1 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
2 | ; Copyright (c) 2016 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
3 | ; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
4 | ;
5 | ; Module Name:
6 | ;
7 | ; SmiEntry.nasm
8 | ;
9 | ; Abstract:
10 | ;
11 | ; Code template of the SMI handler for a particular processor
12 | ;
13 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 |
15 | %include "StuffRsbNasm.inc"
16 | %include "Nasm.inc"
17 |
18 | ;
19 | ; Variables referrenced by C code
20 | ;
21 |
22 | %define MSR_IA32_S_CET 0x6A2
23 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_SH_STK_EN 0x1
24 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_WR_SHSTK_EN 0x2
25 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_ENDBR_EN 0x4
26 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_LEG_IW_EN 0x8
27 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_NO_TRACK_EN 0x10
28 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_SUPPRESS_DIS 0x20
29 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_SUPPRESS 0x400
30 | %define MSR_IA32_CET_TRACKER 0x800
31 | %define MSR_IA32_PL0_SSP 0x6A4
33 |
34 | %define CR4_CET 0x800000
35 |
36 | %define MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE 0x1A0
37 | %define MSR_EFER 0xc0000080
38 | %define MSR_EFER_XD 0x800
39 |
40 | ;
41 | ; Constants relating to PROCESSOR_SMM_DESCRIPTOR
42 | ;
43 | %define DSC_OFFSET 0xfb00
44 | %define DSC_GDTPTR 0x30
45 | %define DSC_GDTSIZ 0x38
46 | %define DSC_CS 14
47 | %define DSC_DS 16
48 | %define DSC_SS 18
49 | %define DSC_OTHERSEG 20
50 | ;
51 | ; Constants relating to CPU State Save Area
52 | ;
53 | %define SSM_DR6 0xffd0
54 | %define SSM_DR7 0xffc8
55 |
56 | %define PROTECT_MODE_CS 0x8
57 | %define PROTECT_MODE_DS 0x20
58 | %define LONG_MODE_CS 0x38
59 | %define TSS_SEGMENT 0x40
60 | %define GDT_SIZE 0x50
61 |
62 | extern ASM_PFX(SmiRendezvous)
63 | extern ASM_PFX(gSmiHandlerIdtr)
64 | extern ASM_PFX(CpuSmmDebugEntry)
65 | extern ASM_PFX(CpuSmmDebugExit)
66 |
67 | global ASM_PFX(gPatchSmbase)
68 | extern ASM_PFX(mXdSupported)
69 | global ASM_PFX(gPatchXdSupported)
70 | global ASM_PFX(gPatchSmiStack)
71 | global ASM_PFX(gPatchSmiCr3)
72 | global ASM_PFX(gPatch5LevelPagingSupport)
73 | global ASM_PFX(gcSmiHandlerTemplate)
74 | global ASM_PFX(gcSmiHandlerSize)
75 |
76 | extern ASM_PFX(mCetSupported)
77 | global ASM_PFX(mPatchCetSupported)
78 | global ASM_PFX(mPatchCetPl0Ssp)
79 | global ASM_PFX(mPatchCetInterruptSsp)
80 | global ASM_PFX(mPatchCetInterruptSspTable)
81 |
83 | SECTION .text
84 |
85 | BITS 16
86 | ASM_PFX(gcSmiHandlerTemplate):
87 | _SmiEntryPoint:
88 | mov bx, _GdtDesc - _SmiEntryPoint + 0x8000
89 | mov ax,[cs:DSC_OFFSET + DSC_GDTSIZ]
90 | dec ax
91 | mov [cs:bx], ax
92 | mov eax, [cs:DSC_OFFSET + DSC_GDTPTR]
93 | mov [cs:bx + 2], eax
94 | o32 lgdt [cs:bx] ; lgdt fword ptr cs:[bx]
95 | mov ax, PROTECT_MODE_CS
96 | mov [cs:bx-0x2],ax
97 | mov edi, strict dword 0 ; source operand will be patched
98 | ASM_PFX(gPatchSmbase):
99 | lea eax, [edi + (@ProtectedMode - _SmiEntryPoint) + 0x8000]
100 | mov [cs:bx-0x6],eax
101 | mov ebx, cr0
102 | and ebx, 0x9ffafff3
103 | or ebx, 0x23
104 | mov cr0, ebx
105 | jmp dword 0x0:0x0
106 | _GdtDesc:
107 | DW 0
108 | DD 0
109 |
110 | BITS 32
111 | @ProtectedMode:
112 | mov ax, PROTECT_MODE_DS
113 | o16 mov ds, ax
114 | o16 mov es, ax
115 | o16 mov fs, ax
116 | o16 mov gs, ax
117 | o16 mov ss, ax
118 | mov esp, strict dword 0 ; source operand will be patched
119 | ASM_PFX(gPatchSmiStack):
120 | jmp ProtFlatMode
121 |
122 | BITS 64
123 | ProtFlatMode:
124 | mov eax, strict dword 0 ; source operand will be patched
125 | ASM_PFX(gPatchSmiCr3):
126 | mov cr3, rax
127 | mov eax, 0x668 ; as cr4.PGE is not set here, refresh cr3
128 |
129 | mov cl, strict byte 0 ; source operand will be patched
130 | ASM_PFX(gPatch5LevelPagingSupport):
131 | cmp cl, 0
132 | je SkipEnable5LevelPaging
133 | ;
134 | ; Enable 5-Level Paging bit
135 | ;
136 | bts eax, 12 ; Set LA57 bit (bit #12)
137 | SkipEnable5LevelPaging:
138 |
139 | mov cr4, rax ; in PreModifyMtrrs() to flush TLB.
