated.
670 | @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The platform does not support the generation of soft
671 | timer interrupts.
672 |
673 | **/
675 | EFIAPI
676 | TimerDriverGenerateSoftInterrupt (
678 | )
679 | {
680 | UINT64 MainCounter;
681 | EFI_TPL Tpl;
682 | UINT64 TimerPeriod;
683 | UINT64 Delta;
684 |
685 | //
686 | // Disable interrupts
687 | //
688 | Tpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_HIGH_LEVEL);
689 |
690 | //
691 | // Capture main counter value
692 | //
693 | MainCounter = HpetRead (HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_OFFSET);
694 |
695 | //
696 | // Check to see if there is a registered notification function
697 | //
698 | if (mTimerNotifyFunction != NULL) {
699 | //
700 | // Compute time since last interrupt in 100 ns units (10 ^ -7)
701 | //
702 | if (MainCounter > mPreviousMainCounter) {
703 | //
704 | // Main counter does not overflow
705 | //
706 | Delta = MainCounter - mPreviousMainCounter;
707 | } else {
708 | //
709 | // Main counter overflows, first usb, then add
710 | //
711 | Delta = (mCounterMask - mPreviousMainCounter) + MainCounter;
712 | }
713 |
714 | TimerPeriod = DivU64x32 (
715 | MultU64x32 (
716 | Delta & mCounterMask,
717 | mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Bits.CounterClockPeriod
718 | ),
719 | 100000000
720 | );
721 |
722 | //
723 | // Call registered notification function passing in the time since the last
724 | // interrupt in 100 ns units.
725 | //
726 | mTimerNotifyFunction (TimerPeriod);
727 | }
728 |
729 | //
730 | // Save main counter value
731 | //
732 | mPreviousMainCounter = MainCounter;
733 |
734 | //
735 | // Restore interrupts
736 | //
737 | gBS->RestoreTPL (Tpl);
738 |
739 | return EFI_SUCCESS;
740 | }
741 |
742 | /**
743 | Initialize the Timer Architectural Protocol driver
744 |
745 | @param ImageHandle ImageHandle of the loaded driver
746 | @param SystemTable Pointer to the System Table
747 |
748 | @retval EFI_SUCCESS Timer Architectural Protocol created
749 | @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Not enough resources available to initialize driver.
750 | @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A device error occurred attempting to initialize the driver.
751 |
752 | **/
754 | EFIAPI
755 | TimerDriverInitialize (
756 | IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
757 | IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable
758 | )
759 | {
760 | EFI_STATUS Status;
761 | UINTN TimerIndex;
762 | UINTN MsiTimerIndex;
764 |
765 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Init HPET Timer Driver\n"));
766 |
767 | //
768 | // Make sure the Timer Architectural Protocol is not already installed in the system
769 | //
771 |
772 | //
773 | // Find the CPU architectural protocol.
774 | //
775 | Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &mCpu);
776 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
777 |
778 | //
779 | // Retrieve HPET Capabilities and Configuration Information
780 | //
781 | mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Uint64 = HpetRead (HPET_GENERAL_CAPABILITIES_ID_OFFSET);
782 | mHpetGeneralConfiguration.Uint64 = HpetRead (HPET_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET);
783 |
784 | //
785 | // If Revision is not valid, then ASSERT() and unload the driver because the HPET
786 | // device is not present.
787 | //
788 | ASSERT (mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Uint64 != 0);
789 | ASSERT (mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Uint64 != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL);
790 | if (mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Uint64 == 0 || mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Uint64 == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL) {
791 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "HPET device is not present. Unload HPET driver.\n"));
792 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
793 | }
794 |
795 | //
796 | // Force the HPET timer to be disabled while setting everything up
797 | //
798 | HpetEnable (FALSE);
799 |
800 | //
801 | // Dump HPET Configuration Information
802 | //
803 | DEBUG_CODE (
804 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Base Address = 0x%08x\n", PcdGet32 (PcdHpetBaseAddress)));
805 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " HPET_GENERAL_CAPABILITIES_ID = 0x%016lx\n", mHpetGeneralCapabilities));
806 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " HPET_GENERAL_CONFIGURATION = 0x%016lx\n", mHpetGeneralConfiguration.Uint64));
809 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " HPET Main Counter Period = %d (fs)\n", mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Bits.CounterClockPeriod));
810 | for (TimerIndex = 0; TimerIndex <= mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Bits.NumberOfTimers; TimerIndex++) {
813 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " HPET_TIMER%d_MSI_ROUTE = 0x%016lx\n", TimerIndex, HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_MSI_ROUTE_OFFSET + TimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE)));
814 | }
815 | );
816 |
817 | //
818 | // Capture the current HPET main counter value.
