1 | /** @file
2 | Tcp option's routine header file.
3 |
4 | Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5 |
6 | This program and the accompanying materials
7 | are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
8 | which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
9 | http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php.
10 |
13 |
14 | **/
15 |
16 | #ifndef _TCP_OPTION_H_
17 | #define _TCP_OPTION_H_
18 |
19 | //
20 | // Supported TCP option types and their length.
21 | //
22 | #define TCP_OPTION_EOP 0 ///< End Of oPtion
23 | #define TCP_OPTION_NOP 1 ///< No-Option.
24 | #define TCP_OPTION_MSS 2 ///< Maximum Segment Size
25 | #define TCP_OPTION_WS 3 ///< Window scale
26 | #define TCP_OPTION_TS 8 ///< Timestamp
27 | #define TCP_OPTION_MSS_LEN 4 ///< Length of MSS option
28 | #define TCP_OPTION_WS_LEN 3 ///< Length of window scale option
29 | #define TCP_OPTION_TS_LEN 10 ///< Length of timestamp option
30 | #define TCP_OPTION_WS_ALIGNED_LEN 4 ///< Length of window scale option, aligned
31 | #define TCP_OPTION_TS_ALIGNED_LEN 12 ///< Length of timestamp option, aligned
32 |
33 | //
34 | // recommend format of timestamp window scale
35 | // option for fast process.
36 | //
37 | #define TCP_OPTION_TS_FAST ((TCP_OPTION_NOP << 24) | \
38 | (TCP_OPTION_NOP << 16) | \
39 | (TCP_OPTION_TS << 8) | \
41 |
42 | #define TCP_OPTION_WS_FAST ((TCP_OPTION_NOP << 24) | \
43 | (TCP_OPTION_WS << 16) | \
44 | (TCP_OPTION_WS_LEN << 8))
45 |
46 | #define TCP_OPTION_MSS_FAST ((TCP_OPTION_MSS << 24) | (TCP_OPTION_MSS_LEN << 16))
47 |
48 | //
49 | // Other misc definations
50 | //
51 | #define TCP_OPTION_RCVD_MSS 0x01
52 | #define TCP_OPTION_RCVD_WS 0x02
53 | #define TCP_OPTION_RCVD_TS 0x04
54 | #define TCP_OPTION_MAX_WS 14 ///< Maxium window scale value
55 | #define TCP_OPTION_MAX_WIN 0xffff ///< Max window size in TCP header
56 |
57 | ///
58 | /// The structure to store the parse option value.
59 | /// ParseOption only parses the options, doesn't process them.
60 | ///
61 | typedef struct _TCP_OPTION {
62 | UINT8 Flag; ///< Flag such as TCP_OPTION_RCVD_MSS
63 | UINT8 WndScale; ///< The WndScale received
64 | UINT16 Mss; ///< The Mss received
65 | UINT32 TSVal; ///< The TSVal field in a timestamp option
66 | UINT32 TSEcr; ///< The TSEcr field in a timestamp option
67 | } TCP_OPTION;
68 |
69 | /**
70 | Compute the window scale value according to the given buffer size.
71 |
72 | @param[in] Tcb Pointer to the TCP_CB of this TCP instance.
73 |
74 | @return The scale value.
75 |
76 | **/
77 | UINT8
78 | TcpComputeScale (
79 | IN TCP_CB *Tcb
80 | );
81 |
82 | /**
83 | Build the TCP option in three-way handshake.
84 |
85 | @param[in] Tcb Pointer to the TCP_CB of this TCP instance.
86 | @param[in] Nbuf Pointer to the buffer to store the options.
87 |
88 | @return The total length of the TCP option field.
89 |
90 | **/
91 | UINT16
92 | TcpSynBuildOption (
93 | IN TCP_CB *Tcb,
94 | IN NET_BUF *Nbuf
95 | );
96 |
97 | /**
98 | Build the TCP option in synchronized states.
99 |
100 | @param[in] Tcb Pointer to the TCP_CB of this TCP instance.
101 | @param[in] Nbuf Pointer to the buffer to store the options.
102 |
103 | @return The total length of the TCP option field.
104 |
105 | **/
106 | UINT16
107 | TcpBuildOption (
108 | IN TCP_CB *Tcb,
109 | IN NET_BUF *Nbuf
110 | );
111 |
112 | /**
113 | Parse the supported options.
114 |
115 | @param[in] Tcp Pointer to the TCP_CB of this TCP instance.
116 | @param[in, out] Option Pointer to the TCP_OPTION used to store the
117 | successfully pasrsed options.
118 |
119 | @retval 0 The options successfully pasrsed.
120 | @retval -1 Ilegal option was found.
121 |
122 | **/
123 | INTN
124 | TcpParseOption (
125 | IN TCP_HEAD *Tcp,
126 | IN OUT TCP_OPTION *Option
127 | );
128 |
129 | /**
130 | Check the segment against PAWS.
131 |
132 | @param[in] Tcb Pointer to the TCP_CB of this TCP instance.
133 | @param[in] TSVal The timestamp value.
134 |
135 | @retval 1 The segment passed the PAWS check.
136 | @retval 0 The segment failed to pass the PAWS check.
137 |
138 | **/
139 | UINT32
140 | TcpPawsOK (
141 | IN TCP_CB *Tcb,
142 | IN UINT32 TSVal
143 | );
144 |
145 | #endif