140 | ; Load TSS
141 | sub esp, 8 ; reserve room in stack
142 | sgdt [rsp]
143 | mov eax, [rsp + 2] ; eax = GDT base
144 | add esp, 8
145 | mov dl, 0x89
146 | mov [rax + TSS_SEGMENT + 5], dl ; clear busy flag
147 | mov eax, TSS_SEGMENT
148 | ltr ax
149 |
150 | ; enable NXE if supported
151 | mov al, strict byte 1 ; source operand may be patched
152 | ASM_PFX(gPatchXdSupported):
153 | cmp al, 0
154 | jz @SkipXd
155 | ;
156 | ; Check XD disable bit
157 | ;
158 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE
159 | rdmsr
160 | sub esp, 4
161 | push rdx ; save MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[63-32]
162 | test edx, BIT2 ; MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[34]
163 | jz .0
164 | and dx, 0xFFFB ; clear XD Disable bit if it is set
165 | wrmsr
166 | .0:
167 | mov ecx, MSR_EFER
168 | rdmsr
169 | or ax, MSR_EFER_XD ; enable NXE
170 | wrmsr
171 | jmp @XdDone
172 | @SkipXd:
173 | sub esp, 8
174 | @XdDone:
175 |
176 | ; Switch into @LongMode
177 | push LONG_MODE_CS ; push cs hardcore here
178 | call Base ; push return address for retf later
179 | Base:
180 | add dword [rsp], @LongMode - Base; offset for far retf, seg is the 1st arg
181 |
182 | mov ecx, MSR_EFER
183 | rdmsr
184 | or ah, 1 ; enable LME
185 | wrmsr
186 | mov rbx, cr0
187 | or ebx, 0x80010023 ; enable paging + WP + NE + MP + PE
188 | mov cr0, rbx
189 | retf
190 | @LongMode: ; long mode (64-bit code) starts here
191 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; mov rax, ASM_PFX(gSmiHandlerIdtr)
192 | SmiHandlerIdtrAbsAddr:
193 | lidt [rax]
194 | lea ebx, [rdi + DSC_OFFSET]
195 | mov ax, [rbx + DSC_DS]
196 | mov ds, eax
197 | mov ax, [rbx + DSC_OTHERSEG]
198 | mov es, eax
199 | mov fs, eax
200 | mov gs, eax
201 | mov ax, [rbx + DSC_SS]
202 | mov ss, eax
203 |
204 | mov rbx, [rsp + 0x8] ; rbx <- CpuIndex
205 |
206 | ; enable CET if supported
207 | mov al, strict byte 1 ; source operand may be patched
208 | ASM_PFX(mPatchCetSupported):
209 | cmp al, 0
210 | jz CetDone
211 |
212 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_S_CET
213 | rdmsr
214 | push rdx
215 | push rax
216 |
217 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_PL0_SSP
218 | rdmsr
219 | push rdx
220 | push rax
221 |
223 | rdmsr
224 | push rdx
225 | push rax
226 |
227 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_S_CET
228 | mov eax, MSR_IA32_CET_SH_STK_EN
229 | xor edx, edx
230 | wrmsr
231 |
232 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_PL0_SSP
233 | mov eax, strict dword 0 ; source operand will be patched
234 | ASM_PFX(mPatchCetPl0Ssp):
235 | xor edx, edx
236 | wrmsr
237 | mov rcx, cr0
238 | btr ecx, 16 ; clear WP
239 | mov cr0, rcx
240 | mov [eax], eax ; reload SSP, and clear busyflag.