819 | //
820 | mPreviousMainCounter = HpetRead (HPET_MAIN_COUNTER_OFFSET);
821 |
822 | //
823 | // Determine the interrupt mode to use for the HPET Timer.
824 | // Look for MSI first, then unused PIC mode interrupt, then I/O APIC mode interrupt
825 | //
828 | for (TimerIndex = 0; TimerIndex <= mHpetGeneralCapabilities.Bits.NumberOfTimers; TimerIndex++) {
829 | //
830 | // Read the HPET Timer Capabilities and Configuration register
831 | //
832 | mTimerConfiguration.Uint64 = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + TimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
833 |
834 | //
835 | // Check to see if this HPET Timer supports MSI
836 | //
837 | if (mTimerConfiguration.Bits.MsiInterruptCapablity != 0) {
838 | //
839 | // Save the index of the first HPET Timer that supports MSI interrupts
840 | //
841 | if (MsiTimerIndex == HPET_INVALID_TIMER_INDEX) {
842 | MsiTimerIndex = TimerIndex;
843 | }
844 | }
845 |
846 | //
847 | // Check to see if this HPET Timer supports I/O APIC interrupts
848 | //
849 | if (mTimerConfiguration.Bits.InterruptRouteCapability != 0) {
850 | //
851 | // Save the index of the first HPET Timer that supports I/O APIC interrupts
852 | //
853 | if (mTimerIndex == HPET_INVALID_TIMER_INDEX) {
854 | mTimerIndex = TimerIndex;
855 | mTimerIrq = (UINT32)LowBitSet32 (mTimerConfiguration.Bits.InterruptRouteCapability);
856 | }
857 | }
858 | }
859 |
860 | if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdHpetMsiEnable) && MsiTimerIndex != HPET_INVALID_TIMER_INDEX) {
861 | //
862 | // Use MSI interrupt if supported
863 | //
864 | mTimerIndex = MsiTimerIndex;
865 |
866 | //
867 | // Program MSI Address and MSI Data values in the selected HPET Timer
868 | //
869 | HpetTimerMsiRoute.Bits.Address = GetApicMsiAddress ();
870 | HpetTimerMsiRoute.Bits.Value = (UINT32)GetApicMsiValue (PcdGet8 (PcdHpetLocalApicVector), LOCAL_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE_LOWEST_PRIORITY, FALSE, FALSE);
871 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_MSI_ROUTE_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, HpetTimerMsiRoute.Uint64);
872 |
873 | //
874 | // Read the HPET Timer Capabilities and Configuration register and initialize for MSI mode
875 | // Clear LevelTriggeredInterrupt to use edge triggered interrupts when in MSI mode
876 | //
877 | mTimerConfiguration.Uint64 = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
878 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.LevelTriggeredInterrupt = 0;
879 | } else {
880 | //
881 | // If no HPET timers support MSI or I/O APIC modes, then ASSERT() and unload the driver.
