1 | /** @file
2 | Library that provides SMM CPU Sync related operations.
3 |
4 | The lib provides 3 sets of APIs:
5 | 1. ContextInit/ContextDeinit/ContextReset:
6 |
7 | ContextInit() is called in driver's entrypoint to allocate and initialize the SMM CPU Sync context.
8 | ContextDeinit() is called in driver's unload function to deinitialize the SMM CPU Sync context.
9 | ContextReset() is called by one of CPUs after all CPUs are ready to exit SMI, which allows CPU to
10 | check into the next SMI from this point.
11 |
12 | 2. GetArrivedCpuCount/CheckInCpu/CheckOutCpu/LockDoor:
13 | When SMI happens, all processors including BSP enter to SMM mode by calling CheckInCpu().
14 | CheckOutCpu() can be called in error handling flow for the CPU who calls CheckInCpu() earlier.
15 | The elected BSP calls LockDoor() so that CheckInCpu() and CheckOutCpu() will return the error code after that.
16 | GetArrivedCpuCount() returns the number of checked-in CPUs.
17 |
18 | 3. WaitForAPs/ReleaseOneAp/WaitForBsp/ReleaseBsp
19 | WaitForAPs() & ReleaseOneAp() are called from BSP to wait the number of APs and release one specific AP.
20 | WaitForBsp() & ReleaseBsp() are called from APs to wait and release BSP.
21 | The 4 APIs are used to synchronize the running flow among BSP and APs.
22 | BSP and AP Sync flow can be easy understand as below:
23 | BSP: ReleaseOneAp --> AP: WaitForBsp
24 | BSP: WaitForAPs <-- AP: ReleaseBsp
25 |
26 | Copyright (c) 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
27 | SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
28 |
29 | **/
30 |
31 | #ifndef SMM_CPU_SYNC_LIB_H_
32 | #define SMM_CPU_SYNC_LIB_H_
33 |
34 | #include <Uefi/UefiBaseType.h>
35 |
36 | //
37 | // Opaque structure for SMM CPU Sync context.
38 | //
40 |
41 | /**
42 | Create and initialize the SMM CPU Sync context. It is to allocate and initialize the
43 | SMM CPU Sync context.
44 |
45 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
46 |
47 | @param[in] NumberOfCpus The number of Logical Processors in the system.
48 | @param[out] Context Pointer to the new created and initialized SMM CPU Sync context object.
49 | NULL will be returned if any error happen during init.
50 |
51 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS The SMM CPU Sync context was successful created and initialized.
52 | @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There are not enough resources available to create and initialize SMM CPU Sync context.
53 | @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Overflow happen
54 |
55 | **/
58 | SmmCpuSyncContextInit (
59 | IN UINTN NumberOfCpus,
61 | );
62 |
63 | /**
64 | Deinit an allocated SMM CPU Sync context. The resources allocated in SmmCpuSyncContextInit() will
65 | be freed.
66 |
67 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
68 |
69 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object to be deinitialized.
70 |
71 | **/
72 | VOID
74 | SmmCpuSyncContextDeinit (
76 | );
77 |
78 | /**
79 | Reset SMM CPU Sync context. SMM CPU Sync context will be reset to the initialized state.
80 |
81 | This function is called by one of CPUs after all CPUs are ready to exit SMI, which allows CPU to
82 | check into the next SMI from this point.
83 |
84 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
85 |
86 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object to be reset.
87 |
88 | **/
89 | VOID
91 | SmmCpuSyncContextReset (
93 | );
94 |
95 | /**
96 | Get current number of arrived CPU in SMI.
97 |
98 | BSP might need to know the current number of arrived CPU in SMI to make sure all APs
99 | in SMI. This API can be for that purpose.
100 |
101 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
102 |
103 | @param[in] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
104 |
105 | @retval Current number of arrived CPU in SMI.
106 |
107 | **/
108 | UINTN
109 | EFIAPI
110 | SmmCpuSyncGetArrivedCpuCount (
112 | );
113 |
114 | /**
115 | Performs an atomic operation to check in CPU.
116 |
117 | When SMI happens, all processors including BSP enter to SMM mode by calling SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu().
118 |
119 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
120 | If CpuIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
121 |
122 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
123 | @param[in] CpuIndex Check in CPU index.
124 |
125 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Check in CPU (CpuIndex) successfully.
126 | @retval RETURN_ABORTED Check in CPU failed due to SmmCpuSyncLockDoor() has been called by one elected CPU.
127 |
128 | **/
130 | EFIAPI
131 | SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu (
133 | IN UINTN CpuIndex
134 | );
135 |
136 | /**
137 | Performs an atomic operation to check out CPU.
138 |
139 | This function can be called in error handling flow for the CPU who calls CheckInCpu() earlier.
140 | The caller shall make sure the CPU specified by CpuIndex has already checked-in.
