1 | ## @file
2 | # This file contains the script to build UniversalPayload
3 | #
4 | # Copyright (c) 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 | # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
6 | ##
7 |
8 | import argparse
9 | import subprocess
10 | import os
11 | import shutil
12 | import sys
13 | from ctypes import *
14 | from Tools.ElfFv import ReplaceFv
15 | sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
16 |
17 | class UPLD_INFO_HEADER(LittleEndianStructure):
18 | _pack_ = 1
19 | _fields_ = [
20 | ('Identifier', ARRAY(c_char, 4)),
21 | ('HeaderLength', c_uint32),
22 | ('SpecRevision', c_uint16),
23 | ('Reserved', c_uint16),
24 | ('Revision', c_uint32),
25 | ('Attribute', c_uint32),
26 | ('Capability', c_uint32),
27 | ('ProducerId', ARRAY(c_char, 16)),
28 | ('ImageId', ARRAY(c_char, 16)),
29 | ]
30 |
31 | def __init__(self):
32 | self.Identifier = b'PLDH'
33 | self.HeaderLength = sizeof(UPLD_INFO_HEADER)
34 | self.SpecRevision = 0x0070
35 | self.Revision = 0x0000010105
36 | self.ImageId = b'UEFI'
37 | self.ProducerId = b'INTEL'
38 |
39 | def BuildUniversalPayload(Args):
40 | def RunCommand(cmd):
41 | print(cmd)
42 | p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,cwd=os.environ['WORKSPACE'])
43 | while True:
44 | line = p.stdout.readline()
45 | if not line:
46 | break
47 | print(line.strip().decode(errors='ignore'))
48 |
49 | p.communicate()
50 | if p.returncode != 0:
51 | print("- Failed - error happened when run command: %s"%cmd)
52 | raise Exception("ERROR: when run command: %s"%cmd)
53 |
54 | BuildTarget = Args.Target
55 | ToolChain = Args.ToolChain
56 | Quiet = "--quiet" if Args.Quiet else ""
57 | ElfToolChain = 'CLANGDWARF'
58 | BuildDir = os.path.join(os.environ['WORKSPACE'], os.path.normpath("Build/UefiPayloadPkgX64"))
59 | BuildModule = ""
60 | BuildArch = ""
61 | if Args.Arch == 'X64':
62 | BuildArch = "X64"
63 | EntryOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ElfToolChain), os.path.normpath("X64/UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry/DEBUG/UniversalPayloadEntry.dll"))
64 | else:
65 | BuildArch = "IA32 -a X64"
66 | EntryOutputDir = os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ElfToolChain), os.path.normpath("IA32/UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry/DEBUG/UniversalPayloadEntry.dll"))
67 |
68 | if Args.PreBuildUplBinary is not None:
69 | EntryOutputDir = os.path.abspath(Args.PreBuildUplBinary)
70 | DscPath = os.path.normpath("UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc")
71 | ModuleReportPath = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UefiUniversalPayloadEntry.txt")
72 | UpldInfoFile = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UniversalPayloadInfo.bin")
73 |
74 | Pcds = ""
75 | if (Args.pcd != None):
76 | for PcdItem in Args.pcd:
77 | Pcds += " --pcd {}".format (PcdItem)
78 |
79 | Defines = ""
80 | if (Args.Macro != None):
81 | for MacroItem in Args.Macro:
82 | Defines += " -D {}".format (MacroItem)
83 |
84 | #
85 | # Building DXE core and DXE drivers as DXEFV.
86 | #
87 | if Args.BuildEntryOnly == False:
88 | PayloadReportPath = os.path.join(BuildDir, "UefiUniversalPayload.txt")
89 | BuildPayload = "build -p {} -b {} -a X64 -t {} -y {} {}".format (DscPath, BuildTarget, ToolChain, PayloadReportPath, Quiet)
90 | BuildPayload += Pcds
91 | BuildPayload += Defines
92 | RunCommand(BuildPayload)
93 | #
94 | # Building Universal Payload entry.
95 | #
96 | if Args.PreBuildUplBinary is None:
97 | EntryModuleInf = os.path.normpath("UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry/UniversalPayloadEntry.inf")
98 | BuildModule = "build -p {} -b {} -a {} -m {} -t {} -y {} {}".format (DscPath, BuildTarget, BuildArch, EntryModuleInf, ElfToolChain, ModuleReportPath, Quiet)
99 | BuildModule += Pcds
100 | BuildModule += Defines
101 | RunCommand(BuildModule)
102 | #
103 | # Buid Universal Payload Information Section ".upld_info"
104 | #
105 | upld_info_hdr = UPLD_INFO_HEADER()
106 | upld_info_hdr.SpecRevision = Args.SpecRevision
107 | upld_info_hdr.Revision = Args.Revision
108 | upld_info_hdr.ProducerId = Args.ProducerId.encode()[:16]
109 | upld_info_hdr.ImageId = Args.ImageId.encode()[:16]
110 | upld_info_hdr.Attribute |= 1 if BuildTarget == "DEBUG" else 0
111 | fp = open(UpldInfoFile, 'wb')
112 | fp.write(bytearray(upld_info_hdr))
113 | fp.close()
114 |
115 | MultiFvList = []
116 | if Args.BuildEntryOnly == False:
117 | MultiFvList = [
118 | ['uefi_fv', os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/DXEFV.Fv")) ],
119 | ['bds_fv', os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/BDSFV.Fv")) ],
120 | ['network_fv', os.path.join(BuildDir, "{}_{}".format (BuildTarget, ToolChain), os.path.normpath("FV/NETWORKFV.Fv")) ],
121 | ]
122 | AddSectionName = '.upld_info'
123 | ReplaceFv (EntryOutputDir, UpldInfoFile, AddSectionName, Alignment = 4)
124 |
125 | shutil.copy (EntryOutputDir, os.path.join(BuildDir, 'UniversalPayload.elf'))
126 |
127 | return MultiFvList, os.path.join(BuildDir, 'UniversalPayload.elf')
128 |
129 | def main():
130 | def ValidateSpecRevision (Argument):
131 | try:
132 | (MajorStr, MinorStr) = Argument.split('.')