241 | xor ecx, ecx
242 | mov [eax + 4], ecx
243 |
245 | mov eax, strict dword 0 ; source operand will be patched
246 | ASM_PFX(mPatchCetInterruptSspTable):
247 | xor edx, edx
248 | wrmsr
249 |
250 | mov eax, strict dword 0 ; source operand will be patched
251 | ASM_PFX(mPatchCetInterruptSsp):
252 | cmp eax, 0
253 | jz CetInterruptDone
254 | mov [eax], eax ; reload SSP, and clear busyflag.
255 | xor ecx, ecx
256 | mov [eax + 4], ecx
257 | CetInterruptDone:
258 |
259 | mov rcx, cr0
260 | bts ecx, 16 ; set WP
261 | mov cr0, rcx
262 |
263 | mov eax, 0x668 | CR4_CET
264 | mov cr4, rax
265 |
267 |
268 | CetDone:
269 |
270 | ;
271 | ; Save FP registers
272 | ;
273 | sub rsp, 0x200
274 | fxsave64 [rsp]
275 |
276 | add rsp, -0x20
277 |
278 | mov rcx, rbx
279 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; call ASM_PFX(CpuSmmDebugEntry)
280 | CpuSmmDebugEntryAbsAddr:
281 | call rax
282 |
283 | mov rcx, rbx
284 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; call ASM_PFX(SmiRendezvous)
285 | SmiRendezvousAbsAddr:
286 | call rax
287 |
288 | mov rcx, rbx
289 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; call ASM_PFX(CpuSmmDebugExit)
290 | CpuSmmDebugExitAbsAddr:
291 | call rax
292 |
293 | add rsp, 0x20
294 |
295 | ;
296 | ; Restore FP registers
297 | ;
298 | fxrstor64 [rsp]
299 |
300 | add rsp, 0x200
301 |
302 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; mov rax, ASM_PFX(mCetSupported)
303 | mCetSupportedAbsAddr:
304 | mov al, [rax]
305 | cmp al, 0
306 | jz CetDone2
307 |
308 | mov eax, 0x668
309 | mov cr4, rax ; disable CET
310 |
312 | pop rax
313 | pop rdx
314 | wrmsr
315 |
316 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_PL0_SSP
317 | pop rax
318 | pop rdx
319 | wrmsr
320 |
321 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_S_CET
322 | pop rax
323 | pop rdx
324 | wrmsr
325 | CetDone2:
326 |
327 | mov rax, strict qword 0 ; lea rax, [ASM_PFX(mXdSupported)]
328 | mXdSupportedAbsAddr:
329 | mov al, [rax]
330 | cmp al, 0
331 | jz .1
332 | pop rdx ; get saved MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE[63-32]
333 | test edx, BIT2
334 | jz .1
335 | mov ecx, MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE
336 | rdmsr
337 | or dx, BIT2 ; set XD Disable bit if it was set before entering into SMM
338 | wrmsr
339 |
340 | .1:
341 |
342 | StuffRsb64
343 | rsm
344 |
345 | ASM_PFX(gcSmiHandlerSize) DW $ - _SmiEntryPoint
346 |
347 | ;
348 | ; Retrieve the address and fill it into mov opcode.
349 | ;
350 | ; It is called in the driver entry point first.
351 | ; It is used to fix up the real address in mov opcode.
352 | ; Then, after the code logic is copied to the different location,
353 | ; the code can also run.
354 | ;
355 | global ASM_PFX(PiSmmCpuSmiEntryFixupAddress)
356 | ASM_PFX(PiSmmCpuSmiEntryFixupAddress):
357 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(gSmiHandlerIdtr)]
358 | lea rcx, [SmiHandlerIdtrAbsAddr]
359 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
360 |
361 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(CpuSmmDebugEntry)]
362 | lea rcx, [CpuSmmDebugEntryAbsAddr]
363 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
364 |
365 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(SmiRendezvous)]
366 | lea rcx, [SmiRendezvousAbsAddr]
367 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
368 |
369 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(CpuSmmDebugExit)]
370 | lea rcx, [CpuSmmDebugExitAbsAddr]
371 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
372 |
373 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(mXdSupported)]
374 | lea rcx, [mXdSupportedAbsAddr]
375 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
376 |
377 | lea rax, [ASM_PFX(mCetSupported)]
378 | lea rcx, [mCetSupportedAbsAddr]
379 | mov qword [rcx - 8], rax
380 | ret