141 |
142 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
143 | If CpuIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
144 |
145 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
146 | @param[in] CpuIndex Check out CPU index.
147 |
148 | @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Check out CPU (CpuIndex) successfully.
149 | @retval RETURN_ABORTED Check out CPU failed due to SmmCpuSyncLockDoor() has been called by one elected CPU.
150 |
151 | **/
153 | EFIAPI
154 | SmmCpuSyncCheckOutCpu (
156 | IN UINTN CpuIndex
157 | );
158 |
159 | /**
160 | Performs an atomic operation lock door for CPU checkin and checkout. After this function:
161 | CPU can not check in via SmmCpuSyncCheckInCpu().
162 | CPU can not check out via SmmCpuSyncCheckOutCpu().
163 |
164 | The CPU specified by CpuIndex is elected to lock door. The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex
165 | is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the undefined behavior.
166 |
167 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
168 | If CpuCount is NULL, then ASSERT().
169 | If CpuIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
170 |
171 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
172 | @param[in] CpuIndex Indicate which CPU to lock door.
173 | @param[out] CpuCount Number of arrived CPU in SMI after look door.
174 |
175 | **/
176 | VOID
177 | EFIAPI
178 | SmmCpuSyncLockDoor (
180 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
181 | OUT UINTN *CpuCount
182 | );
183 |
184 | /**
185 | Used by the BSP to wait for APs.
186 |
187 | The number of APs need to be waited is specified by NumberOfAPs. The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
188 | The caller shall make sure the BspIndex is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the undefined behavior.
189 | The caller shall make sure the NumberOfAPs have already checked-in to avoid the undefined behavior.
190 |
191 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
192 | If NumberOfAPs >= All CPUs in system, then ASSERT().
193 | If BspIndex exceeds the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
194 |
195 | Note:
196 | This function is blocking mode, and it will return only after the number of APs released by
197 | calling SmmCpuSyncReleaseBsp():
198 | BSP: WaitForAPs <-- AP: ReleaseBsp
199 |
200 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
201 | @param[in] NumberOfAPs Number of APs need to be waited by BSP.
202 | @param[in] BspIndex The BSP Index to wait for APs.
203 |
204 | **/
205 | VOID
206 | EFIAPI
207 | SmmCpuSyncWaitForAPs (
209 | IN UINTN NumberOfAPs,
210 | IN UINTN BspIndex
211 | );
212 |
213 | /**
214 | Used by the BSP to release one AP.
215 |
216 | The AP is specified by CpuIndex. The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
217 | The caller shall make sure the BspIndex is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the undefined behavior.
218 | The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex has already checked-in to avoid the undefined behavior.
219 |
220 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
221 | If CpuIndex == BspIndex, then ASSERT().
222 | If BspIndex or CpuIndex exceed the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
223 |
224 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
225 | @param[in] CpuIndex Indicate which AP need to be released.
226 | @param[in] BspIndex The BSP Index to release AP.
227 |
228 | **/
229 | VOID
230 | EFIAPI
231 | SmmCpuSyncReleaseOneAp (
233 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
234 | IN UINTN BspIndex
235 | );
236 |
237 | /**
238 | Used by the AP to wait BSP.
239 |
240 | The AP is specified by CpuIndex.
241 | The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the undefined behavior.
242 | The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
243 |
244 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
245 | If CpuIndex == BspIndex, then ASSERT().
246 | If BspIndex or CpuIndex exceed the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
247 |
248 | Note:
249 | This function is blocking mode, and it will return only after the AP released by
250 | calling SmmCpuSyncReleaseOneAp():
251 | BSP: ReleaseOneAp --> AP: WaitForBsp
252 |
253 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
254 | @param[in] CpuIndex Indicate which AP wait BSP.
255 | @param[in] BspIndex The BSP Index to be waited.
256 |
257 | **/
258 | VOID
259 | EFIAPI
260 | SmmCpuSyncWaitForBsp (
262 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
263 | IN UINTN BspIndex
264 | );
265 |
266 | /**
267 | Used by the AP to release BSP.
268 |
269 | The AP is specified by CpuIndex.
270 | The caller shall make sure the CpuIndex is the actual CPU calling this function to avoid the undefined behavior.
271 | The BSP is specified by BspIndex.
272 |
273 | If Context is NULL, then ASSERT().
274 | If CpuIndex == BspIndex, then ASSERT().
275 | If BspIndex or CpuIndex exceed the range of all CPUs in the system, then ASSERT().
276 |
277 | @param[in,out] Context Pointer to the SMM CPU Sync context object.
278 | @param[in] CpuIndex Indicate which AP release BSP.
279 | @param[in] BspIndex The BSP Index to be released.
280 |
281 | **/
282 | VOID
283 | EFIAPI
284 | SmmCpuSyncReleaseBsp (
286 | IN UINTN CpuIndex,
287 | IN UINTN BspIndex
288 | );
289 |
290 | #endif