882 | //
884 | if (mTimerIndex == HPET_INVALID_TIMER_INDEX) {
885 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "No HPET timers support MSI or I/O APIC mode. Unload HPET driver.\n"));
886 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
887 | }
888 |
889 | //
890 | // Initialize I/O APIC entry for HPET Timer Interrupt
891 | // Fixed Delivery Mode, Level Triggered, Asserted Low
892 | //
893 | IoApicConfigureInterrupt (mTimerIrq, PcdGet8 (PcdHpetLocalApicVector), IO_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE_LOWEST_PRIORITY, TRUE, FALSE);
894 |
895 | //
896 | // Read the HPET Timer Capabilities and Configuration register and initialize for I/O APIC mode
897 | // Clear MsiInterruptCapability to force rest of driver to use I/O APIC mode
898 | // Set LevelTriggeredInterrupt to use level triggered interrupts when in I/O APIC mode
899 | // Set InterruptRoute field based in mTimerIrq
900 | //
901 | mTimerConfiguration.Uint64 = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
902 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.LevelTriggeredInterrupt = 1;
903 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.InterruptRoute = mTimerIrq;
904 | }
905 |
906 | //
907 | // Configure the selected HPET Timer with settings common to both MSI mode and I/O APIC mode
908 | // Clear InterruptEnable to keep interrupts disabled until full init is complete
909 | // Clear PeriodicInterruptEnable to use one-shot mode
910 | // Configure as a 32-bit counter
911 | //
912 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.InterruptEnable = 0;
913 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.PeriodicInterruptEnable = 0;
914 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.CounterSizeEnable = 1;
915 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, mTimerConfiguration.Uint64);
916 |
917 | //
918 | // Read the HPET Timer Capabilities and Configuration register back again.
919 | // CounterSizeEnable will be read back as a 0 if it is a 32-bit only timer
920 | //
921 | mTimerConfiguration.Uint64 = HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE);
922 | if ((mTimerConfiguration.Bits.CounterSizeEnable == 1) && (sizeof (UINTN) == sizeof (UINT64))) {
923 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Choose 64-bit HPET timer.\n"));
924 | //
925 | // 64-bit BIOS can use 64-bit HPET timer
926 | //
927 | mCounterMask = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
928 | //
929 | // Set timer back to 64-bit
930 | //
931 | mTimerConfiguration.Bits.CounterSizeEnable = 0;
932 | HpetWrite (HPET_TIMER_CONFIGURATION_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE, mTimerConfiguration.Uint64);
933 | } else {
934 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Choose 32-bit HPET timer.\n"));
935 | mCounterMask = 0x00000000ffffffffULL;
936 | }
937 |
938 | //
939 | // Install interrupt handler for selected HPET Timer
940 | //
941 | Status = mCpu->RegisterInterruptHandler (mCpu, PcdGet8 (PcdHpetLocalApicVector), TimerInterruptHandler);
942 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
943 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
944 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unable to register HPET interrupt with CPU Arch Protocol. Unload HPET driver.\n"));
945 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
946 | }
947 |
948 | //
949 | // Force the HPET Timer to be enabled at its default period
950 | //
951 | Status = TimerDriverSetTimerPeriod (&mTimer, PcdGet64 (PcdHpetDefaultTimerPeriod));
952 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
953 | if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
954 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Unable to set HPET default timer rate. Unload HPET driver.\n"));
955 | return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
956 | }
957 |
958 | //
959 | // Show state of enabled HPET timer
960 | //
961 | DEBUG_CODE (
962 | if (mTimerConfiguration.Bits.MsiInterruptCapablity != 0 && FeaturePcdGet (PcdHpetMsiEnable)) {
963 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Interrupt Mode MSI\n"));
964 | } else {
965 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Interrupt Mode I/O APIC\n"));
966 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET I/O APIC IRQ = 0x%02x\n", mTimerIrq));
967 | }
968 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Interrupt Vector = 0x%02x\n", PcdGet8 (PcdHpetLocalApicVector)));
969 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Counter Mask = 0x%016lx\n", mCounterMask));
970 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Timer Period = %d\n", mTimerPeriod));
971 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET Timer Count = 0x%016lx\n", mTimerCount));
974 | DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "HPET_TIMER%d_MSI_ROUTE = 0x%016lx\n", mTimerIndex, HpetRead (HPET_TIMER_MSI_ROUTE_OFFSET + mTimerIndex * HPET_TIMER_STRIDE)));
975 |
976 | //
977 | // Wait for a few timer interrupts to fire before continuing
978 | //
979 | while (mNumTicks < 10);
980 | );
981 |
982 | //
983 | // Install the Timer Architectural Protocol onto a new handle
984 | //
985 | Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
986 | &mTimerHandle,
987 | &gEfiTimerArchProtocolGuid, &mTimer,
988 | NULL
989 | );
990 | ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);
991 |
992 | return Status;
993 | }