133 | except:
134 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
135 | #
136 | # Spec Revision Bits 15 : 8 - Major Version. Bits 7 : 0 - Minor Version.
137 | #
138 | if len(MinorStr) > 0 and len(MinorStr) < 3:
139 | try:
140 | Minor = int(MinorStr, 16) if len(MinorStr) == 2 else (int(MinorStr, 16) << 4)
141 | except:
142 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} Minor version of SpecRevision is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
143 | else:
144 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
145 |
146 | if len(MajorStr) > 0 and len(MajorStr) < 3:
147 | try:
148 | Major = int(MajorStr, 16)
149 | except:
150 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} Major version of SpecRevision is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
151 | else:
152 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid SpecRevision format (Major[8-bits].Minor[8-bits]).'.format (Argument))
153 |
154 | return int('0x{0:02x}{1:02x}'.format(Major, Minor), 0)
155 |
156 | def Validate32BitInteger (Argument):
157 | try:
158 | Value = int (Argument, 0)
159 | except:
160 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is not a valid integer value.'.format (Argument))
161 | if Value < 0:
162 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is a negative value.'.format (Argument))
163 | if Value > 0xffffffff:
164 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is larger than 32-bits.'.format (Argument))
165 | return Value
166 |
167 | def ValidateAddFv (Argument):
168 | Value = Argument.split ("=")
169 | if len (Value) != 2:
170 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is incorrect format with "xxx_fv=xxx.fv"'.format (Argument))
171 | if Value[0][-3:] != "_fv":
172 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is incorrect format with "xxx_fv=xxx.fv"'.format (Argument))
173 | if Value[1][-3:].lower () != ".fv":
174 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('{} is incorrect format with "xxx_fv=xxx.fv"'.format (Argument))
175 | if os.path.exists (Value[1]) == False:
176 | raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError ('File {} is not found.'.format (Value[1]))
177 | return Value
178 |
179 | parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='For building Universal Payload')
180 | parser.add_argument('-t', '--ToolChain')
181 | parser.add_argument('-b', '--Target', default='DEBUG')
182 | parser.add_argument('-a', '--Arch', choices=['IA32', 'X64'], help='Specify the ARCH for payload entry module. Default build X64 image.', default ='X64')
183 | parser.add_argument("-D", "--Macro", action="append", default=["UNIVERSAL_PAYLOAD=TRUE"])
184 | parser.add_argument('-i', '--ImageId', type=str, help='Specify payload ID (16 bytes maximal).', default ='UEFI')
185 | parser.add_argument('-q', '--Quiet', action='store_true', help='Disable all build messages except FATAL ERRORS.')
186 | parser.add_argument("-p", "--pcd", action="append")
187 | parser.add_argument("-s", "--SpecRevision", type=ValidateSpecRevision, default ='0.7', help='Indicates compliance with a revision of this specification in the BCD format.')
188 | parser.add_argument("-r", "--Revision", type=Validate32BitInteger, default ='0x0000010105', help='Revision of the Payload binary. Major.Minor.Revision.Build')
189 | parser.add_argument("-o", "--ProducerId", default ='INTEL', help='A null-terminated OEM-supplied string that identifies the payload producer (16 bytes maximal).')
190 | parser.add_argument("-sk", "--SkipBuild", action='store_true', help='Skip UniversalPayload build')
191 | parser.add_argument("-af", "--AddFv", type=ValidateAddFv, action='append', help='Add or replace specific FV into payload, Ex: uefi_fv=XXX.fv')
192 | command_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
193 | command_group.add_argument("-e", "--BuildEntryOnly", action='store_true', help='Build UniversalPayload Entry file')
194 | command_group.add_argument("-pb", "--PreBuildUplBinary", default=None, help='Specify the UniversalPayload file')
195 | args = parser.parse_args()
196 |
197 | MultiFvList = []
198 | UniversalPayloadBinary = args.PreBuildUplBinary
199 | if (args.SkipBuild == False):
200 | MultiFvList, UniversalPayloadBinary = BuildUniversalPayload(args)
201 |
202 | if (args.AddFv != None):
203 | for (SectionName, SectionFvFile) in args.AddFv:
204 | MultiFvList.append ([SectionName, SectionFvFile])
205 |
206 | if (UniversalPayloadBinary != None):
207 | for (SectionName, SectionFvFile) in MultiFvList:
208 | if os.path.exists (SectionFvFile) == False:
209 | continue
210 | print ("Patch {}={} into {}".format (SectionName, SectionFvFile, UniversalPayloadBinary))
211 | ReplaceFv (UniversalPayloadBinary, SectionFvFile, '.upld.{}'.format (SectionName))
212 |
213 | print ("\nSuccessfully build Universal Payload")
214 |
215 | if __name__ == '__main__':
216 | main()